
  • 881. Seasons
    Иностранные языки


    1. Everybody knows that there are four seasons in a year and every season is good on its own way with its own charm.
    2. Consider autumn for example.
    3. In September and November it is still warm and the sun shines brightly in the blue cloudless sky.
    4. But November brings cool winds, nasty and gloomy days.
    5. And how nasty cold autumn rain is! Sometimes it rains for hours!
    6. Nature is falling slowly asleep.
    7. But there are people who like autumn, they say, it is the time of harvest, golden leaves, its the time when the nature is very attractive.
    8. Poets of all nations have sung autumn as the most beautiful time of the year.
    9. “Golden autumn,” they call it. Golden, indeed. Yet autumn does not appeal to me very much.
  • 882. Second period of the Renaissance.

    Towards the middle of the 16th century common people were already striving for knowledge and the sons of many common citizens managed to get an education. The universities began to breed many learned men who refused to become churchmen and wrote for the stage. These were called the "University Wits", because under the influence of their classical education they wrote after Greek and Latin models. Among the "University Wits" were Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Sackville, John Lyly, George Peele, Roberk Greene, Thomas Kyd and Thqmas Nashe; Christopher Marlowe being the most distinguished of them. The new method of teaching classical literature at the universities was to perform Roman plays in Latin, Later the graduates translated these plays into English and then they wrote plays of their own.

  • 883. SEO-блог как цель и средство
    Реклама и PR

    С 2003 года количество блогов, по подсчетам англоязычного блог-поисковика, Technocrati.com удваивается каждые полгода. Это про интернет в целом. Родные виртуальные просторы, по данным Яндекса, не отстают в течение 2006 года каждый час в Рунете появлялось в среднем 100 новых блогов. И всего, на сентярь 2006 года Яндекс насчитал 1150000 блогов. А ответственность за этот впечатляющий рост лежит, как оказалось, на хрупких плечах юных дев женщин в блогосфере на 20% больше, чем мужчин, а средний возраст рублоггера 21 год. Выяснены были также 10 наиболее распространенных интересов. В порядке убывания: музыка, книги, секс, психология, кино, фотография, море, компьютеры, путешествия, кошки. Где, спрашивается, "сео", "оптимизация", "продвижение", "яндекс" и "google", да, наконец, хотя бы сам "интернет"?? Где эти прекрасные слова, ведь, указывая интересы, пользователи обычно не скупятся на перечисление всего, что им хоть как-то близко. Возможно, они уже во второй десятке вытесненные из первой кошками и морем…И что дают нам эти цифры? Ничего однозначного: либо seo-блоггеры в жалком меньшинстве (что странно), либо тщательно скрываются (что непонятно)…

  • 884. Seurat, Georges

    After a year of military service at Brest, Seurat exhibited his drawing Aman-Jean at the official Salon in 1883. Panels from his painting Bathing at Asnieres were refused by the Salon the next year, so Seurat and several other artists founded the Societe des Artistes Independants. His famous canvas Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte was the centerpiece of an exhibition in 1886. By then Seurat was spending his winters in Paris, drawing and producing one large painting each year, and his summers on France's northern coast. In his short life Seurat produced seven monumental paintings, 60 smaller ones, drawings, and sketchbooks. He kept his private life very secret, and not until his sudden death in Paris on March 29, 1891, did his friends learn of his mistress, who was the model for his painting Young Woman Holding a Powder Puff.

  • 885. Shopping

    Suprisingly tastes in food and clothes are international. What sells well in Paris, sells just as well in Newcastle and Moscow. Their best selling clothes are: for women - jumpers and knickers (M & S is famous for its knickers); for men - shirts, socks, pyjamas, dressing gowns and suits; for children - underwear and socks. Best sellers in food include: fresh chickens, vegetables and sandwiches, "Chicken Kiev" is internationally the most popular convience food. Shopping in Britain is also famous for its Freshfood. Freshfood is a chain of food stores and very successful supermarkets which has grown tremendously in the twenty years since it was founded, and now it has branches in the High Streets of all the towns of any size in Britain. In the beginning the stores sold only foodstuffs, but in recent years they have diversified enormously and now sell clothes, books, records, electrical and domestic equipment. The success of the chain has been due to an enterprising managment and to attractive layout and display in the stores. It has been discovered that impulse buying accounts for almost 35 per cent of the total turn over of the stores. The stores are organized completly for self-service and customers are encouraged to wander around the spaciously laid out stands. Special free gifts and reduced prices are used to tempt customers into the stores and they can't stand the temptation.

  • 886. Signac, Paul

    Signac published From Delacroix to Neo-Impressionism (1899), explaining their theories. Signac's prosperous shopkeeping family gave him financial independence. Unlike Seurat, he had virtually no formal training; he taught himself to paint by studying the works of Claude Monet and others. After he and Seurat met in 1884, they developed their technique of painting with dots--or "points" in French--of color, which led to the name pointillism. As Signac explained, they used the pure impressionist palette but applied it in dots that were to be blended by the worker's eye. What Signac called "muddy mixtures" were to be banished from painting and replaced by luminous, intense colors. Many of Signac's works are landscapes, inspired by the bright sunlight of southern France. He also painted some figure compositions.

  • 887. Sisley, Alfred

    He now saw himself as a full-time professional painter and part of the Impressionist group, exhibiting with them in 1874, 1876, 1877 and 1882. His work had by this time achieved complete independance from the early influences that had affected him. In the 1870s he produced a remarkable series of landscapes of Argenteuil, where he was living, one of which, The Bridge at Argenteuil (1872; Brooks Memorial Gallery, Memphis, USA) was bought by Manet. Towards the end of the decade Monet was beginning to have a considerable influence on him, and a series of landscape paintings of the area around Paris, including Marly, Bougival and Louveciennes (1876; Floods at Port-Marly, Musйe d'Orsay), shows the way in which his dominent and evident lyricism still respects the demands of the subject-matter. From his early admiration for Corot he retained a passionate interest in the sky, which nearly always dominates his paintings, and also in the effects of snow, the two interests often combining to create a strangely dramatic effect (1880; Snow at Vйneux; Musйe d'Orsay). Naturally different, he did not promote himself in the way that some of his fellow Impressionists did, and it was only towards the end of his life, when he was dying of cancer of the throat, that he received something approaching the recognition he deserved.

  • 888. Smokers and Death cigarettes


    • Энн, Вы - один из - Студент нашей группы, и так что я хотел бы спросить Вас некоторые вопросы.
    • ХОРОШО
    • Вы думаете, что труден учиться в нашем университете, мы имеем сложную программу?
    • Номер I не думает, что наша программа слишком трудна. Вы учитесь трудно, каждый день Вы будете справляться со всем.
    • Каков самый твердый(трудный) предмет для Вас?
    • Я действительно не знаю, что не легко говорить. Но я думаю, что это - литература. Я только не имею много времени для чтения, потому что я должен спать для, добираются много времени.? Не спите для различного интервала времени-? Плохо. И спать, поскольку Tarnopolsky've сказал в течение 2 часов? Только не может.
    • Как Вы думаете, что должно быть изменено(заменено), чтобы делать ваш studding более легким?
    • Я думаю, что это было расширено(продлено) в течение более длинного периода времени. Но это не будет вероятно, помогают, и мы только будем учиться больше.
    • Сколько времени это берет Вас? И Вы имеете достаточно времени для частной жизни?
    • Я трачу(провожу) приблизительно 3-4 часа в день. И я пробую делить время, и для моих занятий(изучений) и для моей частной жизни.
    • Каждый знает праздник(отпуск) C-. День Валентайн и различные люди обращаются с этим праздником(отпуском) различными способами и что делает эти средства праздника(отпуска) для Вас?
    • Я Dow этот праздник(отпуск) и я полагаю, что это когда-либо будет необходимым. Некоторые люди очень застенчивы, может гроб - любовь только с помощью Валентайн Кардса. Очень приятно видеть на улицах так много людей, кто влюблены в друг с другом. И тот день я понимаю, что есть действительно жизнь на нашей земле.
    • Это будет другой праздник(отпуск) скоро " 8-ого мая ". Что этот праздник(отпуск) хочет делать?
    • Для меня Новый Год начинается не в зиме, а весной. Я? Это с концом зимы, моя предыдущая жизнь остается в прошлом и с этим праздником(отпуском) моей новой жизнью, начинает. И я также подобно этому каждый поздравляю женщину в этот праздник(отпуск).
    • И для заключения, что было бы Вы любить к совету и говорить вашим друзьям?
    • Я желаю каждому удачу. Если Вы имеете удачу, то все продолжается хорошо в вашей жизни.
    • Спасибо Энн для этого интересного интервью. До свидания.
    • Пожалуйста. Bye
  • 889. Smoking
    Иностранные языки

    According to the World Health Organization, it is most common in east Asia, where as many as two-thirds of all adult males smoke tobacco. Because of concern over the health effects of tobacco smoking, the practice has rapidly declined in recent years in the United States, Canada and western Europe. However, statistics show that at least a quarter of people even in these regions continue to smoke, and there is no indication smoking will go away completely.

  • 890. Snowmaiden

    Soon summer came and Snowmaiden was more withdrawn than ever. One day her friends asked her to join them on a trip into the woods to pick berries. Snowmaiden was reluctant to join, but at the persistence of her parents went along. In the woods Snowmaiden was sure to stay in the shade. When nightfall came her friends built a fire, and played games jumping over it. Snowmaiden, however, sat by an icy river. Her friends called to her to join their games, but Snowmaiden did not want to go. But as the night went on Snowmaiden grew very lonely by herself at the river, and decided to join their games. "Jump over the fire!" her friends yelled at her. Snowmaiden took a step, ran towards the fire, jumped, and melted away. The poor peasant couple were once again childless.

  • 891. Software Project Manager среднего проекта – кто он?
    Компьютеры, программирование

    На мой взгляд, руководитель проекта должен обладать знанием технологий, на которых будет реализован проект. Представим, что во главе проекта стоит руководитель, который имеет только общее представление о работе своих подчиненных - программистов. В лучшем случае вы получите надзирателя, который всегда полагается на честность программистов, а в худшем - нахлебника, которому будут «пудрить мозги» «ушлые» программисты и проект будет, мягко говоря, отставать от графика, а, скорее всего, вообще не придет к стадии завершения. По какой причине я выставил такие требования к руководителю проекта, будет видно из последующего материала. Дело в том, что один квалифицированный программист с большим опытом работает в десять раз эффективнее начинающего, так утверждает Брукс или Йордан, но, как правило, фирмы не торопятся нанимать высокооплачиваемых программистов. В сложившейся ситуации намного эффективнее из такого специалиста сделать руководителя проекта и дать ему в подчинение не таких дорогостоящих программистов. Но ни в коем случае не нужно делать наоборот, так как забивать гвозди микроскопом это очень дорогое и не эффективное занятие. Другими словами, руководитель проекта должен иметь очень высокую квалификацию, а не мешать своими неразумными указаниями слишком умному исполнителю.

  • 892. Some Difficulties of Translating English Phrasal Verbs into Russian

    Russian is a part of the East Slavonic family of languages and one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Russian tradition of translation has a long history. Writing, literature and translations were introduced in Kievan Rus in a relatively mature form. The Greek priest Cyril and his brother Methodius who created new alphabet (now known as Cyrillic) were the first translators. Among their first translations from Greek were the New Testament, the Psalter and the Prayer Book. After Rus embraced Christianity in 988, numerous translations were made to give the converts access to the philosophical and ethical doctrines of the new religion and to the churchs rituals and customs. In the 17th century, a great number of translations of predominantly nonreligious material began to appear. Scholarly translations included topics in astronomy and astrology, arithmetic and geometry, anatomy and medicine, as well as description of various animals. The 18th century proved decisive in the development of translation in Russia. Peter the Greats political reforms greatly expanded Russias economic and cultural contacts with European countries, and this created a demand for numerous translations of scientific and technical texts, as well as works of fiction. The 19th century can be described as the golden age of Russian translation. If the previous age hade made translation a professional activity, the nineteenth century raised this activity to the level of high art. The main figures of translation of this period are Nikolai Karamzin and Vasily Zhukovsky. Alezander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov, the two great Russian poets, also played a major role in the history of translation in Russia. Although translations occupied a relatively modest place in their poetry, they made a significant contribution to the improvement of literary translation in Russia. The years following the 1917 Revolution saw a new upsurge in translation activity. The fact that the Soviet Union was a multinational state contributed to the growing demand fro translation. The scale of translation among national literatures was particularly impressive. The years of perestroika radically changed the nature of translation practice in general and the market for translations in particular. The abolition of censorship has made it possible to translate many books, which had been regarded as inadmissible on ideological or moral grounds. There has been a greater demand of English translators and interpreters, and many of them earn good money working for national or foreign firms, or joint ventures. English language comes to all spheres of life and translation from English to Russian and back is very important part of successful business and its development.

  • 893. Some facts about London

    Another famous London figure is one of England's greatest seamen. Admiral Lord Nelson. He has a very special memorial in Trafalgar Square. The monument consists of a very tall column. On top of it stands a figure of Nelson. It is called the Nelson Column. Equally famous is the general who led the army at the battle of Waterloo in 1815. This was the Duke of Wellington. His house stands at Hyde Park Comer. It is sometimes known as Number One, London. Like Admiral Nelson, the Duke of Wellington is buried in St. Paul's Cathedral.

  • 894. Some features of today's British life

    The general nature of the four TV channels functioning in 1991, seems likely to continue, with BBC1 and ITV producing a broadly similar mixture of programmes in competition with each other. ITV has a complex structure. Its main news is run by one company, Independent Television News, its early morning TV a.m. by another. There are about a dozen regional companies which broadcast in their regions for most each day, with up to ten minutes of advertisements in each hour, between programmes or as interruptions at intervals of twenty or thirty minutes. These regional companies produce some programmes of local interest and some which they sell to other regions, so that for much of each day the same material is put out all through the country. Some of BBCls programmes are similarly produced by its regional stations. BBC2 and the independent Channel 4 (which has its own company) are both used partly for special interest programmes and for such things as complete operas.

  • 895. Some problems of borrowing in the Russian language

    Let me introduce my system worked out on their base. It includes four ways of borrowing: 1)translation; 2)transplantation (according to G.G. Tymofeeva presupposes a mechanical transportation of lexical unit graphemes from one language to another without any changes in borrowed word spelling. E. g.: 'ad libitum' ); 3)transliteration (when graphemes are reproduced by equivalent graphemes of another standardized written language. E.g.:'Диест - German: Diest [i:]'); 4)transphoning (this term from the classification by Tymofeeva should take the place of the conventional (but not very correct and convenient) practical transcription first used by A.M. Suhotyn. So transphoning is a reproduction of a word written form on script. E. g.: 'Киль - German: Kiel [i:]'. It is necessary to divide it into codified transphoning coming through the written language, concordant with accepted rules of transcribing by means of the Russian alphabet and uncodified transphoning coming through the spoken language, unnormatively, where influence of dialects, speaker's individual peculiarities is possible).

  • 896. Some problems of the russian spelling

    But it was the first step of traditional spellings calculation in the texts. The second step was connected with so-called double choice when vowel was lettered. For example, choosing a letter for the vowel phoneme ?а??a writer should choose both between o and ? and between o and а. E. g.: the word 'Анзбах' (Ger. Ansbach) had 2 orthograms in lettering vowel phonemes: 1) the choice between and o (according to phonetic or morphological principle) and, as consequence of the letter o - appearance, 2) the choice between o and ? (according to traditional one). But the second step might be realized after analysis of morphological, phonetical and hyperical spellings only. A weak position of phoneme is the starting-point in the choice of letter in favour of morphological or phonetic principle. But weak positions for vowel and consonant phonemes have different conditions. That is why I'll consider them one after another. It should be remarked that reproduction of vowel combinations and diphthongs, additional vowel appearance in consonant combinations (f. e.: 'Карлесбад, Карелсбад, Карисбад' from German 'Karlsbad') are not anylized in quantitative aspect. For vowels the weak position is an unstressed one. Therefore a stress determines presence or absence of the orthogram in a word. Unfortunately the "Kuranty" texts are not accented. Although it is clear the results of the analysis depend on stress position I however have made bold to stress given forms of the foreign words. There are some additional dificulties: borrowings being periphery of the language system are not under the pressure of language standards, various forms in the texts are few in number. I was guided by given variants of the words and by the idea that an accent in Russian could be on any syllable and in foreign words it often kept the place of the original language. Thus, there was the first syllable stressed in German mainly, the last syllable in French, the penultimate syllable in Italian. E. g.: ‚Висмар (Ger. Wismar), Колбергъ (Ger. Kolberg), Анор (Fr. Anor), (у) Вервен(а) (Fr. Vervins), Песар (It. Pesaro), Фазано (It. Fossano).

  • 897. Space exploration

    For thousands of years man dreamed of flying to the stars. At the beginning of the century the great Russian scientist Tsiolkovsky predicted that "mankind will not remain on Earth forever". Half a century later his words came true, the dream became a reality.

  • 898. Spare time

    Every day I go to school. I get up early, do homework, and have piano lessons twice a week. But on weekends I like to do something different. I like to relax. I watch TV or videos. If it rains, I prefer indoor activities: to read books and magazines, to play chess, to play records, to draw on a computer, to clean the house.

  • 899. Special events и почтовые рассылки
    Реклама и PR

    Итак, что же такое прямой маркетинг? Скажу лишь, что он точно не ограничивается такими техническими действиями как набор письма, проставление адреса и штампа и поход в ближайшее почтовое отделение. Признанный на Западе эксперт по части прямого маркетинга Дебби Бермонт (президент компании из Сан-Диего под названием Source Communications) считает, что в случае с почтовыми рассылками масштаб кампании и вложенные в нее деньги не всегда являются гарантом успеха. Правило, в целом, верно и для многих других видов продвижения. В любом случае, если мы хотим не просто потратить средства на прямой маркетинг, но и получить результат, нам стоит не забывать несколько проверенных временем методик, о которых ниже.

  • 900. Sport and healthy lifestyle

    The fitness boom of the past decades led to a big rise in the numbers of people participating in sports and activities. Those who pursue the latest fitness fashion are convinced that staying in good physical form requires much more than regular exercise and balanced meals. For anyone who really wants to be healthy, fitness has become an integral part of their lives. A lot of health and fitness club, and public leisure centers indicate the popularity of sports during the past thirty years. There are many opportunities for keeping fit. First of all it's necessary to do exercises. Running, jumping, swimming, bending and stretching are among the most popular exercises. Many people prefer jogging, which is the cheapest and the most accessible sport. Popular running competitions are now held everywhere. The big city marathons have become sporting events. A healthy body becomes a fashion, an ideal of the modern life. Many sports activities have become part of daily Russian life. Football has always been the most popular sport among boys. Playing football is healthy, football also bring people close because in order to win people have to work as a team. The best way to avoid depression caused by the city life is doing exercises. Taking exercise is only one part of keeping fit. It's important to get slim. Some people eat nothing but fruit for several days. But it won't be of any use without proper exercises. Besides to avoid serious disease one should give up smoking. Smoking should be banned in all public places.