Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для подготовки студентов к интернет-тестированию Уфа 2007
Вид материала | Учебно-методическое пособие |
СодержаниеОбразец АПИМ |
- Учебно-методическое пособие Санкт-Петербург 2001 удк 681. 3 Бобцов А. А., Лямин, 1434.37kb.
- Название работы, 564.65kb.
- Учебное пособие Для подготовки к тестированию Новочеркасск 2007, 2155.67kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие для подготовки к тестированию по курсу: «Криминалистика», 121.72kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие для подготовки к тестированию по курсу: «Эконометрика», 503.64kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие для подготовки к тестированию по курсу: «Психология и педагогика», 723.57kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие для подготовки к тестированию по курсу: «Международное, 422.1kb.
- Методические указания по выполнению семестровой контрольной работы с комплектом заданий, 701.46kb.
- Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов экономистов. Автор-составитель Большакова, 15.76kb.
- Учебно-методическое пособие для подготовки к тестированию по курсу: «Финансы», 513kb.
Образец АПИМ
His current interest was… and development, but she has changed field
- residence
- resistance
- research
- reputation
- Let` s stop at this restaurant for a quick…
- meal
- menu
- smile
- walk
- meal
- The computer memory is used for…
- making
- writing
- storing
- printing
- making
- … is the physical equipment & components of any computer system
- hardware
- firmware
- shareware
- software
- hardware
- A shorter, more … meeting that leaves time for work
- productiveness
- productive
- production
- productivity
- productiveness
- It was a good idea of … to go swimming this after noon
- yourself
- yours
- your
- you
- yourself
- The grass there was much … than on the upper field
- more long
- the longest
- longer
- long
- more long
- The oldest living tree in the world grows in … California
- an
- the
- –
- a
- an
- The Pyramids were built … people who lived a long time ago
- of
- by
- after
- with
- of
- Begin with a minute … two of small talk
- and
- or
- but
- if
- and
- Do you want a sandwich? – No, thanks. I … just … lunch
- had … had
- was … having
- am … having
- have … had
- had … had
- … of her arrival, I went to see her
- Being told
- Telling
- To tell
- Told
- Being told
- Paul insisted … visiting his parents
- on
- –
- of
- to
- on
- Your face seems familiar to me. We … have met somewhere
- need
- ought
- must
- should
- need
- Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Guest: “____________”
Hostess: “Oh, I` m glad you enjoyed it”
Enjoy your meal
- The meal wasn’t as bad as I expected
- The meal was absolutely delicious
- The meal was rather good
- Shop assistant: “Can I help you?”
Customer: “________________”
- No, it` s all right, thanks, I` m just looking
- No, that` s not necessary
- Oh, good. I` m so glad to have met you
- Fine
- Student: “Have you had time to mark my composition?”
Teacher: “________________”
- Oh, dear, you look awful, what` s the matter with you?
- Yes, it was quite good, and I’ve underlined the mistakes you’ve made
- Yes, I have
- Yes, and I do hope you don` t mind my saying this but you’ve made one or two tiny mistakes
- Boss: “Do you see what I mean?”
Employee: “______________”
- Yes, but I` m not sure I quite agree
- I don` t think so
- Yes, and I don` t agree with you
- Yes, do, please
- The UK of G.B. and Northern Ireland consists of …
- two parts
- four parts
- five parts
- three parts
- two parts
- How many stripes are there on the US flag?
- 13
- 31
- 20
- 17
- 13
- French is an official language in …
- India
- Canada
- Sweden
- New Zealand
- India
- The President of the USA is chosen in a national election for_________ term of office.
- a two-year
- a four-year
- a five-year
- a three-year
- a two-year
- Net origin
In the 1960, researchers began experimenting with linking computers. They
wanted to see if computers in different locations could be linked using a new
technology known as packet switching. This technology, in which data
meant for another location is broken up into little pieces, each with its own
“forwarding address” had the promise of letting several users share just one
communications line. Their goal was not the creation of today`s
international compute-using community, but the development of a data
network that could survive a nuclear attack.
- Previous computer networking efforts had required a line between each
computer on the network, sort of like a one-track train route. The packet
system allowed to create data highway. Each packet was given the computer
equivalent of a map and a time stamp, so that it could be sent to the right
destination, where it would then be reassembled into a message the computer
or a human could use.
This system allowed computers to share data and researchers to exchange
electronic mail, or e-mail. In itself, e-mail was something of a revolution,
offering the ability to send detailed letters at the speed of a phone call.
- As this system grew, some college students developed a way to use it to
conduct online conferences. These started as science – oriented discussions,
but they soon branched out into virtually every other field as people
recognized the power of being able to “talk” to hundreds, or even thousands,
of people around the country.
- In the 1980s, this network of networks, which became known as the Internet,
expanded at a phenomenal rate. Hundreds, then thousands of colleges,
research companies and government agencies began to connect their
computers to this worldwide Net. Some companies unwilling to pay the high
costs of the Internet access ( or unable to meet strict government regulations
for access) learned how to link their own systems to Internet, even if “only”
for e-mail and conferences. Some of these systems began offering access to
the public. Now anybody with a computer and modem, persistence and a
small amount of money could tap into the world.
Определите, является ли утверждение:
Students can reach library resources through the Internet.
- в тексте нет информации
- истинным
- ложным
24.Определите, является ли утверждение:
E-mailing gave people the opportunity to send letters at the speed of a phone
в тексте нет информации
- истинным
- ложным
25.Определите, является ли утверждение:
Some college students began experimenting with linking computers in the
в тексте нет информации
- истинным
- ложным
26.Определите, является ли утверждение:
A packet switching technology was designed to create a computer-using
в тексте нет информации
- истинным
- ложным
27.Укажите, какой из абзацев текста (1,2,3,4) содержит следующую
Highway systems created, worldwide Net could be expanded at a
phenomenal rate.
- 3
- 4
- 2
28.Укажите, какой из абзацев текста (1,2,3,4) содержит следующую
Some systems of public access to Internet are not too expensive for their users.
- 2
- 4
- 3
29.Ответьте на вопрос:
What is the main advantage of the packet system?
The main advantage of this system is in the fact that it serves as a means of surviving nuclear attacks.
- The main advantage of this system is in the fact that it helped to create many – track data route
- The main advantage of this system is in the fact that it supports the development of new projects
- The main advantage of this system is in the fact that it doesn’t allow numerous users to share a communication line
30.Определите основную идею текста:
The development of the Internet in the 20th c
- “Talking” around the country
- E-mail service provided by the Internet now a days
- Online conferences as science-oriented discussions
31.Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке
Food machines

Yours sincerely,
Simon Tramp
Sales Manager

Telephone 9036174369 Fax 903636924

order. Unfortunately, the manufacturers of the part you wish to order have
advised us that they can’t supply it until November. Would you prefer us
to supply a substitute, or would you rather wait until the original parts are
again available?

UN 54 42 KF

32.Ответьте на вопросы, пользуясь информацией на конверте

New Jersey Power Company
5695 South 23 Road
(1) Ridgefield, (2) NJ 08887
(3) Mr. Frederick Wolf
Director of Marketing
(4) Smith Printing Company 590
(5) Sixth Avenue Milwaukee,
(6) WI 53216
- What is the ZIP Code in the return address?
- What is the ZIP Code in the Mailing address?
- Who is the addressee?
- What town does the letter come from?
- What is addressee’s company name?
- What is the street name in the mailing address?


33.Определите правильную последовательность разделов резюме

34. Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки
________ : Secretarial Supervisor
- ________ : Claire Mc. Elroy
- ________ : Demonstration of new office equipment
The 4) ______ of Smart Equipment will visit us on 28 April to demonstrate their new computer and fax – machine which you are sure to be interested in. Please arrange the time to meet him so that all your staff could be present
5) ________


English-speaking countries
The United States of America_______________________________________2
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland_______________93
Speech habits___________________________________________________167
Business correspondence__________________________________________198
The example of tests______________________________________________212