М. Л. Полищук (сша), И. В. Родненко, М. Санаи (Исламская Республика Иран)
Вид материала | Документы |
- М. Л. Полищук (сша), И. В. Родненко, М. Санаи (Исламская Республика Иран), 2022.2kb.
- 4-е совещание Министров экологии стран-членов оэс состоялось 9-го июня 2011 г в Тегеране/Иран,, 21.51kb.
- 1. Человек занимает основное место в усилиях в области устойчивого развития и имеет, 99.57kb.
- Доклад временного, 820.45kb.
- Сергебаев Ескен Аманжолович, член сх рк,Заслуженный деятель рк, лауреат Государственной, 76.44kb.
- Ю потенциальный член должен разделять цели и принципы снг, приняв на себя обязательства,, 375.99kb.
- Иран: Между прошлым и Будущим? Иран после парламентских выборов, 507.4kb.
- Программа Европейского Союза трасека для «Центральной Азии» Международные Логистические, 1649.16kb.
- Иран и ближневосточная стратегия США, 831.24kb.
- Организация черноморского экономического сотрудничества, 136.71kb.
The Caspian Region as a Complex Problem 16
M.A. Egorov
The problem of Caspian region preservation from the view-point
of Russian cosmism 19
The Caspian Region in Geopolitical Space
E.N. Moshchelkov
Modern Russia and Geopolitical Cycles of European History 23
P.L. Karabushchenko
Geopolitical Elitarism: the Essence of Modern Global Vision 27
B.I. Zelenko
On the Geopolitical Aspect of the Caspian Region: Regional Context
(on the Example of Astrakhan Region) 35
The Caspian Region: The dialog of Civilization
I.V. Rodnenko
The Freedom of Choice in Polyethnic and Polyconfessional Space
of the Caspian Region 37
V.M. Victorin
Caspian areas as a specific Eurasian Borderline
(on the problem of ethnosociocultural «vestige») 40
V.N. Drobot
Regional and Ethnic Aspects of Business 46
The Caspian Region Today:
Problems of social consciousness and psychology
L.Ya. Podvoisky
Social and Philosophical Aspects of the Dynamics of Social Consciousness
of the Russian Population 48
s.N. Baranets
Philosophical-theoretical Problems of Investigation of Russian Economical
Consciousness and Behavior (on the Example of Astrakhan Region) 52
O.V. Moskalenko
Psychological and Acmeological Analysis of Modern Problems of Astrakhan Region 63
V.V. Gorev
Scientific and Theoretical Grounds of the Design «Pyramid» Erected
in Astrakhan Region 74
The Problems of Family, Children, and Youth
Y. Yank Clifford
Peace in the Caspian Region: the Harmony of Relations in the Family,
School and the Society 83
N.V. Podvoiskaya, N.L. Podvoiskaya
Young People and their Orientation in Values on the Borderline of the Centuries
(sociological aspect) 86
The Caspian Region: culture and Education
A.P. Lunyov
The Innovations in the System of Regional Higher Education 93
N.D. Marissova
Features of the ecological-culturological approach to teaching the course
«history and the theory of literature» 101
T.G. Leshkevich, T.E. Eroshenko
The Crisis of Masculine Eco-cultural Values: the Caspian Region 107
M.I. Bilalov
Regional Aspects of the Problem of Unique Educational Space 109
The View of the Past: Vectors of History
V.V. Ishin
The Formation of the System of Party and State Governing
of the Fishing Industry (1918-1920) 112
N.M. Ushakov
Peasants and Land in Postreform Russia (historicografical aspect) 120
O.G. Yegorova
Astrakhan, The Volga, The East in I. Bunin’s Easthetic Consciousness 131
A.S. Markov
The Lessons of the Past for the Future Generations 136
Scientific Life
Current events of International Scientific Conference «Russia and the East.
Philosophical Problems of Geopolitical Processes: the Caspian Region
on the Eve of the III Millennium» 141
The Opening Speech of The Head of the Administration
of Astrakhan Region A.P. Guzhvin 142
The Introductory Report of The President of the Russian Philosophical Society,
Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.S. Styopin 142
The Address to the Governments of Developed Countries and States of the Caspian
Region on the Role of the Caspian Sea in the Fate of the Planet and on preserving
it as a Unique Geopolitical and Biological Phenomenon 143
The Resolution of the International Scientific Conference «Russia and the East.
Philosophical Problems of Geopolitical Processes: the Caspian Region on the Eve
of the Third Millennium»(Astrakhan, April 19-20, 2001) 144
The letter of Gratitude of the Consul General of the Islamic Republic
of Iran in Astrakhan 145
Within the Framework of International cooperation… 146
Agreement of cooperation between Gilyan University Islamic Republic of Iran
and Astrakhan State Pedagogical University of the Russian Federation 147
The Chronic of Debates of the Caspian Sea Division Meeting
2001. Events, facts… 149
The Parliamentary hearing’s recommendation «About the Status
and ecological problems of the Caspian Sea» 153
synopsis 157
Ours authors 164
Rules for Authors 166
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«каспийский регион: политика, экономика, культура»