Поступления в отдел литературы на иностранных языках

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18. Brandreth Gyles. Oscar Wilde and a Death of No Importance: A Mystery. - New York: A Touchstone Book, 2008. - 347 p.
19. Brandreth Gyles. Oscar Wilde and the Ring of Death. - London: John Murray, 2009. - 422 p.
25. Bryson Bill. A Short History of Nearly Everything. - London: Black Swan, 2009. - 667 p.
26. Bryson Bill. Troublesome Words. - London: Penguin Books, 2009. - 242 p.
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18. Brandreth Gyles. Oscar Wilde and a Death of No Importance: A Mystery. - New York: A Touchstone Book, 2008. - 347 p.

От издателя: Lovers of historical mystery will relish this chilling Victorian tale based on real events and cloaked in authenticity. Best of all, it casts British literature's most fascinating and controversial figure as the lead sleuth. A young artist's model has been murdered, and legendary wit Oscar Wilde enlists his friends Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Sherard to help him investigate. But when they arrive at the scene of the crime they find no sign of the gruesome killing - save one small spatter of blood, high on the wall. Set in London, Paris, Oxford, and Edinburgh at the height of Queen Victoria's reign, here is a gripping eyewitness account of Wilde's secret involvement in the curious case of Billy Wood, a young man whose brutal murder served as the inspiration for The Picture of Dorian Gray. Told by Wilde's contemporary - poet Robert Sherard - this novel provides a fascinating and evocative portrait of the great playwright and his own "consulting detective", Sherlock Holmes creator, Arthur Conan Doyle.

19. Brandreth Gyles. Oscar Wilde and the Ring of Death. - London: John Murray, 2009. - 422 p.

От издателя: In the book, Mr Wilde is the toast of London's high society. His "Lady Windermere's Fan" is a critical and box-office success, and his popularity is unmatched amongst the cognoscenti. One evening, at an exclusive "Sunday Supper Club" dinner with such friends as Arthur Conan Doyle, Bram Stoker, and Robert Sherard (who also narrates the story), Wilde introduces a parlor game involving a list of people that his guests would secretly like to kill. From the next day onward, each person on the "hit list" dies mysteriously, in the very order with which his or her name showed up during the dinner. Wilde, Conan Doyle, and Sherard begin to investigate independently, especially after failing to enlist the help of Scotland Yard… and especially since Wilde's name itself appears on the "hit list!" Their ensuing adventures are as jolly as they are thrilling.

20. Bryson Bill. Down Under. - London: Black Swan, 2009. - 464 p.


21. Bryson Bill. The Lost Continent. - London: Transworld Publishers, 2009. - 416 p.

Ключевые слова: США, ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ, ЮМОР

22. Bryson Bill. Notes from a Big Country. - London: Black Swan, 2009. - 416 p.

Ключевые слова: США, ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ, ЮМОР

23. Bryson Bill. Notes from a Small Island. - London: Transworld Publishers, 2009. - 416 p.

Аннотация: Путешествие по острову Великобритания, от Бата на южном побережье до мыса Джон-о-Гроутс на севере. Автор попытался понять, чем ему мила эта страна и что же такого особенного в англичанах, шотландцах, валлийцах, населяющих остров Ее Величества. Итогом этого путешествия стала книга, в которой, по меткому замечанию газеты "Санди телеграф", "много от Брайсона и еще больше - от самой Великобритании".

24. Bryson Bill. Shakespeare. - London: HarperPress, 2009. - 200 p.


25. Bryson Bill. A Short History of Nearly Everything. - London: Black Swan, 2009. - 667 p.

Аннотация: "Краткая история почти всего на свете" Билла Брайсона - самая необычная энциклопедия из всех существующих! И это первая книга, которой была присуждена престижная европейская премия за вклад в развитие мировой науки имени Рене Декарта. По признанию автора, он старался написать "простую книгу о сложных вещах и показать всему миру, что наука - это интересно!". Книга уже стала бестселлером в Великобритании и Америке. Только за 2005 год было продано более миллиона экземпляров "Краткой истории". В ряде европейских стран идет речь о том, чтобы заменить старые надоевшие учебники трудом Билла Брайсона. В книге Брайсона умещается вся Вселенная от момента своего зарождения до сегодняшнего дня, поднимаются самые актуальные и животрепещущие вопросы: вероятность столкновения Земли с метеоритом и последствия подобной катастрофы, темпы развития человечества и его потенциал, природа человека и характер планеты, на которой он живет, а также истории великих и самых невероятных научных открытий.

26. Bryson Bill. Troublesome Words. - London: Penguin Books, 2009. - 242 p.

От издателя: Bestselling author Bryson's latest book is really his first: this guide to usage, spelling and grammar was first published in 1983 when Bryson (In a Sunburned Country, etc.) was an unknown copyeditor at the London Times, and has now been revised and updated for use in the U.S. Alphabetically arranged entries include commonly misspelled and misused words. He also includes common problems with grammar, as well as an appendix on punctuation. Bryson often cites the 1983 edition of H.W. Fowler's A Dictionary of Modern English Usage as an authority, though he also makes a handful of references to recent texts, such as the Encarta World English Dictionary and Atlantic Monthly columnist Barbara Wallraff's "Word Court." Despite the revisions, the book often betrays its origins as a British text, as in citing words in common usage throughout the U.K. and British Commonwealth, but rarely used by American writers, such as Taoiseach, the Prime Minister of Ireland or City of London vs. city of London. In addition, Bryson avoids taking on computer lingo, such as distinguishing between the Internet and the World Wide Web. Despite these shortcomings, Bryson's erudition is evident and refreshing. His passage on split infinitives, for example, asserts that it is "a rhetorical fault a question of style and not a grammatical one." Readers looking for the author's trademark humor will not find it here. Instead they will find a straightforward, concise, utilitarian guide, albeit one listing Bryson's "suggestions, observations, and even treasured prejudices" on newspaper writing primarily in Britain, circa 1983.