Доклады Центра эмпирических политических исследований спбгу издаются с 2000 года Выпуск 7

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Андреенков В.Г., Журавлев Г.Т.
Политическое сознание и политическое поведение
Политические институты и процессы
Лагутин О.В.
Методы политического анализа
Political consciousness
Political institutions and process
Methods of the political analysis
Сведения об авторах
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10


Андреенков В.Г., Журавлев Г.Т. Регрессионный анализ. Коэффициенты частной и множественной корреляции // Статистические методы анализа информации в социологических исследованиях / Под ред. Г.В. Осипова. М., 1979.

Девятко И.Ф. Методы социологического исследования. М., 2003.

Armstrong J.S. Principles of Forecasting. B., 2001.

Armstrong J.S. Cuzan A. Index methods for forecasting: an application to the American presidential election // Foresight. Issue 3. 2006.

Campbell J.E. Forecasting the presidential vote in the States // American journal of political science, Austin, 1992. Vol. 36. № 2.


Предисловие…………………………………………………………………. 3


Артёмов Г.П. Социокультурный потенциал и политические

диспозиции среднего класса в современной России.……………………... 4

Негров Е.О. Трансформация официального политического дискурса

на российском телевидении (на материалах программы «Времена»)…… 34


Попова О.В. Борьба с коррупцией в России в контексте теории

«привнесения международных норм».…………………………………….. 45

Лагутин О.В. Структурный анализ эффективного лоббизма

в России……………………………………………………………………… 66

Шентякова А.В. Изменение представительства элитных групп

в составе Федерального Собрания России (1993–2003 гг.)………………. 77


Добромелов Г.В. Использование регрессионных моделей

для прогнозирования результатов выборов……………………………… 87


Introduction… … … …… … … … …………………………………… 3


Artyomov G. Socio-cultural potential and political dispositions

of the Russian’s middle class.…….………………………………………….. 4

Negrov E. Transformation of an official political discourse

on the Russian TV (on materials of the program “Times”) ……………….… 34


Popova O. Struggle against Corruption as an Element

of the “External International Norm” Theory. ……………………………… .45

Lagutin O. Structural analysis of the effective lobbyism in Russia ……. 66

Shentyakova A. The change of elite groups’ representation

in structure Federal Assembly of Russia (1993-2003).…………………… 77


Dobromelov G. Application regression analysis at forecasting

results of elections……………..…………………………………………… 87


Artyomov George. Socio-cultural potential and political dispositions of the Russian’s middle class.

The report deals with analysis of value orientations and political dispositions of middle class in comparison with other classes of the modern Russian society. The study of the given empirical researches allows to assert, that representatives of «new» middle class, in the greater degree, than other social categories, are inclined to be guided by a combination of the diverse political values existing in mass consciousness of the population of modern Russia. It serves as the subjective precondition of overcoming of ideological and political polarization of the population, which was characteristic for an initial stage of reforming of the Russian society.

Dobromelov Grigoriy. Application regression analysis at forecasting results of elections.

This article represents experience of application regression analysis at studying electoral behaviour and forecasting of results of elections. In the first part of the article the review of foreign experience of forecasting of results of elections and constructions forecasting models with application of regression analysis is given. In the second part the example of construction similar regression models on the basis of data of the Russian electoral statistics and social and economic data is resulted, and also procedure regression analysis in detail understands.

Lagutin Oleg. The structural analysis of effective lobbyism in Russia.

The analyzing the structure of the subjects lobbying activity in the process of making the state decisions. On the basis of second dates is produced the statistics analysis of the elite groups, which have influence on the authority. The rule of these associations in the decision-making process is touched upon.

Negrov Eugene. Transformation of an official political discourse on the Russian TV (on materials of the program “Times”)

At the present stage on the part of elite there is quite successful attempt to change language on which the official discourse is made – is available returning to “cloth language” Soviet epoch. Specificity of a television political discourse allows to manipulate quite productively public consciousness, discussing the same, beforehand certain themes and selecting for this purpose beforehand approved and coordinated public figures.

Popova Olga. Struggle against Corruption as an Element of the “External International Norm” Theory.

The article deals with the problem of the external influence for the political regime of the Russian Federation by different political and economic institutions. The author describes strategies and affects of acts for destroying of corruption in our country by the World Bank, the European Counsel and the Government of USA. This empirical analysis is based at elements of official documents, real programs and communicative politics of these institutions.

Shentyakova Anna. The change of elite groups’ representation in structure Federal Assembly of Russia (1993-2003).

The article touches upon problems connected with elites and elite groups in Russia. The author separates several elite groups: political elite, administrative, business and military elite. The number of representatives of these groups was different during last 15 years. The analysis of the second dates author shown that weight and influence administrative elite is grown in the last 5 years as compared with beginning 90.


Артёмов Георгий Петрович – доктор философских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой политических институтов и прикладных политических исследований факультета философии и политологии Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.

E-mail: g_artemov@hotmail.com

Добромелов Григорий Владимирович – аспирант кафедры политических институтов и прикладных политических исследований факультета философии и политологии Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.

E-mail: dobromelov@mail.ru

Лагутин Олег Владимирович – кандидат политических наук, доцент кафедры политических институтов и прикладных политических исследований факультета философии и политологии Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.

E-mail: lagutin_ov@mail.ru

Негров Евгений Олегович – аспирант кафедры политических институтов и прикладных политических исследований факультета философии и политологии Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.

E-mail: negrov2001@mail.ru

Попова Ольга Валентиновна – доктор политических наук, профессор кафедры политических институтов и прикладных политических исследований факультета философии и политологии Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.

E-mail: olga@op3201.spb.edu