Тематическое планирование уроков в 7 классе

Вид материалаТематическое планирование


Тема: Животные.
I вариант
Дополнительная часть
I вариант
Подобный материал:
1   2   3

Тема: Животные.

Вопросы зачетного тестирования по итогам года рассчитаны на базовый уровень общеобразовательной школы. Обязательная часть включает 18 вопросов. Для того чтобы получить оценку «3», необходимо правильно ответить на 16–18 вопросов.
Вопросы дополнительной части, на которые отвечают учащиеся, выбираются ими самостоятельно. Если ученик ответил правильно на 2–3 вопроса, он получает оценку «4». Если ученик правильно ответил на 5–6 вопросов, он получает оценку «5». Критерии оценки дополнительной части: ответ должен быть достаточно краткий, но конкретный, т.е. по существу. Ответы даются в письменной форме.

I вариант

Основная часть

1. Клетка животных не имеет:

а) ядра;
б) цитоплазмы;
в) хлоропластов;
г) пищеварительной вакуоли.

2. С помощью жгутика передвигается:

а) обыкновенная амеба;
б) зеленая эвглена;
в) дизентерийная амеба;
г) инфузория-туфелька.

3. Малярийный комар опасен тем, что он:

а) больно кусается;
б) является возбудителем малярии;
в) быстро летает;
г) передает возбудителя малярии от одного человека другому.

4. Об усложнении плоских червей по сравнению с кишечнополостными свидетельствует:

а) тело, сплющенное сверху вниз;
б) присутствие ресничек на покровах тела;
в) наличие органов и систем органов;
г) то, что многие плоские черви ведут паразитический образ жизни.

5. Для всех членистоногих характерно:

а) мягкое на ощупь, нечленистое тело;
б) членистые конечности;
в) тело, состоящее из двух слоев клеток;
г) тело, состоящее из одинаковых члеников, не объединенных в отделы.

6. По характеру питания постельный клоп является:

а) хищником;
б) паразитом;
в) растительноядным животным;
г) потребителем разлагающихся растительных и животных остатков.

7. Головастик дышит под водой:

а) только легкими;
б) легкими и кожей;
в) только кожей;
г) жабрами.

8. В строении головастика обнаруживаются следующие доказательства родства земноводных и рыб:

а) наличие органов зрения и слуха;
б) то, что пищеварительная система начинается ртом с роговыми челюстями;
в) форма тела, двухкамерное сердце, один круг кровообращения, жабры, боковая линия;
г) наличие пищеварительной, кровеносной, дыхательной и других систем органов.

9. На распространение пресмыкающихся существенное влияние оказывает:

а) свет;
б) атмосферное давление;
в) температура;
г) влажность.

10. Живет в воде, а размножается на суше:

а) жаба;
б) тритон;
в) лягушка;
г) крокодил.

11. Если температура окружающей среды повышается, то температура тела рыб:

а) не меняется;
б) повышается;
в) понижается;
г) может повыситься, а может понизиться.

12. Птицам позволяет затрачивать в полете меньше усилий на преодоление сопротивления воздуха:

а) сухая кожа;
б) наличие цевки;
в) подвижная шея;
г) черепицеобразное расположение перьев.

13. Ловят насекомых на лету с помощью короткого широко раскрытого клюва:

а) глухари;
б) дятлы;
в) ласточки;
г) воробьи.

14. Если в воду попадет много стирального порошка, то у водоплавающих птиц:

а) перья станут более чистыми и легкими, птицы перестанут намокать;
б) свойства оперения практически не изменятся;
в) жир растворится, нарушится естественная структура, форма и эластичность перьев, вода начнет быстро их смачивать, птицы погибнут от холода;
г) перья и пух плотно соединятся друг с другом.

15. К хордовым животным не относится:

а) ланцетник;
б) электрический скат;
в) русский осетр;
г) рыжий таракан.

16. При изменении температуры окружающей среды существенно изменяется температура тела у:

а) дельфина;
б) кита;
в) котика;
г) трески.

17. Эволюционно более молодыми животными являются:

а) рыбы;
б) земноводные;
в) пресмыкающиеся;
г) птицы и млекопитающие.

18. Об усложнении дыхательной системы млекопитающих по сравнению с пресмыкающимися свидетельствует наличие:

а) правого и левого легких;
б) многочисленных легочных пузырьков в легких;
в) бронхов и трахей;
г) ноздрей.

Дополнительная часть

1. В чем выражается усложнение кишечнополостных по сравнению с простейшими?

2. В чем заключается главное отличие многоклеточных животных от одноклеточных?

3. Какое значение имеет хитиновый покров в жизни членистоногих?

4. Почему неправильно утверждение: щуки в природе приносят только вред?

5. Верно ли утверждение: воробьи приносят только вред и их надо уничтожать? Ответ обоснуйте.

6. Почему кита относят к классу млекопитающих?

I вариант:

1 – в; 2 – б; 3 – г; 4 – в; 5 – б; 6 – б; 7 – г; 8 – в; 9 – в; 10 – г; 11 – б; 12 – г; 13 – в; 14 – в; 15 – г; 16 – г; 17 – г; 18 – б.

Календарно-тематическое планирование уроков английского языка

Класс: 7, количество часов в неделю: 5.

Планирование составлено на основе программы для школ с углубленным изучением иностранного языка.

Учебное пособие для учащихся: О.В.Афанасьева И.В.Михеева, «Английский язык, 7 класс» - М., «Просвещение».

Тип программы: повышенный.

№ п/п


Количество часов

Контрольные, практические работы


По программе

Раздел и страницы учебника

По плану

По плану

1 четверть

Россия, моя Родина


Стр. 3 - 20


Английский - язык планеты


Стр. 21 - 54

Кр. № 1


2 четверть

Я и мой мир


Стр. 55 - 88


Требуются многое для создания мира


Стр. 89 - 128

Кр. № 2




Стр. 129 - 136


3 четверть

Наслаждаясь чтением.


Стр. 137 - 180

Кр. № 3


4 четверть

Театр и кино


Стр. 181 - 216


Спорт в нашей жизни


Стр. 217 - 254


Исследуя мир. Повторение


Стр. 255 - 272

Кр. № 4


1 четверть
  1. Изучите материалы указанных разделов учебника и подготовьте высказывания по следующим темам:

- Russia;

- Moscow;

- Russian traditions;

- English as a world language.

2. Выполните контрольную работу № 1.

Контрольная работа № 1

1. Present Perfect or Past Simple?

1. The police (arrest) two men in connection with the robbery.

a) arrested; b) have arrested.

2. Mike can't find his key. He (lose) it.

a) has lost; b) lost.

3. I (read) this book when I was a child.

a) read; b) have read.

4. Mozart (write) more than 600 pieces of music.

s) wrote ; b) has written.

5. I work very hard this term. I want to have a rest.

a) worked; b) have worked.

6. …you (drive) a car before? You are so nervous.

a) Did ... drive; b) Have ... driven.

7. I (not/enjoy) the film. It wasn’t very good.

a) have not enjoyed; b) didn't enjoy.

8. “… you (pass) your driving teat?” — “Not yet”.

a) Have … passed; b) Did ... pass.

9. “When ... it (begin) snowing?” — “About an hour ago”.

a) did ... begin; b) has ... begun.

10. I (not/see) Tom this morning. What about you?

a) didn't see; b) haven't seen.

11. He (read) a newspaper yesterday but he (not/read) it today.

a) read; hasn't read; b) hasn't read; didn't read.

12. “…she (finish) her composition?”— “I'm sure, she (do) it”.

a) Did... finish; did; b) Has ... finished; has done.

13. I (not/eat) any fruit today. Do you have any?

a) didn't eat; b) haven't eaten.

14. “How long ... they (know) each other?”— “It's difficult to say”.

a) have ... known; b) did ... know.

15) "When ... the lesson (start)?”—“It (start) twenty minutes ago”.

a) did ... start; started; b) has ... started; has started.

2. Past Simple or Past Progressive?

1. When you rang me yesterday, I (have) dinner.

a) had dinner; b) was having.

2. As he (pass) by her office, he saw Ann near the gate.

a) passed; b) was passing.

3. I (walk) home after the party last night.

a) was walking; b) walked.

4. He (wait) for Jack when I (arrive).

a) was waiting; arrived; b) waited; was arriving.

5. When my mother (arrive), we (have) dinner.

a) arrived; were having; b) was arriving; had.

3. Future Indefinite.

1. I (to think) about this information. 2. According to the forecast it (to be) raining tomorrow. 3. We (to come) to see you on Monday. 4. I (to prepare) to my examinations next week. 5. You (to show) me your new picture? 6. I think he (not to come) tomorrow. 7. I don't think she (to answer) all the questions. 8. We (to work) in our garden tomorrow 9. How you (to pack) your things? 10. Her mother (to buy) her a silver chain for her birthday.

4. Passive voice.

Use the verbs in the Passive Voice:

1. We shall finish the work in two days.

2. The parents left their little boy at home.

3. We often buy English books.

4. I write many letters.

5. The boy always waters the flowers.

6. We shall put up a tent on the bank of the river.

7. Who will do this work?

5. Complex object

Use the verbs in the correct form:

1. Teddy's words made me (feel) uncomfortable.

A to feel B feeling C feel

2. Mrs. Pottson allowed her guests (smoke) in the living-room.

A to smoke B smoking C smoke

3. Has the secretary come yet? I want to have my papers (type).

A to type B type C typed

4. I watched my cat (play) with her kittens. I couldn't tear myself away from that funny sight.

A played B playing C to play

5. Granny didn't want my Mom (marry) my Dad.

A marry B to marry C married

6. Our English teacher told us (not/ feel) shy and speak English as much as possible.

A not to feel B not feel C felt .

7. I have to get my photograph (take) for a new passport.

A took B take C taken

8. There wasn't much traffic in the street. I saw a little girl (cross) the road.

A crossed B cross C to cross

9. I have never heard Helen (sing).

A sang B sings C singing

10. Mary would like her brother (avoid) Tom's company.

A to avoid B avoid C avoided

11. We expected the Harrisons (arrive) later than usual.

A to arrive B arrive C arrived

12. What makes you (do) such rash actions?

A do B to do C doing

2 четверть
  1. Изучите материалы указанных разделов учебника и подготовьте высказывания по следующим темам:

- British traditions and holidays;

- My family;

2. Выполните контрольную работу № 2.

Контрольная работа № 2

1. Read and decide - Which food is it?

Read these short descriptions of certain kinds of food. Ignore the words you don't understand. Then see if you can answer the questions.

1. They are a basic part of the diet in many countries all over the world. They are round, grow in the ground and have a thin skin which is often peeled before they are cooked. They can be boiled, fried or baked.

2. They are really a fruit although many people regard them as a vegetable. They are soft, red and round and were discovered in South America in the sixteenth century. They are often eaten raw in salads and are also cooked, especially when they are used in sauces for meat and other things.

3. They are a kind of flat shellfish, and can be eaten either raw or cooked. They are now considered to be 'food for the rich', although they were once so cheap in England that poor people ate them all the time.

4. This is one of the oldest vegetables in history. The ancient Greeks and Romans used to eat them raw for breakfast, with a little bit of salt. They are round, with a thin skin which has to be removed before they can be cooked or eaten. They have a very strong smell and are often used to give flavour to soups, sauces and other dishes.

5. The meat from this animal is very popular in some countries but it is forbidden to eat it in other countries because it is considered impure.

6. These small animals live in sewers and other filthy places. They have very sharp teeth and will eat their way through almost anything. In one part of Belgium a special type of this animal is cooked and eaten in a stew. According to people who have enjoyed this dish, the meat tastes something like rabbit.

7. They are small, round and full of juice. Some of them are dark or 'red' and others are light or 'green'. They are used to make wine.

8. The seed of a plant which is grown in warm, wet places and eaten everywhere in the world, but particularly in China, Japan and other Asian countries.

9. This insect causes famine when it comes in great numbers and eats all the crops. However, the ancient Egyptians used to enjoy eating it. It was usually roasted and then eaten whole, wings and all.

10. An eight-legged sea animal with a hard shell. The flesh can be eaten after boiling, when it turns bright red. It is closely related to insects although people who pay high prices for it in restaurants do not often realize this.

Answer the questions:

1. Name just one of the foods you were able to guess.

2. What were the words that helped you to guess this food?

3. Now name the other foods you were able to guess. Give the words in the description which helped you to guess each food.

4 Perhaps you didn't know the English names for some of the kinds of food which were described. Does this list contain any of those names?

•lobsters • oysters • oranges •apples • grapes • beef •pork • lamb • veal chicken • cod • salmon

• mullet • broccoli • tomatoes •potatoes • carrots • onions • leeks • peas • beans • lettuce • ants

• locusts • rats • mice

5 Which foods in this list were not described?

6 Are there any things named in the list which you do not consider food? Why not?

3 четверть
  1. Изучите материалы указанных разделов учебника и подготовьте высказывания по следующим темам:

- My favourite books and authors;

- Early days of cinema and theatre;

2. Выполните контрольную работу № 3.

Контрольная работа № 3

1. Reading comprehension. Read the text and then circle the best answer.

One day last winter I went to see Sherlock Holmes. I remember the date. It was December 27. Holmes was sitting in a comfortable chair, looking at an old hat.

'Are you busy. Holmes?' I said.

'Not at all, Watson?’ he answered. 'I'm glad to see you. You know Captain Peterson. He brought me this hat and chicken. Peterson is eating the chicken today. I'll tell you the story.'

‘Two days ago Peterson was walking along Goodge Street. He had been to a party which finished at three o'clock in the morning. By the light of the street lamps he saw a tall man in front of him, carrying a chicken under his arm. Suddenly two men came out of the shadows, stopped the tall man and a quarrel started. One of the men hit the tall man and his hat fell to the ground. The tall man tried to hit the man with his stick but missed him and broke a shop window. Captain Peterson rushed forward to help the tall man. He saw Peterson, shouted 'Police' and ran down the street. The other two men followed him. A hat and a chicken were left on the ground.'

'Why didn't he gave them to the tall man?' I asked.

'Because the tall man had disappeared, Watson. But there was a card on the chicken's leg which said, 'For Mrs. Henry Baker'. The name Henry Baker is also inside the hat. Peterson wanted to find the man, but there are hundreds of Henry Bakers in London.'

'So what did he do?'

'He brought the hat and the chicken to me,' said Holmes. 'He knows that these little problems interest me. I kept the chicken until today, but I couldn't keep it any longer. Peterson is eating it now.'

From 'The Blue Diamond” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Choose the best variant and complete the sentence:

1. Captain Peterson was in Goodge Street on

a) December 25.

b) December 27.

2. Peterson was in Goodge Street because he was

a) going home after a party.

b) visiting Sherlock Holmes.

3. There was a quarrel between

a) Peterson and the tall man.

b) the tall men and the two other man.

4. Peterson

a) tried to help the tall man.

b) fetched a policeman.

5. Peterson gave the hat and the chicken

a) back to the tall man.

b) to Sherlock Holmes.

6. Peterson thought Sherlock Holmes

a) would be interested in his story.

b) knew Henry Baker.

7. Sherlock Holmes

a) ate the chicken himself.

b) gave the chicken back to Peterson.

4 четверть
  1. Изучите материалы указанных разделов учебника и подготовьте высказывания по следующим темам:

- Sport in your life;

- History of the Olympic Games;

2. Выполните контрольную работу № 4.

Контрольная работа № 4 (итоговая)

1. Tenses after if and when

Use the verbs in the correct tense:

Complete the sentences with the proper form of the verb.

1. I am going to have a shower when I ______________ (get) home.

2. Julia is going to live in our house while we______________ (be ) away.

3. I'll stay here till he ______________ (come).

4. I can't talk to you now. I _____________ (talk) to you when I have more time.

5. When I ______________ (be) in London, I am going to visit the British Museum.

6. We'll be late if you ______________ (not hurry)

7. Is it o’key if I _________________(close) the window?

8. I ______________ (be) surprised if he comes.

9. John is still at school. When he ________________ (leave) school, he wants to go to university.

10. If the weather_____________ (be) nice tomorrow, we can go swimming.

2. Reported speech (statements)

Rewrite the sentences using reported speech. Start with: He said that…

1. I don't like cheese.

2. We spent the summer in Spain.

3. I'm learning to drive now.

4. I've never seen Tom.

5. Our new English teacher is very strict.

6. Jane was going to go to London for Christmas, but went to Paris instead.

7. We'll phone you tomorrow.

8. Yesterday I visited my aunt in hospital.

9. I won't wear this dress.

10. These boys can't win.

3. Reported Speech (questions)

Rewrite the questions using reported speech.

1. Where do you live? — Can you tell me...

2. When is John coming? — He is asking…

3. What do you have for breakfast? — He wanted to know ...

4. Who has read this book? — The teacher wants to know ...

5. Do you like sport? — It is interesting to know ...

6. Why are you crying, Willy? — Car you tell me ...

7. Does Jack play football? — I wanted to know ...

8. Did you see Ann yesterday? – She asked…

9. How old is your sister? — He is asking ...

10. What colour are your sister's eyes? — He wanted to know ...

4. The Passive Voice

Change the sentences into passive:

1. We call the dog Blackie.

2. They clean the rooms every day.

3. They showed me the way to the station.

4. They took the books from the library.

5. They serve dinner at 6.

6. People enjoy Coca-Cola all over the world.

7. They gave me some bread.

8. Christopher Wren built St.Paul's Cathedral in 1670.

9. People speak English all over the world.

10. They did not invite him.

11. They explored the country.

12. They will build a new factory.

13. They posted the letters yesterday.

14. They will tell him the truth.

5. Translate the sentences using Complex Object (Сложное дополнение).
  1. Мои родители хотят, чтобы я знал английский язык.
  2. Мама хочет, чтобы я повторил слова до того, как я лягу спать.
  3. Я ожидаю (to expect), что мои друзья придут ко мне в гости в воскресенье.
  4. Хотите, чтобы я рассказал вам эту историю?
  5. Мне бы не хотелось, чтобы вы опаздывали.

6. Sequence of Tenses.

Choose the correct verb form and write it down:

1. The teacher asked who (is/was) present that day.

2. He realized that they (lost/had lost) their way.

3. She says she (will come/would come) in time.

4. He says he (has/had) a good camera now.

5. John said he (will leave/would leave) soon.

6. Ann said that she (is going/was going) to learn to drive.

7. He explained that he (stayed/ had stayed) at home - the day before.

8. My friend says he (has just returned/had just returned) from London.

9. He said that he (lived/had lived) in Moscow the year before.

10. I think the weather (will be/would be) fine next week.

Календарно-тематическое планирование уроков географии.

Учитель: Дубровская Л.В.

Класс: 7, количество часов в неделю: 2.

Планирование составлено на основе программы для общеобразовательных школ.

Автор программы: Элькин Г.Н., Петрова Н.Н.

Учебное пособие для учащихся: «География», И.В.Душина, М., «Дрофа», 2003 г.

Тип программы: базовый.

№ п/п


Количество часов

Контрольные, практические работы


по программе

по плану

по плану

по плану


Введение. Главные особенности природы Земли (стр.3-65)






Океаны (стр. 68-86, 1 четверть)



Тест № 1



Африка. Австралия (стр. 96 – 14, 2 четверть)



Тест № 2



Ю.Америка. Антарктида. С.Америка (стр. 146-201, 3 четверть)



Тест № 3



Евразия (стр. 202-265)






Взаимодействие природы и общества (4 четверть)



Тест № 4
