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8. Andersen Hans Christian. The Snow Queen / Retold by Lesley Sims. Illustrated by Alan Marks. - London: Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2004. - 63 p. - (Usborne Young Reading: Series Two).


9. Asimov Isaac. I, Robot. - London: Bantam Books, 2009. - 272 p.

Аннотация: Сборник рассказов "Я, робот" - один из самых известных сборников классика американской фантастической литературы Айзека Азимова. В нем впервые были разработаны три закона робототехники, ставшие впоследствии традиционными для всех писателей-фантастов.

10. Asimov Isaac. The Naked Sun. - London: Bantam Books, 2009. - 269 p.

Аннотация: На планете Солярия совершено убийство. Обстоятельства преступления таковы, что жители планеты, презирающие землян, вынуждены пригласить для его расследования детектива с Земли - Элайджу Бэйли. Землянин не только раскрывает им глаза на причины преступления, но и осознает те опасности, которые несет в себе образ жизни, выбранный солярианами...

11. Atwood Margaret. Bodily Harm. - London: Vintage Books, 2007. - 301 p.

От издателя: The story of Rennie Wilford, a young journalist running from her life, who takes an assignment to a tiny Caribbean island and is confronted by a world where her rules for survival no longer apply.

When the burnt-out Yankee Paul (does he smuggle drugs or hustle for the CIA?) offers her a no-hooks, no strings affair that promises to distract her from the rising tension of the local elections she finds herself caught up in a lethal web of corruption...

12. Autobiographies: Modern Writers. Explore their Lives / Selected and edited by Linda Marsh. – New York: Longman, 2009. – 150 p.

Аннотация: Автобиографии современных американских писателей.

13. Axelrod Alan. 1001 People Who Made America. - Washington: National Geographic, 2007. - 351 p.

От издателя: Most of the individuals included here made positive contributions to the nation's development: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., but others are known for their negative impact: Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Leon Czolgosz. Axelrod highlights the famous and infamous in government, business, sports, entertainment, literature, art, and science.

14. Baldick Chris. The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. - 357 p.

От издателя: From Jacques Derridas différance to Henry Jamess ficelle, the vocabulary of literary theory and criticism can seem difficult if not opaque. To help remedy the average readers bafflement, this new Third Edition of Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms provides succinct and often witty explanations of almost twelve hundred terms, covering everything from the ancient dithyramb to the contemporary dub poetry, from the popular bodice-ripper to the aristocratic masque, and from the social realism of Stalins era to the magic realism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

15. Beauty & the Beast / Retold by Louie Stowell. Illustrated by Victor Tavares. - London: Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2006. - 63 p. - (Usborne Young Reading: Series Two).

Ключевые слова: ДЕТСКАЯ СКАЗКА

16. Betrayed / P. C. Cast, Cast Kristin. - New York: Atom Books, 2009. - 392 p. - (House of Night; Book Two).

Аннотация: Зои Редберд удается прижиться в Доме Ночи - интернате для вампиров-недолеток. Зои открывает в себе могущественные силы, которые сопровождает растущая жажда крови, и у нее наконец-то появляется новый парень - и даже целых два! Кажется, все идет прекрасно, но неожиданно в Дом Ночи приходит смерть, и Зои должна найти в себе мужество для борьбы с предательством, которое разбивает ей сердце, ранит душу и разрушает весь ее мир.

17. Bingham Harry. This Little Britain. - London: Fourth Estate, 2009. - 362 p.

От издателя: For the British, ‘Who are we?’ is an oddly difficult question. Although our national self-assessment usually notes a number of good points (we’re inventive, tolerant and at least we’re not French), it lists a torrent of bad ones too. Our society is fragmented and degenerate. Our kids are thugs, our workers ill-educated, our public services abysmal. We drink too much. Our house prices are crazy, our politicians sleazy, our roads jammed, our football team rubbish. When ‘The Times’ invited readers to suggest new designs for the backs of British coins, one reader wrote in saying, ‘How about a couple of yobs dancing on a car bonnet or a trio of legless ladettes in the gutter?’Is there really nothing to be proud of? British inventors have been responsible for myriad marvels we now take for granted, from the steam engine to the world wide web. British medical and public health innovations – vaccination, integrated mains sewerage, antiseptic surgery – have saved far more lives than all other medical innovations put together. And why stop there? The British empire covered a quarter of the earth’s surface but used an army smaller than that of Switzerland to exert its rule. The world speaks our language. Our scientists have won vast numbers of Nobel Prizes. The evolution of ‘habeas corpus’, trial by jury and the abolition of torture aren’t purely British in inspiration, but owe more to us than to anyone else. Our parliamentary democracy has been hugely influential in spreading ideals of liberty and representative government round the world.If the modern world is richer, freer, more peaceful, more democratic and healthier than it was, then Britain has played a leading role in that transformation. This book is about just that. Taking a particular interest in the many things that we did first, or best, or most, or were the only ones ever to do, this book focuses especially on those of our oddities that spread across the world – everything from football to the rule of law.