Ильина О. К., Тычинский А. А. Сборник упражнений по английскому языку к учебнику
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СодержаниеExercises to Chapter 10 “Public Opinion and Persuasion” Essentials of Public Relations |
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Exercises to Chapter 10 “Public Opinion and Persuasion”
I) Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
- Strong threats and emotional appeals must be used with caution because people will
a) get upset and panic b) tune out the messages as a defensive measure c) get irritated and complain d) usually comply with the message
- In general, a speaker to a general audience would be more persuasive if he or she
a) gives only one side of the argument b) gives all sides of the argument c) avoids taking sides d) utilizes propaganda techniques
- The best description of a public for public opinion purposes is a group of people
a) sharing a common interest or concern b) sharing the same childhood background c) living in the same city d) sharing the same political party affiliation e) found at the same meeting
- Psychologically, opinions are basically determined by
a) group interests b) self-interests c) family and church interests d) national interests e) propaganda
- People who take an interest in issues and organize public discussion about them are called
a) an informed public b) an attentive public c) the public at large d) opinion leaders e) manipulators
- The mass media are most influential in forming a person’s opinion when the information provided
a) is well documented b) has high emotional appeal c) is entertaining d) doesn’t conflict with any of the individual’s existing attitudes or opinions e) has statistical material
- Aristotle’s concept of “ethos” is translated in modern terms to mean
a) source credibility b) logical argument c) emotional appeal d) self-interest e) ethnic diversity
- In persuasion, which one of the following is the most difficult to accomplish?
a) change or neutralize hostile opinions b) crystallize favorable latent opinion c) reinforce favorable opinions
- Continual efforts to maintain a reservoir of goodwill are known as
a) preventive public relations b) reactive public relations c) planned public relations d) persuasive public relations e) good public relations
- Elected officials often invoke patriotism as a reason for the public to support their programs. In persuasion, this tactic is called
a) plain folks b) self-actualization c) self-interest d) transfer e) channeling
- Which one of the following is NOT a factor contributing to source credibility?
a) expertise b) sincerity c) attractiveness d) charisma
- Which of the following people would be most credible at a news conference announcing an important new drug to combat AIDS?
a) director of public relations b) president of the company c) director of medical research d) chief financial officer e) director of plant quality control
- The use of a celebrity to endorse a product is called
a) plain folks b) the big lie c) transfer d) bandwagon e) channeling
- Cultivation of key opinion leaders before a new product is publicly announced as important because
a) journalists rely on opinion leaders to provide objective judgments about the quality of the product b) journalists tend to be negative about any new product c) opinion leaders are the only way to reach the mass public d) opinion leaders determine the timing and context of the new product announcement
- Maslow has formed a model showing the basic needs of people. Which one of the following “needs” is sought after all other needs are met?
a) physiological b) safety c) social d) ego e) self –actualization
- Timing and context are important. Which of the following is the best time to launch a public information campaign about preventing forest fires?
a) Christmas, when trees are in people’s homes b) midsummer, when the land is dry c) spring, when everything is still green d) autumn, when people are raking leaves from their lawns
- If a utility wants people to conserve energy, it must distribute a message that contains
a) strong fear arousal b) a lot of conflicting statistics c) suggestions for action d) plenty of examples e) celebrity endorsements
- Charities and relief organizations often prepare messages about the plight of one child or one family. In persuasion, this is called
a) dramatizing the problem b) testimonial c) example d) channeling e) transfer
- The primary purpose of using an emotional appeal is to
a) attract audience interest b) make people feel guilty c) galvanize public outrage d) shock people into action e) mobilize the public
- The question “Do you want national parks for our children or strip mining?” is a good example of which persuasion technique?
a) yes/yes b) structured choice c) partial commitment d) ask for more/ settle for less e) channeling
- A statement that three out of four Americans support long prison terms for convicted drug dealers is a good example of what propaganda technique?
a) testimonial b) bandwagon c) card stacking d) transfer e) glittering generalities
- A college president who extols football as an American tradition that teaches youth the principles of teamwork and good sportsmanship is using what propaganda technique?
a) testimonial b) bandwagon c) card stacking d) transfer e) glittering generalities
- Which of the following factors limits the effectiveness of persuasive messages?
a) lack of message penetration b) competing messages c) self-selection d) self-perception e) all of the above
- Highly educated, sophisticated audiences are more easily persuaded by
a) strong emotional appeals b) strong fear arousal appeals c) logical appeals, using facts and figures d) appeals using drama and examples e) appeals using Hollywood movie stars
- Strong emotional appeals and fear arousal are most effective when the audience has
a) low educational levels b) minimal concern or interest in the topic c) high educational levels d) great interest in the topic e) indigestion
- In the life cycle of public opinion formation, which one of the following is most instrumental in DEFINING the problem?
a) media b) opinion leaders c) activist groups d) government officials e) scholars and researchers
II) Say whether the statement is true or false.
- Only a small number of people at any given time take part in public opinion formation on a specific issue.
- People who form public opinion on an issue usually have a vested or self-interest in the subject.
- The formation of public opinion is often triggered by events.
- Public opinion is often formed when people anticipate an event.
- It is easier for people to agree on goals than the methods to achieve those goals.
- Opinion leaders are high-status people such as doctors, lawyers, ministers, and college professors.
- Opinion leaders, in general, pay little attention to mass media and specialized magazines.
- The president of a local environment group is considered an informal opinion leader regarding the environment.
- The mass media primarily serve the role of agenda-setting.
- One of the three aspects of source credibility is charisma.
- One effective persuasion technique is to make the audience feel guilty if they don’t support a cause or issue.
- If a persuader uses fear arousal as a technique, the message should also include a relatively easy solution.
- A person can be more persuasive in a panel discussion if there are speakers before and after his or her presentation.
- Social scientists say that commercial advertising and public relations activity on behalf of a company or organization is propaganda.
- Public relations people, knowing effective persuasive techniques, have great power to manipulate people and make them do things against their best interests.
- Negative appeals are more effective than positive appeals in getting public compliance.
- A celebrity or an attractive model is most effective when the public has low involvement in the product or issue.
- It is ethical to be an advocate and persuader about something even if you don’t personally believe it.
- Framing theory holds that how journalists select facts, themes, and treatments impacts public understanding.
III) Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.
IV) Complete the words.
- Few issues g______ o______ on the part of an entire population.
- S______ c_______ usually care a lot about health issues.
- F______ o_______ l_______ usually are heads of companies, elected officials, or leaders of membership groups.
- I________ l________ influence their peers because of some special characteristic.
- A lot of people want to be like their r_____ m______.
- Opinion leaders can e______ p_______ on others to accept something.
- P________ has been around since the dawn of human history.
- We use persuasion to crystallize l______ o______.
- Usually people generalize from personal experience and from what their p_____ tell them.
- Non-profit agencies usually crystallize the public’s latent inclination to aid the less fortunate by asking for a d_______.
- A message is more believable if the source has c_______.
- One element in the source credibility is e________.
- This political leader surely has c________.
- A form of source credibility, t_________ can be either explicit or implicit.
- Products and services benefit from favorable statements by experts in what is called a m_______ m______ e_______.
- Newspapers often d_______ s______ to get reader interest in an issue.
- A poor family has just been e_______ from their home.
- R_____ t______ and other forms of government bureaucracy are a serious problem.
- A_______ s_______ are usually sent to trade press.
- Most people are impressed by s________.
V) Translate the following word-combinations from Russian into English using active vocabulary.
Порождать мнение; граждане старшего поколения; официальные лидеры общественного мнения; неформальные лидеры; образцы для подражания; оказывать давление; убеждение; скрытые мнения; ровесник, человек одного с вами социального круга; пожертвование; правдоподобие; специальные знания; обаяние, шарм; рекомендация; поддержка в СМИ; драматизировать историю; выселять; бумажная волокита; история про использование товара; статистика.
VI) Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using active vocabulary.
- Создавать мнение среди целевой аудитории – это самая сложная задача пиар-специалиста.
- Граждане старшего поколения обычно интересуются вопросами здравоохранения.
- По телевидению часто можно увидеть официальных лидеров общественного мнения.
- Чтобы пиар-кампания была успешной, необходимо заручиться поддержкой неформальных лидеров.
- Актеры кино и поп-звезды – это образцы для подражания современных подростков.
- В ходе следствия на присяжных оказывалось давление.
- Дар убеждения – необходимое качество хорошего специалиста по связям с общественностью.
- Необычайно сложно превратить скрытые мнения в поступки.
- Обычно школьники начинают курить под влиянием ровесников.
- Посещение музея бесплатно, но вы можете оставить пожертвование.
- Правдоподобие сообщения вызывает серьезные сомнения.
- Должен ли специалист по связям с общественностью обладать специальными знаниями в какой-либо области?
- Иногда наличие обаяния достаточно чтобы выиграть выборы.
- Явная рекомендация – несомненно, более эффективный метод продвижения товара, чем скрытая.
- Многие известные спортсмены зарабатывают тем, что поддерживают различные товары в СМИ.
- Не было необходимости так драматизировать историю – это имело противоположный эффект.
- После того как должник отказался платить, он был выселен.
- Бумажная волокита – это одно из препятствий на пути открытия нового бизнеса.
- Журнал пестрел историями про использование самых различных товаров.
- Статистика неумолима – за последний квартал объем продаж сократился вдвое.
VII) Translate the following text from English into Russian.
Knowledge of audience characteristics such as beliefs, attitudes, concerns, and lifestyles is an essential part of persuasion. It helps the communicator tailor messages that are salient, answer a felt need, and provide a logical course of action.
Basic demographic information, readily available through census data, can help determine an audience’s gender, income level, education, ethnic background, and age groupings. Other data, often prepared for marketing departments, give information on a group’s buying habits, disposable income, and ways of spending leisure time…
Such audience analysis, coupled with suitably tailored messages in the appropriate media outlets, is the technique of channeling. Persuasive messages are more effective when they take into account the audience’s lifestyles, beliefs, and concerns.
(Wilcox, Dennis L., et al. Essentials of Public Relations. New York: Longman., 2001. P. 184-185)
VIII) Translate the following text from Russian into English.
Никогда ранее общественное мнение не имело такой силы, как теперь. Многочисленные факты доказывают, что в демократических странах мнение общественности по тем или иным вопросам существенно влияет на государственную политику, законодательные процессы, поведение политических партий, динамику избирательных кампаний, принятие решений субъектами экономической деятельности и даже на планирование и проведение разных культурных мероприятий. Другими словами, общественное мнение – это мощнейшая динамическая сила. Поэтому важнейшая составляющая паблик рилейшнз заключается в том, чтобы помочь организациям распознать, понять общественное мнение и профессионально работать с ним.
Однако это дело не из легких. Общественное мнение не всегда сообразуется с законами логики, зачастую оно аморфно, амбивалентно, противоречиво и быстротечно. Те, кто стремится воздействовать на общественное мнение и формировать его, надеются, что их усилия не окажутся напрасными и со временем подтолкнут людей к ожидаемому консенсусу в отношении определенной проблемы. Опыт свидетельствует о том, что общественность имеет удивительную способность игнорировать бесспорные факты, если они ее не интересуют; предоставление общественности непрерывно растущего объема информации также не обязательно оборачивается обогащением ее знаний и ожидаемым поведением.
(Королько В.Г. Основы паблик рилейшнз. Рефл-бук, Ваклер – М, Киев, 2003. – С. 157)
IX) Summarize the concepts of the chapter “Public Opinion and Persuasion”.