1 Report on activities carried out during the reporting period 10
Вид материала | Документы |
- Server Reporting Services Алексей Шуленин, Microsoft обзор Microsoft ® sql server™, 646.29kb.
- International Financial Reporting Активное развитие и внедрение международных стандартов, 80.3kb.
- Европейского Союза Nomenclature of Activities European Community (nace, Rev L, mod., 115.66kb.
- Report of the Secretary-General on ip telephony, 249.71kb.
- Assessing Implementation of the eecca environmental Partnership Strategy – a baseline, 147.38kb.
- Curacy of numerical solutions received by Finite Difference Time Domain (fdtd) method, 50.04kb.
- Physics Performance Report [2] и в программу исследований эксперимента na61 [3], 91.43kb.
- Институт Корпоративного Управления и Стратегических Исследований росспа программа, 71.64kb.
- Russian Classification of Economic Activities, 8906.49kb.
- Russian Classification of Economic Activities, 5554.33kb.

Financed by the
European Union
Preparation of the EU-funded agricultural sector programme in Ukraine Phase 2
Lot No 4 -Sectorial and project evaluations - CONTRACT FOR SERVICES No. 2005/112023 Version 1
Final report
Client: of the European Commission in Ukraine
ECORYS Nederland BV
Experts: Richard Moody (Team Leader); Inna Bayda; Gennadiy Kuznetsov; Yuriy Bakun
Kyiv, February 2007
This study was financed by the European Commission and executed by ECORYS Evaluation Group Consortium. The opinions expressed are those of the consultants and do not represent any official view of the European Commission or the Government of Ukraine.
ECORYS Nederland BV
P.O. Box 4175
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T +31 (0)10 453 88 00
F +31 (0)10 453 07 68
E netherlands@ecorys.com
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Registration no. 24316726
ECORYS Macro & Sector Policies
T +31 (0)31 (0)10 453 87 53
F +31 (0)10 452 36 60
Table of contents
Report cover page 5
List of abbreviations 6
Project synopsis 7
Executive summary 9
1 Report on activities carried out during the reporting period 10
2 Lessons learned and recommendations 13
Annex 1 Project Work Plan and methodology 15
Annex 2 Project Fiche – English and Ukrainian 23
Annex 3 Meeting notes final phase 111
Annex 4 SWAP experience 117
Annex 5 Meeting notes 127
Annex 6 Comments on the draft General State Program on social-economic development of Ukrainian Village for the period up to 2015 129
Annex 7 English language Training report 153
Annex 8 Briefing Note Modalities, conditionalities and budget allocation 159
Annex 9 SWAP Information for the MAP Website 165
Annex 10 Briefing note on discussion of possibilities of joint implementation and financing 169
Annex 11 Briefing note on Review of WB public expenditures study (medium term expenditure framework MTEF) 171
Annex 12 List of Participants of Final Presentation 177
Report cover page
Project Title | Preparation of the EU-funded agricultural sector programme in Ukraine (Phase 2) | |
Project Number | EC Framework Contract Europe Aid Lot 4: Sectoral and project evaluation | |
Contract Number | 2006/124076 | |
Country | Ukraine | |
| Contracting Authority | EC Consultant |
Name | Delegation of the European Commission in Ukraine | ECORYS Nederland BV |
Address | 10 Kruhlo-Universitetska St., Kyiv, 01024 Ukraine | Watermanweg 44 3067 GG Rotterdam The Netherlands |
Tel. Number | + (380-44) 253 3020 | + (31-10) 453 8800 |
Fax number | + (380-44) 230 2390 | + (31-10) 452 3660 |
Telex number | | 25490 NECIN NL |
Contact person | Natalya KORCHAKOVA, Project Manager | Richard Moody Team Leader |
| natalya.korchakova@cec.eu.int | ecorys_kyiv@voliacable.com |
Signatures | | |
[date] | | |
Type of report : Final Report
Date of report : 9.02.07
Reporting period : 17.11.06 – 9.02.07
Author of report : Richard Moody - Team Leader