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156. Salmi Hannu. Nineteenth-Century Europe: A Cultural History. - Cambridge: Polity Press, 2008. - 192 p.
159. Seely John. Everyday Grammar. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. - 219 p. - (Oxford Paperback Reference).
Sparks Nicholas.
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156. Salmi Hannu. Nineteenth-Century Europe: A Cultural History. - Cambridge: Polity Press, 2008. - 192 p.

От издателя: Nineteenth-Century Europe offers a much-needed concise and fresh look at European culture between the Great Revolution in France and the First World War. It encompasses all major themes of the period, from the rising nationalism of the early nineteenth century to the pessimistic views of fin de siècle. It is a lucid, fluent presentation that appeals to both students of history and culture and the general audience interested in European cultural history.

The book attempts to see the culture of the nineteenth century in broad terms, integrating everyday ways of life into the story as mental, material and social practices. It also highlights ways of thinking, mentalities and emotions in order to construct a picture of this period of another kind, that goes beyond a story of “isms” or intellectual and artistic movements.

Although the nineteenth century has often been described as a century of rising factory pipes and grey industrial cities, as a cradle of modern culture, the era has many faces. This book pays special attention to the experiences of contemporaries, from the fear for steaming engines to the longing for the pre-industrial past, from the idle calmness of bourgeois life to the awakening consumerism of the department stores, from curious exoticism to increasing xenophobia, from optimistic visions of future to the expectations of an approaching end. The century that is only a few generations away from us is strange and familiar at the same time – a bygone world that has in many ways influenced our present day world.

157. Sayers Dorothy L. Clouds of Witness: A Lord Peter Wimsey Mystery. - New York: Harper Paperbacks, 2009. - 279 p.

От издателя: This is based on the original and unrevised 1926 edition of CLOUDS OF WITNESS first published in the United States by Harcourt (copyright unrenewed) and then in the UK by Unwin. Since this book was first published in the US and not later renewed in the 28th year, the expired copyright is not eligible for GATT restoration. However, what became known as the standard edition was revised and published in 1935 by UK publishers and remains in copyright under the limitation of claim; new matter (revisions and additions).

The fiancé of Lord Peter's sister, Mary, is found dead outside the conservatory of the family's shooting lodge in Yorkshire. Peter's and Mary's older brother, the Duke of Denver, is charged with wilful murder and put on trial in the House of Lords. How can detective Lord Peter proceed when it's a murder in his own family potentially by his own brother?

158. Sayers Dorothy L. The Five Red Herrings / previously published as Suspicious Characters / A Lord Peter Wimsey Mystery. - New York: Harper Paperbacks, 2009. - 354 p.

От издателя: The body was on the pointed rocks alongside the stream.The artist might have fallen from the cliff where he was painting, but there are too many suspicious elements - particularly the medical evidence that proves he'd been dead nearly half a day, though eyewitnesses had seen him alive a scant hour earlier. And then there are the six prime suspects - all of them artists, all of whom wished him dead. Five are red herrings, but one has created a masterpiece of murder that baffles everyone, including Lord Peter Wimsey.

159. Seely John. Everyday Grammar. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. - 219 p. - (Oxford Paperback Reference).

Ключевые слова: ГРАММАТИКА

160. Somers Jeff. The Electric Church. - New York: Orbit, 2009. - 390 p.

Аннотация: История о высокооплачиваемом киллере Эйвсри Кейтса, к которому не чинятся обращаться с заказами даже крупные шишки. Новое задание поступает от самого шефа полиции Мейрина. Если Эйвери выполнит его - разбогатеет. Если не выполнит - значит, просто умрет, да притом не слишком легкой смертью. Потому что ему предстоит отправить в лучший из миров основателя "новой ереси" - Электрической церкви, все члены которой - бессмертные киборги с человеческим мозгом. Убить бессмертных... разве такое возможно? Эйвсри полагает - за хорошие деньги возможно все.

161. Sparks Nicholas. A Bend in the Road. - New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2007. - 368 p.

От издателя: Sweet, accessible, uplifting and predictable, the latest love story from Sparks (The Notebook) leaves the reader with just one burning question: Why is this consummate beach book being published in the fall? The nearly thwarted but eventually triumphant romance of deputy sheriff Miles Ryan and second-grade teacher Sarah Andrews goes down as easily as marshmallow fluff and offers about as much real nourishment. Miles's high school sweetheart, Missy, was killed in an unsolved hit and run accident, leaving him to raise their son, Jonah, in New Bern, N.C. Sarah's politically ambitious husband, Michael, dumped her when her ovaries proved inactive, and she fled to New Bern to teach, and love, other people's kids. Miles and Sarah meet at a parent-teacher conference, and the sparks fly. But there's a fly in the ointment as well; an italicized voice threaded among the happy chapters alerts us that Missy's death was caused by someone whose identity, if revealed, could destroy Miles and Sarah's newfound joy. In Sparks's heaven, clouds exist to make silver linings look the brighter. As tough truth shadows their landscape, Miles and Sarah find depths within themselves, and their rekindled light illumines all. New Bern becomes a city of the reborn. Charlie Curtis, Miles's stickler boss, learns to bend; Missy's aimless killer morphs into a healer; and Jonah once again knows a mother's love. The opposite of edgy, with simple sentences and soft-pedaled sex, Sparks's plain vanilla morality will doubtless sell like ice cream on a steamy day.