1 Report on activities carried out during the reporting period 10

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Annex 12 List of Participants of Final Presentation
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Annex 12 List of Participants of Final Presentation


Presentation of Results of “Preparation of the EU-funded agricultural sector programme in Ukraine (Phase 2)”

Ukraine, Kyiv, 1st February 2007


Organization, position

Telephone, fax, e-mail

Rémi Duflot

Second secretary, head of section of the Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine

253 30 20

Natalya Korchakova

Delegation of The European Commission to Ukraine

253 30 20 natalya.korchakova@cec.eu.int

Gaydar Mykola Vasiliyovich

Department for Rural Development and Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, Head


Slobodyan Yaroslav Dmytrovych

Department for Rural Development and Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy

278 43 89

Rudenko Mihailo

Director of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of Ministry of Agrarian Policy


(067) 5000106


Drobot Vitaliy Ivanovych

Department of economy ,Head

278 43 68

8 067 297 87 62

Melnik Mikhail Andriyoych

MAP, Dep. for Economic and Market Infrastructure, Head

226 32 42

Dermanets Volodymyr Illarionovych

Department of the cattle-breeding of MAP, deputy head

Netesa Maryna Vasilievna

Department of international integration, investment policy and agribusiness development, deputy head

279 72 97


Artiushyn Vladimir

Blue Ribbon Analytical and Advisory Centre, coordinator of Agricultural Policy Group

253 58 66, 253 58 69, 253 54 82

Ф. 253 56 11



Kobouta Irina

Blue Ribbon Analytical and Advisory Centre, expert of Agricultural Policy Group

253 58 66, 253 58 69, 253 54 82

Ф. 253 56 11



Prokopenko Svetlana Stepanivna

Institute for Rural Development

380 44 272 17 60


Oleksander Tsepko

GFA Consulting Group, Head of the Representative Office

8 050 353 68 08

Ф. 234 94 29



Grytsenko Mykola Petrovych

Agricultural development and legal support Center, Kiev

527 04 35


Vasyliev Volodymyr Pavlovych

Union for promotion of rural green tourism in Ukraine

292 94 63


Schmidt Roman Mykhaylovych

National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of

380 44 451 4456


Borodina Olena Mukolayevna

Institute of Economy and Forecasting

80 44 288 93 39


Prokopa Igor Vasilyovych

Institute of Economy and Forecasting

80 44 288 93 39

Yanchevsky Ruslan Volodymyrovych

National Agrarian University,

Business Development Institute

80 44267 86 48


Tonkovyd Tamara Volodymirivna

National Agrarian University,

Business Development Institute

80 44267 86 48

Anatoliy Furda

Ukrainian –Canadian business center

(0342) 55-20-22


Gorzhuy Denis Kostyantynovych

Ukrainian Animal identification and registration agency

Marina Buchma

European Business Association (EBA)

380 44 491 06 01


Budenko Mukola Ivanovych

Union of dairy enterprises

380 44 517 15 25


Moldavan Lyubov Vasylievna

United Institute of Economy, National Academy of Sciences

80 44 288 93 37

8 050 544 49 40


Alexander Guritzkiy

Dutch-Ukraine Centre for Agriculture Technology Transfer

80 44 431 8297

8050 442 41 78


Kapshtyk Mukhaylo Vasilovych

Association of Farmers and Private Land Owners

501 78 23



Oliynichuk S

Director of Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Alcohol and Biotechnology of Food


Факс (044) 449-0311

Pryhodko Oksana

Improvement of Risk Management Capacity of Farmers and SMEs in Agriculture, Ukraine

Agro insurance expert

380 44 455 72 03

f. 272 36 67

8 067 447 78 99



Grinyuk Iryna

Improvement of Risk Management Capacity of Farmers and SMEs in Agriculture, Ukraine

Finance/Credit expert

380 44 455 72 03

f. 272 36 67

8 050 551 51 61



Kravchenko Igor

TACIS "Improvement of Logistic Services and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture

380 44 234 52 15


Robert Lee

Agricultural Marketing

Project , USAID

380 44 234 39 94

8 067 562 08 12


Andriy Yarmak

Agricultural Marketing Project

380 44 234 39 94

Dr. Heinz-Wilhelm Strubenhoff

German Advisory Group on Economic Reforms in Ukraine, Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting

380 44 235 7502

278 6336



Ostashko Tamara Oleksiivna

USAID “Agricultural policy, legal and regulatory reform project”

380 44 390 70 08


Guzeppe Vatteroni

TACIS` Support Project to NCU, Team Leader

380 44 404 51 58

Uelli Mueller

Head of SDC and SECO office in Ukraine

Victor Borusyuk

Embassy of Japan, Economic Section

490 55 00

Ф. 490 55 02


Nathan L. Taylor

Canadian Embassy

First Secretary (Development)

590-3100 590-3168 Nathan.Taylor@international.gc.ca

Aleksander Kaliberda

Senior Projects Officer, WB


Stefan Kresse

German embassy

247 68 00


Colin Maddock

Support to National Coordination Unit in Ukraine, EU Adviser

38 044 332 01 95

8 050 334 57 12


Irina Dudiak

Dutch bi-lateral program

490 82 23


Ivanova Tetyana Mykolaiyvna

Public organization “Donetsk rural development”

8 066 131 35 48


Yakubovych Victoriya

Risk management project

Richard Moody

Team Leader


Inna Bayda



Gennadiy Kuznetsov



Yuriy Bakun



Volodymyr Pyzhov

Ecorys Ukraine


Sergiy Chetveryk

Ecorys Ukraine


Valentyna Izvyekova

Ecorys Ukraine


1 SWAP – sector-wide approach

2 RM - Richard Moody , O – Ecorys Office , YB – Yuri Bakun , IB – Inna Bayda, GK Gennadiy Kuznetsov , ALL

3 by Dr Marian Garcia dated 24th May 2006

4 Zvi Lerman, David Sedik, Nikolai Pugachev, and Aleksandr Goncharuk dated June 2006

5 Documentation on the Tacis agricultural projects is available from responsible project manager

6 Internationally recognized accreditation is the formal recognition of the competence of a testing or certification body to execute certain (defined) tasks by an authorized body (the accreditation body) which is a member of, or has a multi-lateral agreement with, the EA (the European Cooperation for Accreditation) or ILAC (the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation).

7 Such responsibility is currently shared with the Ministry of Economy (formerly Ministry of Economy and European integration). A Presidential Decree issued 29 November 2005 amended the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ statutes so as to empower it to monitor and co-ordinate activities of Ukrainian administrations connected with European integration.

8 Прим. перекл.: підхід до сільськогосподарського сектора як єдиного цілого – підхід SWAP.

9 Автор д-р. Маріан Гарсія, 24 травня 2006р.

10 Зві Лерман, Давид Седік, Микола Пугачов і Олександр Гончарук, червень 2006р.

11 З документацією по сільськогосподарським проектам можна ознайомитись у відповідного керівника проекту.

12 Міжнародно визнана акредитація це формальне визнання компетентності випробувального або сертифікаційного органа для виконання певних (визначених) завдань уповноваженим органом (акредитованим органом), який є членом або уклав багатосторонню угоду з ЄА (Європейська об’єднання для акредитації) або ILAC (Міжнародне об’єднання для акредитації лабораторій).

13 За це зараз відповідає також Міністерство економіки (раніше Міністерство економіки і європейської інтеграції). Президентським указом від 29 листопада 2005 року у сферу повноважень Міністерства закордонних справ було включено контроль і координацію дій українських виконавчих органів, зв’язаних з європейською інтеграцією.

14 ODI paper “What’s different about agricultural SWAPs”, presented at the 2004 NRAC.

15 Decentralisation has been a feature of many of the reform processes across Africa. In principle, this has significant implications for the design of SWAPs, since core functions may no longer be the responsibility of national ministries. This raises the question of whether SWAPs might more appropriately be targeted at the local level, with cross-sectoral focus, rather than at national level, with sectoral focus.

16 see OPM “Applying Sector Wide Approaches in Agriculture – Lessons from Experience and Implications for Rural Livelihoods in Africa”.

17 This was shown by presentations by a majority of EU member states to the Advisory Group on Rural Development at its meeting in Brussels on May 15th to 17th, 2004.

18 Foster M, et. al. (2000).

19 Source: Cambodia Education Sector Donor Report (2003).

20 See annex, section 5.3 “General description of the sector-wide TACIS project in the framework of EU Action Programme for Ukraine 2006”

21 Detailed comments as for the unbalanced approach to the development of agrarian sector are presented in the comments and recommendations per component

22 The basis for possible areas identification (persons/organizations interviewed, recent relevant policy papers are presented in the annex)

23 EU programme documents on rural development for 2007-2013 have formed the basis for comparison, see annex

24 Ensuring sustainability of rural development by complete transfer of authority and responsibilities to local citizens

25 There is currently no existing national MTEF for Ukraine

26 Report No. 36671 – UA produced by Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit (ECSPE) Europe and Central Asia Region sourced from the Website -

27 UNDP Human Development Report 2006

28 Macroeconomic policy assessment Ukraine Final Report December 2006

29 Sigma; Ukraine, Governance Assessment; March 2006.

30 Macroeconomic policy assessment Ukraine Final Report December 2006

31 Introduction to Sector and Budget support Manual as presented by the Aid Delivery Methods Support team Europaid Unit 1

32 Macroeconomic policy assessment Ukraine Final Report December 2006