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185. Vale David. PictureGrammar for Children. Starter: Topic-based Grammar Practice. - Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2008. - 48 p.


186. Vine Barbara. The Chimney Sweeper's Boy. - London: Penguin Books, 2007. - 439 p.


187. Volkov Solomon. Shostakovich and Stalin: The Extraordinary Relationship between the Great Composer and the Brutal Dictator / Translated from the Russian by Antonina W. Bouis. - London: A Little, Brown Book, 2005. - 370 p.

От издателя: Book Description“Music illuminates a person and provides him with his last hope; even Stalin, a butcher, knew that.” So said the Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich, whose first compositions in the 1920s identified him as an avant-garde wunderkind. But that same singularity became a liability a decade later under the totalitarian rule of Stalin, with his unpredictable grounds for the persecution of artists. Solomon Volkov—who cowrote Shostakovich’s controversial 1979 memoir, Testimony—describes how this lethal uncertainty affected the composer’s life and work.

Volkov, an authority on Soviet Russian culture, shows us the “holy fool” in Shostakovich: the truth speaker who dared to challenge the supreme powers. We see how Shostakovich struggled to remain faithful to himself in his music and how Stalin fueled that struggle: one minute banning his work, the next encouraging it. We see how some of Shostakovich’s contemporaries—Mandelstam, Bulgakov, and Pasternak among them—fell victim to Stalin’s manipulations and how Shostakovich barely avoided the same fate. And we see the psychological price he paid for what some perceived as self-serving aloofness and others saw as rightfully defended individuality.

This is a revelatory account of the relationship between one of the twentieth century’s greatest composers and one of its most infamous tyrants.

188. White Kate. A Body to Die For. - New York: Warner Books, 2009. - 365 p.

Аннотация: Какая женщина не мечтает провести недельку в шикарном отеле со спа? Отдохнуть, расслабиться… Как бы не так! Скорее - споткнуться о труп известной нью-йоркской красавицы, которую, похоже, мечтали убить все. Неверный любовник… Оскорбленный муж… Доведенные до отчаяния служащие отеля… Кто еще попадет в список подозреваемых?

189. White Kate. Over Her Dead Boby. - New York: Warner Books, 2009. - 444 p.

Аннотация: Главный редактор знаменитого журнала мод Мона Ходжес. Оракул для миллионов восторженных читательниц. Тиран, превративший в кромешный ад жизнь всех несчастных подчиненных! Ах, сколько коллег, соперников и завистников мечтали о ее смерти - желательно мучительной и насильственной! Но кто-то из них, похоже, решился претворить свои мечты в жизнь... Кто же он - убийца, который принес избавление многочисленным жертвам Моны? Расследование ведет сотрудница глянцевого журнала, отлично разбирающаяся в моде. Неужели знание последних сплетен и скандальчиков мира "от-кутюр" поможет раскрыть преступление?

190. Wilde Oscar. Complete Short Fiction / Edited by Ian Small. - London: Penguin Books, 2003. - 279 p.


191. The Wicked Wit of Oscar Wilde / Compiled by Maria Leach. - London: Michael O'Mara Books Limited, 2007. - 153 p.

От издателя: As a wit, Wilde lived by his own maxim: "There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." A century after he left that world, he is not only still talked about, but widely quoted. This tribute marks the centenary of his death.

192. The Wicked Wit of Winston Churchill / Compiled, Edited and Introduced by Dominique Enright. - London: Michael O'Mara Books Limited, 2001. - 160 p.

Аннотация: Книга цитат, острот и изречений Уинстона Черчеля.

193. The Wordsworth Book of Limericks / Selected and edited by Linda Marsh. - London: Wordsworth Classics, 2009. - 429 p.


194. Yates Irene. Collins ABC Dictionary: age 3+ / Illustrated by Chris Fisher. - London: Harper Collins Publishers, 2005. - 63 p.

Аннотация: Азбука на английском языке для детей от 3-х лет.

195. Young Louisa. Baby Love. - London: HarperCollinsPublishers, 2009. - 230 p.

От издателя: A fast-paced literary thriller in which ex-belly dancer Evangeline's fight to protect three-year-old Lily draws her into the seedy underworld of her past - the first book in Louisa Young's celebrated Anglo-Egyptian trilogy of Evangeline Gower novels. Evangeline is a single parent whose child is the daughter of her sister, who was killed in a motorbike accident. Evangeline, who was driving the bike, sustained injuries which put an end to her belly dancing career. She now leads an exemplary life, writing and looking after Lily. But when she gets into trouble with the police, she is drawn into the shadowy world of drug dealers, pornographers and bent coppers that seems to have bizarre connections with her sister's past. With a plot that makes you rush to the end, this is a thriller without violence, a romance without sentiment and a brilliantly exciting novel.