Продуктивные качества свиней крупной белой породы с использованием генотипов пород йоркшир, ландрас и пьетрен 06. 02. 01 Разведение, селекция, генетика и воспроизводство сельскохозяйственных животных

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Osadchaya Svetlana Sergeevna
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Osadchaya Svetlana Sergeevna

The productive qualities of swine of big white breed with the use

of genotypes yorkshire, landras and piyetren breeds

06.02.01 - breeding, selection, genetics and reproduction of agricultural animals

The object of the research: the thoroughbred and cross-breeding swine of big white breed, bred in North Kazakhstan.

The goal of the research: to determine the most effective variants of selection in factory and industrial interbreeding of swine of big white breed with specialized meat breeds of yorkshire, piyetren and belgian landras in order to improve meat and fatted qualities of posterity and define the influence of parental heredity on the level of the productivity of young animals, obtained as a result of interbreeding hybrid of hogs and sows.

Method and methodology: reproductive qualities of wombs have been estimated according to the requirements of “Instructions regarding swine-breeding”, 1976. The requirements of branch standard 10.3-86. “Swine. Methods of control fattening” have been used to determine the abilities of swine for the intensive fattening. The estimation of meat qualities has been carried out according to the State Standard system 1213-74. “Swine for slaughter”. The control breeding has been done on the basis of branch standard 10.2-86.”Swine.The estimation system of young animals’ productivity; branch standard 1025. “Swine. Method of estimation of meat qualities in swine’s lifetime”.

Method of N.A. Plokhinsky (1969) and E.K. Merkuriyeva (1970) has been used in biometrical treatment of data.

The results of the research: it has been established that descendants of half-bred wombs and thoroughbred hogs yorkshire and thoroughbred big white sow in crossbreeding with threebred hogs on control fattening reached 100 kg, 23 and 24 days earlier than their thoroughbred analogues and spent 1,06 and 1,01 fodder units less per 1kg of living mass increase.

The best results regarding slaughter qualities are 3/4-bred of big white swine and 1/4-bred of belgium landras and piyetren young animals. Hulks of big white breed hybrids have been heavier than thoroughbred for 2,1-2,2 %. The young animals’ hulks, obtained as a result of crossing big white sows with half-bred hogs are 103,0 sm long. Hybrids of these groups surpassed their peers from control group for 24,0 and 27,6% accordingly to their “muscular eye”.

On interbreeding thoroughbred big white wombs and half-bred hogs- the most increase of meat out-put - 7,4 and 7,1 % and at the same time the reduction of fatty tissue for 7,2 and 7,1 % is registered. These data have been compared to thoroughbreeding.

Hybrids, obtained from big, white sows and cross-bred hogs 1/2KB1/4BL1/4P had less fat on their spines 31,5 % in comparison to control group. Half-bred and 3/4 bred on yorkshire breed young animals in 4th and 5th groups showed the reduction of fat on their spines in comparison with control group. The average daily growth of weight of swine is 59,5-82,0 gr and hogs is 70,5-91,7. All of them weighed 100 kg, 25-40 and 21-30 days earlier accordingly than their thoroughbred peers.

The main constructive, technological and operational characteristics: on the basis of scientific production experiment, the most effective variants of interbreeding of swine have been determined; it helps to increase the efficacy of production of high-quality pork and at the same time the productivity of animals without additional means with simultaneous decrease of expenses per the unit of produced out-put.

The level of inculcation: the results of the studies have been instilled into the farm Ltd “SBI-AGRO Tashkentka”, North Kazakhstan. They have been included in “Recommendations on optimization of swine-breeding system for all types of enterprises of North Kazakhstan.

Recommendations regarding the inculcation of the results of research work: To speed up the process of selection, directed to improvement of meat and fat quality, we recommend to use interbreeding of half-breed sows and thoroughbred hogs of yorkshire breed.

To obtain hybrids with high energy of growth and good fodder conversion, we do recommend to use crossing big white sows with three-breed hogs, 1/4-breed regarding belgium landras and piyetren breeds.

Area of application: pedigree swine breeding. Different agricultural enterprises with the variety of form of properties, dealing with swine breeding big white breeds with the use of animals of foreign selection.

The economical efficacy of the research: studying the economical efficacy of pork production, cross- bred animals have been determined to be the most profitable-28,4-41,6% in comparison to 21,6 % of thoroughbred ones of big white breed. I t has been proved by economical analyses that the most profitable are the descendants of absorbed crossing in the 5th group. Net profit from realization is 11882 tenge per a head for expenses for 4,97 fodder units, and for the thoroughbred breeding 6568 and 6,03 fodder units accordingly.

Prognosis of the research: Blood-rush of breeds like yourkshire, belgium landras and piyetren promote the increase of average daily growth from 416,0 to 506, 1 gr; the decrease of fat on hulk spine from 37,2 to 25,5 mm , the rise of meat out –put in ham from 65,7 % to 73, 1%. It helps to increase meat production and the quality of the pork of big white breed.