Материал на повторение к зачету №1
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СодержаниеЗачет № 1 Task 2 I Read and translate the text Adolescence, as we know, may be a turbulent time. Зачет № 2 Task 2 The Gerund Why Do We Study English As far as I can judge |
- Г заключение учителя, в ходе которого отмечается, какой материал темы и как усвоен, 43.83kb.
- Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык» состоит из четырех вопросов и имеет, 61.52kb.
- Автор: Екатерина, 381.99kb.
- Примерный перечень вопросов к зачету и экзамену Вопросы к зачету, 40.11kb.
- Ритм развития в периодизации Д. Б. Эльконина, 67.96kb.
- Статистика (задачи к зачету) пиэ-в 2 курс, 2003/2004 уч год, 17.63kb.
- Примерный перечень вопросов к зачету и экзамену Вопросы к зачету, 28.62kb.
- М. Н. Машкин Информационные технологии Учебное пособие, 2701.91kb.
- Урок повторение по теме «Обыкновенные дроби», 8.36kb.
- А. С. Пушкина моу «Новороссийская сош» Рубцовского района Алтайского края Учитель русского, 82.84kb.
Task 3
Отметьте правильный перевод
- Тексты, которые следует перевести перед вами
- The texts to be translate at this lesson are before you
- The texts to be translated at this lesson are before you
- The texts to translated at this lesson are before you
- The texts to be translating at this lesson are before you
- Придя домой, она приняла душ
- On coming home she took a shower
- On coming home she had took a shower
- On coming home she had taking a shower
- On coming to home she took a shower
- _____ the lowest rate of unemployment in Europe the British Labour government promised to transform the welfare system
- In spite
- In spite of
- Because
- Many people are sure that “six months of joblessness is a career killer” and seek a job, _____ some other unemployed people don’t want to find a job and be paid minimum wage
- because
- that’s why
- while
- _____ there are 3 million unemployed in France, almost of them believe “they are entitled not just to a job, but to the right kind of a job”
- Although
- Because
- Thanks to
- Many unemployed people want something interesting and well paid, _____ (as they say) “there’s life after work”
- because
- though
- that’s why
- _____ a married man with 2 children in Germany gets about 2.800 euro if he’s on the dole, an unemployed man with an entry-level job in a hotel or restaurant takes home only 1.800 euro
- Thanks to
- Although
- While
Task 1
I Образуйте субстантивированные прилагательные и переведите их на русский язык
old, sick, unemployed, dead, poor, disabled, homeless, young, elderly
II What categories of citizens can claim social benefits in Russia?
III What types of benefits are available to different categories of people in Britain?
IV How is financial help distributed in Britain?
1. windows and others
2.unemployed people
3. families in low incomes
4. short-term sick people
5. elderly people retired
6. long-term sick and disabled people
V Переведите следующее предложение используя союзы while or whereas
Некоторые пожилые люди любят жить своей независимой жизнью, в то время как другие предпочитают жить в домах престарелых
VI Объясните разницу в употреблении союзов although – thought
Переведите: Хотя он был довольно стар, он решил жениться
VII Health care service in Russia has its own good and bad points. What are they from your point of view?
VIII Сравните государственное (public sector) медицинское обслуживание и частное (private sector)
Task 2
I Read and translate the text
Adolescence, as we know, may be a turbulent time.
Often it is a period when we don’t get on with our parents. They are many pressures at school, from parents and from friends. It’s a period of change, when many choices must be made. And at a time when work can be a major problem, there is also frustration and boredom. It’s not always easy to cope with these problems alone that why young people join in groups sharing the same views, opinions, lifestyle, wearing, similar clothes and speaking to same dialect. Such groups can number from a dozen of members to hundred and thousands. In this case we can speak of youth movements or subcultures, which mostly urban.
II Answer the following questions
- Have you got any problems? What are they?
- Do you get on with your parents?
- What do you do to express yourself?
- What do you do to show off?
- How do you show a rebellion?
- Are you a part of some group?
Task 3
Choose the conjunction and preposition
1. … his old age he decided to get married
A Due to
B Despite
C Although
D Because
2. He retired …his age
A Although
B Because
C Because of
D Despite
3. Я знал, что он уехал в США
A I knew about his having been left for the USA
B I knew he has left for the USA
C I knew his been left for the USA
D I knew about his having been leave for the USA
3. Дом нужно отремонтировать
A The house needs to be repaired
B The house needs repairing
C The house needs to repair
D The house needs to repair
Task 1
Test of Grammar and Vocabulary
Link the following sentences.
Use the Present Participle (-ing form).
- He burnt himself
- He was cooking his dinner
Example Cooking his dinner he burnt himself
- He broke a cup
- He was washing dishes after dinner
- He lost his key
c) He was getting out of the car
- He came into the room
- He was carrying a suitcase
- The boy is my brother
e) The boy is throwing stones into the pond
Task 2
The Gerund
Complete the sentences using the -ing form of the verbs in the box
do have listen play read go make borrow swim wash |
a) I enjoy _______ to the radio in the morning.
b) They suggested _______ in the sea after breakfast.
c) Give up _______ money. Be economical.
d) I hate _______ with cold water in the winter.
e) Have you finished _______ this work?
f) Would you mind _______ a talk with him?
g) It is worth _______ there.
h) I am fond of _______ novels of F. Hardy.
i) I dislike _______ the bed in the morning.
j) He gave up _______ computer games. He is a student now.
Task 3
- I had my photo taken
- I must have my shoes cleaned
I Read and translate
Why Do We Study English
It is necessary to learn at least one foreign language today. That’s why pupils have got such subject as a foreign language at school.
It goes without saying that learning languages is very important today. I dare say, foreign languages are socially demanded at present time. As far as I can judge the progress in science and technology has led to a growth of knowledge and a great need of information. It’s fair to say that foreign languages are needed as the main means of information exchange of the people of our planet. No doubt, today English is the language of the world. Generally speaking, on the one hand, English is the national or official language of some thirty states. On the other hand, it is the main international language of communication in science, technology, business, mass media, and mass entertainment. It needless to say that English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization. And more than that, it is the language of literature, education, modern music, international tourism.
Actually, I learn English because I understand that I can use it. You see, I’m going to become an economist, it’s very important for a specialist of high qualification to speak English. I’m sure it is the most popular language of international business communication.
A lot of modern literature and many new films in English come out every year. If you know English, you can understand them without translation. No wonder that most educated people speak English fluently.
I hope to visit foreign countries some day. And it’s much easier to travel when you know the language. There are many international camps in the world. If you know the language, you can easily make new friends.
II Cive Russian equivalents to the underlined words and expressions