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Дипломная работа - Педагогика
Другие дипломы по предмету Педагогика
ИЕОТРАБОТКАПОВТОРЕНИЕGR. I haveтАж I dont haveтАж Do you haveтАж.? Yes, I do. No, I dont. ImтАж Im notтАжGR. Do you likeтАж? - Yes, I do. No, I dont.GR. I likeтАж I dont likeтАж Is it aтАж? Yes, t is. No, it isnt. This is a тАж This is not a тАжVOC. kind, blue, too, picture, chair, in, sister, brother Stamp your feet! Come up to me! On, floor, table, draw, your, my, hop, stop, any, mice, some Hands on knees! pluralsVOC. Big, small, green; Nine; grass, mother, father, sweet, bag, pencil, horse, sheep; Clock, block Clap your hands! Hands up (down)!VOC. fine, nasty, yellow; eight; the sky, bow, box, cockerel, hen, chick; Stand up! Sit down on the floor (chair)! bad, good, little, dark, light; toy, ball, doll, car, star, come, go; boy, girl, I, bear, hare, dog, frog, cat, mouse, parrot, wolf, snake; many, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven; yes, no; red; the sunPH. There is a тАж on the table. Here you are. Why are you crying? Give me! How much is it? Whats this? Lets drawтАж Lets count the toys! Come up to me. Thats a secret. Guess! Lets play a game! Are you ready? Its me. There areтАж What do you want? Be quick! Come again1 What do you have? Are you ready? Are you tired? What do you want? Ask for any toy you like.PH. How are you? - Im fine, thank you! Thank you1 Whats the difference betweenтАж?PH. Lets be friends! I dont know! Happy birthday! Who are you? Can I have тАж please? This bear is red. Who is it? I give up! Come in! go away! How old are you? - Im 6. Hello! Good morning! Good-bye! Whats your name? - My name is тАж Which тАж do you like best? Do you knowтАж? Whats there in the bag? How many тАж?dont like the dog. I have a cat,dont like the frog. I have a dog,dont like the block. I have a parrot,like тАж (the clock). I have a frog.