2. Special requirements for admission: the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian language and literature, and creative competition with 2 rounds: 1

Вид материалаДокументы


Student Activities
Content of modules and their structure
The first module
The second module
Total number of hours
Student Activities
Current control
As a whole
Подобный материал:
1   ...   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   ...   30

12. Teaching Methods.

Student Activities:
  • - practical work on the musical material;
  • - sigh-reading;
  • - mastery of historiography and biography of composers and musical compositions;;

- - decision-art-technical tasks performed by musical pieces;
  • - upbringing thinking in orchestral performance of musical compositions;
  • - developmen of conductor t skills in the performance of music pieces.

Current control:

Conducting two musical pieces, answers questions (colloquium).

Form semester control:

Test, test

І3. The evaluation criteria (in%)

Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria:

- modules practical work (creative task) 60%

(with them on i. s. w.) (15%)

- mastering of conductor schemes aufbar and its visible 30%

- mastery of historiography and biography of composers and compositions that are performed 10%

Site Evaluation IWS

Types of independent work of students

The maximum point rating by type (%)


Learn simple and complex schemes of conductor

5 %


Acquiring of types fermat

5 %


Acquiring of types auftact

5 %

As a whole

15 %

14. Languages Teaching


11.Chamber Ensemble

Working curriculum subject of

discipline «Chamber Ensemble»


1. Name of the course.

„ Chamber Ensemble " :

Form (s) of study: full-time.

Specialty (-es): Musical art

2. Course Code

[ІКМ].[ММ_Форт]. [3_1_9]

3. Type of Course (mandatory or optional for the student)


4. Year (s) training


5. Semester / semesters.


6. The number of credits ЕСТS


7. Surname name patronymic, position, rank, scientific degree

teacher (teachers) who teach discipline

Balashova A. D.- lecturer of Department of Music Theory, music history and musical training (5 building, room.2-14)
  1. Мета курсу (в термінах результату навчання й компетенції).

Aim of the course - “ Chamber Ensemble” is training of highly qualified musicians to professional activity

Chamber Ensemble in high musical school is one of the profiling disciplines of piano and orchestral departments.

Starting classroom instruction of chamber Ensemble, students certainly have full experience in performing compositions of this genre, because this is a core subject in all secondary school music education. But the higher educational establishments need more perfect knowledge requirements of specific area of performing, more profound knowledge and skills to implement them in the process of studing composition.

9. Prerequisites (actual knowledge required to master the course).

Skills that were obtained during learning in the musical school or music college, 1 course HEI

10. Course Content..

Content of modules and their structure






The first module









The second module


Composition of the large from the program



Total number of hours




11. List of recommended textbooks

The main educational literature

For students of 2 course
  1. Губа В. “Три українські акварелі” для скрипки, віолончелі та фортепіано.
  2. Дичко Л. “Веснянки” для скрипки та фортепіано.
  3. Іщенко Ю. Тріо № 1 для скрипки, віолончелі та фортепіано.
  4. Людкевич С. “Ноктюрн” – Тріо для скрипки, віолончелі та фортепіано.
  5. Подвала В. Квартет для скрипки, альта, віолончелі та фортепіано.

For students of 3 course
  1. Іщенко Ю. Соната №1 для скрипки та фортепіано.
  2. Штогаренко А. Соната для віолончелі та фортепіано.
  3. Людкевич С. Тріо для скрипки, віолончелі та фортепіано.
  4. Кирейко В. Тріо для скрипки, віолончелі та фортепіано.
  5. Бібік В. “Маленький концерт” для скрипки, віолончелі та фортепіано.

For students of 4 course.
  1. Штогаренко А. Молодіжне тріо для скрипки, віолончелі та фортепіано.
  2. Косенко В. Тріо для скрипки, віолончелі та фортепіано.
  3. Косенко В. Соната для скрипки та фортепіано.
  4. Колесса М. Квартет для скрипки, альта, віолончелі та фортепіано.
  5. Губа В. Соната для флейти та фортепіано.

12. Teaching Methods.

Student Activities:

- the practical work over the musical material;

- sight-reading;

- mastering playing features on different instruments (violin, cello, horn and others);

- upbringing of the ensemble thinking in the performance musical compositions;

Current control:

Sight-reading, answers to the questions (colloquium).

Form semester control:

ІV, V,VІ,VІІ semester – test, ІІІ, VІІІ – exam.

І3. The evaluation criteria (in%).

Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria:

- performance of the concert program 60%

(including i.s.s.) (15%)

- ownership of ensemble playing 30%

- ownership of creative contacts with partners 10%

Site of Evaluation IWS:

Types of independent work of students

The maximum point rating by type (%)


Mastering the technical possibilities instruments that take part in the ensembles, one of composition of the ensemble repertoire

10 %


Creative analysis of musical works

5 %

As a whole

15 %

14. Languages Teaching

Ukrainian, Russian