Е. Е. Израилевич Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами юнвес лист москва 1998 бкк 81 англ. К12 isbn 5-88682-003-5 ббк -81 f тоо «юнвес» 1998 г. Предисловие задача

Вид материалаЗадача


489 B. the devoted friend
490 Г. shipment of a cargo
12th January, 1946 January 12th, 1946 January 12, 1946
Подобный материал:
1   ...   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   ...   56

Стр. 484

Упражнения к §§ 7—13, 20

Places, libraries, languages, dresses, flies, watches, clocks, countries, eyes, buses, bush­es, parties, rays, thieves, companies, Negroes, masses, leaves, wolves, glasses, keys, foxes, halves, lives, days, plays, factories, cities, colonies, roofs, months, opportunities, jour­neys, shelves, heroes.

Men, women, teeth, feet, geese, children, mice.

Postmen, sons-in-law, fishermen, school­girls, sisters-in-law, text-books, pocket-knives, passers-by, statesmen, editors-in-chief.

484 1# Put the boxes on the shelves. 2. I have

hurt my feet. 3. These are English dictionar­ies. 4. Where are the knives? 5. These factories have good laboratories. 6. The last leaves fell from the tress. 7. These stories are very long. 8. The speeches were very interest­ing. 9. He left the keys on the table, 10. Where are the brushes? 11. I like his new plays. 12. The roofs of the houses were covered with snow. 13. The wives of the sailors stood on the shore. 14. Copies of the contract were sent to Leningrad. 15. The cargoes of the steamers consist of various raw materials.

484 1. A woman and a child sat on the shore.

2. The key to the box was lost. 3. The wolf has been shot. 4. The mouse was caught. 5. This factory produces furniture. 6. A copy of these letters will be send to Leningrad. 7. The cargo will be discharged to-morrow.

Стр. 484

Упражнение к §§ 18—28

1. We eat a lot of fruit in summer. 2. His hair is quite dark. 3. I bought this watch {or. clock)* in Leningrad. It is very good. 4. I couldn't enter the garden as the gate was closed. 5. This news is very interesting.
                  1. Your advice has helped me greatly.
                  1. Who(m) does this money belong to? 8. He has made progress in English. 9. This year fruit is very cheap. 10. The sledge is standing at the gate. 11. His clothes are quite new. 12. His wages are very high. 13. A glass works is not far from this place. 14. These goods have just arrived. 15. The exports of these goods have greatly increased. 16. The con­tents of his letter was unexpected. 17. In this article you will find the figures of Italian exports and imports for the past three months. 18. The firm stated that a license was required for the export of these goods. 19. We have received some important information on the state of the wool market.

485 Упражнение к §§ 31—32

1. The door of the room is closed. 2. Give the student this dictionary {or: Give this dictionary to the student). 3. I drank a glass of milk. 4. This house was built by a well-known architect. 5. Cut the paper with a knife. 6. The letter was signed by the director.

* Watch — карманные или ручные часы; clock — стенные или настольные часы.

7. I washed my face with warm water. 8. He sent his friend a telegram (or: He sent a telegram to his friend). 9. Show the manager this letter (or. Show this letter to the manager).

485 Упражнения к §§ 34—41

1. The workers' new club. 2. Lermontov's poems. 3. The boys' clothes. 4. The walls of the room. 5. Shakespeare's plays. 6. His sister's voice. 7. The Commander-in-Chiefs orders. 8. The pages of the book. 9. My friend Peter's watch. 10. My daughter Helen's birthday. 11. All the other boys' parents. 12. The fishermen's boats. 13. The lawyer's opinion. 14. Mr. Brown's signature. 15. The seller's offer. 16. The expert's conclusions. 17. My father-in-law's house.

485 1. The library of my father. 2. The

prescription of the doctor. 3. The crew of the ship. 4. The order of the teacher. 5. The drawings of the engineer. 6. The confirmation of the buyer. 7. The instructions of the shipowners. 8. The proposal of Mr. Brown. 9. The claim of the sellers. 10. The report of the representative.

485 1. Do you know Comrade Ivanov's ad-

dress? 2. Have you (or: Have you got) a map of Europe? 3. My brother's working day begins at 9 o'clock in the morning. 4. Have you asked the doctor's opinion? 5. The sister of my brother's wife works at this factory. 6. My sister Helen's husband has gone to

Kiev. 7. We have not yet received the buyers' answer. 8. They informed us of the arrival of the ship. 9. The sailors carried out the captain's order at once. 10.1 do not know the director's decision yet.

Упражнения к § 50

1. Торговые переговоры. Положение рынка. 2. Потребительские товары.
                  1. Продажа продовольственных товаров.
                  1. Обменный курс. 5. Потребление пше­ницы. 6. Производство льна. 7. Долго­срочные кредиты. 8. Оборудование элек­тростанций. 9. Цена тростникового саха­ра. 10. Положение с поставкой угля. 11. Индекс оптовых цен. 12. Мировые запасы хлопка. 13. Учет прибыли и расходов. 14. Цифры производства хлоп­чатобумажной пряжи.

АРТИКЛЬ (стр. 26-50)

Упражнение к §§ 2—5

1. —; а; —. 2. а. 3. any. 4. a; some. 5. а; —; —. 6. a; some. 7. —; —. 8. an. 9. an; —. 10. some; some. 11. an; an. 12. — (or: some); — (or: some). 13. a; some. 14. a. 15. any. 16. a. 17. —.

Упражнения к §§ 2—8

1. the; a. 2. the; the; the. 3. a. 4. an; the; a; a. 5. —. 6. a; the. 7. the; the; the; an.

8- a; a; the; the; the. 9. the; the; a; a; the. 10. some; the. .11. a; a; —. 12. some. 13. a; a. 14. the. 15. a; the; the. 16. the; a. 17. some. 18. any. 19. a. 20. the; a; the; a. 21. the (or: a); a. 22. the. 23. — (or: the); the; a. 24. the; — (or: the).

487 Упражнения к § 9

1. the. 2. a; an (or: the*). 3. the; tne. 4. a. 5. the; a. 6. —; —; —. 7. an; a; 8. a; —. 9. —; the. 10. a (or: the**); the. 11. the. 12. a. 13. a; a; —; a; a. 14. an. 15. the; the; a. 16. the*** (or: a****). 17. a. 18. the; a; a. 19. a. (or: the). 20. a; the. 21. a. 22. the 23. a; the. 24. the. 25. a; the. 26. the; the. 27. the; a.

487 1. Last summer we stayed in a village

situated on the Volga in a little house sur­rounded by a large garden. 2. The house in which we stayed in the summer was sur­rounded by a large garden. 3. Yesterday I spoke to a man who had spent several years in China. 4. I don't remember the figures which he mentioned in his report. 5. In his report he mentioned some figures which clearly illustrate the rapid development of our industry. 6. A person who wants to master a foreign language must work very hard and

* Если имеется в виду экспедиция: о которой речь шла раньше, т. е. известная собеседникам.

** В том случае, если перед вокзалом только один дом. *** Вот та книга, которая вам нужна. **** Вот одна книга (одна из книг), которая вам нужна.

systematically. 8. I've just read a story which I liked very much. 9. The story which I've just read is very interesting. 10- Yesterday I spoke to the director, who told me that he would help me in this business. 11. People who have physical training are usually very healthy. 12. A ship specially built for cutting away through ice is called an ice-breaker. 13. The house which is being built in our street will be one of the highest houses in Moscow. 14. Last year when I was in the Crimea, I made the acquaintance of a writer. The writer, who was a highly educated man and had travelled a lot about the Soviet Union, often told us about the life of Soviet people in different parts of our country.

487 Упражнения к §§ 15—22

1. —; the. 2. the; —; —. 3. some (or: the*); the. 4. —; —. 5. —; a. 6. the. 7. the. 8. some (or: the*). 9. the. 10. —; —; —. 11. the; some. 12. some. 13. the. 14. —; —; —. 15. the; a; —. 16. a; —. 17. the. 18. —. 19. —; —. 20. —; —. 21. any; some. 22. —. 23. some. 24. any.

487 1. I asked him to buy some paper and

some ink. 2. Give me some milk, please. 3. Boil the milk, please. 4. Children need milk (or: Milk is necessary for children). 5. Put some butter into'the soup. 6. Put the (or: some) butter on the table. 7. I don't drink milk, I drink tea or coffee. 8. He brought me

* Если имеется в виду все количество.

some tobacco from the Caucasus. The tobac­co is very good, but I don't like strong tobacco. 9. Yesterday I bought some very good tea and coffee. I'll send the coffee to Mother. She likes good coffee very much
                  1. Where is the butter? — It is on the table.
                  1. Is there any oil in this district? 12. Coal and oil are produced from beet is better than sugar which is produced in this district. 13. Sugar which is produced from beet is better than sugar which is produced from cane. 14. Where did you put the sugar that 1 bought yesterday? 15. The water in this pond is very clear. 16. The ink in my inkpot is very bad. 17. Petrol which is used in aviation must be very high in quality (or: must be of very high quality).

488 Упражнение к §§ 23-27

1. the; —; a; —; the. 2. a (or: the); an; —. 3. the. 4. —; —. 5. —; —. 6. an; a (or: the). 7. the; the; the; a. 8. —. 9. —. 10. a. 11. a; —; —. 12. —. 13. ; the; the. 14. the. 15. an. 16. the; —; an;. 17. —. 18. the; a. 19. the; the.

488 Обзорные упражнения к §§ 2—37

A. 1. the; a; the; the. 2. the; the. 3. the; the. 4. the. 5. ; the; the. 6. the; the. 7. the; the; the. 8. —; —; the. 9. the; —; —. 10. —; —; the. 11. —; —. 12. the; the. 13. a; a. 14. the; the. 15. the; the. 16. —. 17. the; a. 18. the. 19. —. 20. a; the; the. 21. the; —; a. 22. —. 23. the;. 24. the.

25. -. 26. а. 27. -; -. 28. a; the. 29. the; the. 30. the; —. 31. the; the. 32. the; — (or. the). 33. the; —. 34. —. 35. the. 36. the; the; —; —. 37. the; the. 38. the; the; a* (or: the**). 39. a; the. 40. —; —. 41. a; —;



Hans had a great many friends, but the most devoted friend of all was big Hugh, the miller. Indeed, so devoted was the rich miller to Uttle Hans that he never went by his garden without leaning over the wall and plucking a large nosegay, or filling his pockets with plums and cherries if it was the fruit season.

«Real friends should have everything in common,» the miller used to say. The neigh­bours, indeed, thought it strange that the rich miller never gave little Hans anything in return, though he had a hundred sacks of flour stored away in the mill, and six cows, and a large flock of sheep.

In spring, summer and autumn Hans was very happy, but when winter came, he suf­fered a good deal from the cold and hunger and often had to go to bed without supper. «There is no good in my going to see little Hans now,» the miller used to say to his wife, «for when people are in trouble they should not be bothered by vistors. I shall pay him a visit in spring, and he will be able to give me

Если имеется в виду с любой горы.

Если имеется в виду с данной (этой) горы.

a large basket of flowers, and that will make him so happy.»

«You are very thoughtful about others,* answered his wife. «It is a pleasure to hear you talk about friendship. I am sure the clergyman himself could not say such beauti­ful things, though he does live in a three-storied house and wears a gold ring on his little finger.»

«But could we not ask little Hans up here?» said the miller's youngest son.

«What a silly boy you are!» cried the miller. «I really don't know what is the use of sending you to school. You do not seem to learn anything. Why, if little Hans came here, he might get envious, and envy is the most terrible thing. Besides, if he came here, he might ask me to let him have some flour on credit, and that I could not do. Flour is one thing, and friendship is another. The words are spelt differently and mean quite different things.*

«How well you talk,» said the miller's wife, pouring herself out a large glass of warm ale. «It is just like being in church.»



On the 12th August, 1953, a Soviet foreign trade organization concluded a contract with a foreign firm for the sale of a cargo of 6,000 tons of wheat. The wheat was to be shipped in September. The sellers chartered the s. s.

«Martha» for the transportation of wheat. About ten days before the expected arrival of the vessel at the port of loading, the shipown­ers informed the sellers that s. s. «Martha» had been in collision with another boat during a dense fog in the Mediterranean Sea and would not be able to arrive at the port of loading before the end of September. The sellers had at their disposal a larger vessel of 6,500 tons. Therefore they sent a telegram to the buyers asking them to accept 6,500 tons of wheat instead of 6,000 tons. The buyers agreed, but requested the sellers to ship the wheat in the first half of October. The sellers consented to postpone the shipment of the cargo in accordance with the desire of the buyers, and the cargo was shipped on the 10th of October.


490 Упражнения к §§ 2—8

bigger, buggest; heavier, heaviest; shorter, shortest; dirtier, dirtiest; cleaner, cleanest; nearer, nearest; worse, worst; more famous, most famous; less, least; more, most; cleverer, cleverest; (or: more clever, most clever); better, best; more expensive, most expensive; cheaper, cheapest; more important, most important; paler, palest; hotter, hottest; more beautiful, most beautiful; larger, largest; more practical, most practical; fatter, fattest; earli­er, earliest; prettier, prettiest; happier, happi­est; brighter, byightest; darker, darkest; drier, driest; flatter, flattest; fresher, freshest; fuller, fullest; quicker, quickest; later, latest; nicer, nicest; richer, richest; sadder, saddest; thin­ner, thinnest; thicker, thiskest; wetter, wettest; weaker, weakest; earlier, earliest; funnier, funniest; easier, easiest; lazier, laziest; uglier, ugliest; more comfortable, most comfortable; quieter, quietest; farther (of: further), farthest (or: furthest).

490 1. the longest. 2. the shortest. 3. the most
useful. 4. wider, deeper. 5. the highest.
6. more practical. 7. the most practical
8. smaller. 9. the largest. 10. heavier.
11. lower. 12. better. 13. worse. 14. the
hottest. 15. lager. 16. greatest.

491 Упражнения к § 15

1. as . . . as. 2. so (or: as) . . . as. 3. as ... as. 4. as . . . as. 5. so (or: as) . . . as. 6. so (or: as) . . . as. 7. as . . . as. 8. so (or: as) . . . as.

491 Упражнение к §§ 2—15

1. The Soviet Union is the largest country in the world. 2. The new University building is one of the highest buildihg in Moscow. 3. This text is the most difficult of all the texts (that) we have ever translated. 4. The Earth is larger than the Moon (is). 5. Is your brother older than you (are)? — No, he is younger tnan I (am). 6. To-day the wind is not so (or: as) strong as yesterday. 7. February is the shortest month in the year. 8. To-day we wrote a more difficult dictation than yester­day. 9. To-day it is still (or: yet) hotter than yesterday. 10. Last year I spent less time for English than this year. 11. This classroom is smaller than ours(is). 12. This is the most interesting book (that) I have ever read. 13. This book is still (or: yet) more interesting than yours (is). 14. To-day it is far (or: much, a great deal) colder than yesterday. 15. This boy is the youngest in his class. 16. Now you should spend more time for English than last term. 17. My room is larger than ours (is). 18. Your suitcase is far (or: much, a great deal) heavier than mine. (is). 19. Your report was far (or: much, a great deal) more inter­esting than his report (was). 20. My coat is as warm as yours (is). 21. My pen is far (or: much, a great deal) worse than yours (is). 22. It is a most important question. 23. To­day we must discuss most important ques­tions. 24. Most of my friends are students. 25. Most people like fruit. 26. He spent most of his money on books.


Упражнение к § 2

three, thirteen, thirty; four, fourteen, forty; five, fifteen, fifty; eight, eighteen, eighty; twelve, a (or. one) hundred; two hundred and twenty-six; seven hundred and five; a (or. one) thousand; four thousand five hundred and sixty-eight; six thousand and eight; sev­

enty-five thousand one* hundred and thirty-seven; four hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and twelve; one** million three hundred and six thousand five hundred and twenty-seven; two million thirty-two thou­sand six hundred and seventy-eight.

491 Упражнение к § 2 (примечания к п. 7)

1. Fifty kilograms. 2. Three hundred mo­tor cars. 3. Sixty-one grams. 4. Two million tons. 5. Hundreds of cases. 6. Thousands of books. 7. Two hundred and eighty-one dol­lars. 8. Three thousand roubles.

Упражнение к § 3


nine shillings and fivepence (or. nine and five)

a (or: one) thou­sand pounds

seventy-five cents


a (or: one) hun­dred and eight pounds nineteen shillings and ten-pence

two thousand and seventy-eight

pounds ten shillings and six pence

a (or: one) hun­dred and one dol­lars and five cents

eight shillings and elevenpence (or: eight and eleven) four thousand five hundred and six­ty-eight pounds ten shillings and threepence

fifty dollars ' a (or: one) hun­dred thousand dollars one*** thousand one hundreed and seventy-five dol­lars and thirty-six cents

* Когда числительному hundred (а также числительным thousand и million) предшествуют другие разряды, то перед ним ставится числи­тельное one, а не артикль а.

** Когда после числительного million стоят другие разряды, то перед ним ставится числительное one, а не артикль а.

*** Когда после числительного thousand стоят сотни, перед ним ставится числительное one, а не артикль а.

first, eleventh, twenty-first; second, twelfth, twentieth; third, thirteenth, thirtieth; fourth, fourteenth, fortieth; fifth, fifteenth, fiftieth; sixth, sixteenth, sixtieth; eighth, eighteenth, eightieth; ninth, nineteenth, ninetieth; hun­dredth; hundred and third; three hundredth; four hundred and twenty fifth; seven hundred and fifth; thousandth; thousand and fifteenth.

492 Упражнение к § 7

12th January, 1946 January 12th, 1946 January 12, 1946

31st March, 1950 March 31st, 1950 March 31, 1950

22nd September, 1948 September 22nd, 1948 September 22, 1948

21st December, 1946 December 21st, 1946 December 21, 1946 23rd March, 1949 March 23rd, 1949 March 23, 1949

25th May, 1900 May 25th, 1900 May 25, 1900

20th August, 1950 August 20th, 1950 August 20, 1950

11th October, 1951 October 11th, 1951 October 11, 1951

45,2 Упражнение к §§ 8—9

three fifths of a ton; a (or: one) quarter of a kilometer; two thirds per cent (or: two thirds of one per cent); one (or: an) hour and a half (or: one and a half hours); half a pound; 19* 563

fourpence halfpenny; two and three quarters per cent; two and two thirds inches; nought point one nought five of a metre (or: point one nought five of a metre); two point one eight pounds; one seven (or: seventeen) point five six two tons; five per cent; twenty three per cent; nought point three six per cent (or: point three six per cent); two point five per cent.