Практичний курс англійської мови навчальний посібник з практики усного та письмового мовлення для студентів 4 курсу

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Vocabulary Activator
Additional vocabulary
Подобный материал:
1   ...   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   ...   36

Vocabulary Activator

2.3 Fill in the gaps with a vocabulary phrase that best fits the meaning of each sentence.
  1. Personnel Management is a part of management concerned with people at work and their ________________________________________.
  2. The main functions of the personnel manager usually include staff __________ ________________________ and welfare.
  3. The term personnel management is somewhat misleading in that it is usually line managers who manage the work force, while personnel managers provide a mainly ___________________________________ service.
  4. White Collar relates to workers whose job usually does not involve ______ labor.
  5. Conditions of Service or __________________________ are regulations that set out the rights and obligations of employees.
  6. Conditions of service are issued by ___________________ and have to be accepted by employees.
  7. Conditions of service may state the rate of pay, how often the worker will be paid, and ___________________ entitlement.
  8. They may also state the hours of work, appropriate dress, and a requirement for _________________________.
  9. Negotiating _________________________, including pay, is arguably the most important function of a labor union in a place of work.
  10. The United States government has developed a set ___________________ called the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) to classify industries.
  11. The _______________________ is a series of numbers, each ranging from 0 to 9, used to label industries. Primary industries use either 0 or 1, secondary industries use 1, 2, or 3, and tertiary industries use numbers 4 through 9.
  12. As more digits are added to the number, the classification becomes more specific. For example, the SIC code 8 refers to services, 82 refers to _________________________, and 829903 refers to music and drama schools.
  13. Working Conditions define the safety and _____________________ of the workplace, including the physical work environment and the procedures followed in performing the work.
  14. Job Description is a document that states what duties have to be performed by a worker holding a _______________________ and what place that worker holds within the organization.
  15. For example, a _______________________ may state that a secretary must undertake word processing and keyboarding tasks, as well as answer the telephone and keep a diary for his or her boss.
2.4 Use at least 25 words or word combinations from exercises 2.1 and 2.2 in the sentences of your own. Try to make a connected text on the problems of higher education in Ukraine.

Additional vocabulary

2.5 Study the have idiomatic and slang words to the topic.
  1. An A1 translator- adj.- the first-rate, the first class, the best- the combination A1 used to mean the lowest risk degree. Nowadays it evaluates the professional qualification of a person, quality of a thing or mode of activity.

An A1 translator- найкращій перекладач

an A1 translation- першокласний переклад

an A1 firm- першокласна фірма
  1. Ageism –n. – age discrimination, especially concerning to persons of pre-retirement age. Employers often prefer the younger employees to the older ones. The expression was created by Robert Butler, the principal in the Gerontology Institute and is widely used in the sphere of labour relations.
  2. to give someone the elbow- to fire smb.
  3. Freelance- a person hired on a contract-to-contract basis. Usually the label is used for journalists, artists and alike. A freelance journalist- позаштатний кореспондент
  4. Hack- a person working only for the sake of money without paying any attention to the results and consequences. The word is applied to a journalist, writer or a translator, whose do not respond to the professional standards.
  5. An insider- a person acquainted to the most confidential information about the projects and finance of the firm or organization. Insider dealing / insider trading means using such information in one’s own interests which is a great risk to be criminally charged.
  6. The rat race- struggle and competition for the better job, higher payment and advancement at work.
  7. Rookie- n.- a fresher, person starting his or her career, inexperienced beginner. Sometimes the word is used as an adjective. A rookie translator- необізнаний перекладач, перекладач - початківець.
  8. to spatchcock- to make corrections, insertions and contractions in the text of a letter, a report, a book or a translation in handwriting.
  9. the unwaged- people who do not get wage, including unemployed, housewives and retired ones.
2.6 Paraphrase the sentences paying attention to the proper choice of equivalents to the italised idioms.

The number of the unwaged increases greatly in Europe, following the aging of population.

I am looking forward to retirement. At last I’ll be out of the rat race.

The government campaign against ageism was stepped up this weekend with a call for employers to avoid discrimination against the elderly in job advertisements.

Being a rookie is unbearable for an ambitious person.

In the old days the editor would accept a spatchcock version of a translation. Now everything has to be on disk.

The novel is evidently translated by a hack, it’s unreadable.

Insider trading is a common practice in some joint ventures.

Unfortunately, we can only hire you as a freelance interpreter just for this conference.

I’ve been elbowed for improper dressing.

He drives an A1 car, lives in an A1 house and entertains lavishly, but it’s all window dressing: he is on the verge of bankruptcy.
2.7 Learn the list of term description of commonly used tax terms.

Consumption tax

A tax levied on sales of goods or services. Consumption taxes include general sales taxes, excise taxes, value-added taxes, and tariffs.

Corporation income tax

A tax on the profits, or net income (total income minus costs), of corporations.

Direct tax

A tax whose burden falls directly on the person or thing taxed and cannot be shifted to another person or thing. A poll tax is an example of a direct tax.

Estate tax

A tax on the property (including real, personal, and intangible property) left by a person at death.

Excise tax

A selective sales tax, imposed only on the sale of specific goods.

Gift tax

A tax on the value of gifts received by an individual in excess of a certain sum per year and over a certain cumulative amount over a person's lifetime.

Horizontal equity

The principle that people in equal positions or situations should pay the same amount of tax.

Indirect tax

A tax imposed on one person or thing but whose burden is borne indirectly by another. A sales tax, though imposed on and collected from the seller, is an indirect tax on the buyer.

Individual income tax

A tax on the income of individuals or families, generally applied to wages, salaries, tips, interest, and dividends. Also called personal income tax.

Inheritance tax

A tax on the income (including property) received by an heir from the estate of a person who has died. Bequests to charitable organizations are not taxed.

Marginal tax rate

The tax rate applied to a particular tax bracket (a designated range of taxable income).

Payroll tax

A tax on wages and salaries (income earned for work), used to finance social insurance programs that provide benefits to the poor, the elderly, the unemployed, and the disabled.

Poll tax

A tax of a specific monetary amount imposed directly on an individual. Also called a lump-sum tax or head tax. In the United States, the term also refers to a tax (now prohibited) imposed on citizens as a requirement for voting.

Pollution tax

A tax levied on a company that produces air, water, or soil pollution over a certain level established by the government.

Progressive tax

Generally, a tax that imposes a heavier burden on those more able to bear the burden than on those less able to bear it. When applied to income, which is the most important tax base in developed countries, a progressive tax is one that takes a greater percentage of income from those with higher incomes than from those with lower incomes.

Property tax

A tax on property, usually meaning only real property, such as land, buildings or houses, and machinery. Personal property, such as furniture, vehicles, or jewellery, is largely excluded, as is intangible property, such as money, stocks, bonds, or bank deposits.

Proportional tax

A tax that imposes the same burden on people or takes the same percentage of each person's income.

Regressive tax

A tax that imposes a heavier burden on those less able to bear it. Applied to income, it is a tax that takes a greater percentage of income from people with low incomes than from those with high incomes.

Sales tax, general

A tax imposed on the sale of a wide range of goods and services. Although collected from sellers at the retail level, consumers bear the cost of sales taxes.


A tax levied on imported or exported goods. Also called duty or customs duty.

Tax base

The object on which a tax is based or calculated, such as income (the base of the income tax), property (the base of the property tax), or the individual (the base of the poll tax).

Tax incidence

The way a tax affects people. The statutory incidence of a tax refers to who must legally pay the tax. The economic incidence of a tax refers to who bears the actual burden of a tax.

Tax rate

The percentage of the value of the tax base that must be paid in tax, or the amount of tax charged in the case of a direct poll tax.

Tax schedule

The set of rates applicable to different amounts of the tax base. Under the income tax, for example, the schedule shows the rates applicable at each level of income.

Value-added tax

A percentage tax on the value added to goods or services at each stage of production and distribution. As with general sales taxes, consumers bear the final burden of value-added taxes.

Vertical equity

The principle that a tax system should distribute burden fairly across people with different abilities to pay.

2.8 Translate the terms from the chart in exercise 2.7 into Ukrainian. Find the necessary data and put the tax rates in Ukraine next to each item.

consumption tax, corporation income tax, direct tax, estate tax, indirect tax, individual income tax , inheritance tax, payroll tax, pollution tax, progressive tax, property tax, sales tax, value-added tax.