Практичний курс англійської мови навчальний посібник з практики усного та письмового мовлення для студентів 4 курсу
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СодержаниеPart 3 language in context text a |
- Програма вступного випробування з англійської мови для вступу на навчання для здобуття, 65.81kb.
- Харківська національна академія міського господарства організація податкового контролю, 1756.39kb.
- Програма вступного іспиту до магістеріуму з англійської мови, 131.34kb.
- Практикум з педагогіки вищої школи: Навчальний посібник за модульно-рейтинговою системою, 411.72kb.
- Ацій. Екстрена медична допомога рекомендовано Міністерством освіти І науки України, 3604.63kb.
- Програма курсу «Iсторiя України». 4 Рекомендована література до курсу «Історія України»., 2261.86kb.
- Навчальний-методичний посібник з питань мовної політики й міжнаціональних відносин, 3576.91kb.
- Курс "Латинська мова та основи медичної термінології" методичні вказівки для студентів, 2509.18kb.
- Теоретична граматика англійської мови теоретична граматика англійської мови, 121.98kb.
- Програма Переддипломної практики для студентів за фахом 050106, 050106 Облік І аудит, 164.57kb.
3.1 These dictionary entries provide you with a wide range of translations of commonly misused words. Study the words and expressions and try to find the best variant according to the context in exercise 3.2.
involve 1) а) затягувати, включати , залучити ( in, with ) to involve smb. in a project — They are deeply involved in debt. — We were involved with the technical details. — б) заплутувати We must not further involve the statement; it is intricate enough already. в) торкатися, стосуватися to promote those general ideas which involve the destiny of the human race 2) викликати , призвести That job would involve my travelling a great deal. —The war involved a great increase in the national debt. —Syn: entail 2. 3) а)занурюватися, захопитися 4) включати до себе , вміщувати Syn: include , contain
trial 1. 1) випробування, випробний термін I took the car out for a trial on the roads. We plan to release a prototype this autumn for trial in hospitals. He had just given a trial to a young woman who said she had previous experience. trial balloon — "випробна куля", зондаж (зазвичай громадської думки) - give a trial - on trial 2) важке випробування, спокуса; to put on trial 3) причина невдовольства або розпачу That child is a real trial to me. 4) судовий процес, суд at a trial - to be on one's trial — to stand, undergo trial — to bring to trial, to put on trial — 2) ) to give a fair trial — справедливо засуджувати She testified at his trial. He was on trial for murder. They believed that his case would never come to trial. He will go on trial later this month charged with murder. He was found to be mentally unfit to stand trial. —- closed trial - court trial - jury trial - open trial - public trial - war-crimes trial 5) спроба 2. 1) випробний, контрольний trial period — випробний термін
3.2 Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian . While reading mark or underline useful and up-to-point expressions. Entitle the text.
Career can be divided into four parts: initial education and entry-level training period, trial or job-matching period, stable period, and retirement.
The long-run income prospects of a worker are heavily dependent on the amount and quality of basic education. Failure to complete high school reduces significantly one's expected lifetime earnings. Obtaining post-high-school technical training through vocational schools, community colleges, or apprenticeship programs that involve both formal schooling and on-the-job experience increases expected long-run earnings. Finally, choosing a job that provides additional training opportunities either on the job or through part-time outside course work further increases a worker's earnings potential.
Thus, the initial career stage is one in which an individual is investing in education or, as social scientists put it, building human capital. Failure to complete high school or to acquire basic mathematical, verbal, and analytical skills not only limits long-run earnings but also increases the risk of being unemployed for longer periods than those who invested more time and energy in this period of education and training.
Following the completion of schooling and entry-level training, most workers experience a trial period in which they change jobs a number of times in search of a good match between their abilities and aspirations and the opportunities available to them. The average worker changes jobs six to eight times before settling into a stable employment relationship. Because most firms follow a seniority rule in laying off workers (that is, the most junior workers are laid off first), some of this job movement may be involuntary. In searching for a job, workers tend to rely heavily on informal contacts and information provided by friends, family members, or school advisers.
The most stable period of employment for this group of workers occurs between the ages of 30 and 60. As family responsibilities become greater and seniority increases the security of employment within an organization, the likelihood of staying with a given firm likewise increases. The potential costs of job loss also tend to mount over time, as it becomes harder to find a job with another company that will replace the wages and benefits often achieved after years of service and internal promotion.
Two different factors affect workers as they approach the retirement stage of their careers. The first is that, while age 65 still serves as a customary age for many to retire, firms are no longer allowed to impose a mandatory retirement age. Thus, theoretically, employees can continue working as long as they are able to do the job required of them. Few workers, however, choose to stay on beyond age 65. Instead, an increasing number of them retire and then take part-time jobs. The second factor is the growth in early retirement among workers, prompted in part by the early retirement incentives many firms offer to employees between the ages of 55 and 65. This also has led to a growing number of older workers employed part-time.
3.3 Explain in details the meaning of the phrases:
- follow a seniority rule
- expected lifetime earnings
- trial or job-matching period
- a mandatory retirement age
3.4 Write down from the text the expressions similar in meaning to the following:
- the potential costs of job loss
- the long-run income prospects
- entry-level training period
- to build human capital
- post-high-school technical training
These dictionary entries will enrich you vocabulary and help you use the words correctly. After you learn the information, work out the sentences of your own to every word/ expression below.
aspiration 1) велике бажання , спрямованність ( досягти ... - to ) lofty, noble aspirations — пориви, поривання, запал Aspiration is a pure upward desire for excellence.
incentive 1. заохочування, стимул to offer an incentive — заохочувати, стимулювати a powerful, strong incentive — вагомий стимул an incentive to investment — to have no incentive to work harder — Syn: motive 2. 1) заохочувальний, стимулюючий Syn: stimulating , provocative , exciting 2) incentive wage incentive wage прогресивна система зарплатні- incentive bonus заохочувальна премія incentive contract стимулюючий контракт incentive earnings сума заохочувальної винагороди incentive fare заохочувальний тариф
involuntary 1) невільний, ненавмисний, невмисний Syn: unintentional 3) примусовий