1 Report on activities carried out during the reporting period 10

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Annex 7 English language Training report
2) Training Implementation
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Annex 7 English language Training report

1) Training Preparation

In accordance with the ToR, English language training has to be organised for at least 10 responsible civil servants in parallel with training and consultations concerning the Common Agriculture Policy, EU agriculture markets, food safety concepts, rural development policies and SWAP.

A number of companies and individuals, offering English training courses, were communicated. Three companies were selected:
  1. Oxford class
  2. Golden Staff –Training Center
  3. Study and Assessment

Their proposals have been compared based on the technical and financial offers.

Financially, all three options were comparable within the budget constraints. Technically, two first companies offer classical English courses of a good quality, however not adapted to the needs of agriculture sector.

The teacher from the third company, Nataliya Martynenko, proposed the training course based on the agriculture sector terminology and sector wide approach, and therefore better meeting the ToR’s requirements. Therefore, this option has been finally approved by the EC Delegation.

Selection of trainees (item 6.1 of ToR) has been delayed by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, therefore the English course has commenced later than it was originally planned.

2) Training Implementation

The overall objective of the course was to increase trainees’ knowledge of English in general and EU Agriculture, SWAP and Twinning terminology in particular.

The purpose (specific objective) of the course was to teach the employees of the selected departments of MAP the EU agriculture-specific terminology and introduce it into students’ active vocabulary within 13 weeks.

The following results were anticipated:
  1. Trainees have increased their command of English grammar, EU terminology, EU-specific Agriculture vocabulary;
  2. Students have introduced new vocabulary into their active language;
  3. Students have the glossary of key SWAP, project management and agriculture terms in English at their disposal for the every-day use;
  4. Trainees have known more about main EU policies in agriculture sector and have got better command of the corresponding methods to use them in their day-to-day operation.

To achieve this the following activities were proposed: introduction of the new vocabulary, written and oral practice, reading and analysing texts, intermediate control over the trainees’ progress through interim tests.

Initially, the Placement Test, conducted at the very first lesson, on November 22, 2006, and the following communication with the participants revealed very low level of English language command of the trainees. Thus, Grammar topics and specific vocabulary had to be taught in a very detailed way. The list of trainees with results of the Placement Test is presented as attached below.

The training programme has been developed following the ToR requirements (item 6.2). The tailor-made exercises with the corresponding Agricultural, SWAP, WTO, PCM, EU terminology had been developed and introduced into the training process. Grammar topics were taught on the basis of the corresponding vocabulary. Below is also attached a Brief Curriculum, including the timetable and the list of grammar topics covered.

Besides, after each lesson the trainees received tasks for home work, which included grammar and vocabulary taught at the corresponding lesson. These tasks included translation parts of the texts from EU briefing and discussion materials on SWAP, WTO, PCM (English-Ukrainian and v.v.), gaps-filling grammar exercises, brief compositions and some others. Students tried to accomplish their home work assignments rather diligently. Trainees have been provided with handouts and other necessary written materials.

From the very beginning the Ministry provided premises of the adequate quality to conduct the courses.

The trainees have demonstrated the following attendance rates:
  • Department of Foreign Economic Cooperation – 60%;
  • Department of Ownership Relations Regulation – 55%;
  • State Department of Veterinary – 45%;
  • Department of Agrarian Market Development – 55%.

Besides, the courses were attended by two more people from the Engineering Department, who were not included into the list of trainees and expressed their personal strong desire to study English in the framework of the project, namely Mrs. Bilobrov V. and Mr. Gnatyuk O. These people have demonstrated the highest level of both attendance (85%) and interest, actively participating in all training activities. They demonstrated the highest scores at the Interim test (87% and 80% correspondingly). This fact together with the initial desire of 57 (!) officials from MAP to participate in EL training (prior to the final selection of participants) witnesses for the urgent need and desire to improve English language command among MAP officials.

All students preliminary stressed that this English course is relevant and timely, and is useful for their day-to-day and work at the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. However, they also expressed their disappointment into the very short duration of the courses.

More detailed feed-back analysis will be carried out at the end of training through final test and feed-back questionnaire.

The project Certificate of Attendance will be provided to the successful trainees.

List of English Course Trainees and the Results of the Placement Test

Department of Foreign Economic Cooperation
  1. Rudenko М.
  2. Shyrokyi G.
  3. Derkachenko I.
  4. Pelekh Sergiy - basic pre-elementary level
  5. Shvets Y. - pre-intermediate level
  6. Osadchuck Oksana - intermediate level
  7. Legusha Olexandr - pre-intermediate level

Department of Ownership Relations Regulation
  1. Slobodyan Y.
  2. Kovaliv O.
  3. Tytarchuck Lyudmyla - basic pre-elementary level
  4. Chernobay Iryna - elementary level
  5. Kuzmenko M.

State Department of Veterinary
  1. Semenchuck Olga
  2. Stetsyura Lesya - elementary level
  3. Gorbachevska O.
  4. Lysenko S. - elementary level
  5. Zhelezko Valentyna – elementary level

Department of Agrarian Market Development
  1. Rozgon A.
  2. Vavrysevych O. - basic pre-elementary level
  3. Kapshuck Olexandr - elementary level
  4. Lobareva Olena - elementary level
  5. Petryck Oksana - intermediate level

basic pre-elementary level – 3 students

elementary level – 6 students

pre-intermediate level – 2 students

intermediate level – 2 students

The following officials from the list have attended none of the lectures:

Department of Foreign Economic Cooperation
    1. Rudenko М.
    2. Shyrokyi G.
    3. Derkachenko I.

Department of Ownership Relations Regulation
    1. Slobodyan Y.
    2. Kovaliv O.
    3. Kuzmenko M.

State Department of Veterinary
    1. Gorbachevska O.
    2. Lysenko S.

Department of Agrarian Market Development
    1. Rozgon A.
    2. Vavrysevych O.

Brief Curriculum

22.11 – 18.00 29.11 – 18.00 06.12 – 18.00 13.12 – 18.00

24.11 – 13.00 01.12 – 13.00 08.12 – 13.00 15.12 – 13.00

20.12 – 18.00 27.12 – 18.00 15.01 – 18.00 24.01 – 18.00

22.12 – 13.00 12.01 – 13.00 19.01 – 13.00 26.01 – 13.00

31.01 – 18.00 07.02 – 18.00 14.02 – 18.00 21.02 – 18.00

02.02 – 13.00 09.02 – 13.00 16.02 – 13.00 23.02 – 13.00

26.02 – 18.00

28.02 – 13.00

22.11.06 – Placement Test to assess the level of English language command

24.11.06 – Present form of the verb to be

29.11.06 – Interrogative and negative sentences in English language

01.12.06 – Present Continuous. State and Activity verbs

06.12.06 – Present Simple. Glossary of PCM terminology

08.12.06 – Present Simple v. Present Continuous

13.12.06 – Past form of the verb to be

15.12.06 – Past Continuous. Main objectives of CAP

20.12.06 – Past Simple – Past Continuous v. Past Simple. Main objectives of SWAP

27.12.06 – Used to do smth., to be used to doing smth.

12.01.07 – Future form of the verb to be. Ways of expressing Future in English

15.01.07 – Interim Test

19.01.07 – Present Perfect Tense. ‘Green box’ and ‘Yellow box’ measures.

24.01.07 – Present Perfect v. Past Simple

26.01.07 – Present Perfect Continuous. Future EU interventions in Agricultural Sector of Ukraine

31.01.07 – Present Perfect Continuous v. Present Continuous

02.02.07 – Past Perfect Tense.

07.02.07 – Past Perfect v. Past Simple

09.02.07 – Past Perfect Continuous. SWOT analysis of Agricultural Sector of Ukraine

14.02.07 – Future Perfect

16.02.07 – Future Perfect Continuous

21.02.07 – Passive Voice

23.02.07 – Reported Speech. Indirect Questions

26.01.07 – I, II, III Conditionals

28.02.07 – Final test