Ассоциация Гимназий Санкт-Петербурга

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Компьютерный дизайн и верстка: Д.А. Порохов
Вторые гимназические чтения
Прманова Галина Тулигеновна
Шайдук Прасковья Александровна
Perspectives of the work
New Zealand and the New Russia
The main menu”
Пашкова Татьяна Ильинична
Парадиз Светлана Васильевна
Миронова Ольга Павловна
Род Бороздиных в истории России
У войны не детское лицо
Как создать семейный архив.
Список использованной литературы.
Состав жюри
Мясникова Наталья Николаевна
Щукина Светлана Ференцевна
Целью моего исследования
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Ассоциация Гимназий Санкт-Петербурга

“Ежегодные городские гимназические ученические чтения,


Конференция победителей”

Материалы конференций 2005, 2006 г.г.





Печатается по решению Совета Ассоциации гимназий Санкт-Петербурга

Ежегодные городские гимназические ученические чтения. Материалы научно-практической конференций 2005, 2006 г.г. – СПб., изд-во … , 2007

Сборник, выпущенный по итогам проведения Вторых и третьих городских гимназических ученических чтений, проходивших по инициативе Ассоциации гимназий Санкт-Петербурга в 2005 и 2006 годах на базе гимназии № 622, состоит из материалов выступлений, тезисов, авторефератов победителей и лауреатов этой научно-практической конференций школьников.

Авторами тезисов и сообщений являются петербургские старшеклассники, занявшие на своих гимназических конференциях первое место, что дало им право выступления на Ежегодных городских гимназических ученических чтениях.

Сборник предназначен для педагогов-предметников, методистов, работников образования, занимающихся исследовательской деятельностью школьников, а также будет полезен старшеклас­сникам в поиске темы для своей исследовательской выпускной работы и ее дальнейшего развертывания.



Составитель и ответственный редактор: зам. директора по научной работе учащихся, учитель физики гимназии № 498 Д.А. Порохов

Редколлегия: методист НМЦ Красногвардейского р-на, учитель литературы 405 гимназии С.П. Белокурова, Н.С. Волкова, к.п.н., доцент РГПУ им.А.И. Герцена Т.И. Пашкова, д.п.н., профессор, научный руководитель Ассоциации гимназий Санкт-Петербурга Н.М. Свирина, зам. дир. по научной работе учащихся, учитель физики гимназии № 498 Д.А. Порохов.

Компьютерный дизайн и верстка: Д.А. Порохов

Логотип и дизайн обложки – М. Михайлова

 Ассоциация гимназий Санкт-Петербурга, 2007

 М. Михайлова , 2007

ISBN  “Политехника”, 2007


Лауреаты Вторых гимназических чтений 2005 г. 6

Иностранные языки 10

История и право 29

Культурология, краеведение, психология 59

Литература и русский язык 84

Физика, математика, информатика 132

Биология, химия, география, экология 140

Лауреаты Третьих гимназических чтений 2006г. 142

Литература 151

История 268

Культурология 298

Биология, химия 312

Физика, информатика 316

Фотохроника конференции 327


2005 год


Вторых гимназических чтений 2005 года

По предметным областям “Физика, астрономия, информатика”

1.Васильев Дмитрий гимназия 159 в номинации “За профессионализм и практическую значимость работы”

2. Влада Елена, гимназия 261 в номинации “За умение отстаивать свою точку зрения”

По предметным областям “Математика, экономика”

1. Филиппова Елена, гимназия 159 в номинации “За понимание законов красоты”

2. Петров Кирилл, гимназия 271 в номинации “За научный подход при решении практических задач”

По предметной области “Химия”

1. Карпенко Ирина, лицей 82 в номинации “За восстановление исторической справедливости”

2. Кучерова Елена, гимназия 271 в номинации “За актуальность и практическую значимость”

По предметной области “Биология”

1. Земсков Иван, гимназия 73

2. Савченко Яна, гимназия 622

3. Овчинников Дмитрий, лицей 82

4. Мущинский Дмитрий, лицей 82 в номинации “За научное содержание и экологическую значимость работы”

5. Румянцев Андрей, гимназия 116 в номинации “За глубокий научный подход”

По предметной области “Иностранные языки”

1. Анкудинова Евгения, гимназия 399 в номинации “За глубокое научное осмысление поэзии Шекспира и свободное владение языком”

2. Гончар Анна, гимназия 116 в номинации “За лучшую исследовательскую работу в рамках организации коммерческого предприятия и свободное владение языком”

По предметным областям “Культурология, психология и краеведение”

1. Гаврилин Роман, гимназия 116 в номинации “Исследование в области региональной культуры России”

2. Титаренко Елизавета, Вторая СПб. гимназия в номинации “Исследование в области культуры Санкт-Петербурга”

3. Коношенко Мария, гимназия 406

4. Ольшевская Варвара, гимназия 405

5. Матвеева Наталья , гимназия 92

По предметным областям “История и право”

1. Громова Дарья гимназия 148 в номинации “За широкое использование источников”

2. Шмелев Павел, гимназия 524 в номинации “За бережное отношение к отечественной истории”

3. Вахова Вероника гимназия 622 в номинации “За исследовательский интерес и уважение к истории малых народов России”

4. Дятлова Алина, Дятлова Наталья, лицей 344 в номинации “За исследовательскую работу по созданию семейного архива как отражения истории государства”

5. Орлова Дарья гимназия 148 в номинации “История семьи в судьбе страны”

6. Кашерининов Игорь, гимназия 192 в номинации “За личностный подход в преломлении исследования”

7. Шкрум Дмитрий гимназия 622 в номинации “За серьезное исследование проблемы”

8. Малышев Алексей гимназия 107 в номинации “За постоянство в выборе темы исследования”

9. Верховцева Серафима гимназия 92 в номинации “Путь в науку”

10. Ляпустин Михаил, Ивановский Алексей гимназия 61 в номинации “За актуальность темы и способа ее решения”

11. Крейнин Владислав, гимназия 148 в номинации “История и судьбы”

12. Ермилов Сергей, гимназия 272 в номинации “Мифы и реальность”

По предметной области “Литература, русский язык”

1. Смагулова Алина, гимназия 74 в номинации “За грамотный филологический анализ и чувство текста”

2. Горбачева Дарья, гимназия 631 в номинации “За интерес к теме”

3. Мишур Элла, гимназия 159

4. Андреева Янина, гимназия 73

5. Гарина Мария, гимназия 498 в номинации “За глубину исследования языка писателя”

6. Добромыслова Алена, гимназия 405 в номинации “Превращение науки в искусство”

7. Темкина Валерия, гимназия 144

8. Зубова Анна, гимназия 148

9. Самуйлова Елена, гимназия 248 в номинации “За филологическую подготовленность”

10. Поджарова Валерия, гимназия 406 в номинации “За точность литературоведческого мышления”

11. Хлопонина Вера, гимназия 405 в номинации “Оригинальная интерпретация”

12. Егорейченко Наталья, гимназия 73 в номинации “Пушкинский текст”

13. Иванова Кира, гимназия 405

14. Морозова Елена, гимназия 528

Секция иностранных языков

Состав жюри:

Петрова Нина Александровна, к. фил.наук, доцент, Невский институт языка и культуры

Прманова Галина Тулигеновна, учитель английского языка, гимназия 144

Себелева Светлана Александровна, методист по английскому языку, учитель гимназии №622

Шайдук Прасковья Александровна, учитель французского языка гимназии № 144

Some special features of sonnets about “the Dark Lady” by William Shakespeare.

(на материале фильма “White Oleander”)

Анкудинова Евгения, ученица 11 “А” класса гимназии №399

  1. Why is the Shakespeare’s theme essential (the theme of present day). Private motives of choosing the theme. The analysis of the literature on problems of my research:

 Much time has passed since Shakespeare’s period of life but we address to the poetry by Shakespeare more and more often. Shakespeare’s sonnet hasn’t lost its attractiveness for 4 centuries. Why is it so? What is the most attractive side of Shakespeare’s poetry? It wasn’t difficult to answer this question.

In our time, the time of the technical progress, when electronics wins the victory in different sciences, the man forgets to think about spiritual life which is the part of human being. The poetical works by Shakespeare made people think, shake the human hearts, understand the human nature though they were written many years ago.

The person who wishes to be a highly developed personality, addresses to Shakespeare’s sonnets again and again…The poetry by Shakespeare is becoming very popular now. The sonnets by Shakespeare are translated into many languages of the world and the number of translators are growing constantly. Even in our gymnasium Ή399 we can find a lot of wonderful translations of the sonnets by Shakespeare. We can even find some special principles of translation of his sonnets which are defined by some poets. We know, the wonderful music to the verses was written and A.Pugachova, the Russian star-singer, performs Shakespeare’s sonnets in musical form…
  • As for me, I have chosen this theme because I’m fond of love poetry. The sonnets about “the Dark Lady” by Shakespeare is a splendid example of such verse. Taking part in the reciters’ competitions I saw the young people pay attention to the poetry about love. And once I opened the book of sonnets by Shakespeare and understood that I want to read them again and again. And now it’s very interesting for me to understand what kind of person was “the Dark Lady”, so beautiful, so different and contradictive. That is why I made my mind to write an essay…
  • To write this work I used some books by foreign and Russian authors, and Internet sites. I worked with the books written in English. One of them, “An Outline of English Literature” by E. Gomberga was an authentic book written in British English. Also I used the article by Russian author S. Belza. So, I had to read and understand foreign literature and translate from Russian into English a lot-it was very useful for my English. Another useful thing was that foreign and Russian authors had different opinions on the theme of the sonnets and I had to analyze and compare their points of view to make the right conclusion. I wrote myself the third chapter of the work, that is why I had not only to write, but even to think in English. The atmosphere of the sonnets made me do it.
  1. The aims and the tasks of my research:

I should like to follow how the sonnets about “the Dark Lady” are connected, what creative methods and means Shakespeare used in them. I’ll try to understand why the sonnets by Shakespeare are so expressive, touching and unrepeatable.
  1. Widespread plan, leading to the work:

Chapter 1
  • From classical sonnet to Shakespeare’s poetry:

The sonnet as a form of lyric poetry appeared in Italy in the 13th century. The classical sonnet had 14 lines with different rhymes. It consisted of 2 quatrains (a verse of four lines, usually rhyming abab; French-quatrain) and 2 terzinas (Italian terzina-three lined poetical verse). The genre of sonnet took place in the poetry during the period of Renaissance and in England this kind of verse was called “Shakespeare’s sonnet”. First of all, Shakespeare’s sonnet has some special features in the genre: it consists of 3 quatrains and a final two lined poem, in which there is a final idea. The metre of his sonnet is steady and as a rule it’s iambs.

The originality of Shakespeare’s sonnets is composed of combining the theme of love with another one and at the end of every sonnet we see the synthesis of both themes. The contents of the poem should be put into 14 lines.
  • The period of Renaissance and Shakespeare’s ideal of a woman:

Shakespeare’s age is a bright page of history. It is the period of Renaissance which was marked by upsurge in social and cultural life. The poet F. Bacon declared the Renaissance was “the beginning of new science”, which “destroyed the medieval canons”. At that period of time not only poets but gentlemen who wanted to win victories over women’s hearts had to compose sonnets. A lot of sonnets appeared at that period of time. The sweetheart was usually blond and fair, with a peaches-and-cream complexion-and disdainful. Not by chance Philip Sidney, the author of the collection of sonnets, wrote in his work “The Defense of Poetry” that “it was impossible to believe in love in sonnets of many poets”, but Shakespeare made the readers believe in it, feel it. Why?
  • The character of “the Dark Lady” isn’t like immaterial shades of the poetic women’s characters of the Elizabeth epoch. The poet opposes the features of alive but not ideal woman to becoming tedious by being seen too often stamps (eyes-stars, lips-corals).

Also Shakespeare’s sonnets is a sort of encyclopedia of feelings. In his sonnets about “the Dark Lady” we find really different shadows of human feelings, connected with love: delight or awe, thank or blame, despair.

Chapter 2

My next statement is that one of the main features of Shakespeare’s sonnets about “the Dark Lady” is their majesty:
  • The time of the first publishing:

Even now the critics and authors of books about the poet couldn’t find out when the sonnets had been written. The majority of critics are sure that the sonnets had been written in 1590th (between 1592-1598). For the first time “sweet sonnets” were mentioned in “Palladis Tamia” by Mires in 1598 in famous extract devoted to Shakespeare: we could read that his “close friends” were discussing Shakespeare’s poetry about love. Now we suppose that Shakespeare’s sonnets about “the Dark Lady” were written during the first period of his activity. His first period is marked by youthful optimism, exuberance of imagination and extravagance of language. Though the majority of sonnets are full of painful mood and suffering, full of complaining and excusing, optimistic gaiety of a genius helps Shakespeare to overcome the hardships of life and fulfil the duty of the Poet.
  • The mystery of “the Dark Lady”:

Other mystery of Shakespeare’s sonnets is connected with that woman whom the sonnets had been devoted to. The famous English dramatist Bernard Show wrote the comedy “The Dark Lady of the sonnets” in which he showed the beloved in Shakespeare’s poetry was fraulein of the queen Elizabeth-Mary Fitton. I stick to this opinion.
  • In the book by Thorpe “Sonnets by Shakespeare” there is a picture and the colors let us see that she was really dark. The poet stresses that “the Dark Lady” is subjected by the beauty of her beaming eyes, black as the raven’s wing.
  • There is another proof that the queen’s fraulein could be “the Dark Lady” of the sonnets: the contemporaries found the likeness of the name “Fitton” with the “fit one” (the word’s combination, which was used in one of the sonnets), that seemed to them very interesting.
  • The coincidences don’t finish. Analyzing the text of the drama “Love’s Labour’s Lost” the critics supposed that the beautiful brunette Rosalind was a prototype of the real woman, whose character was created during the transforming of the play, when the comedy should have been staged for Her Majesty. So, we can come to the conclusion that the end of the first act had been devoted not only for the spectators but to her…to Mary Fitton.

Chapter 3

The Dark Lady”:
  • The beauty and its semantics:

The author understood “beauty” specially, not as everybody. According to Shakespeare’s opinion the beauty is human being with all his positive and defective sides. Shakespeare is glorifying really simple, but pretty character of his beloved woman (“My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun, Coral is far more red, than her lips red…”) In the sonnets about the earth beauty, the poet used a great number of comparisons (“Therefore my mistress’ eyes are raven black…”), unrepeatable, estimating epithets (“black heir”, “breasts are dun”, “black wires”). They help the readers to understand the beauty as the poet realised, to create the character of the dear, not simply to see but “to feel” the colour of her hair, to sink in her black, as coal, eyes.
  • The beauty of “the Dark Lady” is a contrast of the black side of her soul(131,132):

Shakespeare develops the theme of beauty. He stresses that the beauty of the appearance is not the beauty of the soul. The fairness of “the Dark Lady” is a contrast of the black side of her soul. Let’s see playing of the word “black”: from the first side “black” has the meaning of the standard gauge of beauty: From the other side the poet shows the “black saves in thy deeds”. How simple and easy he shows this collision, using the antithesis of the same word. The blackness of the soul, according to my opinion, won victory in this struggle. Let’s pay attention to the rhyme “black-lack”: even here the author comes to the most important conclusion that the blackness of soul is the most important defect. That is why we can say the final inference is in the final verse of the sonnet 131 (“In nothing art thou black save in thy deeds, And thence this slander as I think proceeds.”)

The lyric character, the Dark Lady and “lovely boy” from the first cycle of the verses:

In the sonnets about “the Dark Lady” by Shakespeare the ever and exhaustless theme of love is closely connected with the theme of friendship. What are the distinguishing features of these sonnets?
  • Firstly, the rival of the lyric character or, it’s better to say, the poet’s neighbour in “steel bosom’s heart” is neither rascal-separator, nor the brave knight, but the poet’s friend, “lovely boy” from the first cycle of the verses, the light haired boy whom the author has not only the friendly feeling, but the father’s feeling.
  • Secondly, there is no cruel fighting between the lyric character and the young man. The poet not only makes up with necessity of sharing his love with his friend but, first of all, he cares that the former friendly relations wouldn’t become hostile.
  • Thirdly, there is a line of problems, which the author is solving in the sonnets about two his close people
  • 133,134:

There is a sort of duelling between the lyric character and the “brown” beautiful woman in sonnets 133,134. They are struggling for the destiny of the poet’s friend. Describing the insatiable Lady the author uses the metaphoric epithet in “steel bosom’s heart”. I think, he shows the poet's heart cut with “that wounds can’t oppose the steel heart of “the Dark Lady”. As a result:

Him have I lost, thou hast both him and me,

He pays the whole, and yet am I not free.

So, we persuade ourselves in the strength of her charming and at the same time in her inaccessibleness, in her cruelty, in her insistence and selfloving.
  • 143:

Tender and soft feeling penetrates this sonnet. The author uses the warm and affable comparison of the Lady with mother. Mother is the first word which baby speaks. Mother will never leave her child.

Thus, these verses are so contradictory as the character of “the dark Lady”: tender sonnets-advice interlace with the sonnets-malediction, despair, pain and sadness.

Others groups of sonnets:
  • 129-146:

In these verses the author gives a fair warning to his sweetheart. Having the God’s gift of Love, the poet preaches the God’s commands: “The blackness of soul is the sin. Don’t care your body!”. There is the problem: will she obey lyric character or not? I think the wish of the woman is stronger than the poets advice and she is about to make her choice in favor of the pleasures of the flesh.
  • 153-154:

Reading this sonnets we came to the conclusion that the author is destined to love suffering up to the end of his life. There is a parallel with the “Prorok” by M. Lermontov. It is very difficult for people who are gifted by the arm of God live among men: they are understood by nobody. So, beautiful, but cruel Fitton doesn’t understand all the charms of this wide feeling and continues to “glance thine eyes aside”, provoking hard torments in the poet's soul.
  • The main principles of translation Shakespare's poetry:
  • imnidiacy of intonation
  • dealing with the readers who hve the original poetry
  • giving up the idea of using archaisms
  • addressing to a woman

IV Conclusions:

Thus, I believe, I have got the aim of my report. I have proved that the sonnets by William Shakespeare have their own special features. Also I have shown the main features of “the Dark Lady’s” character (the contradiction of her image is evident), followed the poet’s feelings which belie emotional experience of the poets during the period of Renaissance, represented the main problems of the sonnets and their unexpected solutions.

V Perspectives of the work:

I think in future I'll work on this theme. I should like to enter the Pedagogical University named after Gercen and begin my researching new sides of Shakespeare's poetry (using the modern principles of translation Shakespeare's verses).

VI Bibliography:
  1. Gomberga E. An Outline of English Literature for Philologists;-Riga: “Zvaigzne”,1937
  2. Брандерс Г. Шекспир. Жизнь и произведения (Серия: Гений в искусстве) -М., “Алгоритм”,1997
  3. Морозов М. Шекспир. (Серия “ЗЖЛ”), 2-ое издание-ЦК ВЛКСМ., “Молодая Гвардия”,1956
  4. В. Шекспир Сонеты/Пер. с англ. С. Маршака; Послесловие С. Бэлзы;-М., “Детская литература”,1988
  5. speares-sonnets.com