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127. Lawrence D.H. The Virgin and the Gipsy. - London: Penguin Books, 2009. - 118 p.
Lee Maureen.
Классика, франция, мистика
132. Leveritt Thomas. The Exchange-Rate between Love and Money. - London: Vintage Books, 2008. - 359 p.
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127. Lawrence D.H. The Virgin and the Gipsy. - London: Penguin Books, 2009. - 118 p.

От издателя: The Virgin and the Gipsy was discovered in France after D. H. Lawrence's death in 1930. Immediately recognized as a masterpiece in which Lawrence had distilled and purified his ideas about sexuality and morality, The Virgin and the Gipsy has become a classic and is one of Lawrence's most electrifying short novels.

Set in a small village in the English countryside, this is the story of a secluded, sensitive rector's daughter who yearns for meaning beyond the life to which she seems doomed. When she meets a handsome young gipsy whose life appears different from hers in every way, she is immediately smitten and yet still paralyzed by her own fear and social convention. Not until a natural catastrophe suddenly, miraculously sweeps away the world as she knew it does a new world of passion open for her. Lawrence's spirit is infused by all his tenderness, passion, and knowledge of the human soul.

128. Lee Maureen. Nothing Lasts Forever. - London: Orion, 2009. - 376 p.

Аннотация: Броуди Логан кажется, что ее брак подошел к концу. Поэтому она решает на время оставить мужа, поселиться в старинном особняке с роскошным садом и сдавать внаем комнаты. Первой к ней пришла Диана, двадцатипятилетняя девушка, которая сумела сама воспитать трех младших братьев. Затем появилась Ванесса, некогда успешная деловая женщина, пережившая разрыв с любимым человеком. Третьей квартиранткой стала Рэйчел, несовершеннолетняя мама. Между женщинами зарождается дружба, которая помогает преодолеть все невзгоды.

129. Leroux Gaston. The Phantom of the Opera / Introduction by David Stuart Davies. - London: Wordsworth Editions, 2008. - 192 p. - (Tales of Mystery & the Supernatural).


130. Lessing Doris. Ben, in the World: The Sequel to The Fifth Child. - New York: Harper Perennial, 2009. - 178 p.

Ключевые слова: РОМАН, СЕМЬЯ, ДЕТИ

131. Lessing Doris. The Sirian Experiments: The Report by Ambien II, of the Five. - London: Flamingo, 2009. - 331 p. - (Canopus in Argos: Archives).

Аннотация: Роман "Сириус экспериментирует" является третьей частью знаменитого "космического" цикла "Канопус в Аргосе: Архивы", в который входят пять произведений, повествующих о противоборстве крупнейших космических империй - Канопуса, Сириуса и Путтиоры.

132. Leveritt Thomas. The Exchange-Rate between Love and Money. - London: Vintage Books, 2008. - 359 p.

От издателя: A cast of aimless thirtysomethings vying for love and cash inhabit Leveritt's Bosnian war romance. Best friends Bannerman and Frito decamp to Sarajevo in 2003 to make their fortunes in a city flooded with redevelopment funds. No sooner are they settled than Bannerman falls in love with Frito's girlfriend, Clare, a Swiss war crimes investigator. Frito, who's a little bit crazy, becomes obsessed with the local beer and later draws Bannerman into a pharmacy scheme with a black marketer. Clare eventually warms to Bannerman, and her preoccupation with finding war criminal Petar Rankovic draws Bannerman into her professional life-and into cahoots with a crew of Anglo-American "security consultants." The novel's multiple plotlines and chronologies, choppy text and Balkan sensibilities create a unique reading experience, though the characters' moral and emotional poverty beg for a more nuanced treatment. So many characters "hanging onto decades-long adolescences" are wearying, and the intrigue angles are more confusing than they should be (there's a glossary). It's a noble effort, but this brew of lad lit and Le Carré is very much an acquired taste.

133. Marked / P.C.Cast, Cast Kristin. - New York: Atom Books, 2009. - 349 p. - (House of Night; Book One).

Аннотация: Обыкновенная старшеклассница, 16-летняя Зои Монтгомери получает Метку и, чтобы выжить, должна отправиться в закрытую частную школу Дом Ночи, где из нее сделают настоящего вампира. Но Зои не просто "недолетка" - сама богиня Ночи Никс отправляет ее в Вампирский интернат с напутствием - "Тьма не всегда означает зло, а свет не всегда несет добро". Зои обретает новых друзей, участвует в магических церемониях и неожиданно понимает, что представляет реальную опасность для тех, кого любит.

134. Matthews P.H. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics. - Second Edition. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. - 443 p.

От издателя: Here is the most authoritative and up-to-date dictionary of linguistics available, fully revised for the second edition. Written by distinguished authority Peter Matthews, this handy reference includes over 3,150 entries providing worldwide coverage of languages and language families, grammatical terms in English as well as grammatical categories in other languages. Matthews also offers extensive coverage of the theory of language, language history, and important ideas and figures in linguistics. A directory of symbols is included for quick and easy reference. The new edition boasts greatly enhanced coverage of sociolinguistics, making it an ideal reference for those studying linguistics. It also includes entries on notable recent theorists in the field, such as Del Hymes and Peter Trudgill. With entries ranging from "epiglottal" and "morpheme" to "Austronesian" and "Navajo," The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics, Second Edition remains an ideal reference for students and teachers in language-related courses, and a great introduction to linguistics for the general reader with an interest in language and its study.