М. Л. Полищук (сша), И. В. Родненко, М. Санаи (Исламская Республика Иран)
Вид материала | Документы |
- М. Л. Полищук (сша), И. В. Родненко, М. Санаи (Исламская Республика Иран), 2022.2kb.
- 4-е совещание Министров экологии стран-членов оэс состоялось 9-го июня 2011 г в Тегеране/Иран,, 21.51kb.
- 1. Человек занимает основное место в усилиях в области устойчивого развития и имеет, 99.57kb.
- Доклад временного, 820.45kb.
- Сергебаев Ескен Аманжолович, член сх рк,Заслуженный деятель рк, лауреат Государственной, 76.44kb.
- Ю потенциальный член должен разделять цели и принципы снг, приняв на себя обязательства,, 375.99kb.
- Иран: Между прошлым и Будущим? Иран после парламентских выборов, 507.4kb.
- Программа Европейского Союза трасека для «Центральной Азии» Международные Логистические, 1649.16kb.
- Иран и ближневосточная стратегия США, 831.24kb.
- Организация черноморского экономического сотрудничества, 136.71kb.
Geopolitical and Regional Aspects of Spiritual Replenishment of Russia
a.n. Chumakov
(Moscow, Russia)
The problem of spiritual replenishment of Russia and its connection with the problem of using the geopolitical advantages of Euro-Asian region in the XX1 century is under the author’s consideration. Showing the connection between the spiritual and the practical the author states that the reasons of our social and economic backwardness, of indefinite spiritual crisis and of short-sightedness in estimating geopolitical priorities lie in the fact that the problems of philosophy of life have not been solved yet. Russia is in for the epoch of Enlightenment called to form the new vision of the world corresponding to the modern tendencies of its development. The edition of an Encyclopedia of about 100 volumes would promote this.
The Caspian Region as a Complex Problem
V.M. Adrov
(Astrakhan, Russia)
According to the author there are three main factors defining the growing interest to the Caspian region. They are: great resources of raw materials containing hydrocarbon, sufficient sea biological resources and the importance of the Caspian region as a key link in the world transport corridor «the North – the South». This corridor is not only a transport way but also the way of interaction of cultures and of peoples which makes it a phenomenon of geopolitical importance. The partnership «The North – the South» adds to the geopolitical partnership «The East – the West». The author also pays special attention to the necessity of defining the juridical status of the Caspian Sea and to developing the system of information in the interests of the states and the peoples of the Caspian region.
The problem of Caspian region preservation from
the view-point of Russian cosmism
M.A. Egorov
(Astrakhan, Russia)
Cosmism as a term means an important trend in Russian culture, which includes not only philosophers and scientists but also poets, musicians and artists. The Caspian region, an inalienable part of the biosphere appears to be the unique object for analysis, scientific and artistic investigations based on the cosmist theory. For centuries the Caspian region as a complex organism accumulated the extraordinary atmosphere of man and nature interrelations. The comprehension of the main cosmist formulas will help us to find new ways of solving specific Caspian ecological problems, to offer alternative methods of preserving different nature resources (such as valuable species of animals, plants or soils and water). To see the place of the Caspian region in the modern evolutional process means to do a lot for saving this unique object, for protecting it from the man’s harmful activity.
The Caspian Region in Geopolitical Space
Modern Russia and Geopolitical Cycles of European History
E.N. Moshchelkov
(Moscow, Russia)
In our country special attention is paid to the fact that modern Russian geopolitics has reflected in the problem of the Caspian region: there are no clear-cut landmarks, no position, no concept. The European trend of Russian geopolitical strategy should be based on the model of its coexistence with Europe as with an equal social system. The analysis of the historical evolution of the interrelations between the countries of Eastern Europe and Russia throughout the latest 150 years deserves special attention. A conclusion is made that the interrelations between Russia and the West are defined by the social dynamics of the European and Asian continent. And this dynamics is non-linear in its trajectory and doesn’t have any repeated phases and transitions.
Geopolitical Elitarism: the Essence of Modern Global Vision
P.L. Karabushchenko
(Astrakhan, Russia)
The article is devoted to the analysis of different forms of geopolitical elitarism. The author reveals this problem through the analysis of the essence of modern imperial vision in the USA. Elitarism is treated by the author as «a will to absolute reign», as «imperial thinking burdened by the idea of self-uniqueness». In connection with this, globalism is treated by the author as «neo-imperialism», as political imperial thinking of «the epoch of crashing of industrialism and of the beginning of post-industrial society».
On the Geopolitical Aspect of the Caspian Region:
Regional Context (on the Example of Astrakhan Region)
B.I. Zelenko
(Moscow, Russia)
In connection with the fact that Astrakhan has become a borderline region there appear the opportunities for expansion pressure both from inside and outside the region. The latter, according to the author, may be banning the export of agricultural production outside the native borderlines after the crisis of 1998. Inside expansion, the author thinks, may acquire the character of «crawling» or «drowsing» danger. It is connected with the multinational structure of the population, proximity to Kazakhstan and Kalmykia and may cause material, national, ethnic and confessional problems.
The Caspian Region: The dialog of Civilization
The Freedom of Choice in Polyethnic and Polyconfessional Space
of the Caspian Region
I.V. Rodnenko
(Astrakhan, Russia)
The author pays attention to the fact that the problem of choice and the problem of freedom are the most important in the life of man and society. Mastering the category of “freedom” as an ability and necessity to make independent choice and realize the aims set is very valuable. This also concerns the polyethnic and polyconfessional Caspian Region and Astrakhan Region which has become a borderline territory. The freedom of choice in such a region presupposes tolerant coexistence and multilateral cooperation.
Caspian areas as a specific Eurasian Borderline
(on the problem of ethnosociocultural «vestige»)
V.M. Victorin
(Astrakhan, Russia)
The Caspian «edging» (intr. By L.N. Gumilyov) seldom shaped the historical process itself, but it gave a steady influence on the situation in Eurasia. And nowadays the Caspian Region lies again in the center of global strategy interests.
The report introduces a newer determinant, i.e. «active periphery», as well as two more terms: «Cyclic Caspian space» as a historical and geographical community and «Caspian relic» as a unique natural, social and ethnic phenomenon requiring care and preservation.
Here at the junction of languages, peoples and religions have appeared extraordinary ethnogroups and confessiogroups, such as the former Gelis, Deilems and Sufi-Kadiri in Iranian Guilan, the Kazakhs-buddists (lamaists), the Kalmyks-christians and muslims, polyconfessional Tats and Kurdies.
It is typical for marginal, including littoral territories, which enriches the area and stimulates its potential.
Regional and Ethnic Aspects of Business
V.N. Drobot