
  • 1121. Virtual events - работа с аудиторией: Контроль
    Реклама и PR

    Итак, о первом (одном из самых эффективных) и, по мнению большинства, единственном инструменте контроля аудитории в рамках виртуальных специальных мероприятий мы уже вскользь упомянули в предыдущей части материала. Это модерация. Причем принимать она на virtual events может совершенно разные формы. Самый распространенный на сегодняшний день вид модерации в рамках онлайновых специальных мероприятий - так называемая премодерация. Ее суть заключается в том, что все сообщения от участников мероприятия вначале проверяются специалистом, и только затем появляются в "прямом эфире". У подобного подхода есть свои плюсы и, конечно же, свои минусы. Из преимуществ выделим: полный контроль над происходящим вне зависимости от количества участников и масштаба проекта. Что же касается недостатков премодерации, то, в первую очередь, стоит отметить падение скорости информационного потока, что в ряде ситуаций даже хорошо (см. ниже), на мероприятии, а также некоторую субъективность условного пропуска/непропуска тех или иных сообщений.

  • 1122. Visit to a doctor

    First we can read about it in ancient Egyptians manuscripts, which were written nearly 6000 years ago, in ancient documents of China and India. Abu Ali Ebu Sina was the first man who gave detail description of smallpox. Nobody knows the exact time of it's appearing in Europe. There were great epidemics in Italy, France and in a lot of others. In the 17-18 centuries in Europe every year 10 million died.

  • 1123. Visiting Theatres

    If I want to go to the theatre, first of all, I have to buy a ticket. If it is an interesting and popular performance it is difficult to buy a ticket at once. That's why I have to buy a ticket beforehand. Now I have a ticket. I go to the theatre, leave my coat in the cloak-room. Then I go to the foyer. It is interesting to see the photos of the famous and popular actors and actresses on the walls. I want to know who plays in this performance and I buy a programme. The performance begins at 7 o'clock in the evening after the third bell. My seat is near the stage. I like the performance and I applaud the actors and actresses. The performance has got two parts. During the interval I usually go to the cafe to have a cake and drink a cup of tea or a cup of coffee, or a glass of lemonade. I like to discuss the play if I see it with my friends.

  • 1124. Wales

    Wales is an not independent nation. In 1292, the English king, Edward, invaded Wales and built fourteen huge castles to control the Welsh people. His son, Edward, became the first prince of Wales, since then all the kings and queens of England have given their eldest sons the title, Prince of Wales. Prince Charles became the twenty-first Prince of Wales. Although the English have ruled Wales for many centuries, Wales still has its own flag, culture, and, above all, its own language. In the towns and villages of North Wales, many people speak English only as a second language. Their first language is Welsh. In Llanberis, a small town at the foot of Snowdon, eighty-six per cent people speak Welsh as their first language. At the local primary school children have nearly all their lessons in Welsh. The children should be bilingual by the time that they are eleven years old. It is not a problem for children to learn two languages at the same time. Children have insight into two cultures, so have all the folk tales of two languages. Children like Welsh because in Welsh you spell things just how you say them, in English there are more silent letters.

  • 1125. Was wollte der Autor in seinem Marchen sagen?

    Ich glaube, es gibt in diesem Mrchen fast nichts mrchenhaftes. Alle Taten und Sachen, die auf den ersten Blick mrchenhaft scheinen, sind schlielich ganz realistisch. Diese zwei Schwindler sind keine Zauber, sie verstanden keinen Stoff zu weben, der eine solche Eigenschaft haben konnte, da die Leute, die dumm sind oder zu ihren Amt nicht taugen, diesen Stoff nicht sehen konnten. Das war ihre Erfindung. Und der Kaiser und seine Hofleute sind selbst schuld daran, da sie ihnen glaubten. Wenn sie wirklich so klug wren, wie sie dachten, dann knnten sie die Plne der Schwindler rechtzeitig entlarven. Man mu zuerst denken und nur dann etwas machen. Und die Leute, die fr das Schiksal des Staates verantwortlich sind, mssen noch grndlicher denken, weil das Leben des Volks von ihnen abhngt.

  • 1126. Washington

    The White House, the official residence of the President, is situated at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. The largest room in this building of over the hundreds room is the East Room, scene of many state receptions, balls and musicals. Other famous rooms are: the Green Room, the Blue Room, the Red Room, which are used for afternoon teas and for receptions held before state dinners. The Blue Room, the most formal of these "colors" room is an oval-shaped room connecting the Green and the Red Rooms. On the second floor, the floor with the family quarters and quests rooms, is the Lincoln Room, which one served as an office for president Lincoln but today serves as an honor guest room. In this room Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation of 1863.

  • 1127. Washington, DC

    The city of Washington, the capital of the United States of America is located in the District of Columbia (DC for short) Many people consider Washington DC to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is filled with many parks, wide streets and impressive buildings. In the center of the city, in Capitol Park, visitors' eyes focus on the Capitol, where Congress meets to make laws. Many visitors come to Washington DC to see the White House. It is the greatest attraction for many of them. The White House, the official residence of the President, is situated at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. The largest room in this building of over the hundreds room is the East Room, scene of many state receptions, balls and musicals. Other famous rooms are: the Green Room, the Blue Room, the Red Room, which are used for afternoon teas and for receptions held before state dinners. The Blue Room, the most formal of these "colors" room is an oval-shaped room connecting the Green and the Red Rooms. On the second floor, the floor with the family quarters and quests rooms, is the Lincoln Room, which one served as an office for president Lincoln but today serves as an honor guest room. In this room Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation of 1863.

  • 1128. Wassillissa the Beautiful

    Then the little doll's eyes would begin to shine like glow-worms, and it would become alive. It would eat a little food, and sip a little drink, and then it would comfort her and tell her how to act. While Wassilissa slept, it would get ready all her work for the next day, so that she had only to rest in the shade and gather flowers, for the doll would have the kitchen garden weeded, and the beds of cabbage watered, and plenty of fresh water brought from the well, and the stoves heated exactly right. And, besides this, the little doll told her how to make, from a certain herb, an ointment which prevented her from ever being sun-burnt. So all the joy in life that came to Wassilissa came to her through the tiny doll that she always carried in her pocket.

  • 1129. Watteau, Jean-Antoine

    One of the few things we can be sure about, in this famous but enigmatic work, is the fact that Gilles is a Pierrot. Watteau may have painted it as a sign for the cafй run by the former actor, Belloni, who made his name as a Pierrot. The model, a friend or another actor, is unknown. Standing with his arms dangling at his sides, with a dreamy, naive look on his face, the moonstruck Pierrot stands out monumentally and idiosyncratically against a leafy Italianate background. At the foot of the mound, reminiscent of a fairground stage, four half-hidden figures--the Doctor on his donkey, Lйandre, Isabelle and the Capitaine--contribute to the singularity of the composition and the poetic drama.

  • 1130. Weather and climate

    This gas in the atmosphere works like glass in a greenhouse. It lets heat get in, but it doesn't let much heat get out. So the atmosphere becomes warmer. Where does the carbon dioxide come from? People and animals breathe in oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide. We produce carbon dioxide when we burn things. Trees take this gas from the air, and produce oxygen. But in the last few years, people have cut down and burn big areas of rainforest. This means there are fewer trees, and, of course, more carbon dioxide!

  • 1131. Web 3.0 - настоящее и будущее
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Web 3.0 это следующий логический шаг, этап развития идей, обуславливающих понятие Web 2.O. Это, если можно так сказать, «реализация нужд». Тем не менее, как такового Web 3.0 еще не существует. Та масса требований, которые выдвигаются сегодня к сети, те идеи, что кристаллизуются в среде Web 2.0, найдут свою реализацию в том, что можно было бы назвать Web 3.0. Важно понимать, что Web 3.0 не является всего лишь надстройкой над 2.0. Ведь если вы приделаете к велосипеду крылья, вряд ли вы получите самолет. Этот переход должен быть органичным и комплексным. .. Вообще говоря, определение версий такой динамичной системы как сеть задача нетривиальная. А как насчет подходов от «технологии, исправляющей избыточную интерактивность и недостатки «толпы непрофессионалов, формирующих контент» и до просто «возможности поиска видео на онлайн-ресурсах не по тэгам, а по контенту»? Все это синдромы «базарного дня». Не нужно однозначно оценивать явление как исключительно положительное или отрицательное. Так, интерактивность избыточна тогда, когда она не продумана и вызвана просто модой. «Непрофессионалы» тоже никуда не денутся слой дилетантов всегда имел место быть и будет впредь дарить нам уникальные экземпляры. Что же касается поиска по тегам, то пока этот способ можно признать одним из наиболее эффективных. Теоретически, можно осуществлять подбор видео при помощи статистического анализа: гаммы, плавности форм, частоты смены планов, плотности звукоряда (который также поддается анализу), но понятно, насколько это будет сложно. Теги как раз позволяют кратко и точно охарактеризовать содержание: отказавшись от них, мы лишимся простого и понятного одновременно человеку и машине языка. Так что упрощающие описания будут в ходу до тех пор, пока человек не научится быстро транслировать свои мысли в компьютер.

  • 1132. Wedings and colors
    Иностранные языки

    As a youngster -- or perhaps even as an adult -- have you ever sat dreamily imagining yourself in a fairytale wedding dress, about to marry your very own Prince Charming? And, what color is the wedding dress? The chances are it's a white one. Millions of girls and women that dream of the perfect marriage have a vision of the perfect white wedding dress in their minds. But why white? Where did this tradition come from?

    Women Haven't Always Been Marrying in White

    In fact, in the grand scheme of things, the tradition isn't even all that old. The white wedding dress of today is deep-seated tradition, and for many is worn to signify virtue as well as uphold tradition. Millions -- in fact billions -- of women all over the world start thinking about the perfect white wedding gown before they have even found the perfect partner.

    Britain is a place that is rife with traditions and legends, so it is little wonder that the tradition of the white wedding dress was started by the English Monarchy. It was the wedding of Queen Victoria that spawned the interest and popularity of white wedding dresses as we know them today.

    Queen Victoria married Albert of Saxe in 1840, and wore what would then have been considered a flamboyant white gown. Of course, this did not start the tradition immediately; however, many women saw this as a statement of class and style, and copied the Queen by also getting married in white.

    The white wedding dress in those days had nothing to do with being virtuous -- it was all about wealth. Getting married in a white, extravagant gown was a sign that you could afford to buy a dress that you would never be able to wear again because of its style and color (whites were not easy to clean in those days as they are today!).

    Of course, women still continued to be married in various colors and styles of dress -- it was only the vain and the wealthy that insisted on white to follow in the footsteps of the wealthy Monarch. However, during Edwardian times, the white wedding dress once more soared to new heights of popularity, as Coco Chanel unveiled its new knee-length white wedding dress, complete with extravagant train.

    Even so, with the depression that followed World War I and the approach of World War II, many women continued to make do with whatever type of dress they could afford, and this went on for decades. Some women would marry in a short white informal wedding dress, which could then be dyed and used as an everyday dress. Again, it was only the fabulously wealthy that could really afford to splurge on an elaborate gown.

    However, from the 1950s onwards, as the world watched Hollywood stars, royalty and members of high society get wed in stunning white gowns, the tradition of white became signed and sealed.

    Wedding Dresses of Different Colors: A bit of folklore

    As with many other things in life, there is much folklore and legend surrounding the various other colors that brides have been known to wed in. One old rhyme seems to sum up these notions:

    Married in white, you have chosen all right.

    Married in green, ashamed to be seen.

    Married in red, you will wish yourself dead.

    Married in blue, you will always be true.

    Married in yellow, ashamed of your fellow.

    Married in black, you will wish yourself back.

    Married in pink, your spirits will sink

    Of course, most people will think nothing of this poem, apart from the fact that each color has been coupled with a meaning that just happened to rhyme very well. We all know that there are plenty of people that have married in pinks, blues and every other color, and have enjoyed a long and happy marriage. And we certainly know that there are plenty of people that have married in white, who have not prospered quite so well.

    Ordering Your Wedding Dress Online

    Luckily, legend and folklore has given way to individuality in recent years, and brides now enjoy getting married in the color of their choice. Both celebrities and everyday women have injected their wedding dresses with their own sense of style and personality, and we have seen women marrying in colors ranging from delicate ivory to deepest red and even black.

    Royalty and high society still tend to favour the tradition of marrying in white. However, since simply wearing a white wedding gown can no longer mark their stature due to the availability of the white wedding dress, they now do this by infusing the dress with the most expensive silks, pearls and material possible, making it worth a king's ransom by the time it is finished.

    Luckily, we don't all have to pay a fortune to look stunning for our wedding day, and there is now so much choice in color, style, material and design that we can get married looking just the way we want -- and without having to sell all of our worldly possessions to do so!

    The Internet is a great source for wedding dresses. You can enjoy excellent value for your money and unrivalled choice, enabling you to achieve just the look and theme that you want for your special day. Whether you want a full-on white gown with all the trimmings, a simple and elegant ivory dress, an informal yet classy wedding dress or something totally unique in a rich, vibrant color, the Internet will provide you with access to the perfect choice.

    You will enjoy access to a wide range of dress styles online, including:

    Traditional wedding gowns

    Informal wedding dresses

    Designer wedding dresses

    Colored wedding gowns

    Gothic or medieval style wedding gowns

    Short wedding dresses

    Long wedding dresses

    You can also select from a wide choice of material, so you can feel and look as stunning as you dare, and with the great quality available online you can cherish your special dress for years to come -- perhaps even pass it down to future generations.

  • 1133. Wee Little Havroshechka

    And the cow would say in reply, "My bonny lass, you have only to climb into one of my ears and come out through the other and your work will be done for you." And just as Brindled said, so it was. Wee Little Havroshechka would climb into one of the cow's ears and come out through the other, and behold! there lay the cloth, all woven and bleached and rolled. Little Havroshechka would then take the rolls of cloth to her mistress, who would look at them and grunt, and put them away in a chest and give Wee Little Havroshechka even more work to do.

  • 1134. Welsh traditional music

    The Welsh have a drastically different style of playing, largely due to the nature of the music itself. Their music is ornamented through theme and variation, a more classical style, rather than through the sort of ornamentation heard in Scottish and Irish music. Due to this love of Baroque-like style, the Welsh adopted the triple harp as their national instrument, taking advantage of the three rows of strings to play a wide variety of variations on traditional Welsh melodies. (Triple-strung harps have two diatonic rows on either side, and a row of accidentals up the middle, which the harper plays by reaching between the outer strings to play).
    The harp is of course the instrument most closely identified with Wales. But though it's accorded the highest respect there, the fiddle and the accordion are perhaps embraced with greater affection. CDs sampling the traditions of both have recently been released, but for many listeners these will be introductions rather than surveys. The squeezebox anthology Megin (bellows) is especially good. The range of repertoire, and even instruments, is remarkable, from the robust melodeon dance music of Meg and Neil Browning from North Wales to John Morgan (clearly influenced by harp players) whose duet concertina combines the gravitas of a church organ with the delicacy of a flute. The inclusive nature of this selection is significant too; players from the south-eastern, urban, (post-) industrial region rub shoulders with those from the Marches, the rural and largely English-speaking area running along the border. It even includes the Brecon Hornpipe and Dic y Cymro played by John Kirkpatrick - the most famous of English box players who lives on the eastern side, in Shropshire. So the CD draws on and expresses the complex reality and the richness of Wales, recognising that music will not be confined by city nor countryside, language nor national boundary.
    Those instrumental traditions were not well known, and the fiddle certainly suffered in the religious revivals of the 19th century, when many were burned. But at least they did not disappear completely. The bray harp, the instrument of medieval bards, then the peasants of South Wales, and bagpipes - of which there were various local kinds - were not so fortunate. Tunes and references to players remain and in recent years Ceri Rhys Matthews and Jonathan Shorland have recreated bagpipes and researched their repertoires, while William Taylor has reconstructed the smaller bray harp. Such enterprises are academically fraught, but musically very exciting. That there are no masters from whom to learn the nuances of phrasing, accent and the trick of grace-notes - those details of performance which distinguish traditional music - is a grave loss, but it does give the contemporary musician enviable freedom.

  • 1135. West, Benjamin

    West painted historical and religious subjects on huge canvases. Among his famous works are Agrippina Landing at Brundisium with the Ashes of Germanicus (1768); The Death of General Wolfe (1771), the controversial painting in which he broke away from classical costumes; Penn's Treaty with the Indians (1772); and Death on a Pale Horse (1817), which anticipated developments in French romantic painting. Modern critics regard West's figures as somewhat stiff, his colors harsh, and his themes uninspired, but they respect his leadership and influence on later artists. West died on March 11, 1820, in London.

  • 1136. Westminster Abbey

    The shrine seen today within the chapel is only a ghost of its former self. It originally had three parts: a stone base decorated with Cosmati work, a gold feretory containing the saints coffin, a canopy above which could be raised to reveal the feretory or lowered to protect it. Votive offerings of gold and jewels were given to enrich the feretory over the centuries. To this shrine came many pilgrims, and the sick were frequently left beside it overnight in the hope of a cure. All this ceased at the Reformation The shrine was dismantled and stored by the monks; the gold feretory was taken away from them, but they were allowed to rebury the saint elsewhere in the Abbey.

  • 1137. What factor, more than any other, caused me to apply to Molloy College?

    I am not a religious person, but my life experience makes me believe that there is some power that guides our lives; our destiny is predetermined and we cannot do anything about it. Human life can be compared with rafting down a mountain stream. You can control the course of your raft to some extent and make it move to the left or to the right, but you have no chance to go against the current. Similarly, we have some influence on our lives, but we cannot go against our destiny. What is that power that controlled our lives? Does this power exist at all? Is it nothing but a play of human imagination? There are even more questions. Why people, even nonbelievers, start praying when they are very frightened? If you are afraid for your life, you begin to pray even if you have no idea how to do it. I observed such behavior many times when I was in the army. What is religion? Is it just worshipping a deity? Is it a belief that unites people? Are such contemporary philosophies as communism and American democracy types of religion? These two ideologies would be a new type of faith: religion without a god. People worship the principle instead of a deity. They die and kill in the name of the principle as often as they did in the name of God. Can humankind exist without religion? I hope that Theology classes will give me answers to some of these questions.

  • 1138. What I dislike in my school
    Иностранные языки

    Besides, every day we have two breaks of 10 minutes and two breaks of 15 minutes at school. But 15 minutes is not enough to have a lunch for the pupils. They are always in a hurry eating their lunch. It causes diseases connected with stomach. And you know that some classes have their lessons in the afternoon. I think it is too late to come back home at 8 p.m. and pupils are too tired to do their homework. I my opinion all the pupils of my school should go to school in the morning, have some lessons (4 or 5) then have a long break of an hour and a half for dinner at school or at home. After dinner all the pupils of my school should be at school again having their optional courses, additional lessons, clubs in different subjects and clubs according to their interests: sports, computer, tourist clubs and so on and so forth. Our teachers should be at school too. If some pupils dont understand something in their subjects they will have an opportunity to ask their teachers for help. I want to add that the pupils could have a short rest in a music room, in the library reading popular magazines. And at 5 p.m. all of the pupils go home. I know that such system is popular in English schools and it seems to me it is more convenient for us, pupils.

  • 1139. What is better watching sports or participating in sports?

    - Yes, I do. Eugeny Kafelnikov is my favourite tennis player. He is really good in tennis and ranks among the best tennis players of the world. Kafelnikov was the first Russian tennis player who managed to defeat the strongest Western athletes. I hope Eugeny will show excellent results for many years to come. I think that the example of Kafelnikov should inspire many young Russians to play tennis. As for football, I can not, unfortunately, say that there is a particular Russian player whom I admire. My favourite football player is Gabriel Batistuta. He is an Argentinean, but now he is playing in the Italian championship. He is a really gifted athlete, he loves football and makes thousands of fans adore him. At the same time he neither shows any pride nor demonstrates contempt for his fans. This is also very important. Batistuta serves me an example not only as a sportsman but as a personality too.

  • 1140. What is computer virus

    The first physical sector of every hard disk (Side Ш, Track Ш, Sector 1) contains the disk's Master Boot Record and Partition Table. The Master Boot Record has a small program within it called the Master Boot Program, which looks up the values in the partition table for the starting location of the bootable partition, and then tells the system to go there and execute any code it finds. Assuming your disk is set up properly, what it finds in that location (Side 1, Track Ш, Sector 1) is a valid boot sector. On floppy disks, these same viruses infect the boot sectors. You get a Master Boot Record virus in exactly the same manner you get a boot sector virus -- by leaving an infected diskette in a drive and rebooting the machine. When the boot sector program is read and executed, the virus goes into memory and infects the MBR of your hard drive. Again, because every disk has a boot sector, it is possible (and common) to infect a machine from a data disk.