Методические указания по выполнению семестровой контрольной работы с комплектом заданий по английскому языку студентов дистанционной формы обучения Уфа 2007
Вид материала | Методические указания |
СодержаниеЭкономики и сервиса Список литературы Контрольные задания |
- Методические указания по выполнению контрольной работы по дисциплине «Оценка недвижимости», 678.32kb.
- Методические указания к изучению дисциплины и выполнению контрольной работы для студентов, 196.81kb.
- Методические указания по выполнению контрольной работы, варианты контрольной работы, 238.53kb.
- Методические указания по выполнению контрольной работы, 117.17kb.
- Методические указания вводятся в учебный процесс с 2007, 390.16kb.
- Методические указания к выполнению контрольной работы для студентов заочной формы обучения, 150.65kb.
- Методические указания по изучению дисциплины и выполнению контрольной работы Для студентов, 469.05kb.
- Методические указания к изучению дисциплины и выполнению контрольной работы для студентов, 1280.73kb.
- Методические указания к выполнению курсовой работы Владивосток, 732.88kb.
- Методические указания по изучению дисциплины и выполнению контрольной работы Специальность, 128.89kb.
Методические указания по выполнению семестровой контрольной работы с комплектом заданий по английскому языку студентов дистанционной формы обучения
Уфа 2007
Настоящие методические указания предназначены для студентов экономических специальностей дистанционной формы обучения и составлены в соответствии с вузовской программой по английскому языку. Они являются частью учебного пособия, в которое также входят 6 частей, методические указания по самоподготовке студентов, тесты для самоконтроля.
Количество контрольных работ, выполняемых студентами на каждом курсе по дисциплине «Иностранный язык», устанавливается учебным планом института.
Цель контрольной работы – контроль усвоенных Вами в течение семестра знаний и приобретенных навыков по английскому языку в рамках программы учебного пособия.
Настоящие методические указания имеют целью помочь Вам в Вашей самостоятельной работе по подготовке к семестровой контрольной работе.
Контрольная работа представляет собой комплекс заданий грамматического и лексического характера и составлена в форме тестов, где вам потребуется выбрать из нескольких один верный вариант ответа.
Контрольная работа составлена на основании программы учебного пособия.
Для успешного выполнения контрольной работы необходимо тщательно проработать теоретический, грамматический и лексический материал, предоставленный в частях учебного пособия, в том числе пользуясь дополнительной учебной литературой, выполнить предложенные упражнения, проверить себя по приведенным в конце главы ключам. Вы также можете проверить свою готовность к выполнению семестровой контрольной работы, внимательно выполняя тестовые задания, данные в заключении каждой грамматической темы и лексического раздела.
Предусмотрено 4 контрольных задания. В 1 семестре выполняется контрольное задание №1, во 2 семестре – контрольное задание №2 и так далее.
Каждое контрольное задание предлагается в пяти вариантах. Необходимо выполнить один из пяти вариантов в соответствии с последними цифрами студенческого шифра: студенты, шифр которых оканчивается на 1 или 2, выполняют вариант- № 1; на 3 или 4 - № 2; на 5 или 6 - № 3; на 7 или 8 - № 4; на 9 или 0 - № 5.
Выполнять письменные работы следует в отдельной тетради. Титульный лист должен оформляться по следующему образцу:
Кафедра Общеобразовательная языковая подготовка (к.615)
По дисциплине: Английский язык
Вариант №
Выполнил(а): студент(ка) гр.
Шифр №
Уфа 2007
Контрольные работы должны выполняться чернилами, аккуратно, чётким почерком. При выполнении контрольной работы необходимо оставлять широкие поля для замечаний, объяснений и методических указаний рецензента.
Материал контрольной работы следует располагать в тетради по следующему образцу:
Левая страница | Правая страница |
Поля задание из методических указаний | выполненное задание Поля |
Контрольные работы должны быть выполнены в той последовательности, в которой они даны в задании.
Выполненные контрольные работы необходимо направлять для проверки и рецензирования в институт в установленные сроки.
Если контрольная работа выполнена без соблюдения указаний или не полностью, она возвращается без проверки.
При получении проверенной контрольной работы от рецензента внимательно прочитайте рецензию, ознакомьтесь с замечаниями рецензента и проанализируйте отмеченные в работе ошибки.
Руководствуясь указаниями рецензента, проработайте еще раз учебный материал. Все предложения, в которых были обнаружены орфографические, лексические и грамматические ошибки, а также неточности в переводе, перепишите начисто в исправленном виде в конце данной контрольной работы.
Только после того, как будут выполнены все указания рецензента и исправлены все ошибки, можно приступить к изучению материала очередного контрольного задания и его выполнению.
Отрецензированные и исправленные контрольные работы являются учебными документами, которые необходимо сохранять.
Сообщайте своему рецензенту о всех затруднениях, возникающих у вас при самостоятельном изучении английского языка, а именно, какие предложения в тексте вызывают затруднения при переводе; какой раздел грамматики вам непонятен; какие правила, пояснения, формулировки не ясны; какие упражнения и что именно в них представляется затруднительным.
В процессе подготовки к контрольной работе рекомендуется:
- повторно прочитать теоретический материал данного пособия;
- повторно прочитать и перевести наиболее трудные тексты из материалов учебного пособия;
- выполнить упражнения в заключении каждой грамматической и лексической теме;
- проверить правильность выполнения упражнений по ключам;
- проделать тесты для самоконтроля.
1. Агабекян И.П., Коваленко П.И. Английский для экономистов. – Ростов н/Д., 2002. – 416 с.
2. Английский язык для студентов языковых вузов: Учебник / Под ред. Л.А. Кочетовой. – М., 2002. – 384 с.
3. Барановская Т.В. Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений: Учеб. пособие. – Киев, 2002. – 368 с.
4. Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Словарь-справочник. – Киев, 2002. – 352 с.
Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. – 4-е изд., - СПб., 2004. – 544 с.
- Закоморная Е.А., Яшина С.Л. Английский для экономистов. Пособие по английскому языку для студентов экономических факультетов вузов: Учеб. пособие. – М., 2003. – 128 с.
- Любимцева С.Н. Английский язык для студентов финансово-экономических вузов. Начальный курс: Учебник. – М.,2004.–296с.
Контрольное задание №1
I – й Вариант
- Распределите данные слова по 4 основным типам чтения гласных под ударением.
Card, here, tune, Kate, shy, term, lord, during, more, care, nice, Pete, run, hot, myth, pick, turn, pole, cat, type, girl, pet, hire
2. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием –s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно:
а) показатели 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present indefinite;
б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного.
в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The North Sea lies to the east.
2.The Lowland zone is a plain with slow flowing rivers.
3. Most of London s places of interest are situated to north of river Thames.
3. Напишите словами следующие числительные и даты.
а) 2,12, 20
б) Второй, двенадцатый, двадцатый
в) 4 октября 1709 года
4. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих имен прилагательных
а) small
b) good
c) beautiful
5.Перепешите предложения. Выберете английские эквиваленты местоимений, указав нужную букву.
1.Ему 18 лет.
a) his b) him c) he
2. Дай ему стакан воды
a) he b) his c) him
3. Их нет дома
a) their b) they c) them
4. Это их дом
a) them b) they c) their
5. Они посетили их вчера
a) they b) them c) their
6. Измените глагол в предложении в зависимости
I study English every day (right now, already, yesterday, when he came, by 5 o'clock yesterday, tomorrow)
7. Переведите следующие группы слов, обращая внимание на суффиксы, high - higher - highest; four - fourth - fourteen - forty;
care ~ careful - careless; practice - practical - practicable ~ practically; to work -work - worker - works; equip - equipping - equipped - equipment
8. . Выпишите из текста предложение, отмеченное звездочкой. Поставь те вопросы к каждому члену предложения.
9. Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и абзацы 3,4.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The U.K. is situated on the British Isles and located off the north western coast of mainland Europe. It consists of four geographic and historic parts - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The names U.K., Great Britain and England are often confused even by. their inhabitants. Great Britain comprises England, Scotland and Wales while the U.K. also includes Northern Ireland.
2. The .territory is 94251 sq. miles (244.110 sq. km) and traditionally divided into Highland and Eowland zone. The Highlands is
a mountainous area. The highest summit is Ben Nevis only 4.406 feet (1343 metres). The Lowland zone is a plain with slow flowing rivers. The longest river is the Thames (354 km).
3. Apart from the land border with the Irish Republic the U.K. is surrounded by water. Its climate is broadly determined by seas. It is not very cold in winter and never very hot in summer. All parts of the British Isles get a lot of rain in all seasons. There arc often thick fogs. The weather changes very fast*. The change
ability of the weather not-jonly season by season, but day by day
and even hour by hour had had a profound effect on British art andliterature. The climate is much more severe in those parts of Scotland which are not far from the Arctic Circle.
4. The U.K. is a highly industrialized country. Until quite recenttimes its main exports were coal and textiles. During the presentgeneration there has been a great change in the structure of theBritish industry. With the increase of use of oil the demand forcoal has fallen, textile industry has also suffered a great fall.On the other hand British exports of machinery, vehicles and electrical goods have vastly increased. Automobile factories, electronic equipment, chemical products - all this melee the U.K. one ofthe leading countries in the world community.
5. Agriculture is one of the most important activities in the country, four-fifths of the land is devoted to it. One of the mainbranches is dairy-farming, its products are famous all over theworld. Pig and poultry farms are common in all parts of Britain.
A considerable number of people are engaged is sheep growing, fishing, etc. But Britain herself provides only half of the food she needs.
- The population of the United Kingdom is about sixty millionpeople of various nationalities. The capital is London. Other bigimportant cities are Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester, Cardiff,Edinburgh, act.. By any standards the U.K. must be regarded as themost urbanized community. Of every 10 people in the U.K. nine liveIn towns.
- Politically, the U.K. is a parliamentary monarchy with strongdemocratic traditions Nominally the country is ruled by the Xing
or the Queen. But in fact, the real head of the state is the Prime-Minister.
II-й вариант
1.Распределите данные слова по 4 основным типам чтения гласных букв под ударением.
tap, tyrant, parents, fill, style, bone, cup, card, thirsty, store, cube, tired, tame, fur, mete, pure, fine, pet, lot, mere, thorn, gyps, pert, Byrd.
2.Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием s - в и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно:
а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в PresentIndefinite;
б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;
в)показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
- There are no high mountains in England.
- For a long time Britain remained the "world's workshop".
- It seldom snows in Britain.
3.Напишите словами следующие числительные и даты.
а) 3, 13, 30
б) третий, тринадцатый» тридцатый
в) 6 апреля 1948 года.
4. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих имен прилагательных
- thin
- bad
- difficult
5.Перепишите предложения. Выберите английские эквиваленты, местоимений, указав нужную букву..
| Ее нет | В | библиотеке | | | | |||||
| a) | her | | б) she | с) | hers | |||||
2. | Спроси ее | | об этом. | | | ||||||
| a0) | she | | b) hers | с) | her |
3) Эта шляпа ее
a) hers b) her с) she
4. Нас не было в офисе.
a) our b) us с) we
5. Это необходимо каждому из нас.
a) we b) our с) ue
6. Измените глагол в предложении в зависимости от обстоятельства времени.
I read the reference book every day (right now, already, yesterday, when he came, by 5 o'clock yesterday, tomorrow).
7. Переведите следующие группы слов, обращая внимание на суффиксы.
light - lighter - lightest; five - fifth - fifteen - fifty; fruit - fruitful - fruitless; depend - dependence - dependable -- depending; public - publication - publicity - to publish - publisher; develop - developing - developed - development.
8.Выпишите из текста предложение отмеченное звездочкой. Поставьте вопросы к каждому члену предложения.
9. Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и абзацы 4, 5. ■
1. England, the largest country of the U.K., is situated in thesouthern and middle part of the island of Great Britain. Its territory is 131.000 sq. kilometers. The traditional division of England is into Northern England, Midlands and Southern England.
3 England is mostly a lowland country. There are upland regionsin the north and south-west, but the rest of the country is flat.There are no high mountains in England, The longest river is theThames (354 km)., -
- Western winds, that blow from the Atlantic Ocean, Influence theclimate. It. is typically maritime with frequent rains, cloud-covered shies, continious fogs and strong winds. The winter is extremely mild, frosts are rare. It seldom snows and the snow neverlies for long. The summer is cool and rainy. On the whole the weather is very changeable not only day by day, but even hour by hour.
- England is a parliamentary monarchy. The Queen (Elizabeth the2-nd) reigns but she doesn't rule. The state is governed by the government in the name of the Queen. The Parliament is held in the Palace of Westminster. It consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
The capital of England is London. Its population is about 10 million people. London is the greatest port, the largest centre of industry and the most important centre of office employment by far. There are many places of interest in London. One of the tourists' centre of the city is the Trafalgar Square with the Nelson's Column. Hyde Park, 3t. Paul's Cathedral, the British Museum are well-known all over the world and attract a lot of people.
- For a long time Britain remained the "world's workshop", thefirst industrial country. England was the first country to startlarge-scale factory production. Many technical inventions of outstanding importance were put into use in England. Having accumulated colossal wealth, Britain became the "world'в banker".
- Today England is one of the leading countries in the world*.Its main branches of industry are those working for export; such
as chemical, artificial silk, motor-car, electronic equipment, etc. The technical level of these branches is very high.
- There are a lot of cattle-farms and sheep-farms In England. Theyproduce different dairy-products. Still, only half of the food thecountry needs, is produced by its agriculture.
- People in England speak the English language, the most spokenlanguage in the world. It is the official language of many countries such as the USA, Australia, New Zealand. It is the languageof the UNO. It is the language of science, literature and art. Thesymbol of England is a rose.
III-й вариант
1. Распределите данные слова по 4 основным типам чтения гласных букв под ударением.
mete, wry, secure, lamp, men, mire, store, park, ugly, smoke, term, use, life, burn, date, fork, cock, little, fare, bird, here, gymnasium, tyre, Byrd.
2. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием- в и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно:
а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Pr. indf.;
б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;
в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
- Although Scotland takes up one-third of the territory of theBritish Isles, its population is not very big.
- Scotland is divided into three regions.
- Edinburgh's places of interest are connected with the namesof Byron, Scott, Barns and Stevenson.
3. Напишите словами следующие числительные и даты.
а) 4, 14, 40
б) четвертый, четырнадцатый, сороковой.
в) 29 октября 1542 года.
4. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих имен прилагательных , .
- big
- far
- important
5. Перепишите предложения. Выберите английские эквиваленты местоимений, указав нужную букву.
1. Спроси его об этом
a) his b) he c)him
2. Это его предприятие
a) him b) his c) he
3. Его нет в офисе
a) he b) him c) his
4. Меня не было в городе
а) my Ь) i c) me
5. Дай мне лекарство
а) me b) I c) my
6. Измените глагол в предложении в зависимости от обстоятельствавремени
Не translates articles every day (right now, already, yesterday, when he came, by 5 o'clock yesterday, tomorrow).
7. Переведите следующие группы слов, обращая внимание наsmall - smaller - smallest; six - sixth - sixteen - sixty;
porr - powerful - powerless; consider - considerable - cons e-ration - considering - considerate; to advise - advice – adviser advising; achieve - achieving - achieved - achievement
- Выпишите из текста предложение, отмеченное звездочкой. Поставьте вопросы к нему.
- Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и абзацы 3.5
- Although Scotland takes up one third of the territory of theBritish Isles, its population is not very big, a little over 5million people. It's the most northern part of the island of GreatBritain. Great parts of the land, especially moorlands are not inhabited at all. Scotland is divided into three regions: the Highlands, which is the most northern area with a harsh climate, theLowlands, which is the most induatrial region, the Southern Uplands with hills which border on England.
- The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in theworld. Many valleys between the hiila are filled with lakes, cal»led lochs. The best-known is Loch-Ness, 200 metres deep, where assome people think a large monster lives. The most important cityhere is Aberdeen which is the oil centre of Scotland, connectedwith oil deposits in the North Sea.
- Two third of the world population of Scotland is concentratedin the Lowlands. The 2 biggest cities are Glasgow means a greennice place in Gaelic and Edinburgh. Glasgow is known for its shipbuilding, iron and steel industries, heavy and light engineering,coalmining, textiles. It's the biggest industrial city and an important part of the United Kingdom. But it's a grim city becauseof the dark Victorian buildings and houses, many of which are notsuitable for living and need repairing or rebuilding.
- Edinburgh has been the capital since the 15 th century. It'sthe heart of the nation. It's a banking and insurance centre.
The University of Edinburgh is very famous, it was founded in 1512.
Edinburgh is a cultural centre of Scotland. It's associated with the namee of George Gordon Byron and Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Burns and Arthur Conan Doyle. It's also associated with the international Edinburgh Festival of Music and Drama which has been held annually here since 1947.
5. Мanу people in Scotland have name McDonald or McRenzic. "Mac" means"son of and people with this name usually feel they belong to the same family or clan. One of the things that people associate with Scotland is the kilt. The kilt is a relic of the time when a clan system existed in the Highlands. Each clan has its own tartan and since the tat international gathering of the clans in 1972 many people have become interested in traditional forms of the Scottish dress.
IV-й вариант
1. Распределите данные слова по 4 основным типам чтения гласныхбукв под ударением.
nod, gymnastics, tubfi, wave, silk, curl, dare, dirty, bede, wrap, note, hire, byre, silence, bed, cure, cordial, sore, cyclone, tub, darling, cerial, Pyrd, herb
2. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием - s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно:
а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в PresentIndefinite
б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;
в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
- Traces of Celts' culture are often met in ififales.
- Remoter parts of the country shelter some mammals and birdswhich are extinct or rare.
- If a coal-miner from South fales wants a holiday in thecountry, he goes to North Wales.
3. Напишите словами следующие числительные и даты.
а) 5, 15, 50
б) пятый, пятнадцатый, пятидесятый
в) 21 февраля 1900 года.
4. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих имен прилагательных.
- remote
- old
- powerful
5. Перепишите предложения. Выберите английские эквиваленты местоимений, указав нужную букву.
I. Этот дом - наш
a) my b) our c) ours
2. Наш город очень красив
a) ours b) our c) we
3. Ей 20 лет.
a) her b) she c) hers
4. Дай ей шляпу.
a) she b) hers c) her
5. Ей нравится эта песня.a) hers b) her с) she
6. Измените глагол в предложении в зависимости от обстоятельства времени
They work in the office every day (right now, already, yestsrday, when he came, by 5 o'clock yesterday, tomorrow).
7. Переведите следующие группы слов, обращая внимание на суффиксы.
quick - quicker - quickest; seven - seventh - seventeen - seventy; hope - hopeful - hopeless; respond - response - responsible -responsibility - responsive; to help - help - helper; improve - improving - improved - improvement.
- Выпишите из текста предложение, отмеченное звездочкой. Поставьте вопросы к каждому члену предложения.
- Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и абзацу 2,4
- Wales is a country in the west of Great Britain. It has an areaof 20.760 aq.km. and a population of about 3 million people.
- On the north-south and west Wales is bounded by water and onthe east - by English counties. Its surface is largely mountainousreaching 3500 feet in Snowdon, the highest point in southern Britain, 6 per cent of Wales is covered by forest, and much of thecountry is paature-land for sheep and cattle. There are a lot oflakes in Wales; because of the mountainous nature of the country andits moist climate, its vegetation is rich and green. Moisture-loving species are found throughout Wales in great abandonee. The remoter parts of the country shelter some mammals and birds which егоeither extinct or rare elsewhere in Britain.
- Traditionally Wales is divided into North Wales and South Wales, North Wales is mountainous and its poor land is only good for sheep-farming or growing pine-woods. The sheep provide wool for local weaving industries, and the wood is used for beautiful handmade furniture. In some places slate is quarried. The north of the country has Snowdonia and could be said to have tourism as ite chief industry. South Wales is highly industrialized, with a great coal-field and large iron - and steelworks, chemical plants. There are big ports there. If a sheep-farmer from North Wales wants a holiday in a city, he goes to South '.Vales; if a coal-miner from South Wales wants a holiday in the country, or at the seaside, he goes to North Wales.
4. The capital of the country is Cardiff*. Financially, industrially and commercially Cardiff is the most important city in Wales. There persists an idea that Cardiff is dirty because it's a coal town. But the city's civic centre is sparkling clean, including the National Museum of Wales, the Law Courts and the City Hall. These buildings form one of the most impressive centres in the United Kingdom. Other big cities are Swansea, Carmarther, Cardigan, Newport. Cardiff, Swansea, Newport are also known as big ports.
6. Wales was invaded by the Celts in about the 6th century and today Welsh population is almost a separate nation, with its ownlanguage, music, and Celtic culture, English is also spoken there.The Welsh people are not very tall, strong and dark-haired. Theyhad a reputation of good fighters, whose national pride and loveof arts were fed by their mystic Druid legends. Wales has alwaysbeen known as a land of music and song. Annual competitions likeEisteddfod take place since the I2th century.
7. In the past the Welsh language waa not encouraged by the British authorities. Children who spoke Welsh at school were punished,But today many official documents are in English and Welsh. Peoplecan enjoy special TV and radio programme in Welsh.
5. Wales was invaded many times and resisted the conquerers. Under Henry VIII England and Wales were united (1536). Today Wales is one of the countries of the United Kingdom which politically is a parliamentary monarchy. According to the old tradition the eldest eon of the ruler of England has usually been designated Prince of Wales.
V-й вариант
1. Распределите данные слова по 4 основным типам чтения гласныхбукв под ударением.
admire, consult, curious, tiny, spark, atop, prepare, ahort, fresh, church, age, candle, music, my, myth, scene, girl, gift, hope, dere, her, more, tyre, Byrd
2. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием - s в и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно:
а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в PresentIndefinite
б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;
в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
- Rain fall decreases from west to east.
- The shipyards of Belfast are world femous.
- The City Hall in the centre of the square is Belfast'spride.
3. Напишите словами следующие числительные и даты.
а) I, II, 41
б) первый, одиннадцатый, сорок первый
в) 4 ноября 1898 года
4. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих имен прилагательных.
- hot
- little
- Interesting
5. Перепишите предложения. Выберите английские эквиваленты местоимений, указав нужную букву ;
I. Я не видел своего брата
a) your b) my с) mine
2. Она забыла свои обязанности
a) my b) her c) hers
3- Мы знаем свои праваа) your b) us с ) our
4. Возьми свои вещи
a) his b) mу с) your
5. Они построили свой дом
a) our b) their с) your
6. Измените глагол в предложении в зависимости от обстоятельствавремени
Ann cleans the house every day (right now, already, yesterday, when he came, by 5 o'clock yesterday, tomorrow)
7. Переведите следующие группы слов, обращая внимание на суффиксы,fine - finer - finest; eight - eighth - eighteen - eighty;success- successful - successless; respect - respectable -respectability - respecting - respective; to form - form -formation - formal; publish - publishing - published -publishment
- Выпишите из текста предложение ,отмеченное звездочкой. Поставьте вопросы к каждому члену предложения.
- Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие иабзацы 3, 4.
Northern Ireland
- Country of the U.K. lying in the northest of the island is Ireland. The Republic of Ireland bounds it on the South and West, theIrish Sea and the North Channel on the East and the Atlantic Oceanon the north. Northern Ireland's climate is temperate and maritime.Most of its weather comes from the Southwest in a series of lows,bringing the rain and clouds that often lend character to the landscape. Rainfall decreases from west to east and a relatively dryspring gives way to a wet summer and wetter winter.
- Belfast became the capital of Northern Ireland in 1920. The population is over 44000. The City Hall in the centre of Donegallsquare is Belfast's pride- a great Renaissanse palace built in1898-1906. In the front of it are statues of Queen Victoria. Belfast has theatres, a symphony orchestra, and a youth orchestra. Itpossesses a permanent art gallery.
- The economy of Northern Ireland is integrated with that of theUnited Kingdom. It3 trade is dominated by imports from and exportsto other parts of the U.K. Northern Ireland is an industrializedcountry, with manufactured goods comprising a large volume of ituexports. Industries include engineering, shipbuilding, vechile manufacture, textiles, food and beverage processing, and clothing.The shipyards of Belfast are world famous and Belfast also has chemical plants and rope factories. The city is a major port of theEritish Isles; other significant ports are Larne and Londonderry.
- Mineral resources in Northern Ireland are meagre*. It роssessesconsiderable agricultural resources which it is developing as amajor part of its economy.
- From 1921 to 1940 Northern Ireland was an openly sectarian state,controlled by the Protestant majority and ruled in its interest.
In the mid - 1960s the fragile stability of Northern Ireland began to break. Roman Catholic civil-righta protests in I960 sparked violent conflicts between the 2 groups. British forces, sent in the early 19703 to keep peace, were soon viewed by the Roman Catholic side as representatives of a foreign power. In 1972 the British Prime Minister, Edward Malth, suspended the constitution and parliament of Northern Ireland. Violence continued, reaching its peak in the early to mid - 1970s and tapering off in the 1980s. A solution that can unite the divided state remains elusive.
Контрольное задание № 2
I -й вариант
I. В каждой строчке найдите и выпишите слово, которое не рифмуется с другими
fire | mire | care | tyre |
our | flower | flour | moreeeee |
air | cure | pair | where |
pure | during | tube | cure |
where | here | dear | hear |
sure | poor | more | moor |
2. Перепишите предложения, заполнив пропуски, переведите их на русский язык.
1. I didn't know ... about how to translate thissentence.
a) something b) anything
2. Has ... seen my little brother here?
a) anybody b) somebody
3. Bring her … paper, pleas
a) some b) any
4. There is … on the table
a) anything b) something
5. Give me …book you like
a) some b) any
- Измените глагол в предложении в зависимости от обстоятельствавремени. Напишите предложения. Переведите их на русский языкThe book is written every day (right now, already, yesterday,when he came, before he came, tomorrow).
- Выберите английский эквивалент подчеркнутого модального глагола. Укажите букву.
1. Он может пересказать текст на английском языке
a) could retell b) can retell с) will be able to retell
2. Он мог прийти на собрание
a) will be able to come b) could come c) can come
3. Он сможет сделать доклад на конференции.
a) will be able to make b) could make c) can make
4. Она должна объяснить новую тему.
a) had to explain b) must explain c) will be to explain
5. Она должна была сообщить важную новость.
a) must report b) will have to report c) wag to report
6. Она должна будет собрать новые факты.
a) will have to gather b) is to gather c) was to gather
7. Можно мне остаться здесь?
a) can I stay b) may I stay c) must I stay
8. Вам можно было пользоваться словарем.. (разрешено).a) may use b) might use с) could use
5. Переведите следующие пары слов, обращая внимание на приставки.
fill - refill; possible - impossible; known - unknown; trust - mistrust; increase - decrease; indoors - outdoors; appear - disappear; act - interact.
- Выпишите из текста предложение, отмеченное звездочкой. Поставьте вопросы к каждому члену предложения
- Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и абзацы 2,3
The Higher Education in Great Britain
- Higher Education lasts three or four years. It is representedby Universities, politechnics and specialized colleges*. Todaythere are 48 Uaiversities in Great Britain while before the 2ndWorld War there were only 17.
- The oldest Universities are Oxford and Cambridge (Oxbridge)which are elite Universities. Oxbridge dif f eis f rom other Universities by employing a tutorial system and by its bias toward Artsand Humanities. A student goes to his tutor once or twice a week.The tutor discusses his work and gives him another assignment. Private study and private tuition is considered to be more importantthan lectures because each teacher has fewer students than in otherUniversities.
- Oxford appeared in 1167. It has 36 colleges. There are 31 colleges for men and only 5 colleges for women. Oxford University haabeen more religious because the primary task was to prepare clergymen. Cambridge was founded in 1209 when a group of students fromOxford moved 60 miles to the north-east and established their own University. Cambridge has a bias toward natural science and technology. Oxbridge used to take only those who belonged to anglican church. The students were to be very rich. Oxbridge has traditional colours of student uniform. Oxford has dark-blue cloths and Cambridge - light-blue.
- Red-Brick or civic Universities appeared in industrial centresonly at the end of the 19-th century. With the advance of industrialization, techniciens and scientists were needed but Oxbridgedid not produce them. Tuition is combined with industrial training,Meny of these Universities have contracts with industrial companies. There are no entrance exams, there is an interview. A student chooses himself the Subjects, he'll study. Usually, he chooses 2-3 Subjects because a student has to pay for each subject.Every lecture course is payable. The cheapest course is in economy,The most expensive course is an architecture.
- There are three kinds of degree. The first is Bacherlor's degree which is given after 3-4 years of full time study. There maybe a Bachelor of Arts(BA)-for history, literature.philosophy, theology and a Bacherlor of Science(BSc) for natural and exact sciences. There may be a Bacherlor of music and commerce. The firstPostgraduate degree is that of a Master. It is given after 1-2years of full time study. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)is given for an original contribution to knowledge. PhD is givenboth for Humanities and Sciences; for ex: PhD in physics, English,history.
II-й вариант
I. В каждой строчке найдите и выпишите слово, которое не рифмуется с другими
Main | say | they | dine |
moon | rule | spoon | book |
brown | sound | out | know |
work | girl | fur | walk |
coy | soil | nojb e | stop |
cheer | steer | stare | deer |
2. Перепишите предложения, заполнив пропуски, переведите их на
русский язык,
I. Have you get ... friends here?
a) any b) some
- ... students prepare their lessons here.a) some b) any
- Is there ... here?
a) somebody b) anybody
4. ... has happened to him.
a) anything b) something
5. You may take ... book from the shelf.
a) some b) any
3. Измените, глагол в предложении в зависимости от обстоятельств а времени. Напишите предложения. Переведите их на русский язык.
The letters are answered every day (right now, already, yesterday, when he came, before he came, tomorrow)
4. Выберите английский эквивалент подчеркнутого модального глагола. Укажите букву.
1. Мой брат может бегать быстро
a) could run b) will be able to run c) can run
2. Она могла ответить на вопросы
a) can answer b) will be able to answer c) could answer
3. Он сможет принимать участие в соревнованиях
a) will be able to take part b) could take part c) can take part
4. Мы должны пойти на тренировку
a) had to go b) must go c) will be to go
- Она должна была приехать сюда следующей веснойa) must come b) will have to come c) was to come
- Вы должны будете ждать очень долго
a) will have to wait b) are to wait c) were to wait
7. Можно оставить ребенка с ней?
a) can I leave b) may I leave с) might I leave
8. Ей можно было пользоваться телефономa) may use b) might use с) could use
5. Переведите следующие пары слов, обращая внимание на приставки.
heat - reheat; definite - indefinite; numerable - innumerable; familiar - unfamiliar; count - miscounts; arrange -derrange; inside - outside; agree - disagree,; change - interchange
- Выпишите из текста предложение, отмеченное звездочкой. Поставьте вопросы к каждому члену предложения.
- Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и абзацы 3,4
- United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, This means that ithas a monarch (a queen) as its Head, of State. The monarch reignswith the support of Parliament. Everything is done in the Queen's name. It's her government, her armed forces, her law courts and soon. She appoints all the Ministers, including the Prime Minister.Everything is done however on the advice of the elected Government, and the monarch takes no part in the decision-making process.
- Parliament consists of two chambers known as the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Parliament and the monarch have different roles in the government of the country. In reality, theHouse of Commons is the only one of three which is true power. It'ahere that new bills are introduced and debatedt If the majority ofthe members are not in favour of a bill it goes to the House ofLords to be debated and finally to the monarch to be signed. Onlythen it becomes Act of Parliament and the Law of the Land.
The House of Commons is made up of 650 elected members known asMembers of Parliament (MPs), each of whom represents an area in England, Scottland, Wales or Northern Ireland. MPs are elected for 5years at a general election or at a by-election following the deathor retirement of an M.P. The political parties chooee candidates inelections. The party which wine the majority of seats forms theGovernment and its leader usually becomes Prime Minister. The PrimeMinister chooses about 20 Members of Parliament for his party tobecome the Cabinet of Ministers. The House of Commons is presidedover by the speaker a member acceptable to the whole House . Ееdoesn't belong to any party. MPs have to catch the Speaker's eyewhen they want to speak, then rise from where they have been sitting to address the House. All the speeches begin "Mister Speaker Sir"
- The House of Lords consists of 1100 members. Lost of the membersare hereditary peers:dukes, marquises, earls, barons. The Ноuse ofLords is the highest Court of Appeal. The chairman of the House ofLords is the Lord Chancellor and he aits on a special seat calledthe V/ooleack. The members of the House of Lords debate a bill after it has been passed by the House of Comnons. The Lords' mainpower consists of being able to delay non-financial bill for a period of a year, but they can also introduce certain types of bill.
- Kowaday in Great Britain there are 3 main political partiesttheConservative Party, the Liberal Party and the Labour Party. TheConservative Party, often called the Tory Party, ia that of bigbusiness, industry, commerce and landowners. The party representsthose who believe in private enterprise aa opposed to state* -ownedundertakings. The Tories are a mixture of the rich and privileged -- the monopolists and landowners. The Conservative Party is themost powerful and is often called a party of 6 directors.
- The Labour Party departa ultraleft ideals, promises to increasetaxes for the rich and to increase benefits for families with children and pensioners. The Labour Party is composed mainly of trade-union members. Although the Labour Party members call themselves socialists, the action of the Labour Party tends to support reformed capitalism.
- The Liberal Party enjoys the support of 15 % of voters. It admits the existence of the market economy. The Liberal Party Is small in size, it represents the interests of liberal bourgeoisiesand its relations with the Tory and the Labour Party are complex
III-й вариант
В каждой строчке найдите и выпишите слово, которое не рифмуется с другими.
gay | fail | bite | great |
sour | power | hour | hair |
dare | deer | fair | parents |
leer | fewer | curable | duration |
deer | dear | here | there |
tourist | a our | fluent | moor |
2. Перепишите предложения, заполнив пропуски, переведите их на
русский язык.
I Is there ... salt on the table?
a) some b) any
2. …children don't like to play.
a) any b) some
3. There wasn’t … in street.
a) somebody b) anybody
4) She bought …for you, my mild.
a) anything b) something
5.You may choose ... cup which attracts you.a) some b) any
3.Измените глагол в предложении в зависимости от обстоятельства времени. Напишите предложения. Переведите их на русский язык.
The doctor is sent for every day (right now, already, yesterday, when he came, before he came, tomorrow).
4. Выберите английский эквивалент подчеркнутого модального глагола. Укажите букву.
1. Она может играть в баскетбол очень хорошо.
a) could play b) can play с) will be able to play
2. Она могла достать только 2 билета.
a) can get b) will be able to get c) could get
3. Она сможет перевести эту статью.
a) will be able to translate b) could translate c) can translate
4. Девочка должна идти домой немедленно.
a) had to go b) must go c) will be able to go
5. Папа должен был принести новый журнал вчера, но он забыл,a) must bring b) will have to bring c) was to bring
6. Они должны будут купить новый автомобиль.
a) will have to buy b) is to buy c) were to buy
7. Можно мне съесть все это?
a) Can I eat b) May I eat с) Might I eat
8. Вам можно было заниматься здесь.
a) may study. b) could sturdy с) might study
5. Переведите следующие пары слов, обращая внимание на приставки, make - remake; official - inofficial; equal - unequal; behave -- misbehave; mobilize - demobilize; inset - outset; charge - dis- charge; flow - interflow.
- Выпишите из текста предложение, отмеченное звездочкой. Поставьте вопросы к каждому члену предложения.
- Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и абзацы 3,4
- The British economy is primarily based on private enterprise .The national economy of Great Britain is vitally dependent on foreign trade. Moreover, this dependence is growing in recent years.About a third of the industrial products of the country is exported.
- Agriculture supplies nearly two-thirds of the country's food.LCore than two-thirds of the arable land and pastures belong to thelandlords. Middle and small-scale holdings give the bulk of theagricultural produce. The crop is mainly concentrated in the eastern parts of the country. Barley prevails inthe east and southeast. The potato crop is widespread all throughout the country.Large-scale potato and vegetable production Is undertaken in theeastern and south-eastern parts of England. Great Britain а1sо produces meete, egsa, milk products, sugar. The fishing industryprovides about 70 % of British fieh supplies and is an importantsource of income in a number of ports, especially those situated onthe North Sea Shore.
- Manufacturing plays a vital role in the British economy. Thegreater parts of the iron and steel and shipbuilding industries arenationalized. Britain's non-ferrous metal processing and fabricating industry is one of the largest in Western Europe. Its majorproducts are aluminium, refined copper, lead and primary zinc. Themechanical engineering industry manufactures all types of non-electrical machinery, machine tools, industrial engines. Over half theindustry's production is for the home market.
- The motor vehicle is the largest single manufacturing Industryin Britain and still a major exporting one. Output of cars and commercial vehicles is dominated by four lar.je monopoly groups: Rover,Ford, Vauxhall and Peugeot-Talbot, which account for over 96 % ofcar production in the country. Britain is a major producer end exporter of agricultural tractors, especially of wheeled tractors.
- The chemical industry is developing intensively and accounte for16 % of British manufacturing exports, piecing the country among themajor chemical exporting nations of the world. The chenical industry manufactures all kinds of chemicals, soap, detergents, lubricating cils and greases, mineral cil refining.
- Britain's aerospace industry is one of the largest and most comprehensive in Western Europe. The products of the industry includecivil and military aircraft, helicopters, guided weapons, spacevehicles.
- Among other manufacturing industries of Great Britain there arethe textile industry and leather and footwear industry, the food,drink and tobacco industries, paper and board manufacture.
- Historically, the whole country consists of eight economic regions: the South Industrial and Agricultural region, Central England or the Midlands, Lancashire, Yorkshire and North England,Wales, Scotland end Northern Ireland.
IV-й вариант
1. В каждой строчке найдите и выпишите слово, которое не рифмуется с другими.
measure clever leisure pleasure
height eight late wait
blood food mood book
here clear perfume engineer
hare bear there when
rose stop yellow sofa
2. Перепишите предложения, заполнив пропуски, переведите их на русский язык.
- ... of us could answer this difficult question.a) some b) any
- I know ... about it.
a) anything b) something
- Mother will be glad if you invite ... else to join us.a) anybody b) somebody
- There isn't ... in the room,a) somebody b) anybody
- You may come at ... time that is convenient to you.■ a) some b) any
3.Измените глагол в предложении в зависимости от обстоятельства времени. Напишите предложения. Переведите их на русский язык.
The work is done every day (right now, already, yesterday, when he came, before he came, tomorrow).
4. Выберите английский эквивалент подчеркнутого модельного глагола. Укажите букву.
1. Он может сделать это сейчас.
a) could do b) can do с) will be able to do
2. Он мог сделать это, если бы он постарался.
a) can do b) will be able to do c) could do
- Она сможет собрать много яблок в следующем году.a) will be able to pick b) could pick c) can pick
- Он должен отправить письмо немедленно.
a) had to post b) must post c) will be able to post
5. Они должны были встретиться в 7 часов.
a) must meet b) will have to meet c) were to meet
6. Она должна будет остаться дома.
a) will have to stay b) is to stay c) was to stay
7. Можно девочке поиграть на пианино?
а) саn the girl play b) may the girl play c) might the girl play.
8. Вам можно было пойти туда.
a) may go b) might go с) could go
- Переведите следующие пары слов обращая внимание на приставки,build-rebuild; dependent-independent; mobile-unmobile;expected - unexpected; apply - misapply; appreciate - depreciate;inlet - outlet; arm - disarm.
- Выпишите из текста предложение, отмеченное звездочкой. Поставьте вопросы к каждому члену предложения.
- Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и абзацу 1,2,4
Traditions and Holidays
- One of the most characteristic features of Englishmen is theirtraditions which they respect, and which they kept for centuries.The traditions don't only accumulate the experience and wisdom ofmany generations, but they bring some stability into the rapidlychanging world.
2.The Englishmen have sentimental love for all old things. Theykeep fireplaces in their houses instead of central heating. In theHouse of Lords, Chansellor sits on a sack of wool. This traditioncomes from the old times when sheep made England rich and powerful.In the House of Commons there are two rows of benches: one row isfor the government and the other one is for the opposition. The benches are divided by a strip of carpet in order to prevent two parties from fighting during the debates in old times. Even the Legislation of the country is traditional. It includes many laws that haven't been changed for centuries .
- Numerous clubs that unite people of various interests presentone more traditional feature of Great Britain. Englishmen like tospend their time reading, talking, discussing traditional matters:politics, sports and weather over a glass of beer.
- British buses are double-decked and red, mail-boxes are yellow,the cars keep to the left side of the road - all these are traditions. Englishmen have their five-o'clock tea not only at home orat their offices, but also in tea-rooms or tea-shops, which can befound everywhere.
- There are only six public holidays in Great Britain when peopledon't work. They are Christmas (X-mas), Boxing Day, Good Friday,Easter Monday, Spring Bank Holiday and Late Bank Holiday. The NewYear is also a public holiday in Scotland.
- Besides public holidays there are other festivals and anniversaries, for example Pancake Day, Saint Valentine's Day, Mother's Day.But these are not days off.
- Valentine's Day is becoming more and more popular in our countrytoo. It is celebrated on the 14th of February? when every young manor woman thinks about their heart. On this day you can buy cards oryou can make cards yourselves - it depends on how much you are Inlove with somebody and it says "To my darling Valentine", but youdon't sign it. You might write. "I love you, derling", "Love fromNick. Then you send it to e" person whom you are in love, they maynot even know it, and the only way to guess is the address on theenvelope.
V-й вариант
I. каждой строчке найдите и выпишите слово, которое не рифмуется
great | fate | candle | saint |
deep | dean | bread | Pete |
plume | soon | lock | rule |
snow | told | float | fog |
low | how | round | brown |
where | Kary | chair | clear |
2. Перепишите предложения, заполнив пропуски, переведите их на русский язык.
1. Can you see ... on that wall?
a) something b) anything
2. ... is waiting for you.
a) anyone b) someone
- There isn't ... milk in the jug.a) some b) any
- Buy me ... new magazines.
a) some b) any
5. ... of us can speak English well,a) some b) any
3. Измените глагол в предложении в зависимости от обстоятельствавремени. Напишите предложения. Переведите их на русский язык.
The texts are read every day (right now, already, yesterday, when he came, before he came, tomorrow).
4. Выберите английский эквивалент подчеркнутого модального глагола.
Укажите букву.
1. Он может закончить работу вовремя.
a) could finish b) can finish с) will be able to finish
2. Он мог плавать хорошо в прошлом году.
a) can swim b) will be able to swim c) could swim
3. Он сможет открыть свой бизнес.
a) will be able to open b) could open c) can open
4. Она должна посоветоваться с доктором.
a) had to consult b) must consult c) will be able to consult
5. Она должна была приехать завтра.
a) must arrive b) will have to arrive c) was to arrive
Она должна будет навестить их
a) will have to visit b) is to visit c) was to visit
7. Модно мне подождать здесь?
a) Can I wait b) Kay I wait c) Kight I wait
8. Им можно было остаться здесь.
a) may stay b) might stay c) could stay
5. Переведите следующие пары слов, обращая внимание на приставки.
produce - reproduce; noral - immoral; popular - unpopular; belief - misbelief; tune - detune; inline - outline; approve -disapprove; mix - intermix
6. Выпишите из текста предложение, отмеченное звездочкой. Поставьте вопросы к каждому члену предложения.
7. Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и абзацы 2,4
Places of interest in London
1. London, the capital city of the United Kingdom, dominates thelife of Britain. There are many places of interest in London. Trafalgar square is one of the tourists' centres of the city. In themiddle of the Square there is Nelson's Column erected in 1840s to celebrate the victory of Admiral Kelson at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The north side of the square is formed by the long, low National Gallery, which is rich in paintings by Italian masters such as Raphael and Veronese. Admission is free.
- A wide street called the Mall runs south-weat of the square andleads to the Buckingham Palace, which is the British monarch'smain residence in London. Today the Palace contains 600 rooms andis never open to the public. The Royal Standard flying above itindicates that monarch is in residence. The Changing of Guard atthe palace is one of the most important attractions. It starts at11.30 a.m. and lasts for half an hour. The troops weer their traditional bearskins and scarlet tunics.
- Whitehall, running south of Trafalgar Square, is a street ofgovernment offices. If you walk along it, you will see on yourright the famous Downing Street, a row of 18-th century houses. No I0 is the official residence of the British Prime Minister.
- Whitehall and Parliament Street lead into Parliament Square withthe Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. The square has many statues, including Richard the Lion-Hearted, Oliver Cromwell, Abraham Lincoln and other famous statesmen. The Preaent Houses of Parliament occupy the site of the old palace and received the name the Palace of У/estminster. It has two miles of corridors, and more than I.000 rooms. When Parliament is sitting, a flag flies from the Victoria Tower and a light shines by night. 'The Houses of Parliament contain the universal symbol of London, Big Ben. It la the name of the 13,5 ton bell on which the hours are struck.
Westminster Abbey is an ancient church where most British rno-narchs have been crowned. It ia also a burrial place of kings andqueens. Many outstanding people such as Geuffrey Chaucer, JharlesDickens and others are buried in a poet's Corner.
6.The Tower of London ia one of the most ancient buildings. Itwas founded in the Il-th century by William the Conqueror*. Рогmany centuries the Tower hac been a fortress, a palace, a prisonand a royal treasury. Today it is a museum of arms and armour
Контрольное задание .* 3
Вариант I
I. Найдите и выпишите из трех слов, находящихся справа, то, которое произносится как слово слева.
bear beer bare
caught cord court
fair fare fear
flour flare flower
groan groin growing
2. Перепишите предложения, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1). То work is useful
2). The main purpose of computers is to solve complex
problems quickly.
3). The Russian science was the first to make great contribution
to the development of space technology.
4). She went there to study physics.
3. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните' герундий и причастие I. Укажите их функцию в предложении.
1). Do you mind my closing the window?
2). I saw him dancing the twist.
3). He has had very much experience in teaching.
4). The rain prevented her from coming.
5). She is a loving mother.
4. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов.
1). We saw them entering the building.
2). The boys are seen playing football.
3). The weather being fine, we went for a walk.
4). The work done, they went home.
5. Перепишите и письменно переведите условные предложения.
1). I'll give you the book on condition you return it next week.
2). If he were here, he would help us.
3).She would, not have caught cold if she had put on a warm coat.
6. Распределите слова по частям речи.
higher, writer, length, twelvth, different, movement.
7. Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и абзацу 3,4,6
1. The United States of America is located in the central part of North America. Its area is 9.363.200 km . Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.
- The territory of the US can be divided into three big аrеas:eastern area - a highland including Apalachian Mountains; thecentral area - a plain, and a western area which is mountain ousand includes the Rocky mountains, Sierra Nevada and the Andes.
- The five great lakes are situated in the north-western partof the US. Lakes Superior, Hauron, Michigan, Erie, Ontario areconnected by natural channels which are cut by rapids. The greatest of these rapids is the Niagara Falls. The five lakes have an outlet into the Atlantic Ocean by the St. Lawrence River. The central part constitutes the basin of the Mississippi River. Its main tributaries are the Missouri and Ohio Rivers. The Mississippi is the longest river in the world (7,300 km). The rivers in the western part of the US are unsuitable for navigation. The largest among them are the Columbia and Colorado Rivers. They flow through deep canyons.
- The US were founded on July 4 th, 1776. Now it is a federation of 50 states. Each state has its own government and its owncapital city. The population of the country totals more than228 million people who are called Americans.
- The capital of the USA is Washington named after the firstPresident of the country George Washington. The capital is situated on the junction of two rivers the Potomac and Anacostia.It is not large piece of land.
- The Americans speak English. But it's not pure English. There is some specific pronunciation because of some rules in American English. But people speaking English can easily understand each other despite of the dialects.
Вариант II
1.Найдите и выпишите из трех слов, находящихся справа то, которое произносится как слово слева.
heel hill hail heal
hire higher high hair
mist mess must missed
one when won own
pail pale pile peel
2. Перепишите предложения, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1). То skate is pleasant.
2). Our intention is to charter a steamer immediately.
3). The captain was the last who left the ship.
4). They sent him to Spain to learn Spanish.
3. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните герундий и причастие I.Укажите их функцию в предложении.
1). Do you enjoy listening to music?
2). We visited a plant producing tractors.
3). Try to avoid reading in a bad light.
4). The rising sun was hidden by the clouds.
5). It's no use crying over spilt milk.
4. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов.
1). We watched him slowly approaching the gate
2). This problem was thought solved.
3) The sun having risen, they continued their way.
4). The signal given, the train started.
5. Перепишите и письменно переведите условные предложения.
1). If the weather is fine tomorrow we shall go picking mushrooms.
2). We should start loading the goods on Monday, if we received the documents
3). If he had known it, he wouldn't have gone there
6. Распределите слова по частям речи.
lighter, worker, strength, eleventh, persistent, experiment.
7. Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и абзацы 3,4,5
American Government
- Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government,is made up of the Senate and the Housa of Representatives.There are 100 Senators, two from each state.
- The House has 435 members. They are elected every two yearsfor two-year term. The candidate who wins the largest number of votes in a Congressional district during the election is the winner.
- Congress makes all laws, and each house of Congress has thepower to introduce legislation. Each can also vote against legislation passed by the other because legislation only becomeslaw if both houses agree, compromise between them ia necessary.Congress decidea upon taxes and how money is spent. It regulatescommerce among the states and with foreign countries.
- The President of the U.S. is elected every four years to afour-year term of office, with no more than two full terms allowed. He is elected directly by the voters (through state election). The President's policies must be approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate before they can become law. The President also appoints the heads of executive departments who serve as long аs the President wants him or her to. When they meet together, they are termed "the President's Cabinet".
5. The third branch of the government, in addition to the legislative (Congress) and executive (President) branches, is thefederal judiciary. Its main instrument is the Supreme Court whichdetermines whether or not laws and acts are in accordance withthe Constitution. The Supreme Court consists of a chief justice and eight associate justices. A decision of the Supreme Court consists be changed neither by the President nor by Congress.
6. The USA has two- party system. The two leading Parties are the Democrats and Republicans. Sometimes, the Democrats are thought of as associated with labour, and the Republicans with business and industry. Republicans also tend to oppose the greater involvement of the federal government in some areas of public life which they consider to be the responsibility of the states. Democrats tend to favor a more active role of the central government in social matter.
Вариант Ш
1. Найдите и выпишите из трех слов, находящихся справа то, которое произносится как слово слева.
peace pies peas piece
pear peer pier pair
road wrote rude rode
sail seal sell aale
sent scent send saint
2. Перепишите предложения, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1). То drive a car in a big city ia difficult.
2). His desire is to sign the contract.
3). He was the first man to swim the Channel.
4). My elder son went their to get some information.
3. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните герундий и причастие I.Укажите их функцию в предложении.
1). I suggested going by sea, but he wouldn't hear of it.
2). All people watched the flying plane.
3). She gave up driving a car after the accident.
4). The man smoking a cigarette is my brother.
5). He tried hard and he succeded in getting a good mark.
4. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов.
1) She heard him coming up the stairs.
2) This method Is regarded as affording good results.
3). My sister having loat the key, we couldn't enter the house.
4) Knowing English well the engineer was able to read the documents without any help.
5. Перепишите и письменно переведите условные предложения.
1). We shall be grateful if you send us the catalogue.
2). If the quality of equipment were higher, the results
would be more accurate.
3). You could have used valuable data in your work if you had
obtained the necessary book.
6. Распределите слова по частям речи.
better, discoverer, width, ninth, dependent, department.
7. Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и абзацы 1,3,4
The Economy of the USA
1. The American economy had to be built from the ground up. Today,the American economy no longer dominatee the world as it clearlydid earlier . Despite its fears that it is no at the top in almost area anymore, America remains the world leader in a greatmany. Among these are, for instance, biochemical and geneticengineering, aerospace research and development, communications,computer and information services, and similar high-technologyfields. America's private industries are doing quite well. American .firms which sell passenger aircraft or computers retain the largest share of the world market.
- The USA is also the world's leading agricultural nation. America is the biggest supplier of grains, growing about 20 % ofall the world's wheat, corn, oats and sorghum. It exports alsodairy products, meat, vegetable fats and oils, soybeans.
- The rapid progress of American industry and agriculture maybe also traced to a characteristic which has often been calledtypically American. This is the constant willingness to experiment, combined with the desire to find new solutions to old problems.
- The American blue-collar worker is among the highest paid inthe world, and his benefits and pensions also make him one of themost expensive. The average production worker in the U.S. earns S 9.50 an hour. In addition, many firms in the U.S. have profit-sharing plans for their employees. Through these agreements, employees receive a certain percentage of the profit the company makes. Profit shares may be paid out in cash or company stock or may be put into a trust fund and distributed to participants at retirement. Proctor and Gamble, Eastman Koddak Company and others started this kind of profit-sharing in the early 20-th century.
Вариант IV
1. Найдите и выпишите из трех слов, находящихся справа то, которое произносится как слово слева.
2. Перепишите предложения, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) . То walk is useful
2). Our aim is to master English.
3). Popov was the firet to invent the radio.
4). They decided to regulate the relations.
3. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните герундий и причастие I.Укажите их функцию в предложении.
1). Would you mind lending me twenty dollars?
The secretary, typing a letter, is my close friend.
It's no use waiting.
He sat in the arm-chair reading a magazine.
5). I promised to be early, but I couldn't help being late.
4. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастных
1). We saw him looking for,something on the ground.
2). The professor being ill, the lecture was put off.
3). The girl was heard playing the piano.
4). We completed our experiment with the data being published.
5. Перепишите и письменно переведите условные предложения.1). If he comes, I shall ask him to wait.
2). We should be obliged if you acknowledged receipt of this letter.
3). If you had answered the questions, you would have won the prize.
6. Распределите слова по частям речи.
quicker, teacher, growth, tenth, permanent, settlement.
7. Прочитайте текст. Перепишите и письменно переведете заглавие и абзацы2,3,4
New York City
- New York is the largest US city and a major economic, financial, scientific, political, cultural, transport and trade centreof the country with the population of 16 million if we count thesuburbs.
- The first view of the city from the sea is the bronze Statueof Liberty, presented to the USA by Prance in 1886. The Statueis about 50 metres high and stands on a pedestal of almost thesame height. Its torch towers about 60 metres above the harbourand can be seen at night for many miles. A New American Immigration museum was opened at the base of the statue.
- New York is divided into five districts enjoying a certainindependence. They are Manhatten, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn andRichmond. The heart of the city is Manhattan. Wall street, thefinancial heart of the city is here. The New York Stock Exchange,customs office, the largest banks and the Boards of numerousCompanies are located in Wall Street. Avenues divide Manhattanstreets into east and west. The avenues are crossed by 200streets running almost paralleled to each other and numberedfrom south to north. Fifth Avenue starts at the Washington Arch.Between the 20-th and 60-th streets it is a street of shops anddepartment stores. After 110-th Street it passes through Harlem,where the majority of the population are the blacks and PuertoRicans.
- Bronx in the North is a residential rather than an industrialpart of the city. Queens in the east is both residential and industrial. Brooklyn is the largest in population, about 3 millionpeople have their homes there, thus giving rise to its nickname"the bedroom of New York". Richmond over the bay is a borough ofpiers and warehouses. Its population is only 295 000.
- The best-known museums, the Metropolitan Museum of Art andthe Museum of Modern Art, Madison Square Garden, the centre ofsports, the Metropolitan Opera House, the Radio-City concerthalls attract many visitors to New-York. The headquarters of theUnited Nations is located in New York as well.
- More than 300 thousand students study at the New York institutions of higher education including such big ones as the University of Columbia, the New York University and New York citycollege.
Вариант V
I. Найдите и выпишите из трех слов, находящихся справа то, произносится как слово слева.
sale | sell | seal | sail |
piece | peace | pies | peas |
week | wick | weak | wake |
heal | hail | hill | heel |
fare | fear | fair | fewer |
2.Перепишите предложения, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1). То sleep well is necessary for health.
2). The main purpose of the telephone is to make communication easy.
3). He was the last to know the truth.
4). She asked us to help with her luggage.
3. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните герундий и причастив I
Укажите их функцию в предложении.
1). While reading he made notes.
2). Why do you keep looking back?
3). This method is regarded as affording good results.
4). The taxi-driver couldn't avoid hitting the old woman
4. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов.
1). Mother met her daughter shouting something loudly.
2). Having packed the things, he hurried to the station.
3). My partner having taken a credit, we were able to open a new shop.
4). The professor is considered as delivering interesting lectures.
5. Перепишите и письменно переведите условные предложения.
1). He won't go there unless he is invited.
2) If she came,. I should be glad.
3). The economic effect would have been increased many times,
if the service life of the instrument had been prolonged.
6. Распределите слова по частям речи.
smaller, adviser, wealth, twentieth, confident, engagement
7.Прочитайте текст. Перепишите письменно переведите заглавие и абзацы 1,3,4.
Holidays in the USA
1. People in every culture celebrate holidays. In the United States the word "holiday" is synonymous with "celebration". Although the word-"holiday" literally means "holy day", most American holidays are not religious. In the strict sense there are no national holidays in the United States. Sach of the • JjO states has jurisdiction over its holidays. In practice most states observe the federal ("legal") public holidays.
2. Ten holidays per year are proclaimed by the federal government as public holidays;