П. П. Румянцева Издательство Томского университета
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- Редакционно-издательским советом Томского политехнического университета Издательство, 1434.78kb.
- Редакционно-издательским советом Томского политехнического университета Издательство, 3189.24kb.
- Редакционно-издательским советом Томского политехнического университета Издательство, 2424.52kb.
- Редакционно-издательским советом Томского политехнического университета Издательство, 2585.19kb.
- Редакционно-издательским советом Томского политехнического университета Издательство, 1488.99kb.
- Методические указания для преподавателей Издательство Томского политехнического университета, 882.32kb.
- М. В. Иванова Томск: Издательство Томского политехнического университета, 2008. 177, 2610.26kb.
- Конспект лекций Рекомендовано в качестве учебного пособия Редакционно-издательским, 1023.31kb.
- Учебное пособие Издательство Томского политехнического университета 2009, 1079.58kb.
- Учебное пособие Издательство Томского политехнического университета Томск 2007, 1320kb.
P. Ivolina S.D. VIETNAMESE SYNDROME OF AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY. In this article such notion as Vietnam syndrome is discovered from two points: foreign-policy and psychological. Also there is short description of syndrome’s development from the period of Vietnam War till invasion of American troops in Iraq. Serious attention is paid to the influence of Vietnamese syndrome which has been caused to USA and to the whole world community.
Keywords: Vietnamese syndrome, conflict, foreign policy.
Р. Kudasheva L.O. THE BALANCE OF “SOFT” AND “HARD” POWER IN THE EXTERNAL POLICY OF THE USA AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE WORLD PUBLIC OPINION (THE END OF THE XXTH – THE BEGINNING OF THE XXITH). The end of the XXth – the beginning of the XXIth centuries marked the changing of the balance between “soft” and “hard” power in the external policy of the USA. Conversion from the prior usage of the soft influence’s methods to the hard causes the negative reaction of public opinion in the USA and other countries.
Keywords: the USA, J. Nye, “soft” power, “hard” power, public opinion.
Р. Pivovarova N.S. PLEBISCITARIAN DEMOCRACY IN VENEZUELA AS A WAY OF BECOMING AUTHORITARIAN REGIME. In the article contemplates the reasons of ineffective functioning of plebiscitarian democracy in Venezuela. We have revealed characteristics of referendums, have analyzed socio-economic conditions and have researched bills approved with the help of referendums.
Keywords: referendum, plebiscitarian democracy, authoritarianism.
P. Sedova L.D. CHANGING THE POSITION OF CATHOLIC CHURCH TO JUDAISM AFTER SECOND WORLD WAR. The article is about changing the position of Catholic Church to Judaism after Second World War. Both sides are interested in understanding both the faith and the life experiences of the other, and in finding ways that they can work together for peace and justice in the world. That is why, it is very important to continue this dialogue and see Jewish-Christian Relations in proper perspective.
Keywords: Interconfessional dialogue, Catholicism, Judaism.
P. Sycheva N.V. U.S. EMERGENCY TRADE DEFICIT COMMISSION (1999 – 2000): ATTEMPTS TO SOLVE AN ECONOMIC PROBLEM BY POLITICAL MEANS. The problem of U.S. trade deficit has always been one of the most debated and misunderstood questions. The work of U.S. Trade Deficit Review Commission (1999–2000) revealed that the solution of this naturally economic question had become a hostage of political disputes that played its crucial role in world economic recession in 2008.
Keywords: The USA, international trade policy, trade deficit, free trade, trade wars, W. Clinton.
P. Alekseeva E.M. DYNAMICS OF US-JAPANESE MILITARY-POLITICAL RELATIONS IN 1951 – 1996. This article analyzes the basic documents that form the military-political alliance of the United States and Japan. Analysis occurs in the context of important foreign policy events underlying the development of relations between the two countries.
Keywords: United States, Japan, security policy, the treaty.
P. Borisov D.A. ECOLOGICAL COOPERATION OF SHANGHAI COOPERATION ORGANIZATION. In given article the basic environmental problems in region of SCO are analyzed. Environmental problems of the river Amur and the Aral sea are in details considered. Initiatives of development of cooperation in sphere of ecological insurance and reinsurance within the limits of the Shanghai cooperation organization are studied.
Keywords: environmental problems, Central Asia, initiative of SCO.
P. Kazimova J.R. INFORMATION WARFARE IN THE IRAQ CONFLICT. In the first half of 2002, the U.S.A. showed a massive information campaign aimed at promoting international public opinion, as well as favorable conditions in Iraq in preparation for a military operation in the country. This article researches methods of information warfare in the Iraq conflict, and also analyzes the changes of world opinion on the situation in the Middle East.
Keywords: USA, information warfare, Iraq conflict.
P. Kutcih M.E. CONCEPTION OF GEOPOLITICS AS A TOOL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIR’S RESEARCH. In this article conception of geopolitics, its categories and main schools are discovered. Also there is a short description of main theses and conceptions that are created by representatives of Continental-European and Anglo-American schools. And main directions of development in Russian geopolitics are also mentioned.
Keywords: geopolitics, control over space, balance of power, interest.
P. Mokroushina A.Y. SOURCES AND THE BEGINNING OF THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION. Many centuries the Western Europe was a synonym of dissociation of people and states. Therefore the dream of the European unity had bothered both politicians, and philosophers. We tried to consider the history of formation of the European idea and to show the first steps of the real European integration, which have arisen only in the XXth. century.
Keywords: the European Union, the ideas of united Europe, first step of the European Integration.
P. Petrikova D.A. US FACTOR IN THE SOUTHOSETIAN WAR BEGINNING (AUGUST 2008). This article describes the US’s role in the southosetian war beginning. The aim of the article is to annalyse on the whole the role of Georgia and Caucasian region concerning the US. To show the collaboration improvement between Tbilisi and Washington in military sphere in recent years. To prove that the USA didn’t give their consent to the beginning of warfare and became the hostages of their previous in Georgia.
Keywords: USA, Russia, Georgia, Southosetian war.
P. Povyshev V.V. TO A QUESTION OF STATE SOVEREIGNTY IN HISTORICAL CONTEXT. In this article the forming of the state sovereignty basis, which became an inalienable constitution right of each state since signing of the Peace of Westphalia is explored. The author tries to mark general lines of changing of the category in historical context (from 1648 to the present day) and to systematize them.
Keywords: state sovereignty, the system of international relations, humanitarian intervention, the responsibility to protect.
P. Polivtseva E.I. EUROPEAN IDENTITY CALLED INTO QUESTION. The article contains the analysis of the formation of the European dentity and the investigation of its principal elements – historical memory, culture, political values, religion, citizenship of the EU. These factors constitute the European identity, but nowadays each of them is weaker then the aspiration of the Europeans to identify themselves as the citizens of their national states, but not of the supranational organization.
Keywords: European identity, historical memory, political and cultural values, European citizenship.
P. Smolina R.M. PROBLEMS OF THE LISBON TREATY’S RATIFICATION BY EXAMPLE IRELAND AND CZECH REPUBLIC. The Lisbon treaty is the international treaty signed by leaders of 27 member-countries of the EU on 13 December 2007 in Lisbon. But the Lisbon treaty came into effect only 1 December 2009. The prolonged ratification is made conditional on the big quantity of the EU’s members as well as the content of document offering new structure of decision making, implementation the post of president, the European Council becomes full-fledged institute and etc. All of them cause many differences between European countries. The brightest examples of these differences were Ireland and Czech Republic.
Keywords: Lisbon treaty’s, EU, Ireland, Czech Republic.
Р. Sosedov T.I. THE PROBLEM SECURITY RUSSIA IN REGIM BLACK SEA STRAITS. The problem regims Black sea Straits concern to exstensive time subject Eastern question on the basis documents and research represents it possible show limited communication (military-sea force) an coast states in basin Black sea, supports oo the last agreement about regim Straits 1936 rear in Montrea.
Keywords: regim Black sea Straits.
P. Shkrob E.Y. CONTEMPORARY CONDITIONS OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS BETWEEN TOMSK REGION AND CHINA. Foreign economic relations between Tomsk region and China have continually been developing since 90-s. Nowadays, in these relations there are both attainments and problems. Undoubtedly, cooperation with China is very promising; however, in order to plan future interrelations we have to know the present conditions of collaboration.
Keywords: foreign economic relations, Tomsk region, China.
Р. Embracht R.V. PRESENTATION OF TOMSK OBLAST AT THE HANNOVER FAIR 1997–2010. One of principal directions of development Tomsk oblast is effective international relation, that give the possibility for investition, for knowledge of now how and for search new market. In this article we examine participation of Tomsk oblast in Hannover Fair.
Keywords: Tomsk oblast, Hannover Fair.
P. Konova E.A. LOBBYING SYSTEM IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. Given article is devoted to the research of lobbying system in the European Union. Topicality of this study can be proved by the fact that activation of lobbyists’ activity is remarked because of the integration process which is becoming more profound in all the EU member-countries and transfer of more and more powers to the all-European level. The purpose of this study is to searchlobbying system in the EU and show which bodies of the European Union are lobbied and why.
Keywords: lobby, interests representation, pressure, impact.
P. Maximova A.M. REALISM AND EUROPEAN POLITICAL INTEGRATION. The paper examines the claim that Europe is committed to a liberal model of international order, while the United States is committed to a Hobbesian realist model of international order. The paper argues that the realist approach to international order is more plausible than the liberal approach. Furthermore, the realist approach to international order remains fully consistent with the project of European political integration.
Keywords: European Union; transatlantic relations; realism; liberalism.
P. Ovcharenko A.N. THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EVOLUTION OF DISCOURSE UPON ECOLOGY AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC MODEL. Since 1970s the ecology is in the limelight of the public. The question of environment is discussed at all levels. One solution was proposed: sustainable development. This development is aimed to combine ecology and socio-economic model under the joint governance. The object of this research is to understand the sustainable development in the best way.
Keywords: environment, sustainable development, socio-economic model.
P. Oorzhak N.S. SOCIAL CRITICISM AT THE WAR ON TERRORISM. This article is devoted to an analysis of the US policy to combat with global terrorism in the focus of social criticism. The society tries to influence its government voicing protests against its policy. Legality and methods of combating terrorism are the most urgent and disputable problems, applying to the international community, country and certain citizen.
Keywords: global terrorism, USA, of social criticism.
P. Pogorelskaya A.M. EU MIGRATION POLICY. The main subjects researched in this paper are current EU migration policy, main problems connected with migration flows and public opinion towards them. Nowadays migration is one of the burning questions not only in international relations, but also in internal affairs. The more successful the state in dealing with it, the easier it solves other problems.
Keywords: European Union, migration.
P. Tarasenko A.K. MECHANISMS AND INSTRUMENTS OF ACHIEVEMENT GOALS USED BY RUSSIA AND CHINA IN THE SPHERE OF SECURITY. In this article author analyzes mechanisms and instruments of achievement goals of Russia and China as the most interested and influential counties which compete with each other for influence in the Central Asia. The activity of Shanghai Organization of Cooperation as the instruments of peacemaking and security of region is explored.
Keywords: security, China, Russia, Central Asia.
P. Teplova T.S. THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK: ITS PLACE AMONG THE EU INSTITUTIONS AND IN THE WORLD FINANCIAL SYSTEM. The European Central Bank is an independent body of the European Union, which implements the monetary policy. It is not subsidiary to any other EU institution, but has to function in close cooperation with them. The place of the supranational organ in global financial system is also unusual, as it represents the interests of 16 states at once.
Keywords: European Union, body, independence, market.
P. Chelakova J.A. GENDER EQUALITY POLICY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. This article reports on the quality of the implementation of gender equality policy of the European Union. This area of policy became one of the priority orientations of the Union rather long ago and has certain progress and failures, which are specified in our article.
Keywords: gender policy, equality, European Union.
P. Ostashova E.A. POLITICAL TECHNIQUES ON PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION OF 1999. This essay is devoted to the study of the political techniques that were used on the parliamentary election in 1999 by means of content analysis of materials published in periodical press in the light of cultural and psychological features of Russian mentality. The research is based on G.Hofstede’s theory of Cultural Dimentions.
Keywords: election campaign, political advertising, public relations, mentality.
P. Kolobekova U.A. LEGAL REGULATION OF THE ADMISSION OF THE PERSONNEL TO A TRADE SECRET. Article is devoted consideration of legal aspects of regulation of relations of the worker and the employer in the field of a trade secret, the organization and access realisation to confidential information and a liability of infringement of a mode of a trade secret or disclosure of the classified information.
Keywords: information safety, a trade secret, the personnel.
Р. Ksenofontova S.N. SPECIFICITY OF TSU HISTORICAL FACULTY’S NEWSPAPER «PHENIX» AS A CORPORATE PR MEAN. Specificity of TSU Historical Faculty’s newspaper «Phenix» as a corporate PR mean examines Historical Faculty’s «Phenix» as corporate media, which main goals are strengthening the faculty’s image and forming the positive information background. There are structural and typological analyses are held at the article. The author made a working hypothesis about the level of newspaper’s effectiveness based on its style peculiarity.
Keywords: corporate media, corporate public relations, the means of corporate PR.
P. Pushkina E.S. UNIFIED INFORMATION SPACE AS THE LEVEL OF INFORMATION EXCHANGE IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY. The article contains a description of key properties and specificity of the information space as an integral part of the information society, based on a generalization, systematization and analysis of the modern research literature on these issues.
Keywords: Information, information society, network, virtuality.
P. Valetskaya M.N. THE CERAMIC COMPLEX OF THE FORT SHAITAN I. The article deals with description of a ceramic complex of the fort Shaitan I in Tomsk Priobie. The ceramic complex presents to 21 partly reconstructible vessels (10 from main fort’s site and 11 from the 2nd one). It looks enough similar according to its fabrication method, shape and ornamentation. The received material let preliminarily date the fort to the developed Middle Ages and include it in the group of Basandai culture’s monuments.
Keywords: The fort Shaitan I, the ceramic complex.
P. Vodiasov E.V. CHRONOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL ACCESSORY OF A SITE OF ANCIENT SETTLEMENT CALLED UST-TAGAN. Site of ancient settlement Ust-Tagan has been opened in 2009. As a result of researches radio carbon dates which have allowed to date the fort XI-XII centuries Also there are fragments of ceramic which have been received in a coast talus and dates by the same time. Preliminary the site of ancient settlement is included in a circle of monuments basandaiskoi culture.
Keywords: Site of ancient settlement Ust-Tagan, the developed Middle Ages.
P. Grinaeva E.V. MODEL THINGS IN THE BURIAL MOUNDS OF TOMSK PRIOBJE AND MIDDLE CHULYM IN THE MIDDLE AGES. In the burial rite of the population of Tomsk Priobje and Middle Chulym in the middle ages quite often were used models- miniature copies of real things. These models were not intended for normal working load and were considered to be sacred.
Keywords: model things, the middle Ages.
P. Zinchenko A.S. COMPLEX OF SADDLE HORSE AMMUNITION FROM THE CEMETERY SHAITAN II. The article is devoted to the analysis of horse equipment from cemetery Shaitan II.
Keywords: Tomskoye Priobye, Saddle Horse, Middle Ages.
P. Komova N.G. TEMPORAL RINGS FROM CEMETERY SHAITAN II. There is unique find – temporal rings from cemetery Shaitan II, it allow to trace cultural contacts of inhabitants of Tomsk area in X–XIV AD.
Keywords: Shaitan II, Middle Ages.
P. Vorozhishcheva O.M. FROM THE HISTORY OF FORMING OF THE KOREAN DIASPORA IN WESTERN SIBERIA. The article is about the history of forming of the Korean Diaspora in Western Siberia. The paper describes the main stages and reasons of migration of ethnic Koreans. The time borders of the process are defined. Also the work brings out the basic problems of development and adaptation of Koreans to local living conditions. At last the article shows modern status of Korean Diaspora in Altai Krai, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk regions.
Keywords: Korean Diaspora, Western Siberia.
P. Gachegova S.F. TAOISTIC AND BUDDHISTIC SECTS OF THE MEDIEVAL CHINA: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. Syncretic sects were integral part of religious life of Medieval China. Religions not only survived within sects. They were developing and evolving. Sects can be divided predominantly into Taoistic and Buddhistic. But we should remember that such a division is rather relative, because sects were interacting with each other. Comparative analysis of sects helps to find common and different things between them.
Keywords: sects, China, religions, Taoism, Buddhism.
P. Glinkin V.S. FORMATION OF CHINESE DIASPORA IN JAPAN (UP TO 1945). The article deals with the formation of Chinese migration to Japan from the ancient times to World War II. Attention is paid to the evolution of social structure and quantity of Chinese migrants in Japan.
Keywords: China, migration, Japan, diaspora, huaqiao.
P. Gulina O.E. THE CHINESE ATOMIC ENERGY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY AND MEASURES OF ECOLOGICAL CONTROL. The paper contains basic information about the development of atomic energy in China, and there also risen some ecological problems connected with nuclear power which exist almost in every country.
Keywords: atomic energy, ecological compatibility, safety.
P. Efimova Y.S. MINORITIES IN JAPAN: A LEGAL STATUS. This is a report of national minorities in Japan, namely the Ainu people and the Korean diaspora. The paper considers the history of the emergence this nations in Japan, and also discriminatory treatment to them by Japanese government and society. Also, discussed and compared the current situation and to legal status of the Ainu and Japanese Koreans.
Keywords: national minorities, Ainu, Korean diaspora.
P. Kozel M.F. INFLUENCE OF CHINA AND JAPAN IN SOUTHEAST ASIA, OR WHO IS THE OWNER IN THE HOUSE? This article is devoted to the topic of influence of China and Japan on the countries of Southeast Asia in a context of their participation in regional organization The Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Nowadays there are two large states competing for leadership. In this article the author tried to find out whose positions in region are stabllier and influence is stronger. Therefore the author came to the conclusion that China has more advantages now, its integration in the ASEAN is deeper, and its interests has become higher-priority in this organization.
Keywords: China, Japan, integration, the Association of South-East Asian Nations, interaction.
P. Mazhinsky S.V. A WORK OF RED CROSS IN CHINA: EVOLUTION AND ROLE. It is considering the history of appearance and development of Red Cross as well as non-governmental organization, in context of the country development. It is set out 3 periods of Red Cross activities which are compared with political, social and economic changes in China.
Keywords: Red Cross, Kuomintang, China, non-governmental organizations.
P. Novichkov V.S. CONCERNING THE SOURSES OF THE ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT. This article is devoted to one of the most famous conflict in our present history – the Arab-Israeli conflict. An author considers history and relationships between the Jews and the Arabs from the end of the 19th century till 1949, and all the reasons of the Arab-Israeli conflict. At that period there were great processes of formation of 2 national states in Palestine, and some serious contradictions between the Jews and the Arabs, which caused that conflict. This period is important for understanding the whole conflict, because it includes all the reasons of that conflict and all the basic events of its development at the first stage of it.
Keywords: the Arab-Israeli conflict, zionism, arabic nationalism, Palestine territory.
P. Svitaylo E.S. CHINA ECONOMIC STIMULUS PROGRAM DURING THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS: FIRST SUCCESS AND MISTAKES. This report gives an account of China’s fiscal and monetary stimulus, which has supported a strong recovery in China’s economy despite the large drag on growth from exports amidst the global recession. China’s stimulus program helped to generate GDP growth of 8.7 percent in 2009. Drawing a conclusion and projection, both success and disadvantage of the package are taken into account.
Keywords: China, the global financial crisis.
P. Solodnikova E.S. TRADITION AND MODERNITY IN HUMAN RIGHTS CONCEPT IN MODERN CHINESE SOCIETY. The article is devoted to the process of transformation of human rights concept in Chinese society and among Chinese political elites. It also touches upon the issue of divergence of human rights concept, accepted by Chinese government with the one proclaimed in the Declaration of human rights, issued by UN, and the problem it causes in the field of international relations.
Keywords: China, human rights, Constitution.
P. Fedotov E.N. KEMEROVO REGION AND THE CITY OF CHONGQING: THE PROBLEM OF SELECTING EXTERNAL PARTNERS. Have traced problems of Kemerovo region as a region, whose economy is closely linked to the coal industry. Have studied the problems of choice external partner of this region. Have explained the reasons of the choice of the city of Chongqing, as the main partner of the Kemerovo region in Chinese People's Republic. Have shown the results of co-operation of the Kemerovo Region and Chongqing City.
Keywords: deep cooperation, decontamination of coal layers.
P. Chichkanova O.Y. THE SIBERIAN EDUCATIONAL CENTERS AND THE UNIVERSITY OF SCO. Shanghai Cooperation Organization was created safeguarding of peace and security in region, but in the basic documents there are preconditions for educational coloboration. In 2007 the decision of creating The University of SCO was made. The University of SCO is network structure, includes Universities of state members. 2009. 27 of March in Moscow there was a competition between Universities. Among winners there were 3 Siberian Universities.
Keywords: Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO ), the university of SCO, Siberia.
P. Shishkina E.E. MENTALITY AND HUAQIAO: AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. The Chinese diaspora in the USA, as in other regions, was notable for the considerable degree of the consolidation within its community and small-scale assimilation. There are some reasons for it; we can mark out the facts of external action and, in our opinion, the most important facts, connected with the mentality of Chinese people.
Keywords: Huaqiao, mentality, China, the USA.