Ильина О. К., Тычинский А. А. Сборник упражнений по английскому языку к учебнику
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СодержаниеExercises to Chapter 15 “International Public Relations” New York Times Необходимость нестандартного подхода. Расширение специализации. |
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Exercises to Chapter 15 “International Public Relations”
- Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
- International public relations is a phenomenon that has spread mainly from which country?
a) Germany b) United States c) Japan d) Australia e) Canada
- International public relations growth has been influenced by all the following factors EXCEPT
a) technological developments b) social change c) economic growth d) a rise in nationalism e) political changes
- Which country is primarily responsible for formulating the techniques and strategies of international public relations that are now throughout the world?
a) Great Britain b) Germany c) France d) United States e) Japan
- Various customs and practices abroad can confuse Americans. In the Middle East, for example, the color white signifies
a) marriage b) mourning c) virginity d) first aid e) purity
- A Burson-Marsteller executive says that foreign governments retain American public relations firms in order to accomplish all of the following goals EXCEPT
a) advancing the client’s political objectives b) encouraging wider American acceptance of the client country’s language c) encouraging U.S. investment d) winning American support on issues that affect the client’s standing in the world e) seeking changes in laws detrimental to the client
- In a public relations campaign designed to influence American opinion, foreign governments often FIRST
a) place an advertisement in the New York Times b) prepare a background kit for key lawmakers c) hold a press conference d) host a social gathering for key lawmakers and journalists e) invite reporters to go on a country tour
- Nestle Company of Switzerland had to deal with an international relations problem that concerned
a) competition from other chocolate manufacturers b) infant baby formula sales in the Third World c) bribes to government officials d) destruction of a plant in India that killed hundreds e) dumping of toxic wastes in African nations
- About what proportion of U.S. corporate profits are now generated through international sales?
a) one-fourth b) one-third c) half d) two-thirds e) three-fourths
- Which country has the most investments in the United States?
a) England b) France c) Germany d) Japan e) Saudi Arabia
- Public relations develops best as an occupation in countries that have
a) multiple party governments b) private ownership of business c) large-scale urbanization d) relatively high per capita income e) all of the above
- Which country has no real public relations tradition and centers the practice on contact with reporter ‘clubs’?
a) Indonesia b) Thailand c) Malaysia d) Japan e) none of the above
- Which one of the following African nations has the most developed public relations industry?
a) Egypt b) Kenya c) South Africa d) Nigeria e) Zimbabwe
- The Foreign Agents Registration Act was passed by Congress to
a) assist the FBI in surveillance b) track foreign nationals residing in the U.S. c) register foreign agents visiting the U.S. d) require registration of lobbyists working on behalf of foreign governments e) curtail lavish entertaining by foreign embassies
- The purpose of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is to
a) forbid the giving of ‘donations’ to government officials by foreign agents b) ban the distribution of propaganda by foreign governments in the U.S. c) register all lobbyists working on behalf of foreign governments d) ban bribes by U.S. companies to foreign business contacts and government leaders in exchange for contracts e) require the proper identification of all information materials distributed by foreign governments
- Which international agreement was the subject of high-cost lobbying by both Mexican and U.S. groups?
a) NAFTA b) GATT c) Proposition 138 d) none of the above
- Which of the following activities are undertaken by corporate protocol officers?
a) booking hotels b) planning banquets c) hiring limousines d) selecting gifts e) all of the above
- According to former PRSA president Jerry Dalton, the fastest growing career field is
a) international public relations b) corporate protocol c) global marketing d) intercultural public affairs e) governmental affairs
(Glen T. Cameron. Instructor’s Manuel / Test Bank with Transparency Masters to accompany Wilcox, Ault, Agee, Cameron. Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics. Sixth Edition. – Longman, 2000. – P. 219-223)
- Say whether the statement is true or false.
- Companies operating in foreign countries are confronted with totally different public relations challenges and tasks than in the United States.
- Singapore enjoys well-developed public relations practices oriented to visual communications.
- Public relations counselors working on behalf of foreign governments must file regular reports on their activities with the attorney general.
- Public relations activities are conducted primarily in highly industrialized nations.
- The International Public Relations Association is the overseas branch of the Public Relations Society of America.
- International public relations requires practitioners with knowledge of foreign languages and cultures.
- In China, it is the custom to number banquet tables so guests can easily find their places.
- In Germany, it is considered uncouth to call people by their first name at public events.
- With the advent of the European Community (1992), English will become the official language of Western Europe.
(Glen T. Cameron. Instructor’s Manuel / Test Bank with Transparency Masters to accompany Wilcox, Ault, Agee, Cameron. Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics. Sixth Edition. – Longman, 2000. – P. 223-224)
- Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.
- Complete the words.
- The government c______ with a flurry of briefings.
- The g______ v______ of which we all speak carelessly is at most a global convenience store.
- Consumer groups are pushing for full d______ of product ingredients.
- The statue was gently l______ back into place.
- Looking back I think she could hardly have lived anywhere more suited to the c______ of her difficulty.
- The company’s profit margins s______ from 32.5 per cent to 17.
- She was c______ with the biggest crisis of her political life.
- His bankruptcy was the result of several reckless business v______.
- Public d______ of the conference call has sparked a political firestorm.
- Organizing a wedding is a major u______.
- People’s fear of crime is f______ by sensationalist reports.
- He will m______ and review company policy.
- The drug has so far had no a______ effect on patients.
- Schools are taking action to c______ bullying.
- The interview is scheduled for s______ b______ on Tuesday.
- The election is being organized in a c______ of fear and mistrust.
- Translate the following word combinations from Russian into English consulting the article.
Противостоять неодобрительному отношению общества; разоблачение; ослабить торговые барьеры; сокращение культурных различий; глобальная деревня; сталкиваться с трудностями; сдерживание кризиса; проект; рискованное предприятие; способствовать; контролировать ситуацию; неблагоприятная ситуация; противодействовать; коротковещательная программа; создавать обстановку.
- Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using active vocabulary.
- Некоторые элементы PR, такие, как противостояние неодобрительному отношению общества с помощью разоблачения посредством гласности и годовых отчётов, практиковались железнодорожными компаниями ещё в середине XIX века.
- PR-деятельность разрослась до беспрецедентных размеров главным образом из-за ослабления торговых барьеров.
- Сокращение культурных различий неизменно приближает «глобальную деревню» к реальности.
- По существу, компании, работающие за рубежом, сталкиваются с теми же трудностями PR-деятельности, что и в США.
- Одной из наиболее трудных задач PR является сдерживание кризиса до того, как он нанёс серьёзный вред.
- Члены IPRA должны воздерживаться от участия в рискованных предприятиях или проектах, которые предполагают неэтичные, бесчестные действия или унижение чести и достоинства людей.
- Спутниковое телевидение, компьютерные сети, электронная почта и другие появляющиеся технологии способствуют вступлению глобального маркетинга в новую эпоху.
- Компании, работающие за рубежом, должны контролировать и оценивать неблагоприятные ситуации, а также определять пути противодействия.
- Многие страны передают коротковещательные программы для укрепления своих национальных интересов и авторитета.
- В том, что касается создания обстановки, благоприятствующей принятию реформ, эффект этих программ не известен.
- Translate the following text from English into Russian.
Practitioners of either global or international public relations are cultural interpreters. They must understand the business and general culture of both their clients (or employers) and the country or countries in which they hope to do business. Whether as an outside or in-house consultant, the first task is to tell a U.S. company going abroad (or a foreign party coming to the United States) how to get things done. How does the market work? What are the business habits? What is the infrastructure? The consultant also needs to understand how things work in the host country, to recognize what will need translation and adaptation…
The field needs practitioners with an interest in and knowledge of foreign cultures on top of top-notch public relations skills. They need a good sense of working environments, and while they may not have answers for every country, they should know what questions to ask and where to get the information needed. They need to know where the potential dangers are, so as to not replenish the business bloopers book.
(Dennis L. Wilcox, Philip H. Ault, Warren K. Agee, Glen T. Cameron. Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics. Sixth Edition. – Longman, 2000. – P. 361)
- Translate the following text from Russian into English.
По мере возрастания значения PR растёт и масштаб проблем, с которыми приходится сталкиваться людям этой профессии. Они характерны для всего мира, так как и сама эта область деятельности приобретает всемирный размах. Америка больше не занимает исключительного положения в сфере коммуникаций. В числе важнейших проблем, стоящих перед профессионалами, можно назвать следующие:
- Необходимость нестандартного подхода. Демографические сдвиги влияют на способы общения, применяемые PR-профессионалами. Они должны находить возможности преодолеть культурные барьеры и донести нужное сообщение до целевых групп населения. Приоритет теперь принадлежит не столько широкому, сколько «узкому» вещанию.
- Расширение специализации. PR-профессионал сегодня – это нечто гораздо большее, чем только посредник между компанией и обществом. Ему нужно прекрасно разбираться в политике и действиях компании, на которую он работает. Он должен уметь общаться со средствами информации, потребителями и инвесторами. Ему требуется дар слова, чтобы удовлетворять требованиям руководства.
- Глобализация. С увеличением числа транснациональных компаний средства информации и PR-агенства также пересекают национальные границы и становятся желанными гостями во всём мире. Тенденция к глобализации будет расти.
(Фрейзер П.Сайтэл. Современные паблик рилейшнз. – М.: Консалтинговая группа «Имидж-Контакт», ИНФРА-М, 2002. – C. 550-551.)
- Summarize the concepts of the chapter “International Public Relations”.