Я україни міністерство освіти І науки, молоді та спорту україни сумський державний університет медичний інститут «актуальні питання теоретичної медицини»
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- Я україни міністерство освіти І науки, молоді та спорту україни сумський державний, 6359.55kb.
- Міністерство освіти та науки україни міністерство охорони здоров’я україни сумський, 964.46kb.
- Міністерство освіти І науки україни сумський державний університет медичний інститут, 738.24kb.
- Міністерство освіти та науки україни міністерство охорони здоров’я україни сумський, 1028.21kb.
- Ерство освіти І науки україни міністерство охорони здоров’я україни сумський державний, 950.39kb.
- Міністерство освіти та науки україни міністерство охорони здоров`я україни сумський, 1131kb.
- Конспект лекцій Суми Сумський державний університет 2011 Міністерство освіти І науки,, 1592.04kb.
- Міністерство освіти І науки україни міністерство охорони здоров’я україни сумський, 784.64kb.
- Міністерство освіти І науки україни міністерство охорони здоров’я україни сумський, 1042.47kb.
- Міністерство освіти І науки, молоді та спорту України Міністерство охорони здоров’я, 5570.5kb.
Tarasenko D.S., Baranova S.R., the first-year students
Scientific supervisor – S.I. Ochtema
Sumy State University, Chair оf Foreign Languages
Tuberculosis, as an illness, is known since ancient times. The principal clinical manifestations of tuberculosis are described still by Hippocrate, Gallen, Avizenna. The fact that tuberculosis is infectious was confirmed by Fracastro in the 16th century. Over 6 billion people live on our planet now. Today tuberculosis is the most widely spread infectious disease which ranks first as to the deathrate among the people from infectious pathology.
Aim: the investigation was studing tuberculosis that is the most menacing illness for the whole mankind. It kills patients worldwide than all the infectious and parasitic illness taken together. Present tuberculosis epidemic has acquired the global scales. Moreover here is given the information about the number of factors this disease is connected with its symptoms, reasons and the ways of prophylaxis and diagnostics.
Methods and matherials: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, caused by the mycobacterium (MBT) of tuberculosis and is characterized by the development of specific inflammation in injured organs and polymorphism of clinical symptoms – intoxication and local syndromes.
The formal examination at initial forms of tuberculosis reveals no patient’s visible abnormalities. Palpably: often lowered skin turgor, muscles tone, micropolyadenite, positive “fork-shaped” symptom, which is observed at unilateral lung cirrhosis, atelectasis. Increased voice tremor above infiltration or cirrhosis zones, weakned-at exudative pleurisy, pneumothorax.
Roentgenologic examination is one of the main methods of diagnostic of tuberculosis and unspecific respiratory disease.
Conclusion: Tuberculosis is a social disease and is a mirror of social-economic prosperity of the state and the well-being of its people, therefore antituberculosis measures under present conditions must be taken on the national level by the government of the country. At present time, the principal task in fighting against tuberculosis in Ukraine is to take the epidemy of the illness under control (1 stage), to stabilize the epidemiological indices (infestation, morbidity, sickliness and death rate) of tuberculosis (2 stage), and then their gradual decrease (3 stage).
Obukhova O.; Sheikh K. M., fourth-year student
Sumy State University, department of physiology and pathophysiology with medical biology
During gametogenesis, fertilization, and embryonic period have begun to receive serious attention for their potential contributions to postembryonic biological and behavioral determinants of health. Like a low birth weight, a surrogate marker of insufficient maternal nutrition, has been associated with childhood and adulthood obesity as type 2 diabetes.
The role of exercise of the pregnant mother on fetal and postnatal period has received some attention. Exercise in the pregnant mother has been reported to modify the delivery of oxygen and substrate to the maternal-fetal interphase, thereby affecting both placental and fetal growth. In physically active mothers, oxygen and substrate delivery to the maternal-fetal interphase may decrease up to 50% during acute exercise but may increase significantly at rest and during average everyday activities. Regular exercise in early and midpregnancy seems to stimulate placental growth. On the other hand, regular moderate-intensity weight-bearing exercise has been reported to be associated with greater birth weights, whereas babies of mothers who are engaged in vigorous activities during the second half of pregnancy seem to have lower birth weights due to lower fat mass, although they have fat-free mass and crown-to-heel length similar to that shown in babies of moderately active mothers.
There are many important health benefits, both physical and psychological, associated with increasing physical activity. If done at an appropriate level, physical activity can help decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure, improve blood sugar control in diabetics, lower cholesterol levels, and prevent osteoporosis. Increasing physical activity can also reduce stress levels and provide an increased sense of well being. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that to obtain these benefits, at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity should be accumulated over the course of the day. It does not have to be done during one continuous session. Furthermore, activities such as walking and taking the stairs instead of using the elevator contribute toward the 30 minutes.
Regular physical activity during pregnancy can help women: strengthen the muscles need for labour and delivery, control mood swings, improve circulation and posture, reduce some of the discomforts of pregnancy (e.g., swelling, leg cramps, shortness of breath, backache, varicose veins and constipation), feel less fatigued, achieve healthy weight gain, decrease your risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy.
The regular physical activity, a healthy and nutrient-rich diet, and a normal body weight should be the cardinal features of all growing children, population data reveal that are presently moving in the opposite direction on all three fronts. Thus it is quite possible that the obese, sedentary child will become the norm in a not too distant future. The consequences for the health of future generations and the health care budgets of nations are likely to be disastrous.
Smirnov O. Yu., associate professor
Sumy State University, Physiology and Pathophysiology Department with Medical Biology Course
Computer training programs become a part of educational process in higher education system. Computerised simulations represent an attractive complement for training of the students and can help draw the attention of the students to the relationship between practical aspects of the science and the underlying concepts described in the textbooks. Yet medical students often have difficulty understanding the main principles of gene expression and linking mutant phenotypes to molecular defects. However, there are limitations to performing genetic experiments in a class. For example, the time of the lesson is limited and laboratory experiments in molecular genetics cannot be routinely included in basic biology course.
A self-training program has been designed to simulate main processes in molecular genetics and to stimulate students to analyse and solve some genetic problems. Much effort was devoted to identifying the images needed at each step of the scenario and writing quiz questions. Once a scenario was completely written, we then constructed the virtual practical trainer on molecular biology.
The training software explains how DNA replication, transcription and translation occur, and how to use the table of genetic code. The software uses animation that illustrate such complex process as DNA replication. It also contains a DNA sequence editor/analysis module that can be used by students for finding open reading frames and for prediction of the protein sequence. Each program user can analyse both DNA strands—find possible promoter sequence, find start and stop codons, predict the polypeptide structure (amino acid sequence), and store the specific results of his work. Students can compare effects of different point mutations on the protein structure. The quiz questions are required to progress through the scenario.
The software allows students to participate actively in learning, answer the questions and receive their first scientific results. They can use DNA sequence that is proposed by the scenario or enter they own nucleotide sequence for analysis.
One, two, or three students can register and perform their work. They can run the program in russian, ukrainian, or english. The scenario would take students 50 min to complete. Students receive marks for completing each scenario and are penalized for incorrect answers in the quizes.
The program is useful for teachers who can create new questions or change the existing ones in three languages.
The training software can serve as a good virtual teaching tool in molecular genetics.
Gelykh V., Vashchenko I., 2nd year students
Scientific Supervisor – Ass., Prof. I. Terletska
Sumy State University, Foreign Languages Department
Object of the article – the acute pain in patients; theme – the management of acute pain in ambulatory patients; material for comprehension – review the scientific articles concerning the role of medicine Nefopam (Acupan®).
When treating a patient, relief of any acute pain is a priority. Such pain should be treated as an emergency, rapidly and effectively. Pain is a subjective phenomenon. Assessment of its intensity is the first step to its management. The molecules that can be used for the treatment of acute pain in ambulatory patients can be classified into two categories, co-analgesics (antispasmodics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) and pure analgesics classified by the WHO into three grades, although this classification presents certain limits. Nefopam is a central analgesic, with non-opiate action and, because of this inscribed by the WHO in the first grade, but with an analgesic capacity that corresponds to the substances of grade II analgesics. Its efficacy relies on medullar and/or supramedullar mechanism. Via intramuscular injection the delay before action is of around 10 to 20 minutes and lasts for around 6 hours. The advantages of intramuscular Nefopam are its analgesic capacity, its simplicity of use and its tolerance. The indications in ambulatory patients, Acupan® is administered during acute arthritic pain, post-trauma and dental pain, renal colic, extremely severe migraine and headaches, dysmenorrhoea, and intense spasmodic colic.
Conclusion – Nefopam is a very valuable medicine, which allows to receive rapid decrease of acute pain in ambulatory patients.
Ryabets S., Gonchar. N., 2nd year students
Scientific Supervisor – Ass. Prof. I. Terletska
Sumy State University, Foreign Languages Department
Object of the article – thrombosis and embolism in adults and children of various age groups; theme – prevention of thrombolism in patients; material for comprehension – review the literature concerning thromboprophylaxis in patients of surgery and therapeutic profile.
The literature review provides the data on thromboembolism, a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in adults and children of various age groups. While haemostasis is necessary for physiological survival, the pathological formation of a blood clot causes a net risk for health and can lead to severe and long-term complications. The diagnostics can be difficult: the available tests and their interpretation are contentious. Thrombophylaxis is not routine, although the studies showed the risk of thromboembolism to be high enough both in patients of surgery and therapeutic profile. Low molecular weight heparin is more effective for prevention of venous and arterial thromboembolism than unfractionated heparin and is much easier to administer and monitor.
Conclusion – thromboprophylaxis is not yet the established practice, although the research showed that it is a trustworthy protector, preventing disaster development.
Inna Zakorko, Ann Masko,3th year student
Scientific adviser – candidate of medical science V.N. Golubnichaya
Sumy State University, infectious diseases and epidemiology department
During the last 5 years in Ukraine the level of infections of perinatal period grew considerably (in 2004 — 3,6 %, 2009 — 6,25 %). Development of reanimation and intensive therapy for newborn, use of artificial ventilation of lungs, parenteral feed, antibiotics of wide action spectrum were favorable in growth of amount of patients and premature newborns which survived.
The aim of this work was to explore the characteristics of microbial colonization of newborn children who stayed in treatment in the departments of intensive therapy, to monitor the sensitivity of isolated microrganisms to the most frequently used antibiotics in clinical practice.
To fulfill the objectives for the period 2009-2010, microbiological examinations of microbiota of oral cavity, belly-button, eyes, excrement, urine, skin of crotch of 120 new-born children which had the course of intensive care unit. All researches were conducted at the microbiological laboratory of the Institute of Medicine of the Sumy State University.
A study of microflora of infants by a number of authors have established disbiotical violation, which were caused by Staphylococcus (aureus, epidermidis and / or saprophyticus), Enterococcus spp., Escherichia coli with altered fermentation properties. Analysis of antibiotic resistance showed that the most active in relation to Staphylococcus spp is cefotaxime , to Enterobacteriacae spp.- gentamicin and lincomicin, to Candida spp. – nistatin. Resistance profiles of the same type of microorganisms isolated from different newborn indicates colonization of kids mostly with hospital strains.
Pavlicheva S.V.; Anyanwu Uchechukwu, student of 6th course
Sumy State University, Department of hygiene, ecology and social medicine
Ukraine has one of the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world. Experts estimated in August 2010 that 1.3 percent of the adult population of Ukraine was infected with HIV, the highest in all of Europe. Although HIV/AIDS has to date remained concentrated among marginalized and vulnerable populations, it may be spreading to the general population. The majority of those infected are under 30 years of age; a full 25% of those affected are still in their teens. In the mid-1990s, transmission was primarily through injecting drug use. By 2001, however, the proportion of new cases of HIV/AIDS attributable to injecting drug use had declined to 57% from 84% in 1997. During that time, heterosexual transmission increased from 11% to 27%, and perinatal transmission increased from 2% to 13% as a proportion of total cases. Prevalence in the southern and eastern regions (Odessa, Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk) is about three times higher than rates in the rest of the country. Among the issues driving the HIV/AIDS epidemic are high levels of migration and transactional sex; widespread stigma and discrimination (which prevent injecting drug users, sex workers, men who have sex with men, and other marginalized people from seeking and receiving prevention and treatment interventions); inadequate health and other social services; rising rates of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, and substance abuse; and a general lack of information about the kinds of risky behaviors that contribute to HIV/AIDS. According to the Ministry of Health, Ukraine has already surpassed the “optimistic” projections of an HIV/AIDS rate of 2% in 2010. The fast spread of drug use among adolescents is to be seen in the context of the far older population alcoholism. Today alcoholism is one of the largest health risks, especially for men in the former Soviet Union. Adolescents whose parents drink tend particularly to use drugs. Further important factors for the spread of HIV in Ukraine are the prisons and penal colonies. About 26 percent in various prisons across Ukraine tested HIV-positive. A very high percentage of the prison populations of Ukraine are drug addicts. The spread of HIV through sexual intercourse is steadily increasing. Of those 122,674 people who have been registered HIV positive in Ukraine in 2009, 40 percent have been infected by injecting drugs and 38 percent due to sexual intercourse. The most important interface between the drug milieu and the rest of society is the sector of prostitution. In 2007, 3,430 HIV positive mothers gave birth in Ukraine, the number increased. The treatment of these women with HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) decreased the risk of transmission of the virus from the mother to the child by 92.5 percent. Children and teenagers who live on the street are very likely to be infected with HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases like tuberculosis. The number of children with AIDS in Ukraine is on rise, since the number of mothers with HIV grows by 20-30% annually. According to the United Nations, the number of pregnant women with HIV was 0.34% in 2009, which was the highest index in Europe. Nearly 18,000 children born by HIV-positive mothers in Ukraine, 10,200 children have not contracted HIV and another 5,500 children under eighteen months have yet to receive final results of examination.
One must take into account that the main causes of the HIV epidemic in Ukraine are embedded in the country's social crisis. A great influence in containing an epidemic is the availability of harm-reduction-programs. Programs for handing out sterilized needles are of greatest importance. Since 2003, drug substitution programs have been introduced in Ukraine. In 1999, the government created the National AIDS Control Coordinating Council under the Cabinet and mandated that all regions establish HIV prevention programs. In 2001, a national plan for combating HIV/AIDS was approved; its goals included preventing the further spread of HIV, developing capacity to treat infected individuals, and providing social support and counseling for those living with HIV/AIDS. The first Ukrainian advocates group for Ukrainian aids patients was launched on December 10, 2010.