Илюхина Лариса Васильевна Разработка открытого урок
Вид материала | Урок |
- Мусихина Наталья Александровна моудод "Центральная детская музыкальная школа №1",, 196.05kb.
- Вильгельм Лариса Геннадьевна! Яучитель географии высшей категории из города Бугуруслана, 104.8kb.
- Юдина Елена Викторовна, учитель православной культуры муниципального общеобразовательного, 400.11kb.
- Бежелева Лариса Алексеевна Цели урок, 84.96kb.
- Миненко Светлана Евгеньевна Жерлицына Инна Васильевна Подготовили: Миненко Светлана, 50.08kb.
- Рекомендации по использованию цифровых образовательных ресурсов в учебном процессе, 4405.1kb.
- Миненко Светлана Евгеньевна Жерлицына Инна Васильевна Приложение 1 урок, 283.04kb.
- Носаль Татьяна Васильевна урок квн. Цель урок, 76.85kb.
- Слатвинская Галина Кузьминична, учитель русского языка и литературы моу курасовская, 183.38kb.
- Конкурс "Современный урок" Урок биологии в 7 классе. Тип членистоногие, 119.78kb.
Учитель английского языка
НОУ Гимназия №1
Илюхина Лариса Васильевна
Разработка открытого урока в 4»Б» классе.
Lesson 46
Цели урока:
* Тренировка в речи лексики по теме «America».
* Обучение чтению с извлечением нужной информации.
* Формирование навыков монологической и диалогической речи .
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент и приветствие
– Good morning boys and girls! How are you? Nice to see you today.
– Today we’ll read the text about Native Americans and compare their life now and many years ago.
II. Тренировка навыков диалогической речи
– At the beginning of our lesson we’ll listen to the dialogues. You have one minute to remember your dialogues and choose the best one. (выбираются 1-2 лучших диалога: выразительное рассказывание, правильная интонация, хороший темп)
III. Фонетическая отработка слов урока 46
– Thank you for your dialogues. Now we shall read some words from the blackboard.
[ smoke / hunter / nut / wood / wooden / believe / Siberia / the Mississippi / ceremony / costume / Asia / Alaska / native / Indians / history]
– Can you read and translate these words? Will you repeat them after me? Can you find the proper names? (Siberia, Alaska, the Mississippi, Asia.)
– Read the nouns, please. (Hunter, nut, wood, Siberia, Alaska, the Mississippi, Asia, ceremony, Indians, history.)
– Will you read the verbs? (Smoke, believe.)
– What about adjectives? (Wooden, native.)
IV. Тренировка навыков использования лексики по теме «America» в речи
– It’s time to learn how to use this word in different sentences. The task for you is to compare the sentences using the words from the blackboard. (Учитель раздаёт карточки с заданием после просмотра учащиеся зачитывают предложения.)
Key: 1 – nut, 2 – wooden, 3 – native, 4 – hunters, 5 – smoke, 6 –believe, 7 –Asia / Alaska / Siberia), 8 – ceremony.
V. Обучение чтению текста с извлечением нужной информации
– Today we shall read the text about Native Americans. Open your books, p. 122 (p. 338).You will work in pairs: at first each of you will read the text by yourself and answer the questions. Are you ready to answer the questions?
(ученики зачитывают свои вопросы и отвечают на них)
VI. Физкультминутка
– What can you say about Native American? What kind of people were they? (They were clever, strong, good hunters. They were peaceful.)
– Could they dance? (Yes, they could. They had special ceremonies with dances and music.)
– I hope you also like to dance and sing songs. Let’s remember our song about Indians.
VII. Совершенствование навыков чтения вслух
– Now we’ll read this text aloud and then we’ll try to arrange some sentences from the text in a logical order.
VIII. Развитие памяти и логического мышления
– You will work in two groups and each group will try to put some sentences in a logical order.
(Учащиеся получают наборы предложений, /текст разрезан на отдельные предложения / уч-ся не пользуются текстом. После того как в группах сложили предложения по порядку, они их зачитывают: одна группа читает, а другая их проверяет, /следит по учебнику /)
IX.Тренировка монологического высказывания
– I hope you have remembered the text well after reading. Now listen to me and say TRUE or FALSE. Correct the wrong statements and repeat the true sentences, please.
Утверждения учителя:
- 1. Native Americans came from the New World.
2. Native Americans helped English colonists a lot.
3. They lived in earth or wooden houses.
- 4. They believed in many gods.
5. Many years ago Native American tribes lived on “reservations”.
- 6. Their famous tradition was eating a turkey.
7. Native Americans had special ceremonies with dances and music before hunting or fishing.
- 8. Most Native Americans were not peaceful.
9. They were good hunters and fishermen.
X. Итоги урока
You worked hard today and learned much about Native Americans. I’m pleased with your work and give you the “5”
XI. Домашнее задание: L.46, ex. 17; ex. 23,24.
Приложение к уроку:
…is a dry fruit of a nut, or the seed of a plant. |
We live in a …house. |
One of the… animals of Africa is the elephant. |
American Indians were good …. |
You mustn’t …. |
He doesn’t ... my story. |
My friend came from …. |
They will have a … in the church. |
дерево, лес
– Read the text to yourself and answer the questions. 1) Were most Native Americans very peaceful? 2) What did smoking of a peace pipe mean? | – Read the text to yourself and answer the questions. 1) Where did Native Americans live many years ago? 2) Where do they live now? |
– Read the text by yourself and answer the questions.
| – Read the text by yourself and answer the questions. 1) Where did Native Americans come from? 2) How did they travel? |
the Mississippi
Native Americans came from Asia. | Native Americans came from Asia. |
When English colonists came to the new World the Native Americans met them and helped them a lot. | Over 20 000 years ago they travelled across the land between Siberia and Alaska. |
Some Indians ate only grass, nuts, and what fruit they could find. | In those days people lived in small earth houses and grew their own food. |
Other people were fishermen and lived in wooden houses. | Most Native Americans were peaceful. |
Native Americans believed in many gods and thought that gods lived in trees, stones, water and fire. | They believed that their gods could bring success in hunting, farming and fishing. |
Their song and poems are a very important part of their traditions. The famous tradition was smoking of a peaceful pipe. | They often had special ceremonies with dances and music. |
They smoked this pipe together with people they didn’t know and it meant friendship and peace. | One of their traditions was smoking of a peace pipe. |
Now many of Native Americans live to the west of the Mississippi River. | Many years ago Native American tribes lived in all parts of the USA. |
| Now many live on “reservations”. |
Native Americans came from Asia. | Native Americans came from Asia. |
When English colonists came to the new World the Native Americans met them and helped them a lot. | Over 20 000 years ago they travelled across the land between Siberia and Alaska. |
Some Indians ate only grass, nuts, and what fruit they could find. | In those days people lived in small earth houses and grew their own food. |
Other people were fishermen and lived in wooden houses. | Most Native Americans were peaceful. |
Native Americans believed in many gods and thought that gods lived in trees, stones, water and fire. | They believed that their gods could bring success in hunting, farming and fishing. |
Their song and poems are a very important part of their traditions. The famous tradition was smoking of a peaceful pipe. | They often had special ceremonies with dances and music. |
They smoked this pipe together with people they didn’t know and it meant friendship and peace. | One of their traditions was smoking of a peace pipe. |
Now many of Native Americans live to the west of the Mississippi River. | Many years ago Native American tribes lived in all parts of the USA. |
| Now many live on “reservations”. |
Native Americans came from Asia. | Native Americans came from Asia. |
When English colonists came to the new World the Native Americans met them and helped them a lot. | Over 20 000 years ago they travelled across the land between Siberia and Alaska. |
Some Indians ate only grass, nuts, and what fruit they could find. | In those days people lived in small earth houses and grew their own food. |
Other people were fishermen and lived in wooden houses. | Most Native Americans were peaceful. |
Native Americans believed in many gods and thought that gods lived in trees, stones, water and fire. | They believed that their gods could bring success in hunting, farming and fishing. |
Their song and poems are a very important part of their traditions. The famous tradition was smoking of a peaceful pipe. | They often had special ceremonies with dances and music. |
They smoked this pipe together with people they didn’t know and it meant friendship and peace. | One of their traditions was smoking of a peace pipe. |
Now many of Native Americans live to the west of the Mississippi River. | Many years ago Native American tribes lived in all parts of the USA. |
| Now many live on “reservations”. |
…is a dry fruit of a nut, or the seed of a plant. |
We live in a …house. |
One of the… animals of Africa is the elephant. |
American Indians were good …. |
You mustn’t …. |
He doesn’t ... my story. |
My friend came from …. |
They will have a … in the church. |
…is a dry fruit of a nut, or the seed of a plant. |
We live in a …house. |
One of the… animals of Africa is the elephant. |
American Indians were good …. |
You mustn’t …. |
He doesn’t ... my story. |
My friend came from …. |
They will have a … in the church. |
…is a dry fruit of a nut, or the seed of a plant. |
We live in a …house. |
One of the… animals of Africa is the elephant. |
American Indians were good …. . |
You mustn’t …. . |
He doesn’t ... my story. |
My friend came from …. . |
They will have a … in the church. |