Материал на повторение к зачету №1
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Содержание04 В тексте слово narrow Зачет № 2 Зачет № 1 Главное предложение Глагол в прошедшем времени Зачет № 2 |
- Г заключение учителя, в ходе которого отмечается, какой материал темы и как усвоен, 43.83kb.
- Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык» состоит из четырех вопросов и имеет, 61.52kb.
- Автор: Екатерина, 381.99kb.
- Примерный перечень вопросов к зачету и экзамену Вопросы к зачету, 40.11kb.
- Ритм развития в периодизации Д. Б. Эльконина, 67.96kb.
- Статистика (задачи к зачету) пиэ-в 2 курс, 2003/2004 уч год, 17.63kb.
- Примерный перечень вопросов к зачету и экзамену Вопросы к зачету, 28.62kb.
- М. Н. Машкин Информационные технологии Учебное пособие, 2701.91kb.
- Урок повторение по теме «Обыкновенные дроби», 8.36kb.
- А. С. Пушкина моу «Новороссийская сош» Рубцовского района Алтайского края Учитель русского, 82.84kb.
Task 2
Read and translate the text. Tick (۷) the right number
New York
In 1607 captain Henry Hudson left Europe to search for the famous North-West Passage. He didn’t find it, because it didn’t exist, but he reached a river to which he gave his name. Interested by stories told them by the captain on his return, the Dutch sent other boats to take possession of the land discovered by Hudson and gave it the name “New Netherland”. Two men dominated the history of this colony. The first one bought the island of Manhattan from the Indians in 1926. The second arrived in 1647 as the governor of New Amsterdam, the Capital of New Netherlands.
In 1664 this territory was taken over by the English and they changed the name of New Amsterdam to New-York.
New-York is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is over 11 million people. New-York is an industrial and cultural centre of the country. Most business is centered in Manhattan Island? The whole area is very small, that’s why the sky-Scarpers were invented in New-York and, especially, in Wall Street. Wall Street is a narrow street with big houses, but it is well known all over the world as the Busiest street in the U.S.A. People do business there.
There are two more world-famous streets-Broadway and Fifth Avenue. Broadway is the centre of the theatres and night LIFO. It known as the “Great White Way“ because of the electric sight which turn night into day. It is the city that never goes to sleep. Buses and subway run all night. There are many drugstores and restaurants which never close their door. There are cinemas with films that start at midnight.
Fifth Avenue is great shopping, hotel, and Club Avenue. If you go along this Avenue, you come to Harlem, where the black people of New- York live, and the colored workers, teachers, doctors and musicians.
There are many places of interest in New-York. There are: the Statue of Liberty, the United Nations Building, Empire State Building, Columbia University, City Hall, New York Public Library and others.
01 The text is about …
1) The foundation and modern history of New-York
2) The way Dutch built the New-York
3) The role of Henry Hudson
4) The early history of New-York
02 Содержанию текста соответствует предложение
1) The Captain Henry Hudson sold New-York to the Indians in 1626
2) New-York is one of the smallest cities in the world
3) There are Kremlin, Thames in New York
4) In 1664 New Amsterdam was taken by the English
03 Содержанию те кста не соответствует предложение
1) There are not narrow streets in New-York
2) New-York is an industrial and cultural center of the country
3) Buses and subway run all night
4) new-York population is over 11 million people
04 В тексте слово narrow означает
1) узкий 3) короткий
2) широкий 4) длинный
Task 3
What functions do the representatives of power perform?
Find the correct statement
1. A. The Queen votes on the bills
B. The Queen signs the bills
2. A. The Queen has mostly representative functions
B. The Queen rules the country in fact
3. A. The Government represents the legislative branch of power
B. The Government represents the executive branch of power
4. A. The Cabinet is responsible for government politics
B. The Cabinet Ministers revise bills from Parliament
5. A. Parliament represents the legislative branch of power
B. Parliament represents the executive branch of power
6. A. The House of Commons controls the government
B. The Government controls the House of Commons
7. A. The House of Lords has the power to delay bills for one year
B. The House of Lords opposes the decisions of the House of Commons
8. A. The Cabinet coordinates the work of the government departments
B. The Cabinet makes laws
Task 1
Test of Grammar and Vocabulary
I Выберите слово (словосочетание), которое используется в официальных документах, когда выражается необходимость поступать так, а не иначе в силу закона

A. should
B. shall
C. must
II Какой используется модальный глагол, когда мы говорим о том, что правильно или целесообразно поступать так, а не иначе?
Правительству следует больше делать для помощи безработным
III Answer the questions
- What political system Russia belongs to?
- When the Russian constitution was adopted?
- Where the Government and the President sit?
- Who elects the President?
- Who appoints the Chairman of the Government?
- Who can dissolve the Duma?
- Who can declare law unconstitutional?
Task 2
work, provide, the big choice, aggressive,
woke up, gather, romantic, evokes,
a part of our life, development, old and young
Read the text and choose the correct words from the box
work, provide, the big choice, aggressive,
woke up, gather, romantic, evokes,
a part of our life, development, old and young
Music is … . Music enriches our life, transforms our minds and … our feelings. Music gives opportunities for personal … .
When people listen to music it touches their hearts. People who enjoy listening to music are … and kind. They go to the Opera House, listen to symphonies and concerts.
There are different types of music : classical , pop, rock, country, jazz, rock’n’roll, heavy metal, rap and pop and others. Teenagers usually listen to pop and rock. They collect tapes and CDs. There are a lot of shops that … of records from classical to rap. Teens are well as middle-ages people like going to the rock concerts. They have their favourite groups and singers. But some parents think that rock sometimes can be … and affect teen’s minds.
II Make up 10 special questions
III Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb
- She (to study) English for the last 10 years.
- The films (to show) on Friday are usually American.
- The competition (to hold) last year was lucky for our team.
- Russian TV (to offer) different talk shows last year.
- My friends (to win) a competition.
IV Report
- He said: “I like watching soaps”.
- The trainer said to me: “You can win the competition if you train hard”.
- My friend said: “I have been to England in 1968”.
- Parents asked: “Where were you last might?”
Task 3
What do you know about the British and US political systems?
For statements 1-8, decide which answer is correct.
1. In Great Britain a) The Prime Minister
b) The Monarch is the head of state
c) The President
2. In the USA a) The President
b) The Prime Minister is the head of state
c) The Vice President
3. In Great Britain a) The Monarch
b) The Prime Minister is the head
c) The President of government
4. In the USA a) The Vice President
b) The Prime Minister is the head
c) The President of government
5. In Great Britain a) The Cabinet represents
b) The House of Commons the legislative
c) Parliament branch
6. In the USA a) The Administration represents
b) Congress the legislative
c) The Senate branch
7. In Great Britain a) The Prime Minister
with Cabinet represents
and Non-Cabinet the executive
ministers branch
b) The House of Commons
c) The House of Lords
8. In the USA a) The Senate represents
b) The President and the executive
his administration branch
c) Congress
Task 1
Sequence of Tenses
Согласование времен соблюдается в придаточных дополнительных предложениях, если в главном предложении сказуемое выражено глаголом прошедшего времени
Главное предложение | Придаточное предложение | |||||
Глагол в настоящем времени | Present Indefinite | Present Continuous | Present Perfect | Past Indefinite | Past Perfect | Future Indefinite |
Глагол в прошедшем времени | Past Indefinite | Past Continuous | Past Perfect | Past Perfect | Past Perfect | Future in the Past |
При изменении прямой речи в косвенную соблюдается правило согласования времен. Глагол to tell заменяет глагол to say, если есть дополнение. Меняются по смыслу личные и притяжательные местоимения, указательные местоимения и наречие места.
I 1. She said to me, “I am going there next week”
2. He said, “Which of you has seen the film?”
3. Tom said, “Do you know Mr. Black?”
4. She said to me, “Go to Room 21”
5. The boy worked hard so that he (may) not fail in the exam
6. They say that she (feel)______ very tired
II Choose the correct variant
- Cricket is becoming more and more popular around the world, … ?
a) doesn’t it; b) isn’t it; c) hasn’t it.
2. He’ll take part in the game, … ?
a) doesn’t he; b) didn’t he; c) won’t he.
3. British food isn’t tasty, …?
a) is it ; b) isn’t it; c) do it.
4. They are … to have many children
a) said; b) says; c) say.
III Find Gerund, Participle Noun
- Our aim is understanding English speech.
- They continued discussing the matter.
- The sitting of the committee began at 9.
- He was sitting in the arm-chair reading a newspaper.
Task 2
work, provide, the big choice, aggressive,
woke up, gather, romantic, evokes,
a part of our life, development, old and young
Read the text and choose the correct words from the box
work, provide, the big choice, aggressive,
woke up, gather, romantic, evokes,
a part of our life, development, old and young
Music is … . Music enriches our life, transforms our minds and … our feelings. Music gives opportunities for personal … .
When people listen to music it touches their hearts. People who enjoy listening to music are … and kind. They go to the Opera House, listen to symphonies and concerts.
There are different types of music : classical , pop, rock, country, jazz, rock’n’roll, heavy metal, rap and pop and others. Teenagers usually listen to pop and rock. They collect tapes and CDs. There are a lot of shops that … of records from classical to rap. Teens are well as middle-ages people like going to the rock concerts. They have their favourite groups and singers. But some parents think that rock sometimes can be … and affect teen’s minds.
II Make up 10 special questions
III Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb
- She (to study) English for the last 10 years.
- The films (to show) on Friday are usually American.
- The competition (to hold) last year was lucky for our team.
- Russian TV (to offer) different talk shows last year.
- My friends (to win) a competition.
IV Report
- He said: “I like watching soaps”.
- The trainer said to me: “You can win the competition if you train hard”.
- My friend said: “I have been to England in 1968”.
- Parents asked: “Where were you last might?”
Task 3
Выберите слово/словосочетание, которое лучше других соответствует смыслу предложения, и обведите нужную букву
(A, B, C, D) на листе для ответов
1. A: … I borrow your pen, please?
B: Yes, of course. Here you are.
A. would
B. shall
C. could
D. should
2. A: Have you got any problems?
B: Yes. The people in the pub … getting very impatient.
- is
- were
- has been
- are
3. A: Must I do it now?
B: No, you … . You can do it next week.
- may not
- mustn’t
- needn’t
- can’t
4.A: Come in, Peter. Would you like … tea?
- any
- little
- more
- some
5. The shoes need … .
- polishing
- be polished
- being polished
- to polish
6. What … the latest news?
- are
- have been
- is
- were
7. Peter was the first to finish … the passage.
A. reading
B. to read
C. read
D. the reading
8. I’m not … in the proposal.
A. interesting
B. interested
C. interest
D. interests
9. We haven’t got … bread left.
A. some
B. many
C. a great number of
D. much
Task 1
- What modern inventions do you use in everyday life?
- Choose one of the gadgets (технические новинки), write why you have bought it, (the price, the design, the functions of the product, the size, the weight)? Write positive and negative arguments or how you did convince (убедить) your parents to buy it.
- Translate the following sentences
a) Microsoft DOC был создан Bill Gates в 1870 году
b) Graham Bell, американский инженер, изобрёл телефон в 1870 году
c) Первая стиральная машина была построена Джеймсом Спэндлером в 1908 году
d) Первый телевизор был изобретен в 1926 году
e) В 1945 году Флеминг получил Нобелевскую премию за пенициллин, который был открыт в 1928 году
4. Identify the English equivalents of the following phrases
1. Входить в Интернет
2. Прекрасное средство информации
3. Зависеть от PC
4. Полагаться на PC
Device | For | Against |
Computer | | |
Car | | |
Phone | | |
The Gerund
Герундий обладает свойствами глагола и существительного.
Он имеет следующие формы:
| Active | Passive |
Indefinite | writing | being written |
Perfect | having written | having been written |
Герундий употребляется после следующих глаголов: to stop, to go on, to keep on, to give up, to avoid, to excuse
Example: Avoid making mistakes
Translate the following sentences paying attention to the gerund
She enjoyed playing tennis will Pall
- They gave up talking about sports
- She was fond of watching figure shating on TV
- She went on speaking
- She liked the idea of spending her holidays in Spain
- Before going to school he had lunch
- She began laughing loudly
Task 2
Прочитайте текст. Закончите предложения (после текста), выбрав вариант, который соответствует содержанию текста. Обведите нужную букву (A, B, C, D) на листе для ответов.
The wonderful thing about mobile phones is that wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you can keep them switched off so no one will bother you. If you do use them, you can make calls from virtually anywhere. For example, you can call the office from underneath your blanket and say you are on the way to your partner’s firm.
There are two places where everybody automatically hates you if your mobile rings – restaurants and funerals. In both cases it’s best to give the impression that the call is so important that you absolutely had to answer it.
When mobile Phones first arrived, the only people to have them were estate agents or drug dealers. Now respectable people use them.
However, even if you are a district nurse and your mobile rings in public, people will still assume that you are an estate agent, drug dealer, or both. This is a shame because, for many working women, the mobile phone is a vital for their safety and independence.
For men, on the other hand having a mobile phone is a chance to pretend you spend a lot of time working on oil rigs or other tough, remote locations, even if it rings when you are in your local shop.
Of course, mobile phones are especially useful for anyone who spends a lot of time away from the office. Most bosses, for example.
Many business people use their phones in their cars. Of course, this is strictly forbidden unless you have a “hands-free” set. Men tend to ignore this rule because they are used to driving virtually hands free while, for example, explaining how the goal in extra time was scored.
Adapted from The Guardian Weekly
- The main purpose of this passage is
- to tell the history of mobile phones
- to describe how mobile phones are used in bossiness
- to tell a humorous story of how mobile phones are sometimes used
- to describe the decline of the traditional means of communication
- When mobile phones first appeared, they were used by
- workers and clerks
- people doing all kinds of business
- working women and housewives
- owners of restaurants
- According to the passage, men who have a mobile phone want people to think that
- they are working in far-off places
- they have a lot of friends
- they have a higher social position
- they are estate agents or drug dealers
- We can understand from the passage that people who have a “hands free” set can
- drive with two hands
- drive with no hands
- ignore driving rules
- can drive faster
- The tone of the passage is
- sarcastic and bitter
- neutral and factual
- light and ironical
- joyful and merry