
  • 1061. There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes

    Englishmen say «There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes», It means that they like all the seasons, all kinds of weather. Every season is good in its own way. Each person likes this or that season. It depends on his character, mood. They say that Pushkin liked autumn very much. This season is full of colours, bright and tasty. The sky is blue, but sometimes grey clouds appear. The sun shines but it begins to hide behind the clouds. Its rays are not so warm. Autumn is full of vegetables and fruit, mushrooms and berries. There is nothing like Indian summer in autumn. As for me, I like to walk on the carpet of bright leaves listen to the last songs of birds flying to warm countries, look at the nature. It is like a fairy-tale. It fades away and nothing can be done. Soon drizzling rains will begin and everything will be dull and sad. But still I like autumn.

  • 1062. There is Nothing LikeVisiting Narva

    I have never seen so unique work of two ancient frontier fortresses facing each other across a river. One is Hermann Castle and the second is Ivangorod Castle which situated over on the Russia side. If you have never before seen Swedish medieval fortifications, in Narva you will find those which previously enclosed the town, making it one of the most powerful fortresses in Europe. There are many places in Narva to see. The main sights for those who interested in the history, is visiting the Narva Museum, housed in the famous Tall Herman Tower. There people can acquaint themselves with displays about the history of Narva, its prewar architecture, and the household implements of its citizens. And for art-lovers, visiting Narva Art Gallery, - a very cosy and pleasant place, located on the Gloria Bastion in the former military barracks - , will be interestingly. The main exhibition area holds the art collection of merchant named Lavretsov, and there are regular temporary exhibitions of art from Estonia as well as from other countries. One sightseeing that amaze me by its huge territory were the buildings Kreenholm factory which is the best example of the industrial architecture of the 19th century. The factory, the biggest cotton enterprise in Estonia, is located on Krenholm Island, which divides the Narva river into two arms. There are many other places to visit like The Dark Garden, where I have walked, The House of Boron Velio, which was built in the early 19th century and much more. I grew my knowledge, visiting this places, of the history, as in the past Narva was one of the most famous cities of Europe.

  • 1063. This US unilateral policy

    Also, it is possible that the USA will return to the policy of partial isolationism to concentrate on its own problems. First, US troops should be withdrawn from Iraq. This action will greatly destabilize the situation in the Middle East, and Iraq, probably, will become a new center of Islamic fundamentalism. Islamic radicals will increase their activity and the situation will become very dangerous for many countries, but not for the USA. The terrorists simply could not reach the United States. It will be a real danger for the EU and Russia, American adversaries. In Russia the war could spread from Chechnya to the whole Caucasus region. In European countries the danger of terrorist acts would increase dramatically. Of course it would be terrible act (an immediate withdrawing of the troops) from a moral point of work, but the States have already shown several times that they care only about their own interests.

  • 1064. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

    His most outstanding archivment was as chief author of the Declaration of Independence, a statement of human rights and liberties. It was read to the happy people on the 4th of July, 1776. Jefferson also drew up the constitution for his state, Virginia, and served as its governor. He was sent to France as the foreign minister of the United States of America and afterwards was President's Washington secretary of state. A few years later he became the country's third president, serving in this position for 2 terms. The author of the Declaration of Independence did another important thing for the American people.

  • 1065. Thomas More

    Fourteen years after Henry VIII came to the throne, More was made Speaker of the House of Commons. The Tudor monarchy was an absolute monarchy, and Parliament had very little power to resist the king. There was, however, one matter on which Parliament was very determined. That was the right to vote or to refuse to vote for the money. Once when the King wanted money and asked Parliament to vote him 800.000, the members sat silent. Twice the King's messengers called, and twice they had to leave without an answer. When Parliament was called together again, Thomas More spoke up and urged that the request be refused. After a long discussion a sum less then half the amount requested by the King was voted, and that sum was to be spread over a period of four years.

  • 1066. Thomas More Utopia

    Let me close by making a point that I implied above. Utopia is thus not a program for our society. It is not a blueprint but a touchstone against which we try various ideas about both our times and the book to see what then comes of it all. It helps us see what we are without telling us in detail what we are destined to be. Utopia becomes part of a chain, crossing and uncrossing with past and present in the unending debate about human nature and the best possible society possible to the kind of beings we are. Utopia becomes in every age a rather sober carnival to make us smile and grimace and lift ourselves out of the prosaic and the real, to give ourselves a second life where we can imagine the liberty to make everything all over again, to create society anew as the wise Utopus himself did long before in Utopia. His wisdom is not ours. But it summons us to have our own wisdom and to use it as best we can to judge what is wrong in our society in the hope that our judgment will make us do some things right, even if we cannot make all things new this side of paradise.

  • 1067. Three-party politics
  • 1068. Time Off

    Many newspaper reporters, radio broadcasters, hospital workers, police, fire fighters and workers who provide other essential services must work on holidays. All working Americans, however, do get vacation time. Most take their vacations during the summer monthsas is common in other nations.

  • 1069. Tintoretto

    Almost all his life was spent in Venice and most of his work is still in the churches or other buildings for which it was painted. He appears to have been unpopular because he was unscrupulous in procuring commissions and ready to undercut his competitors. By 1539 he was sufficiently mature to be established independently, painting pictures composed in a traditional Venetian manner with the figures arranged parallel to the picture plane and unlinked by any strong movement or variation in the arrangement (The Adoration of the Golden Calf, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, c. 1545). His early masterpiece is the Miracle of the Slave (Accademia, Venice, 1548), in which many of the qualities of his maturity, particularly his love of foreshortening, begin to be distinguishable. To help him with the complex poses he favoured, Tintoretto used to make small wax models which he arranged on a stage and experimented on with spotlights for effects of light and shade and composition. This method of composing explains the frequent repetition in his works of the same figures seen from different angles. He was a formidable draughtsman and, according to Ridolfi, he had inscribed on his studio wall the motto `The drawing of Michelangelo and the color of Titian'. However, he was very different in spirit from either of his avowed models -- more emotive, using vivid exaggerations of light and movement. His drawings, unlike Michelangelo's detailed life studies, are brilliant, rapid notations, bristling with energy, and his color is more sombre and mystical than Titian's.

  • 1070. Tissot, James

    His pictures are distinguished most obviously by his love of painting women's costumes: indeed, his work--which has a fashion-plate elegance and a chocolate-box charm-- has probably been more often reproduced in works on the history of costume than on the history of painting. He also, however, had a gift for wittily observing nuances of social behavior. In 1882, following the death of his mistress Kathleen Newton (the archetypal Tissot model-- beautiful but rather vacant), he returned to France. In 1888 he underwent a religious conversion when he went into a church to `catch the atmosphere for a picture', and thereafter he devoted himself to religious subjects. He visited the Holy Land in 1886-87 and in 1889, and his illustrations to the events of the Bible were enormously popular, both in book form and when the original drawings were exhibited.

  • 1071. Titian

    Early in the 1540s Titian came under the influence of central and north Italian Mannerism, and in 1545-6 he made his first and only journey to Rome. There he was deeply impressed not only by modern works such as Michelangelo's Last Judgement, but also by the remains of antiquity. His own paintings during this visit aroused much interest, his Danaл (Museo di Capodimonte, Naples) being praised for its handling and color and (according to Vasari) criticized for its inexact drawing by Michelangelo. Titian also painted in Rome the famous portrait of Pope Paul III and his Nephews (Museo di Capodimonte). The decade closed with further imperial commissions. In 1548 the emperor summoned Titian to Augsburg, where he painted both a formal equestrian portrait (Charles V at the Battle of Mьhlberg, Prado) and a more intimate one showing him seated in an armchair (Alte Pinakothek, Munich). He travelled to Augsburg again in 1550 and this time painted portraits of Charles's son, the future Philip II of Spain, and the greatest patron of his later career. Titian's work for Philip included a series of seven erotic mythological subjects (c. 1550-62): Danaл and Venus and Adonis (Prado), Perseus and Andromeda (Wallace Collection, London), The Rape of Europa (Gardner Museum, Boston), Diana and Actaeon and Diana and Calisto (Ellesmere Collection, on load to the National Gallery of Scotland), and The Death of Actaeon (National Gallery, London). Titian referred to these pictures as poesie, and they are indeed highly poetic visions of distant worlds, quite different from the sensual realities of his earlier mythological paintings.

  • 1072. Today England leading working


    1. For a long time Britain remained the “worlds workshop”, the first industrial country. England was the first country to start large-scale factory production. Many technical inventions of outstanding importance were put into use in England. Having accumulated colossal wealth, Britain became the “worlds banker”.
    2. Today England is one of the leading countries in the world. Its main branches of industry are those working for export; such as chemical, artificial silk, motor-car, electronic equipment, etc. The technical level of these branches is very high.
  • 1073. Tolerance

    On the one hand its difficult to disagree that all people are different and we should see them as they are. On the other hand I dont think that tolerance is achieved by making an effort not to harm a different person. It is written in Websters Dictionary that tolerance is a fair and permissive attitude toward those, whose race, religion, nationality differs from ones own. I think that Tony Campolo looked into this dictionary before writing the article. In fact, this is the most laconic definition of tolerance. But if this possible to be so laconic in such miracle as human life, I bet not. Im afraid that my point of work is not the only true point, but I honestly believe that tolerance and faith lie somewhere in the deep of our souls, and we cant just learn how to be tolerant, as we cant just learn how to believe in God. If we take a concept of faith and its definition in Webster, its a belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion. For me its not just like abidance by religious rules. Faith is a fraction of holy creature inside me, something that makes me human, something that guides me through my entire life.

  • 1074. Top 20 computer systems in the World

    George Orwell didnt foresee the AT in 1984. Maybe it was because Big Blue, not Big Brother, was playing its cards close to its chest. The IBM AT set new standards for performance and storage capacity. Intel`s blazingly fast 286 CPU running at 6 MHz and 16-bit bus structure gave the AT several times the performance of previous IBM systems. Hard drive capacity doubled from 10 MB to 20 MB (41 MB if you installed two drives - just donut ask how they did the math), and the cost per megabyte dropped dramatically.

  • 1075. Toronto

    Для любителей ресторанных кутежей Торонто - не самое райское место. Заведений с вечерними и ночными развлекательными программами здесь немного. Это, в первую очередь, русские рестораны: "Династи стар", "Вернисаж" и "Мираж". Кавказской кухней можно насладиться в ресторане "Кавказ". Во всех этих заведениях слух посетителей услаждают вокально-инструментальные ансамбли и выступают лучшие певцы российской эмиграции. Временами сюда наезжают Шафутинский, Токарев, Успенская и прочие эмигрантские знаменитости. Наиболее изысканное меню и концертные программы - в "Династи стар" и "Мираже". Ценителям итальянской кухни можно порекомендовать расположенные в центре города "Оливен гарден" и "Ругатти". Людям, пристрастившимся в путешествиях к греческой кухне, стоит прогуляться по проспекту Дэнфорт, где один греческий ресторан сменяет другой. Наиболее престижным считается "Оузери". Для того, чтобы попасть сюда, придется постоять в очереди (редкость для Торонто). Впрочем, если не хочется ждать, можно зайти в "Френдли грик", "Патрис", "Эллас" или "Омонию", где кухня ничем не хуже. Правда, в отличие от "Оузери", в них не всегда играет музыка.

  • 1076. Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de

    In order to become a part of the Montmartre life--as well as to protect himself against the crowd's ridicule of his appearance--Toulouse-Lautrec began to drink heavily. In the 1890s the drinking started to affect his health. He was confined to a sanatorium and to his mother's care at home, but he could not stay away from alcohol. Toulouse-Lautrec died on Sept. 9, 1901, at the family chateau of Malrome. Since then his paintings and posters--particularly the Moulin Rouge group--have been in great demand and bring high prices at auctions and art sales.

  • 1077. Towards Abstraction

    Like August Macke, Marc chose to express these feelings with emphatic, symbolic colors. He painted animals with a profoundly moving love: a love for what they represented and could still experience, unlike humanity. Deer in the Forest II (1913-14, 110.5 x 100.5 cm (43 1/2 x 39 2/3 in)) is made up of a dense network of shapes and lines that border on the abstract. Together they create a forest of experience through which we can see, as if emerging from the undergrowth, the small forms of the deer. The animals are utterly at peace, at home in the forest of the world. It is a stylized and luminous vision of a species that can live without the angers of the ego.

  • 1078. Trade in Estonia in the Past and Present

    The most important export item was grain; flax from Russia and Estonia was the next important. Russian shipbuilding materials, furs, wax and timber products were sent to Western Europe via Tallinn. It was by sea that the main Estonian imports such as salt (which was then taken to Russia and Finland), spices, wine, fruit, salt, textiles etc. were imported from the West, mainly from Spain and Flanders. Iron was shipped to Estonia from Sweden and tin from England.

  • 1079. Traditional Meals in Mexico

    Taco is the most popular appetizer in Mexico. The principal ingredient is a crisp corn cake, fried in the form of U. Taco shells as a rule are filled with meat and seasoning or with string bean. Then it is topped with cut lettuce, onion, tomatoes and grated cheese. All this is enriched with red or green chili sauce. Variants of cooking taco sauce are endless. Taco sauce cooked of tomatoes, onion, chili pepper, garlic and other seasoning creates a unique taste of the Mexican cuisine.

  • 1080. Traditions & Customs of Great Britain

    Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britian traditions play more importaint part in the life of the people than in some other countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. It has been the law for about three hundred years that all the theatres are closed on Sundays no letters are delivered only a few Sunday papers are publshed. To this day English families prefer cotage houses with gardens to flats in a modern house with central heeting. English people like gardens. Sometimes the garden in front of the house is a little square covered with cement painted green (in imitation of grass) and a box of flowers. In English houses the fire-place has always been the centre of interest in a room. For many months of the year people like to sit round the fire and watch the dancing flames. Fire places are decorated with woodworks, there is a painting or a mirror over it. Above the fire there is usually a shelf with a clock and some photographs. Holydays are especially rich in old traditions and are different in cotland, Wales and England. Christmas is a great english national holyday and in Scotland it is not kept at all exeept by clerks in banks, all the shops and factories are working. But 6 days later on the New Year's Eve the Scots begin to enjoy themselves. People invite their friends to their houses and sit the old year out and the new year in. In England on new Year's Eve a lot of people go to Trafalgar Square, at midnight, they all cross their arms join hands and sing. People have parties too, they drink toarts to the New Year Children are happy to have presents.