2. Special requirements for admission: the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian language and literature, and creative competition with 2 rounds: 1
Вид материала | Документы |
СодержаниеContent of the modules and their structures Західноєвропейської музичної культури » The second module «Musical Culture of Ukraine XIX - XX centuries.» Site Evaluation IWS |
- 2. Special requirements for admission: the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian language and, 2906.6kb.
- Chairman of the organizing committee of the competition – mayor, 9783.4kb.
- М. В. Ломоносова Филологический факультет Кафедра истории зарубежной литературы Диплом, 3721.87kb.
- Special offer! special offer! special offer! Тур 1а: Кейптаун– Дурбан Водопад Виктория(, 38.81kb.
- Electrical installations of buildings. Part Requirements for special installations, 120.71kb.
- The collapse of the soviet union the oral history of independent ukraine 1988-1991, 414.88kb.
- Berlitz Language Centre ec malta Am Language Studio Максимальное число учеников в интернациональной, 221.09kb.
- Special events для продвижения luxury good роскошь, 880.64kb.
- Berlitz Language Centre и Am Language Studio аренда учебник, 412.81kb.
- Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies. Part Requirements for type-tested, 1637.9kb.
17. History of Ukrainian music
Working curriculum
discipline „ History of Ukrainian music "
Name of the course
„ History of Ukrainian music "
Form (s) of study: full-time.
Specialty (-es): Musical art
2. Course Code
[ІКМ].[ММ_Форт]. [3_1_13]
3. Type of Course (mandatory or optional for the student)
4. Year (s) training.
3 .
5. Semester / semesters.
5, 6
6.The number of credits ЕСТS.

teacher (teachers) who teach discipline
Samokhina Natalya Nikolaevna- associate professor of the Department of theory, music history and musical training (Red Square 4, room.2-16).
8. The objective of the course (in terms of educational outcomes and competence).
The aim of the course development of ability of future professional musicians creatively analyze and evaluate the different events of Ukrainian music and bring understanding of the basic laws of the Ukrainian musical culture nowadays.
9. Prerequisites (actual knowledge required to master the course). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Сourse music literature, solfeggio CMS, college, 1-2 сourseі HEI. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10. Course Content. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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№ | Content of the modules and their structures | total | lec | pract. | individ. | independ. | | |||||||||||||||
| The first module «Historically, cultural and social peculiarities of the origin and development of Ukrainian music» мистецтваОСОБЛИВОСТІ РОЗВИТКУ СУЧАСНОЇ ЗАХІДНОЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОЇ МУЗИЧНОЇ КУЛЬТУРИ » | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||
1.1. | Main stages of development of Ukrainian art. Historical and cultural review. | | 4 | 2 | | 5 | | |||||||||||||||
1.2. | Songs creativity of the Ukrainian nation. | | 4 | 2 | | 10 | | |||||||||||||||
1.3. | Professional music of the late XVI- beginning XVII century. | | 4 | 2 | | 10 | | |||||||||||||||
1.4. | Professional music of the second half of XVIII - first half of the XIX century. | | 4 | 2 | | 10 | | |||||||||||||||
| Features of the formation Ukrainian symphonic and operatic music in the XIX century. | | 4 | 2 | | 5 | | |||||||||||||||
| The second module «Musical Culture of Ukraine XIX - XX centuries.» | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||
2.1. | Life and creativity M.V. Lysenko | | 4 | 2 | | 5 | | |||||||||||||||
2.2. | Scenic (musically and dramatic) genres in the Ukrainian musical culture of the XX century. | | 4 | 2 | | 5 | | |||||||||||||||
2.3 | Symphonic music | | 4 | 2 | | 5 | | |||||||||||||||
2.4. | The development of choral genres in the modern musical culture of Ukraine. The vocal-symphonic music. | | 4 | 2 | | 5 | | |||||||||||||||
2.5. | Room-and-vocal and instrumental chamber music. | | 2 | 2 | | 10 | | |||||||||||||||
2.6. | Music for Children in the creation of modern Ukrainian composers. | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | | |||||||||||||||
| As a hole | 135 | 40 | 22 | | 73 | | |||||||||||||||
11. List of recommended textbooks. The main educational literature
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Additional educational materials: 1.Л. Архімович, Т.Каришева, Т.Шеффер, О.Шреєр-Ткаченко Нариси з історії української музики. Ч.1. К.: Мистецтво, 1964.
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12. Teaching Methods. 1. Lectures presentation 2. Discussions at the seminars 3. Cultural and musicological analysis of musical works 4.Demonstration of relevant audio and video materials.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Students’ Activities:
Two modules (one in the first semester, one - in the second semester). Form semester control: Exam | ||||||||||||||||||||||
І3. The evaluation criteria (in%) Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria: - Modular written work 60% (two for 30%) - other types of work: individual interviews, music quiz 40%, ( with them 15% to independent work) Site Evaluation IWS
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14. Languages Teaching Ukrainian |