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- Приложение №3 к протоколу публичных слушаний №3 от 26. 08. 09г по проекту Правил землепользования, 1876.08kb.
- Приложение №1 к протоколу публичных слушаний №3 от 26. 08. 09г по проекту Правил землепользования, 4395.43kb.
- Приложение №2 к протоколу публичных слушаний №3 от 26. 08. 09г по проекту Правил землепользования, 4150.51kb.
- Муниципальное образование городской округ Дзержинский глава города постановление, 24.82kb.
- Кургана Губернатору Курганской области решение, 545.05kb.
- Программа экспертных слушаний проекта строительства подземной атомной электрической, 81.68kb.
Alexeev V. Head, Administration of the Kizner district
While choosing the way of CW destruction in the Kizner district, there must be considered the abridgement of residents in the vicinity of CW stockpile. First of all I mean the limitation within the economic field. For example mineral water springs and medicative mud sources are not properly developed as investors are frightened by the risk of contamination with the hazardous substances. That is why the Kizner district social infrastructure and industry are poorly developed.
Construction of the CW destruction facility will make the situation worse. That is why the first concern of all levels authorities must be ecological, economical and legal protection of the local population.
The respective measures are already being performed. The district Deputy Council has established the ecological safety commission. The Foundation in support of residents near CW stockpiles functions as well. The seminar on CW destruction problems was held in the district. The local authority try to find out sources of non-budget funds for CW destruction program execution.
The State Council of the Udmurt Republic has supported the citizens’ suggestion to legalise special exemptions for the residents in the vicinity of CW stockpiles. The proposal will be discussed at the State Council session as soon as possible.
Deputies from the district presented their opinion on CW destruction to the federal Government. The grounding of proposals concerning social infrastructure construction and public safety was especially stressed.
Global assistance to the Kizner district population is provided by the Green Cross International.
In the end it should be said that the social and financial assistance to the areas with CW stockpiles must have a legal support. In addition, we cannot forget that the social infrastructure must be developed before the CW destruction facility has been built.
Chuchkov V. Deputy, State Council, Udmurt Republic
I would like to consider ability and will of all level authorities to solve the CW destruction problem in the Kizner district.
The district authorities has drawn the public attention to the problem. Besides it managed to involve republic and federal Governments. However, the information about this activity has not reached the population of the Kizner district.
The governmental committee on the CW Convention works professionally at the republic level. The State Council commission on the social policy, labour, health and environment protection works hardly at the CW destruction problems. Despite the budget deficit the Government looks for investments in CW disarmament program as it realise the global significance of the problem.
It should be noticed that the Ministry for public health together with Izhevsk State Medical Academy has drawn up «The program for monitoring public health in the Kizner district» which is already being done.
We should thank the Foundation in support of residents near CW stockpiles which is a branch of the Russian Green Cross, as well as businesses from Izhevsk, Votkinsk and Kizner for the financial assistance to the Foundation.
There is will of the Federal Government to execute the CW destruction program in agreement with the Convention on prohibition of chemical weapons production, stockpiling and use. However, there is no visible activity towards the solution of the social problems and infrastructure development.
That is why we sincerely hope for the international society support. Being aware of the CW destruction necessity, we, however, need safety guaranties, the public health and environment protection.
Belova G. Chief state inspector for environmental protection, Kizner district
The nature in our district is very beautiful and various, but we often cannot keep and use it rationally. Industry is not highly developed, most of the steam-shops are not gas-fuelled. Additional source of the air contamination is auto transport. The complex monitoring of the environmental pollution is not available.
One of the essential problems is the water supply. Several purgatorial stations operates unsatisfactorily. The utilisation of industrial and ordinary wastes is not well organised. The state of soil resources is getting worse, the fertility is decreased due to both natural factors and human activity. Our main treasure is forests and animals.
Population is concerned with the future of mineral water and medicative mud sources. They need special ecological control in order to protect from bacteriological and chemical pollution. There is urgent necessity in complex environmental monitoring and ecology laboratory.
The information about the impact of CW stockpile on the environment isnot available at the moment. However the risk for the nature due to stockpiling and destruction of chemical weapons is obvious. That is why we cannot discuss the CW disposal facility construction unless full ecological safety is provided.
Solovjeva Z. Chief doctor, State epidemiological control, Kizner district centre
Oshchepkov B. Ощепков Chief, Department of Hygiene
The difficult economical and social situation in the country has resulted in the standard-of-living decrease, stresses due to uncertainty about the forthcoming days. Lag of planning and organization of public sanitation services is visible.
Water supply in the Kizner district is absent. Drinking-water quality does not correspond to the present State Standard; furthermore, it is deteriorating due to contamination of Luga and Tyzhma rivers. Industrial liquids from local facilities are discharged into the river waters. Purgative stations and sewage are not available in Kizner.
There is no chemical laboratory for complex analysis of water, soil and air condition. The steady tends to the children health decline are detected.
Due to unstable economic situation repair activity is not performed, electricity is cut off, workshops are not heated in wintertime, workers are not provided with the individual protection devices, overall and medicine. All this results in the increase of adults’ morbidity. Assessment of b-radiation is not performed.
The district is endemic to the natural focal infections. The number of patients with encephalitis and hemorrhage fever in the Kizner district vastly exceeds the average republic level, as well as the death rate.
The district is unique due to mineral water springs and meditative mud. There is an opportunity to establish a recreation area. However, in case the construction of the CW destruction site is approved this opportunity will be missed.
The detailed analysis of the situation in the district should be performed in order improve unfortunate state; the strategy on the district infrastructure construction will be the result of the analysis.
Malmigin A. Chief doctor, Kizner central district hospital
The public health at the Kizner district since 1992 till 1997 was formed together with standard-of-living decrease, social instability growth, food supply quality deterioration, unfavourable ecological situation, development of psychological and social stress that is the characteristic of the Udmurt Republic in general. The additional negative factor for the Kizner district population is presence of the CW stockpiles and its future termination in accordance with the Governmental program adopted.
All mentioned above has affected the district population health. It features high death rate, lifetime reduction, confirmed diseases, demographic state getting worse. The negative population increment has been maintained for the last 5 years.
The problems are: lag of medical personnel, poor hospital equipment, insufficient budget funds especially for the medical orderly and ambulance. Despite financial and moral difficulties during the district health service reformation the qualified medical aid is still available.
Gridasov E. Commander, Military unit Kizner CW stockpile
The unit has stockpiled and treated only chemical weapons since 1987. The ammunition is being kept in aboveground warehouses located over the special territory.
The warehouses and their contents are visually inspected in a day. The environmental air is monitored with indicative devices. Technical examination of the ammunition takes place annually according to a plan.
There is organized the special training for the warehouse workers. The risk of an accident is also considered and divided be two categories:
Depressurizing of the single CW products.
Depressurizing of large amount of the ammunition.
The former is a local emergency, the latter is a large-scale emergency.
For a large-scale emergency there is a plan which provides the cooperative activity of the army, police and civil defense agencies. The plan is agreed by local authorities and by the emergency management and civil defense committee. In addition, there are documents specifying actions of freelance emergency groups working at the stockpile.
The facility is supplied with the decontaminating agents, personal protective equipment for the warehouse personnel and citizens.
The freelance emergency group has been established for local emergency liquidation at the facility. It can investigate the heart of an accident, find out the cause of it, control the environment and separate the hazardous ammunition from the other.
In case of a major accident and the risk for the local population, there should be organized cooperation of the facility officers and public defense agency. Besides the authorities and Kizner district citizens must be thoroughly informed through the local communication means.
Environmental, water and soil pollution is monitored periodically at the facility. The samples to be controlled are taken on the special territory and are subjected to laboratory analysis. The cases of environmental pollution have not been detected till now.
Ulyanov V. The Head of the Department of the chemical weapons destruction
of the Department of the Head of the troops of radioactive,
chemical and biological protection of the Ministry of Defense of the
Russian Federation.
The realization of the following items of the federal program in Russia is discussed: 1) provision of safety of storage of chemical weapons (CW); 2) examination of health condition of the population and environmental condition in the sites of CW storage and destruction; 3) creation of reliable environmental monitoring systems; 4) development of reliable and safe technologies for CW destruction; 5) training of the personnel for work at the plants of CW destruction; 6) creation of legislative base; 7) providing with finance resources.
The main priorities of the program are as follows: outstripping development of the social infrastructure in the districts of storage and destruction of CW, safety of the process of CW destruction, protection of the environment and improvement of its sanitary conditions.
In the connection with the federal law “On the destruction of stocks of chemical weapons in the Russian Federation”, on realization of the construction of the CW destruction plants on the territories of the regions and republics, where the CW storages are placed and on the prohibition of unsanctioned transportation of the weapons and also in the connection with the presence of seven arsenals in Russia, the conclusion on the necessity of construction of seven CW destruction plants has been made.
The construction of the CW destruction plants is the necessary task, as far as the storage of CW is much more dangerous compared to the process of its destruction.
V.V. Sheluchenko, V.A. Petrunin, V.V. Demiduk. State Scientific Center of the
Russian Federation, State
Research Institute of
Organic Chemistry.
The analysis of the advantages and weak points of the existing in the USA and Russia chemical weapons destruction technologies has been given.
A new Russian two-stage technology for destruction of chemical weapons based on phosphor-organic poisoning substances has been offered; it includes three principles: discreteness, periodicity, two stages. The advantages of the given technology are as follows: it excludes the use of high temperatures, provides with strict control over the process of neutralization, excludes processing of poisoning substances under pressure and also development of uncontrolled emergency situations. The utilization of bitumen-salt masses, which is the second stage of the technology, has also been discussed.
The reliability of the given technology has been proved.
V.G. Block, A.S. Stolov. JSC «Giprosynthesis»
The right choice of the corresponding scientific and designing institutions for the development of the design of plants for chemical weapons destruction (CWD), based on the competence of these institutions in creation of the documentation for construction of such plants, is offered as one of the most important principles in the sphere of construction of these plants. The detailed description of measures for safety of the CW destruction plants is presented, which are essential for the development of the designing documentation: 1) the transportation of chemical munitions from the arsenal to the CWD zone - ways of freight packing, types of transport; 2) arrangement of technological process of destruction of chemical munitions; 3) the organization of control over the plant, the development of the automatic system of control over the technological process, formation of the emergency-prevention system; 4) introduction of certain peculiarities into the construction of the main production building; 5) development of modes of ventilation of the production areas; 6) introduction of peculiarities into the electricity supply of the production zone; 7) the development of the system “Environmental monitoring”; 8) the development of warning system in an emergency case for the population.
The conclusion has been made: a) at all the stages of work on CWD the first and foremost attention should be paid to the safety of people and the environmental protection; b) the supervision by regional and state supervising organs at all the stages of construction and exploitation of the CW destruction plants is necessary, they are as follows: projecting, construction, putting into operation, operation.
Lomov E. Project chief engineer, State Design Institute №31 of Special
construction, Ministry of Defence
State Design Institute № 31 of Special construction was confided to develop a project of accommodations, social infrastructure and technical provision of the CW destruction facility.
Before development of the project the main aspects have been determined: the industrial zone must correspond to the specification of «Giprosintez»; doubtless consideration of interest of residents in the vicinity of the facility during allocation of the territories; public services and utilities must meet the demands of State Standards; public and facility personnel protection in case of emergency.
The construction of the CW destruction facility will visibly contribute to the district infrastructure development. Stable sources of engineering provision will be available for the population. The road network will be considerably expanded.
The project provides the construction of centralized steam-shops operating with natural gas, sewage, purgative stations and water supply. That will improve ecology and epidemiological situation of the district.
Gerardo Girardo Crocini The Italian Government Representative
Both Italy and the Russian Federation are among the signatories of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction, signed on 13 January 1993, and are thereby committed to the chemical demilitarization programme and to do everything necessary to fulfill the provisions of the Convention.
Italy ratified the Convention on 18 December 1995 and become therefore a member of the Organization from the entry into the force of the Convention on 29 April 1997. Among the obligations implemented since then Italy has presented declarations to the Organization, regarding both chemical weapons and industrial facilities, prepared a plan for the distraction programme of some old chemical weapons and received international inspections of the OPCW.
Not far from Civitavecchia there is a storage and destruction facility for some old and abandoned chemical weapons left over from the Second World War and before, about 10 tons of phosgene, 14 tons of adamsite and 10.000 old shells of Lewisite and Mustard Gas, which is a very small amount in comparison with the 40.000 tons that have to be destroyed in the Russian Federation.
The experimental phase of the destruction of these old chemical weapons started in 1989, well in advance of the entry into force of the Convention, while the destruction phase started in 1993. In July 1997 the facility of Civitavecchia received the first inspection from the OPCW, the first one in the world to an old and abandoned chemical weapons facility. Eight months later, on 24 April 1998, the Executive Council approved the Facility Agreement for this site regulating the future inspections. This was the first Facility Agreement approved for this kind of facilities.
The very stringent measures taken by the Military Authorities at the destruction site in Civitavecchia for a safe destruction of the old chemical weapons and the requirements to protect the environment have ensured us a peaceful relationship between the facility, which lies very close to the historic town of Civitavecchia, and the local population. At the beginning the Trade Unions expressed some concern and this brought about a visit to the site by a Delegation of the Senate Defence Committee. The Delegation could not discover anything wrong and did not raise any objection to the safety measures adopted by the plant in the destruction process. Since then no more inspections, either by Government or by local Authorities have taken place on this site.
On the over hand, public opinion strongly opposed the construction of a nuclear plant in the area of Montalto di Castro, a nearby town and, in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster and as a result of a referendum in November 1997, in Italy the production of energy by means of nuclear plants was abandoned forever. At present, most of the energy required by Italy is produced with the natural gas provided by Russia.
Italy has always encouraged the Russian Federation as well as the United States to ratify the convention, realizing that the Chemical Weapons Convention could not fully achieve its aims unless the two declared possessors of chemical weapons joined it; otherwise we would have had only a non «proliferation agreement» and not a true disarmament agreement.
Italy and Russia have been always in close contact on the questions related to the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Conventions. In May 1997, during the first Conference of State Parties, the Italian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Toia and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Mr. Mamedov, met in The Hague. On that occasion, the Russian side expressed the wish to establish with Italy a programme of cooperation which would see Italy’s participation to the «Federal programme for the Destruction of Chemical Weapons» in Russia, once Russia had ratified the Convention.
Russia, notwithstanding the obvious difficulties to give full implementation to the Convention, due to the lack of financial resources and the huge stocks of chemical weapons to be destroyed (the biggest in the world), has shown great commitment and strong determination to proceed with its destruction programme and is therefore? Without any doubt, worthy of support by all the State Parties that are equally concerned with the full implementation of the Convention.
Noting that the question to assist Russia was considered of high political importance and of the maximum priority by the Italian Government, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Lamberto Dini provided instructions to our Office to prepare for a specific programme of cooperation.
Since then Italy invited a delegation of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defence to visit the Italian Facility of Civitavecchia for the destruction of old chemical weapons. The Russian delegation, headed by Ambassador Batsanov and which included General Kholstov, Deputy Head of the radiological, chemical and biologic Defence Forces of the Russian Federation, visited Civitavecchia in November 1997 and became acquainted with the destruction techniques used over there.
Other bilateral meetings with the Russian Representatives took place in The Hague during the Second Conference of State Parties in December 1997 at it was agreed that the best way to give the right emphasis to our project of cooperation would be to insert a specific paragraph in the «Plan of Action» to be signed in Rome on 10th February 1998 by President Eltsin and Prime Minister Prodi during the former’s visit to Italy, a document which considered all aspects of our bilateral relations.
In fact, paragraph 7 of the «Action Plan» reads:
After having considered the question with all other interested Italian Ministries, we were invited to Moscow in March by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defence for a series of informal talks, wit the aim of acquiring as much information as possible about the plans for the construction of the chemical weapons destruction plant to be build in Kizner (we decided bilaterally that our assistance would concern this facility), in order to determine what kind of assistance Italy would be able to offer. I can assure you that, in full agreement with the Russian Authorities, the type of work that will be carried out with Italian participation will be on the infrastructures of the site, and will have a social impact, assisting both the destruction facility and the local population of Kizner, especially to those persons that will be engaged in the facility and their respective families.
We are well aware that the main concern of the Russian Government is to take into due consideration the attitude of the population towards stockpiles of chemical weapons so close to their homes and towards the construction of a destruction plant that must be operational at least until the year 2007. The presence of a foreign Country involved with the project, as well as the social and infrastructural programmes of cooperation, could facilitate the establishment of a good level of «trust» in the area and convince the local population of the benefits provided by the destruction process. In fact, after a few years of understandable uneasiness, the problem should be solved once and for ever and, hopefully, bring about some economic development that will improve their life.
Italy therefore urges all the other Countries that have shown the same concern and have the political will and the financial means, to join those States, like Italy, which are already implementing aid programmes to Russia in this field or are negotiating some measures for assisting Russia in its plans for the destruction of chemical weapons, and to do it as soon as possible, keeping us informed of their activities as well.