Ких изданий Российской Федерации, в которых рекомендуется публикация основных результатов диссертаций на соискание ученых степеней кандидата наук и доктора наук
Вид материала | Документы |
- Ких изданий Российской Федерации, в которых рекомендуется публикация основных результатов, 2164.21kb.
- Ких изданий Российской Федерации, в которых рекомендуется публикация основных результатов, 2284.84kb.
- Решение Президиума Высшей аттестационной комиссии Минобрнауки России, 515.51kb.
- АвтоГазоЗаправочный Комплекс плюс Альтернативное топливо Автоматизация в промышленности, 763.62kb.
- Правила для авторов Приняты на заседании редакционной коллегии 22 декабря 2008, 222.06kb.
- «Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания», 112.68kb.
- Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы, 561.19kb.
- Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы, 508.81kb.
- Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы, 508.58kb.
- Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы, 523.04kb.
Smirnov I.P., Bodrov A.N. In article uncover the new direction of professional pedagogic - economic management of efficiency of vocational training in conditions of a labour market, creation of the competitive environment in an education system and financings of an end result of educational service.
Bagmanov I.R., Khabarova N.G. Competent approach to the professional education: the problem of realization. The terms “competent” and “competences” penetrated into the sphere of education from labour sphere. Although their introduction faces some difficulties. The article reveals the difficulties of competence realization in the sphere of education. Among them are: the determination of professional education activity by external and internal factors as well; unsimplicity of interpretation of terms “competent” and “competence” in pedagogical literature; insufficient working out of the questions relating to the interaction with the production in the terms of creating the models of a specialist, the employers’ participation in forming and realizing the contents of education, quality evaluation of competent specialists’ preparation and the others.
Dergacheva J.J. Pedagogical effect of portfolio technology in higher education. The article reveals the notions of the electronic portfolio technology, its advantages over traditional paper portfolio, and the spheres of its usage in higher education. The thesis covers the role of portfolio in authentic assessment. The article represents the structure of tne university portfolio consisting of three levels: matriculant portfolio, student portfolio and graduate portfolio. Key words: portfolio, digital portfolio, electronic portfolio, e-portfolio, authentic assessment, reflection, anticipation, self-development and higher education.
Kosheleva A.O., Shepetko D.V. Modern scientific approaches to problems of the formation of the professional responsibility of personalities in learning conditions in the high school. In the article scientific approaches, used by authors in the process of trainees’ professional responsibility at the military educational institution are considered. Teachers pay much attention to developing special abilities, skills of the future specialist, providing a high level of his professional responsibility. It was made a conclusion of competence approach efficiency and it’s using in the process of specialists training. Key words: professional responsibility, competence approach, personal realization and personal features of a serviceman
Smolyakova G.I. Shaping to responsibility beside future municipal serving in high school as competent their professional competent. Social and professional responsiblity is one of the most complex phenomenon theory and practical determined qualities. On the one hand, responsibility is the most important way of self-regulation of spiritual and mature personality liberty and conscience, but on the other hand it is one of the significant professional qualities to personality of the manager. In the offered article is shown that forming shaping social and professional responsibility beside of future specialist in high school, is actual at the up-to-date stage of development of Russian local government. The Author is brought forms and methods, facility of the shaping social-professional responsibility in preparing the manager’s state and municipal management. Key words: actualization responsible, relation’s social spectacle personality, social- bearings personality, professional culture, forms and methods of the shaping to responsibility
Haertdinov I.M. Actualization of the goal-based aspect as the essential faktor of raising cadets’ military professional motivation in higher educatione institution. The article analyses the crucial state of higher military professional education in our country, highlights the actualization of its goal-based aspect as the essential condition of raising cadets’ military professional motivation. The goal-based characteristic of military education is submitted, including three interconnected components: state, social and personal. The totality of the conditions of raising values and motivation in higher military school is determined. Key words: motivation, values rising, military professional motivation, goal-based aspect.
Smirnova N.B. About the problem of the using the systematic approach in realization of the pedagogical potential of the Chuvash republic. Opening the problems of the systematic approach in the professional pedagogies, the author analyses the necessity of its adaptation in the realization of the pedagogical potential of the arts and crafts of the Chuvash Republic.
Yagudina L.R. The public evaluation of education quality focuses on the concept of evolution. The criteria of evolution of education by society are determined. The author presents her own classification of the types of evolution. The article is based upon education practice in Russia and abroad.
Bodyan L.A. The position of humanization of education at the present stage of social and economic development of society is studied in the article. The context-blocked approach to the organization of training and professional occupation in technical institution of higher education is suggested. The position of learner-centered educational approaches and subject-to-subject mutual relations in academic activity are expounded. Peculiarities and background of application of certain forms of active learning are presented for the purpose of graduates's competitive abilities development.
Mekhrabova D.Sh. Ways of use ethnic culture Azerbaijanians in continuity attitudes (relations). Given clause (article) considers (examines) process of continuity attitudes (relations) on materials of the brightest components of culture of Azerbaijan peoples, in particular: formations (educations), literatures and a historical -ethnographic science. This necessity is caused by aspiration to comprehend process of formation of culture of the Dagestan Azerbaijanians and the contribution of creative persons of the Azerbaijan intelligence to culture of region and the country as a whole. Key words: differentiation and an individualization of education, социализация, national pedagogics.
Nurgatina I.E. Pedagogical modeling of systems of teenagers’ and psychic and physical health improvement in educational establishment conditions. In the article the actual problem of upbringing and development of a healthy personality is touched upon. The author interpretation of the terms «physical health» and «psychic health» is given in this article. The structure of the system of teenagers’ psychic and physical health improvement is analyzed. The author gives the criteria of measurement and the results of empiric research in the introduction of teenagers’ health improvement system.
Shayhutdinova G.A. A new organizational level of a good quality, the components’ structural, systematic and technological order and the educational influence’s analysis given via educational system’s prism are modern educational process’s peculiarities. An attempt to define the role and the place of the educational activity’s quality’s monitoring in the vocational education’s system is made in the article and with the aim of realization of such monitoring the introduction’s algorithm is offered by the author.
Korchagin N.V. Content and Methods of Vocational School Master Activities on Students’ Law Culture Creation.
Stulova Y.A. Organizational – pedagogical conditions of a young teacher’s activity individual style making. The article uncovers the system of organizational and pedagogical conditions of a young teacher’s activity individual style making. Also it examines the problems laboratory’s activity as an organizational form of andragogical provision of the style forming process. Key words: individual style of activity, andragogical provision, organizational conditions, pedagogical conditions, problems laboratory.
Yakushev A.V. Formation of professional competence of the future teacher of geography on the basis of geoinformation technologies. Key words - professional competence, teacher of geography, geoinformation technologies.
Журнал включен в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий Высшей аттестационной комиссии (ВАК) Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации, в которых рекомендуется публикация основных результатов диссертаций на соискание ученых степеней кандидата и доктора наук.
ISSN 1726-846X
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e-mail: kpj07@mail.ru
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1 Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РГНФ в рамках научно-исследовательского проекта РГНФ "Общественная оценка качества высшего профессионального образования на муниципальном уровне", проект № 09-06-29603 а/В"