Е. Е. Израилевич Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами юнвес лист москва 1998 бкк 81 англ. К12 isbn 5-88682-003-5 ббк -81 f тоо «юнвес» 1998 г. Предисловие задача

Вид материалаЗадача


1. Does he? 2. Ded he? 3. Couldn't she? 4. Is he? 5. Ded he? 6. Didn't she? 7. Don't you? 8. Isn't there? 9. Is it? 10. Will he?
Неличные формы
1. Первый вопрос, который должен быть обсужден
1. Нет необходимости, чтобы пароход заходил
1. They want us to call on them to­day. 2. I should like you to wait for me here.
1. He is known to be a great book-lover. Известно, что он большой любитель книг.
1. Известно, что девальвация фунта стерлингов привела к повышению цен на все товары, импортируемые в Англию.
Подобный материал:
1   ...   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56

1. Не may have come back to Moscow, but I have not seen him yet. 2. He is very pale. He must be very tired. 3. This article must have been written at the beginning of the war- 4. He told me that I might come here at any time. 5. He may come to­morrow, as he must have received our tele­gram. 6. I think that it may happen very soon. 7. This book may have seemed dull to him, but he must have read it very carefully, as he remembers all the details. 8. May I smoke here? 9. The goods must have been packed very carelessly. 10. He said that he might come back in May. 11. They must have been informed of it a few days ago. 12. She must have been very glad to meet you. 13. He must be a highly educated man. 14. I couldn't find this magazine in the library. 15. I shall choose several books for you, so that you may read them during your holiday (pr: your vacation). 16. We were able to transport all the goods in ten days. 17. We could have made this translation more care­fully, if we had had more time. Unfortunately we had very little time. 18. If all measures had been taken, this might not have hap­pened. 19. He said that he could not come to-morrow. 20. I must write to him about it at once. 21. He can't have left Moscow without telling me about it 22. Can he have said it? He must have been very angry with you.

Упражнения к §§ 165—166

1. Yes, I am. No, I am not. 2. Yes, there were. No, there weren't. 3. Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. 4. Yes, it was. No, it wasn't. 5. Yes, it will. No, it won't. 6. Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. 7. Yes, it must. No, it needn't. 8. Yes, I can. No, I can't. 9. Yes, you ought. No, you oughtn't. No, you oughtn't. 10. Yes, I should (or: I would). No, I shouldn't (or: I wouldn't). 11. Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. 12. Yes, I have. No, I haven't. 13. Yes, I am. No, I am not. 14. Shakespeare did. 15. Comrade D. does (or: My friend does; My brother does, etc.).

16. I shall (or. Comrade D. will; We shall, etc.). 17. Two of us have (or: All of us have; None of us have. etc.). 18. This one is (or. My brother's is, etc.). 19. I have (or: Com­rade A. has; They have; etc.).

1. Do you know Comrade D.? — Yes, I do. 2. Have you read this book? — No, I haven't. 3. Will he be here to-night? — No, he won't. 4. Did she come here yesterday? — No, she didn't. 5. Which of you wants to go to the concert? — I do. 6. Who has received a letter from him? — His wife has.

1. didn't you? 2. don't you? 3. does he? 4. weren't they? 5. were they? 6. hasn't she? 7. was it? 8. does he? 9. isn't he? 10. wouldn't you? 11. do you? 12. .., did you? 13. won't you? 14. don't you?

1. He's a very clever man, isn't he? 2. English isn't difficult for you, is it? 3. It's already very late, isn't it? 4. You'll help us, won't you? 5. He has a good library, hasn't he? 6. It would be a very good thing if he agreed to work with us, woudn't it? 7. He won't be here to-night will he? 8. She can't speak French, can she?

1. Does he? 2. Ded he? 3. Couldn't she? 4. Is he? 5. Ded he? 6. Didn't she? 7. Don't you? 8. Isn't there? 9. Is it? 10. Will he?

1. She knows four foreign languages.— Does she? 2. He is 60 years old.— Is he?

3. Не speaks Chinese very fluently.— Does he? 4. He is the best student at the Insti­tute.— Is he? 5. They didn't want to help us.— Didn't they? 6. He hasn't come back to Moscow yet. — Hasn't he?

518 1. So am I. 2. So is his wife. 3. Neither

does he. 4. So will Peter. 5. So does his brother. 6. Neither will his wife. 7. Neither could her sister. 8. Neither can she. 9. So was my daughter. 10. Neither should your broth­er.

518 1. He will be here at six o'clock.— So will

1. 2. He doesn't want to read this book and
neither do I. 3. He doesn't speak Frensh, and
neither does his wife. 4. I can't translate this
article without a dictionary and neither can
he. 5. He was sent to the south and so was
she. 6. I like this film.— So do I.


Упражнения к § 167

1. If we do, ... 2. If he did, ... . 3. If you are,... . 4. If he has,... . 5. ... but he doesn't. 6. ... and she said she did. 7. ... but when she does... 8. ... and they did.

518 1. would. 2. can. 3. do. 4. did. 5. do.
6. don't. 7. hasn't. 8. am. 9. will. 10. does.
11. did. 12. didn't. 13. has. 14. did.

519 1. He doesn't like this film, and she does.

2. He promised to help us, and he did. 3. I
asked him whether he knew Comrade D., and
he said (that) he did. 4. I heard that he would
soon go to Leningrad. If he does, I shall ask him to call on my brother. 5. I think that he has finished his work. If he has, ask him to come here. 6. She asked him whether he would be at the meeting, and he said (that) he would. 7. I.see him almost every day, but yesterday I didn't. 8. Last year I didn't play tennis, and this year I do.



519 Упражнение к §§ 175, 176

1. to. 2. —. 3. to (or: —) 4. to; —. 5. — . 6. —. 7. to; — (or: to). 8. to. 9. —. 10. to. 11. —. 12. to. 13. to. 14. to; 15. —; 16. -; to. 17. —. 18. —. 19. —; to. 20. -. 21. —. 22. to. 23. —.

519 Упражнение к § 179

(примечание к п. 3)

1. Груз должен быть застрахован про­давцами в первоклассной компании или у морских страховщиков. 2. Судно должно быть адресовано агентам фрахтователей в порту погрузки и агентам судовладельцев в порту разгрузки. 3. Всякая недостача в весе, указанном в коносаменте, должна оплачиваться продавцом, а всякое превы­шение веса, указанного в коносаменте, должно оплачиваться покупателем. Вся партия товара должна быть взвешена.
                  1. Арбитраж должен состояться в Москве.
                  1. Груз должен грузиться в среднем по 1.500 тонны за рабочий день.

Упражнение к § 181 п. 2

1. Первый вопрос, который должен быть обсужден (или: который будет обсужден) заключается в том, следует ли принять предложение продавцов. 2. Комитет, возглавляемый товарищем Б., приступил к подготовке резолюции, которая должна быть представлена кон­ференции. 3. План нашей работы будет обсуждаться на собрании, которое состо­ится (или: которое должно состояться) 25-го мая. 4. Баржи, груженные углем, были отведены на буксире в док, где находилось судно, которое должно было грузиться углем. 5. Покупатели согласи­лись принять товары по цене, которая должна была быть назначена арбитражем.
                  1. Мы обсудили условия, которые должны быть включены (или: которые будут вклю­чены) в аккредитив, который должен быть открыт (или: который будет открыт) поку­пателем в пользу продавца. 7. Гидроэлек­тростанция, которая должна быть постро­ена (или: которая будет построена) в этом районе, будет иметь большое значение для развития местной промышленности. 8. Новое судно, которое должно быть спущено на воду (ши\ которое будет спу­щено на воду) через несколько дней, обо­рудовано мощными двигателями. 9. Това­ры, которые будут погружены (или: кото­рые должны быть погружены) на этот пароход, состоят из различных машин.

520 Упражнение к § 182

1. Я заходил каждое утро, чтобы узнать есть ли какие-нибудь новости. 2. Мы остановились, чтобы покурить. 3. Он пришел сюда, чтобы поговорить со мной, а не с вами. 4. Машина ждала у дверей, чтобы отвезти их на вокзал. 5. Чтобы объяснить эту задачу, он начертил диаграммы на всей доске. 6. Пароход «Минск» был зафрахтован, чтобы пере­везти груз леса из Ленинграда в Гуль. 7. По статье (или: Согласно статьи) 35 фрахтователи должны были обеспечить пароход ледокольной помощью, чтобы дать ему возможность войти или выйти из порта погрузки. 8. Для того, чтобы удов­летворить увеличившийся спрос на про­мышленные товары,болыиое количество новых магазинов открыто в городах и селах Советского Союза. 9. Первая парт­ия готова к отгрузке, но, чтобы сэконо­мить на фрахте, мы решили отгрузить ее вместе со второй партией. 10. Пожалуй­ста, пришлите нам ваши инструкции не­медленно, чтобы дать нам возможность отгрузить машины к 20-му мая.

520 1. I asked you to come so as (or: in order)

to inform you of it. 2. I shall take a taxi so as (or: in order) not to miss the thain. 3. He walked slowly so as (or: in order) not to fall. 4. He is not strong enough to take part in such an expedition. 5. It is too late now to go to the park. 6. I am too tired to go to the cinema to-day. 7. I shall put down your telephone number at once so as (or: in order) not to forget. 8. He is too tired to go there now. 9. I have come so as (or: in order) to speak to you about an important matter.

520 Упражнение к § 183

1. Нет необходимости, чтобы пароход заходил (или: Пароходу нет необходимос­ти заходить) в Туапсе. 2. Ему было необ­ходимо вернуться немедленно. 3. Нам нет основания изменять условия платежа. 4. В тот день у них не было времени осмотреть товары. 5. Вам слишком поздно идти туда.

520 1# It is necessary for you to be here at

5 o'clock to-morrow. 2. It is easy for him to do it. 3. It is difficult for us to do this work in such a short time. 4. It is necessary for your sister to see him. 5. The text was too difficult for him to translate without a dictionary. 6. Now it is too late for the children to go for a walk.

520 Упражнение к § 185

1. They want us to call on them to­day. 2. I should like you to wait for me here.
                  1. He wants his son to become a doctor.
                  1. He wants to be sent to the (or: a) conference in Leningrad. 5. She wants to be invited to the party. 6. We don't want to be interrupted. 7. Do you want me to help you? 8. I want his article to be published. 9. The doctor doesn't want me to go to the south. 10. He wants the cargo to be insured. 11. She doesn't like the children to do their lessons in the evening. 12. He likes dinner to be in time. 13. He doesn't like to be interrupted. 14. He likes to be asked questions.

Упражнение к § 186

1. I have never heard him speak French. 2. He didn't hear me knock at the door. 3. I have heard that he has taken (or: took) all his examinations (on I heard that he had taken all his examinations). 4. I have heard that he has already come back to Moscow (or: 1 heard that he had already come back to Moscow). 5. I heard her ask him about it. 6. I have never seen him swim, but I have heard that he swims very well.
                  1. I saw that she didn't understand this rule and decided to explain it to her once more.
                  1. She saw him come into the house and went downstairs to meet him. 9. I saw that he was excited and asked him what was the matter. 10. I saw the sun set and dark clouds cover the sky. 11. I saw that the text was very difficult and that I should have to use a dictionary. 12. Г saw a taxi stop at the door. 13. I saw her come into the room, switch on the light and sit down at the table. 14. He noticed that she was very pale. 15. Nobody noticed her leave the room. 16. I felt some­body touch my arm (or: my hand). 17. I saw that there was nobody in the room. 18. I sawthat the window was broken. 19. I saw the cases packed, put on a lorry and taken to the (or: a) warehouse. 20. I heard his name mentioned several times at the last meeting. 21. We saw the machines loaded on the (or: a) ship.


Упражнение к § 187

1. I know him to be a very experienced teacher.4 2. We expect the contract to be concluded in the near future. 3.1 expect to be invited there. 4. He didn't expect to be asked about it. 5. They didn't expect to be sent there. 6. We know them to be experienced enough to do this work. 7. I consider him (to be) right. 8. I consider myself (to be) right.


Упражнение к § 188

* Если имеется в виду та газета, которую всегда читает данное


1. He ordered his son to open the window. He ordered the window to be opened. 2. He ordered them to bring the books to the Institute. He ordered the books to be brought to the Institute. 3. The director ordered the secretary to send off the letter immediately. The director ordered the letter to be sent off immediately. 4. The captain ordered the sailors to wash the deck. The captain ordered the deck to be washed. 5. He ordered the secretary to check the documents carefully. He ordered the documents to be checked carefully. 6. He ordered them to examine the goods without delay. He ordered the goods to be examined without delay. 7. He ordered his agent to sell the goods immediately. He ordered the goods to be sold immediately. 8. The customs officer allowed them to take the goods from the custom-house. The cus­toms officer allowed the goods to be taken from the custom-house. 9. The captain al­lowed us to load the goods. The captain allowed the goods to be loaded. 10. He allowed them to place the goods in the warehouse. He allowed the goods to be placed in the warehouse. 11. He asked the agents to send off the goods immediately. He asked for the goods to be sent off immediately. 12. The buyers asked the sellers to reduce the price. The buyers asked for the price to be reduced. 13. The representative of the firm asked the manager (or: the director) to send the docu­ments by air mail. The representative of the firm asked for the documents to be sent by air mail. 14. We asked to be informed of the arrival of the cargo. 15. He asked to be shown samples of the goods. 16. He asked to be brought a cup of tea.

Обзорные упражнения к §§ 185—189

1. Скажите мне, что вы хотели бы, чтобы я сделал. 2. Видя, что она вошла в комнату, он встал, чтобы приветствовать ее. 3. Услышав, что прозвонил звонок, он пошел посмотреть, кто пришел (дословно: кто был у двери). 4. Вы почувствовали, как сотрясся мост? 5. Я не люблю, когда вы говорите такие вещи. 6. Наденьте более теплое пальто, я не хочу, чтобы вы простудились. 7. Мы знали, что он очень смелый. 8. Он попросил послать телег­рамму его сыну. 9. Мы ожидали, что пароход прибудет в Батуми вчера, но так как фрахтователи распорядились, чтобы часть груза была выгружена в Одессе, пароход прибудет к Батуми завтра. 10. Мы лежали в тени дерева, ожидая, когда придут наши друзья. 11. Фабрикан­ты хотели бы, чтобы время, назначенное для поставки, начиналось с 20-го января.
                  1. Покупатели хотели (или: желали), что­бы товары были выгружены в лихтеры.
                  1. Мы считаем, что мы имеем право претендовать на скидку в 15 %.

1. I should like you to explain this rule to me once more. 2. What do you want me to do for you? 3. Have you ever heard him sing? 4. I have heard that he has come (or: I heard that he had come) to Moscow. 5. They did not see me come into the room. 6. Nobody expected them to leave so soon. 7. I know him to be an honest man. 8. I saw the car turn (round) the comer and disappear. 9. I consider myself (to be) responsible for it. 10. I consider myself (to be) responsible for it. 11. I saw that the letter was not signed. 12. Does he want us to help him? 13. Did you hear him speak at the meeting yesterday?

14. I saw her go up to the writing table and take a letter lying there. 15. Hearing his daughter cry, he got up and went into the next room. 16. I believe him to be an experienced doctor. 17. I consider him (to be) the best engineer at our factory. 18. He doesn't want his daughter to go to Leningrad. 19. I should like him to be invited to the party. 20. He told me that he had seen her leave the house. 21. I think that to-night you will hear her sing. 22. She felt her voice tremble. 23. I didn't expect to be sent to Leningrad. 24. I don't like to be reminded several times of the same thing. 25. My son asked to be taken to the Zoo. 26. I heard the teacher say it to him many times at our lessons. 27. I heard his name mentioned by the director. 28. We stood at the gate waiting for the car to arrive. 29. The teacher likes the students to put down grammar rules in a special exercise-book. 30. We expect the goods to be delivered in three weeks. 31. He allowed the goods to be sent by aeroplane.
                  1. The buyers asked us to ship the goods by the first steamer. The buyers asked for the goods to be shipped by the first steamer.
                  1. I saw the cases loaded on the (or: a) ship. 34. We rely on you to charter a steamer immediately. 35. We did not accept the shipowner's offer, considering the freight rates (to be) too high.

Упражнения к §§ 192

1. He is known to be a great book-lover. Известно, что он большой любитель книг.

2. The members of the committee were expected to come to an agreement. Ожидали, что члены комитета придут к соглаше­нию. 3. Many buildings were reported to have been damaged by the fire. Многие здания, как сообщали, были повреждены огнем. 4. The delegation is reported to have left London. Сообщают, что делегация вы­ехала из Лондона. 5. Many people are expected to attend the meeting. Ожидают, что много народу будет присутствовать на собрании. 6. The ship was reported to have arrived in Odessa. Пароход, как сообщили, прибыл в Одессу. 7. This mine is considered to be the best in the district. Считают, что эта шахта самая лучшая в районе. 8. The expedition is said to have reached Vladivos­tok. Говорят, что экспедиция приехала во Владивосток.

523 Упражнения к §§ 192

1. Известно, что девальвация фунта стерлингов привела к повышению цен на все товары, импортируемые в Англию.
                  1. Имеются сведения, что открытие конфе­ренции было назначено на 15-ое декабря.
                  1. Сообщают, что в Англии цена на этот металл поднялась в сентябре 1956 г. на 11,6 %. 4. Сообщали, что импорт меди в эту страну составлял в октябре 1954 г. 22441 тонну. 5. Известно, что в капита­листических странах большое число изо­бретений было положено под сукно моно­полистическими промышленными ассо­циациями. 6. Два груза руды, которые, как ожидают, вскоре прибудут, будут пос­ланы на этот завод. 7. Опыт, который, как полагают, оказался весьма успешным, бу­дет обсужден на конференции. 8. Го­ворят, что бумажные мешки лучше защи­щают от мороза, чем джутовые мешки. 9. Известно, что в этом районе существу­ют залежи угля во много миллионов тонн.

523 1. Не is said to be in Moscow. 2. The

agreement is expected to be signed this week. 3. The expedition is reported to have left on the 5th May. 4. He is known to be of a different opinion on this question. 5. He is considered to be one of the best pilots in our country. 6. This house is said to have been built about two hundred years ago.

523 Упражнения к §§ 193

1. This book seems to be very popular with children. Эта книга, кажется, очень популярна среди детей. 2. She seems to know Frensh well. Она, кажется, хорошо знает французский язык. 3. The house appears to have been built in the eighteenth century. Этот дом, по-видимому, был пос­троен в восемнадцатом столетии. 4. Не seemed to know the subject well. Он, казалось, хорошо знает этот предмет. 5. The play seems to have made a deep impression on him. (Эта) пьеса, кажется, произвела на него глубокое впечатление. 6. Не happened to be at home at that time. Он случайно (или: Случилось так, что он) был дома в это время. 7. Не proved to be a very experienced worker. Он оказался очень опыт­ным работником (или: рабочим). 8. They happened to meet that very day. Случилось так, что они (или: Они случайно) встрети­лись в тот самый день.

523 Упражнение к §§ 193

1. Он, кажется, не был обескуражен своей неудачей. 2. Мой друг, кажется, хорошо проводит время на берегу моря. 3. Она, казалось, долго ждала. 4. Он, кажется, все знает об этом деле. 5. Оказа­лось, что план имел большой успех. 6. Он случайно посмотрел (или: Случилось так: что он посмотрел) в этом направлении и увидел, как какой-то человек выбежал из дома. 7. Казалось, что он хочет это сде­лать сам. 8* Случилось так, что я ушел (или: Я случайно ушел) в тот день рано из конторы. 9. Он, по-видимому, не удивил­ся этим известиям.

523 1» Не appears to be satisfied with the result

of hiS work. 2. This book appears to be very interesting. 3. He seems to know this subject very well. 4. He appears to have read very much on this question. 5. This problem proved to be very difficult. 6. He proved to be a very good sportsman. 7. I happened to meet him in Sochi.

523 Упражнения к §§ 194

1. The ship is likely to arrive to-night. Пароход, вероятно* прибудет сегодня ве­чером. 2. They are not likely to return soon. Маловероятно, что они скоро вернутся. 3. They are certain to be here on Monday. Они непременно будут здесь в понедель­ник. 4. The meeting is unlikely to be postponed. Вряд ли собрание будет отло­жено. 5. His article is very likely to be pubUshed in the newspaper. Очень вероятно, что его статья будет помещена в газете. 6. The telegram was not likely to reach them in time. Было маловероятным, что телег­рамма дойдет до них вовремя. 7. They are sure to come to Moscow. Они непременно приедут в Москву. 8. The conference is likely to be held in Moscow. Конференция, вероятно, состоится в Москве.

Упражнение к § 194

1. Вероятно, они примут участие в этой работе. 2. Ему наверно (несомненно) понравится на вечеринке. 3. Несомненно борьба за экспортные рынки между капи­талистическими странами становится все ожесточеннее. 4. План, который, вероят­но, будет одобрен, обеспечит немедленное строительство новой электростанции. 5. Вряд ли транспорт прибудет в порт назначения до 1-го октября. 6. Вопрос будет обсуждаться на конференции, кото­рая вероятно состоится в следующем ме­сяце.