М. Л. Полищук (сша), И. В. Родненко, М. Санаи (Исламская Республика Иран)
Вид материала | Документы |
СодержаниеMoscow, Russia) The Caspian Region Astrakhan, Russia) Scientific and Theoretical Grounds of the Design «Pyramid» Erected V. Yank Clifford The Caspian Region: culture and Education |
- М. Л. Полищук (сша), И. В. Родненко, М. Санаи (Исламская Республика Иран), 2022.2kb.
- 4-е совещание Министров экологии стран-членов оэс состоялось 9-го июня 2011 г в Тегеране/Иран,, 21.51kb.
- 1. Человек занимает основное место в усилиях в области устойчивого развития и имеет, 99.57kb.
- Доклад временного, 820.45kb.
- Сергебаев Ескен Аманжолович, член сх рк,Заслуженный деятель рк, лауреат Государственной, 76.44kb.
- Ю потенциальный член должен разделять цели и принципы снг, приняв на себя обязательства,, 375.99kb.
- Иран: Между прошлым и Будущим? Иран после парламентских выборов, 507.4kb.
- Программа Европейского Союза трасека для «Центральной Азии» Международные Логистические, 1649.16kb.
- Иран и ближневосточная стратегия США, 831.24kb.
- Организация черноморского экономического сотрудничества, 136.71kb.
(Moscow, Russia)
Pointing out the deterioration of the material well - being of the majority of the population in the country as a result of not well enough thought over social and economic reforms the author marks that there are some positive aspects in the development of business in the regions. There also exists a tendency of strengthening ethnic business structures.
The Caspian Region:
Problems of social consciousness and psychology
Social and Philosophical Aspects of the Dynamics of Social Consciousness
of the Russian Population
L.Yа. Podvoisky
(Astrakhan, Russia)
The article dwells upon the factors promoting the dynamics of social consciousness in the all-Russian and regional context. Among them first and foremost the disintegration of the USSR is mentioned, the loss of the status of the Great Power, the break in the unity of economic, political and cultural space and also the changed status of the region in geographic and geo-military-political respect. Based on some sociological research the author analyzes the social consciousness of the citizens of Astrakhan in political and economic fields.
Philosophical-theoretical Problems of Investigation of Russian Economical
Consciousness and Behavior (on the Example of Astrakhan Region)
s.N. Baranets
(Astrakhan, Russia)
This article is devoted to some important questions of the socio-philosophical investigations of the «twinkle» reality of development in contemporary Russian society. First of all, the author is interested in the problem of search for new principles or, may be, foundations of «investment philosophy» in Russia - and for Russia. Secondly, he tries to investigate - in connotation with the first subject - the theoretical problems of application of significant results of contemporary regionological studies for the better understanding of the essence and meaning of socio-economical and socio-cultural phenomenon’s and processes on the territory of the Astrakhan region: this understanding is need, in author’s opinion, as contemporary imperative for effective state administrative management. The main thesis is: it is time, for modern governess, to take into consideration not only so called «real», or material-productive, elements and structures of social reality, or, for example, «human factor», but those spiritual dimensions of mass consciousness, which embodied in value-outlook complex (the sphere of meanings). From the author’s point of view, this meaning-sphere of mass (and individual) «subjective reality» with it’s, sometime, «monstrous» contents today may come forward as one of important administrative resource - especially in conditions of domination of «crisis consciousness» in everyday Russia’s spiritual atmosphere.
Psychological and Acmeological Analysis of Modern Problems
of Astrakhan Region
O.V. Moskalenko
(Astrakhan, Russia)
The article is devoted to the analysis of regional problems from the view - point of a new branch of psychology – acmeology. The categorical apparatus and the main principles of acmeology are presented. The following problems of the region are analyzed in this light: psychological accompaniment and support of the professional activity of a businessman, a boss, a clerk and other professional groups; interethnic and intercultural relations in the region; the formation of ecological consciousness of the population of the region. These problems are important for the formation of social policy of the region and of the state.
Scientific and Theoretical Grounds of the Design «Pyramid» Erected
in Astrakhan Region
V.V. Gorev
(Astrakhan, Russia)
The article explains the principles and potentialities of the design «Pyramid» – one of the technical means to protect a man from pathogenic radiation. The pyramid has been constructed in the region of sanitary-protecting zone of «Astrakhangasprom» in 2001. Among the most sufficient spheres of using the pyramid one should point out the following: the increase of safety of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological wastes burial; improving the sanitary conditions of the reservoirs, the forests and the fields; increasing the level of adaptation of a man to the environmental conditions; improving people’s health, etc.
The Problems of Children, Family, and Youth
Peace in the Caspian Region: the Harmony of Relations in the Family,
School and the Society
V. Yank Clifford
It is stated in the article that only having overcome the crisis in the morals the society will get the hope of creating such a nation and such a world community which we are striving for. The author marks that our values are formed in the family and arguments the legitimacy of using the term «family values». Next to the family comes school. It influences greatly the formation of the values and the character of a person. The society should also be responsible for the values imposed on the nation and on the world and then returning to the families. Summing it all up the author states that universal peace is possible only in case concord and harmony of moral values are reached in family, school and society.
Young People and their Orientation in Values on the Borderline
of the Centuries (sociological aspect)
N.V. Podvoiskaya, N.L. Podvoiskaya
(Astrakhan, Russia)
The article is devoted to the problems facing Russian youth in connection with the reforms in different spheres of life at the end of the XX century. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the orientations in values. The analysis is based on the sociological research «Youth – 99» held in Astrakhan. 1.000 young people from 16 to 29 took part in the research. It concerned the problems of interrelations between generations, civic spirit, aims in life, attitude to wealth, education, etc.
The Caspian Region: culture and Education
The Innovations in the System of Regional Higher Education
A.P. Lunyov
(Astrakhan, Russia)
The author shows what steps have been taken to realize the regional policy in the sphere of governing the higher educational institutions in Russia. The main trends of improving the state governing of the system of higher education in the regions are outlined. As an example, the author analyzes the program of development of the system of education in Astrakhan region until 2005, the structure, the aims and the methods of work of the Association of regional educational institutions functioning since 1997.
Features of the ecological-culturological approach
to teaching the course «history and the theory of literature»
N.D. Marissova
(Astrakhan, Russia)
In the clause the author's vision of the pedagogical model of teaching the course of the theory and history of literature as a kind of art in secondary comprehensive school, secondary special educational institution and high school is submitted. The analysis of the educational programs in literature, given in the review, offered by the Ministry of education, author's collectives of researchers results in the author of clause's conclusion about the necessity of drawing up individual - pedagogical program models of teaching of the subject with the account of «containing landscape» (L.N. Gumilyov), in the conditions of which the teaching of the historical-cultural environment of the region, its ethnic representation is conducted.
On the example of the polyethnic region of the Astrakhan area the author states the principles of the ecological-culturological approach to teaching literature in secondary school and high school in work with the students of the faculty of «Culturology», that forms interethnic tolerance, reader's attention to the elements reflecting the individuality of the writer's perception, understanding art space of the literary product as reflection of the features of any historical-cultural epoch.