Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине «английский язык» Для студентов заочной формы обучения специальностей

Вид материалаУчебно-методический комплекс


Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных, если это возможно.
8. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
9. Задайте все возможные вопросы к предложению, обозначенному в тексте звездочкой.
Подобный материал:
1   ...   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   ...   24

Вариант 3

  1. В каждой строчке найдите и выпишите слово, которое не рифмуется с остальными.

gay fail bite great

sour power hour hair

dare deer fare parents

leer fewer curable duration

deer dear here there

tourist sour fluent moor

  1. ^ Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных, если это возможно.

A story, a piano, a child, courage, a toy, a desk, a brush, a stimulus, a flower, money, a tooth, a wolf, a face-lift, a gentleman, a fish, a tune, a crossroads, a watch, a loaf, a body, a bus, a mongoose.

  1. Составьте предложения из данных слов.
  1. (you/the same/wear/clothes/day/every)
  2. (I/want to speak/fluently/English)
  3. (to work/every morning/George/walks)
  4. (at the party/we/early/arrived)
  5. (didn’t/yesterday/go/I/to work)
  6. (they/since 1986/have lived/here)
  7. (goes/every year/to Italy/Jill)
  8. (did/to the cinema/go/last night/you?)
  9. (in London/Alice/in 1986/was born)
  10. (I/in bed/this morning/my breakfast/had)

  1. Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных, если это возможно.

Large, sad, important, dead, little, dry, cheap, remarkable, vacant, high-flown.

  1. a) Напишите словами следующие числительные.

15; 364; 777; 1,836; 92,272,618; 52.830; 351,573,946; 6/8; 33; 55,343,675.

b) Переведите на английский язык следующие порядковые числительные.

Третий, восемнадцатый, шестьдесят четвертый, девяностый, две тысячи тридцать второй.

c) Напишите словами следующие даты.

16 апреля 1865 года, 5 марта 2001 года, 20 ноября 1602 года, 31 августа 1900 года, дату Вашего рождения.

d) Напишите словами, который час.

17.48; 14.12; 17.55; 10.30; 22.00; 13.57.

  1. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на местоимения.
  1. Это их цветы.
  2. Те цветы – их.
  3. Я ходил в их сад посмотреть на цветы. Они очень красивые.
  4. Они вырастили эти цветы сами.
  5. Подари ей эти цветы.

7. Измените глагол в предложении в зависимости от обстоятельства времени.

He (to work) at the office. (every day, yesterday, tomorrow, right now, at 1 p.m. yesterday, never, by 4 o’clock yesterday)

^ 8. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.


Wales is a country in the west of Great Britain; it has an area of 20,760 square kilometers and a population of about 1 million people.

On the north, south and west Wales is bounded by water and on the east - by English counties. Its surface is largely mountainous reaching 3500 feet in Snowdon, the highest point in southern Britain. 5 percent of Wales is covered by forest, and much of the country is pasture – land for sheep and cattle. There are a lot of lakes in Wales; because of the mountainous nature of the country and its moist climate its vegetation is rich and green.*

Traditionally Wales is divided into North Wales and South Wales. North Wales is mountainous and its poor land is only good for sheep – farming or growing pinewoods. The sheep provide wool for local weaving industries, and the wool is used for beautiful handmade furniture. The north of the country has Snowdonia and could be said to have tourism as the chief industry. South Wales is highly industrialized, with a great coal – field and large iron– and steelworks, chemical plants. There are big ports there.

The capital of the country is Cardiff. Financially, industrially and commercially Cardiff is the most important city in Wales. There persists an idea that Cardiff is dirty because it’s a coal town. But the city’s civic center is sparkling clean. The National Museum of Wales, the Law Courts and the City Hall form one of the most impressive centers in the United Kingdom. Other big cities are Swansea, Carmarther, Cardigan, Newport are also known as big ports.

Wales was invaded by the Celts in about the 6th century and today Welsh population is almost a separate nation, with its own language, music and Celtic culture. English is also spoken there. The Welsh people are not very tall, strong and dark-haired. They have a reputation of good fighters, whose national pride and love of arts have been fed up by their mystic Druid legends.

In the past the Welsh language was not encouraged by the British authorities. Children who spoke Welsh at schools were punished. But today many official documents are in English and Welsh. People can enjoy special TV and radio programs in Welsh.

Wales was invaded many times and resisted the conquerors. Under Henry VIII England and Wales were united (1536). Today Wales is one of the countries of the United Kingdom, which politically is a parliamentary monarchy. According to the old tradition the oldest son of the ruler has usually been designated the Prince of Wales.

^ 9. Задайте все возможные вопросы к предложению, обозначенному в тексте звездочкой.

10. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
  1. What languages are spoken in Wales?
  2. Why is vegetation in Wales rich and green?
  3. What reputation do the Welsh people have?
  4. Is Wales a mountainous country?
  5. Who invaded Wales in the 6th century?