Features of syntactic structures in sports journalism (on the basis of the newspapers "Sport-express" and "Izvestia")
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I. Syntactic structures in media
.1 Features of language media
1.2 Construction of expressive syntax
1.3 Colloquial syntaxII. Syntactic structures in the newspapers "Sport-Express" and "Izvestia"
.1 Features of sports journalism
.2 The thematic range of syntactic constructions
work investigates how syntactic structures used in the specialized sports media differ from syntactic structures used in the sports materials in the unspecialized social and political media.urgency of the work: are two types of expression sports information in the press. First, there is the specialized sports media (the largest Russian media are the newspaper Sport-Express" and "Soviet Sport"). In addition, the sports information appears daily on the pages of the socio-political mass media. But these two types are very different. Generally in the socio-political newspapers sports information is not a priority. It can be read by the consumer "in between times". Therefore, the materials havent so many details. They have less specific terminology, information is more concise and capacious. But most of the studies of language media analyze the lexical features of journalistic style. While the syntactic level remains unexplored area. Is particularly interesting to consider the syntax in the language of sports journalism, that is often called corporate language because of its specificity.object of the work - materials in the sports newspaper Sport-Express " and in the daily socio-political newspaper Izvestia in 2011.subject of the work - functioning of syntactic constructions in the specialized sports media and in the sports materials in non-specialized media.purpose of the work is to consider the peculiarities of syntax in modern media and analyze the differences of syntactic structures in the specialized sports media and sports materials in the unspecialized socio-political mass media (on the basis of the newspapers "Sport-Express" and "Izvestia").
.1 Features of language media
, who study language media (E. Kostomarov, M. Krongauz, G. Solganik), isolated the Soviet and post-Soviet periods of newspaper language. The first is traditionally referred to as totalitarian, ideological and politicized. It is characterized by strict normalization, dry, official wordses, templates. During the adjustment period, researchers mark the beginning of changing the language media. The major features include:
1)The process of democratization (On the pages of newspapers appear colloquial words, slang);
2)Widespread adoption;
)penetration of the elements of spoken language in written language;
)increased expressiveness, evaluation, emotional language;
)the tendency to save effort of words;
)strengthening the role of authorial 'I '., in most studies these trends are explored at the lexical level. Features of syntax are still largely unexplored area, although at the syntactic level these trends are also affected. Expressive syntax and colloquial syntax are the main components in a modern journalistic text [Солганик 2004, 3-6].
syntax media language journalism
1.2 Construction of expressive syntax
of the main ways to create expression are syntactic stylistic figures of words, which give the text the imagery and brightness. Syntactical figures of words "are formed by constructing a special stylistic phrases, sentences or groups of proposals in the text" [Лагута 1999, 54].hetorical exclamations convey various emotions of the author: surprise, delight, disappointment, joy, etc. The rhetorical exclamation is usually a sentence that ends with an exclamation mark (What a summer!).
Rhetorical question is a figure of words in the form of a question posed for its persuasive effect without the expectation of a reply.[1] Rhetorical questions encourage the listener to think about what the (often obvious) answer to the question must be. When a speaker states, "How much longer must our people endure this injustice?", no formal answer is expected. Rather, it is a device used by the speaker to assert or deny something.yntactically identically constructed sections of words are named syntactic parallelism. It may increase effect of the rhetorical questions and exclamations. If you want faith - forget about the knowledge and if you want skills - forget about faith ("Science and Life") [Синьи 2004, 7-10].lliptical construction refers to the omission from a clause of one or more words that would otherwise be required by the remaining elements. Jessica had five dollars; Monica, three. (The verb "had" was omitted at the comma). What if I miss the deadline? (The verb phrase "will happen" was omitted, as in "What will happen if I miss the deadline"). Fire when ready. (In the sentence, "you are" is understood, as in "Fire when you are ready.")climax is a figure of words in which words, phrases, or clauses are arranged in order of increasing importance. Buying a burning tour, do not expect that the ticket that costs $ 2000 will get you in just a couple of hundred. The cost of burning tour must be at a discount of 30%, at least - at 50% and never at 80% ("Moskovsky Komsomolets") [Голуб 2003, 426-432].
Polysyndeton is the use of several conjunctions in close succession, especially where some might be omitted (as in "he ran and jumped and laughed for joy"). It is a stylistic scheme used to achieve a variety of effects: it can increase the rhythm of prose, speed or slow its pace, convey solemnity or even ecstasy and childlike exuberance. I said, 'Who killed him?' and he said 'I don't know who killed him, but he's dead all right,' and it was dark and there was water standing in the street and no lights or windows broke and boats all up in the town and trees blown down and everything all blown and I got a skiff and went out and found my boat where I had her inside Mango Key and she was right only she was full of water. (Ernest Hemingway, After the Storm) [Веккессер 2006, 190-193].(the words, combinations of words, sentences) contain additional information, comments, clarifications, explanations, amendments to the principal statements. Insertions are an optional part of the proposal, which contains additional information. Without insertions the sentence is still full structurally and semantically. Semantic autonomy of insertions explains the need to use for their selection brackets or dashes.insertions are interrogative and exclamation marks, which are used in journalistic style. Punctuations, enclosed in brackets, are notable for estimates. Most often, thus expresses surprise or disagreement: In the Pilnyaks article easy to see rapid expansion of literature at the expense of insufficiently known (?) way of life of the revolutionary years.- the structure of expressive syntax, deliberate dismemberment of the associated text into several independent segments. Jeans, a tweed jacket and a nice shirt. Very good. My favorite! White. A plain white shirt. But the favorite. I put it ... and went to meet Max (Grishkovec).sentence is a prime verbless proposal with the main member, expressed the nominative of the noun. Nominative sentences have image features. Nominative sentences function as symbols of place and time of action (often - in plays and nonfiction texts): Decoration of the first act. Eight o'clock. Call. Nominative sentences can perform expressive function. Isolation of the vivid details, concise and imaginative description, imprint pictures of what is happening are also the functions of nominative sentences [Козлова 2008, 138-142].
1.3 Colloquial syntax
style is characterized by ease, spontaneity, informality and expressivity. In the last decade, elements of conversational style are included in a written words.. Shvedova classifies the most frequency structures of colloquial syntax:
) design with specific conversational modal particles, colloquial particles;
) interrogative constructions (And what, if not a bar, they do it? - "BM") and question-answer Unity (Is it about money - the matter is of human conscience - "BM");
) designs with interjection "well". Well, why all of our large and small policies can not sit down at one very large table ("AIF")words characterized by a high variability of word order. Usually, the main information is communicated at the beginning of the utterance. While in a written words at the direct order of words in the first place is the theme and rheme - the second.inherent in everyday words, as an element of spontaneity, lack of training, there is also in a language of the newspapers [Шведова 1964, 3?18].
.1 Features of sports journalism
order to identify examples of syntactic constructions in the sports press, we have analyzed the issues of the newspaper Izvestia and the newspaper "Sport Express" for the period from February 1 to April 25,