Формирование коммуникативной компетенции во внеклассной работе в обучении иностранному языку
Дипломная работа - Иностранные языки
Другие дипломы по предмету Иностранные языки
: воспитывать доброжелательность, толерантность, ответственность за порученное задание, умение работать в команде, чувство товарищества и сопереживания; г) развивающая: развивать внимание, языковую догадку, память, мышление.
Оснащение мероприятия: рисунки, свечи и прочие предметы для оформления помещения, музыкальный центр и аудиозаписи для создания звукового фона, инвентарь для проведения конкурсов (чистые листы бумаги, фломастеры, клей, ножницы, цветная бумага, доска, шарфы для завязывания глаз, миски с горохом, конфеты), раздаточный материал с заданиями, стол для жюри, сладкие призы победителям и участникам, приложения 1,2,3,4,5
Участники: по 6 человек из 7, 8, 9, 10 и 11 классов.
iенарий мероприятия. Introduction.afternoon (evening), children! We`re glad to see you on this special holiday - Halloween. I hope we`ll have fun and get good spirit. Let`s start our Halloween crazy party!. My dear friends, firstly, you should devide into three groups by two persons from each class (pupils from the 7th till 11th forms take part in this competition). And ... let`s begin with a quiz. Answer to the questions and we`ll see what you know about this scary holiday - Halloween. Are you ready to answer our difficult but interesting questions?Halloween Quiz
. When is Halloween celebrated? (on the 31st of October)
. Where did the name Halloween come from?
(It actually comes from two words: Hallow(s) - meaning holy in the old English, and quite contemporary Eve - meaning the evening before certain holiday. The holiday which comes right after is All Saints` Day. So Halloween as we know it today is just the evening before All Saints` Day (which is celebrated on the 1st of November).
. Do you know when and where did the tradition of Halloween begin?
(It began in the 5th century B.C. by the Irish Celts. The Celts, ancient inhabitants of the present-day Irish, Welsh and Scotland people, celebrated their New Year on the 1st of November. It was celebrated every year with a festival that marked the end of the season of the sun (summer) and the beginning of the season of darkness and cold (winter). When millions of Irish people immigrated top the USA in the 1840s the tradition came with them.)
. What traditions of Halloween do you know?
(going for trick or treat, having parties, telling scare stories, making jack-o`- lantern from a pumpkin, dressing up and wearing costumes, playing the games: pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and bobbing for apples)
. Why do people dress up in costumes on Halloween?
(On the eve before the Celts`new year, October 31st, it was believed that Samhain, who was the Lord of the Death and Prince of Darkness (Самхайн - Повелитель смерти и Принц Темноты), called together all the dead people. The Celts belived that the living and the dead intermixed on this night. The dead wanted to find living bodies to possess for the following year. So the Celts dressed up in ghoulish (омерзительные [gu:li?]) costumes and parade around to frighten them away.)
. What are the colours of Halloween?
(night and orange; black is the colour of night and Halloween is celebrated at night, orange is the colour of pumpkin, one of the symbols of the holiday)
. What are the symbols of Halloween?
(evil spirits like witches on broomsticks, black cats, werewolves, ghosts, goblins, skeletons, ghouls, mummies, spiders with cobwebs, scarecrows, vampires and etc; pumpkins, apples, nuts, scare stories тАж)
. What do people traditionally bob for at Halloween parties? (apples)
. Who can walk through walls? (ghosts)
. What`s considered if a black cat crosses your path? (bad luck)
. What do you need to keep vampires away? A-garlic B-onion C-pepper (garlic)
. In Scotland, what vegetable was traditionally carved into a jack-o`-lantern? a watermelon B-a turnip C-a pumpkin (a turnip)
. When are werewolves supposed to come out? A-after midnight B-during a full moon C-on a Halloween night (during a full moon)
. What does a witch use for transport? A-a hat B-a broomstick C-a motorbike (a broomstick)
. What do children say when they knock at the door at Halloween? (trick or treat). Next task is also not so difficult for such clever and creative persons like you. You should create the symbol and the title of your team. For it you have glue, paper, felt-tip pens, scissors, colored paper (time 3 min). And now look at the blackboard, please. There you can see the pictures of pumpkins, but they`re not finished. Do you guess what task you will have? Yes, you should finish the pictures drawing the pumpkins`faces - noses, eyes and, of course, mouthes. But your eyes will be closed! (time 2 min). Now it`s time for poetry competition. Choose the best poet between the pupils of the 9, 10 and 11 forms (the pupils are reading the poems about Halloween).. And now let`s listen to the reports about Halloween by your younger partners of the competition - the pupils of the 7th forms (the pupils are reporting about traditions connecting with Halloween).
VII. Have you ever gone through the labyrinth? Now you will have a chance
to go through our labyrinth and to help the witch to find her kitten (2 min) (appendix 1)
VIII. Our witch is very thankful for your help and she wants you to meet her sisters. Their names are Abra, Wabra, Dabra and Cadabra. Guess who is who. Use the clues below (appendix 2).
Here 're four witches: Abra, Wabra, Dabra and Cadabra. Guess who is who. Use the clues below.
1. Dabra hasn't got a broom. 2. Wabra hasn't got a big hat. 3. Dabra and Abra haven't got long noses. 4. The fat witch isn't Cadabra. 5. Abra isn't standing next to Wabra.. And now the task for your lexical knowledge. Find the following words in your word search (appendix 3).
X. Let`s play the game. I need one member of each team with a good memory. You should open all the cards as quick as possible. The cards are faced down. Pick only two cards. If the pictures match, keep them facing up, if not turn back over and try again. Try to match all the cards. (2 min) (appendix 4).
out this page. Cut out and paste on black or orange paper. Place cards face down. Pick two cards, if they match keep them facing up, if not turn back over. Try to match all the cards. Have fun.
XI.After this task you will be a bit dirty. So, who wantsto take part in this competition? Are there any boys willing to take part? Try to get sweets from the bowl with peas without help of your hands.. And now the most difficult task of all - you should write a scary story using the word in the bold into the pot. Try to use as much words as possible. So... start. Good luck! (4 min) (appendix 5)
Write a Halloween poem using the words in the box below. Write your draft on another piece of paper. Write your final copy in the cauldron below.
black cat, cauldron, Halloween, scary, brew, magic, pumpkin, ghosts, costume, dark, night, haunted, house, trick, treat, fun, bats, candy corn, candy, silly, clowns, October
. And now we will tell you the results and announce the winners! you very much for coming and participation in our party! We hope you had a good time ! Good bye!.S. После мероприятия инициативная группа учащихся, посетивших внеклассное занятие, пишет заметку в школьную газету об интересном мероприятии и его результатах, о своих впечатлениях и пожеланиях. (Результат: пропоганда иностранного языка среди учащихся, повышение мотивации.)
Литература к мероприятию
. Ощепкова В.В., Шустилова И.И. О Британии вкратце. Москва: Лист,1997
. Павлова А. Праздники в США (осень-зима): Материалы к урокам. (Библиотечка Первого сентября) Москва: Чистые пруды, 2005
. Speak Out. Москва: Глосса-Пресс, 5/2005
. Speak Out. Москва: Глосса-Пресс, 5/2003
. www.abcteach.com.
Вывод по главе
Данное мероприятие достигло своей цели, были решены поставленные задачи. Наш опыт организации и проведения коммуникативно-ориентированной внеклассной работы по английскому языку в ходе педагогической практики способствовал:
развитию и поддержанию интереса школьников к изучению иностранного языка;
активному желанию говорить и общаться о