Научно-исследовательская работа студентов: Материалы юбилейной 60-й научной студенческой конференции. Петрозаводск: Изд-во ПетрГУ, 2008. 325 с. Isbn 978-5-8021-0880-2
Вид материала | Научно-исследовательская работа |
СодержаниеКАФЕДРА СОЦИАЛЬНО-КУЛЬТУРНОГОСЕРВИСА И ТУРИЗМА Секция «Рroblems and Рerspectives of ТourismIndustry Development» Psychology of effective menu design How тo become a good restaurant manager |
- Работа студентов материалы 58-й научной студенческой конференции, 3780.58kb.
- Программа 58-й научной студенческой конференции петрозаводск Издательство Петргу 2006, 841.28kb.
- Введение седьмая Межвузовская научная конференция продолжает обсуждение проблем межкультурного, 1199.81kb.
- Сборник статей ежегодной международной студенческой научно-практической конференции, 1058.05kb.
- «свое» и «чужое» в культуре народов европейского севера, 1556.91kb.
- В. М. Пивоев (отв ред.), А. М. Пашков, М. В. Пулькин, 3114.99kb.
- О хозяйства материалы студенческой научной конференции (18 февраля 3 марта 2008г.), 5864.74kb.
- Программа 61-й научной студенческой конференции (20-24 апреля) Петрозаводск, 854.03kb.
- Краткий курс высшей математики : учеб пособие для вузов / Б. П. Демидович, В. А. Кудрявцев., 1363.18kb.
- Актуальные социально-экономические и правовые аспекты устойчивого развития региона., 2089.17kb.
Секция «Рroblems and Рerspectives of Тourism
Industry Development»
Андреева A., Андреева Г.
Научный руководитель — ст. преп., доц. Добрынина O. Л.
Since the beginning of civilization, humans have not been entirely satisfied with drinking water but they felt the need to drink something with more flavor and taste.
Wine is produced in many countries all over the world. Today standard food-service operations also offer attractive and complete wine service. Time and care should be taken to become proficient in presenting, opening, and serving a bottle of wine.
Wine and food can make each other taste better. When certain wines are paired with certain food the result can be thrilling.
According to the information, published in the book «Wine bible», written by Karden MacNeil scientists discovered some principles to pair wine and food. The first important principal is: pair great with great; humble with humble. For example a hot turkey sandwich doesn’t need an expensive Merlot to accompany it. On the other hand a pricy lobster in cream sauce may be a perfect match for a bottle of champagne.
The second principal is — march delicate to delicate, robust to robust. For example, a delicate wine like a red Burgundy will end up tasting like water if you serve it with a spiced dish like curry. Dishes with spicy and hot flavors are perfectly cut out for big flavored wines.
Not surprisingly, dishes with fruit in them, for example, pork with apples, roasted chicken with apricot glaze and so forth — often pair beautifully with very fruit-driven wines that have superfruity aromas.
The third chapter of our research paper is the attempt to pair some wines and dishes from the menu and the wine list of the restaurant «Karelskaya gornitsa».
We tried to imagine that some guests of the restaurant asked us for a piece of advice what wine to choose from the wine list. And we do our best to give them the advice taking into account the dishes they have ordered.
For example, if guests are going to eat «Turkey baked under creamy sauce with goose liver paste», we would advice them to choose Demi-sec Shateau Ollwiller, or Bordeaux, or Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot, because this concentrated wines perfectly match food with a lot of animal fat, butter or cream. The same wines can be recommended if customers choose such dishes as «The special lamb from Tarmo» or «Pork in Lapp style».
In conclusion we would like to say, that three decades ago, a well appointed wine list was mainly in upper scale restaurants. Today many regard the service of wine to be as important as that of food. And it is very important to match them correctly.
Василенко В., Геля Н.
Научный руководитель — ст. преп., доц. Добрынина О. Л.
According to how the menu is designed it can increase the revenue of the establishment or yield a loss. In our report we suggest some psychological techniques that will improve the menu and assist in profit making process. Doing our paper we have studied foreign books and other sources like internet sites about menu design and visited several food service establishments of Petrozavodsk analyzed some psychological aspects of menu creating there.
The menu is the most important document in a restaurant. The role of the menu is not to be bills of fare. It is a communication device between a customer and a restaurant; it is a cost control, marketing and merchandising tool. The menu determines what customers will order and how much they will spend. Customers don’t read the menu in detail; they just scan it for only 109 seconds. It tells us we should make the items we want to sell the most easily noticeable to the customer.
Today every restaurant operator should know the psychological techniques of menu design and project the menu according to them. It is necessary to consider the various types of menu formats (single-page, two-panel, letter-fold, three-panel, multipage), the way a customer looks on the menu content and the locations of the various food items.
Menu design techniques can help the restaurant achieve its desired check average, sales, profit, and cost goals, sell the items it most wants to sell.
1. The menu cover gives guests an early visual impression of the restaurant. As most menus are used repeatedly the cover material needs to be durable.
2. The dimensions of the menu should have suitable size for the guest, table size, and place settings.
3. An unusual menu shape may help to create a particular image.
4. Menu descriptions must be interesting, appetizing, even mouth-watering but accurate.
5. Food enterprise can increase or decrease readability of the text by selecting clear type sizes and fonts.
6. Color and decorative details such as pictures, drawings, and designs can add appeal and call attention to specific menu items.
The benefits of a well-designed menu make management's job more predictable. Properly priced, designed and presented, the menu can increase the average check, extending sales of specialty items while complementing the overall atmosphere of the restaurant.
If customers enjoy their experience at your restaurant they will want to return for another meal.
Гришкина Д., Лапшина Е.
Научный руководитель — ст. преп., доц. Добрынина О. Л.
Nowadays a lot of new restaurants arise, but only a small part of them survives in a present business competition. Statistics shows that only 30 % of restaurants managers have a high education in hospitality industry.
Restaurant managers work under considerable stress, but the most successful ones enjoy great salaries, prestige, and the pride of seeing their establishments thrive and prosper.
A restaurant manager wears many hats. He hires, supervises and schedules his employees for shifts, takes inventory and orders needed supplies and food and makes sure the restaurant customers are happy.
A restaurant manager runs all the daily operations of a restaurant. A restaurant manager's job duties can vary depending on the type of restaurant that they manage. In large restaurants, they would share many duties with an executive chef who would oversee kitchen operations and food preparation. In a small restaurant, many of these kitchen responsibilities would also fall on the restaurant manager.
Restaurant management is a demanding job with long work days of 12 or more hours, often 7 days a week. It also requires a very wide range of skills.
The tourism and hospitality trades are expanding all over the world, and this is one of the reasons why qualified managers with good restaurant management training are able to open successful restaurants worldwide.
The right school will give students the necessary training, which is more and more often required for breaking into this field. New technologies and the Internet give students ready access to information, allowing them to make their own personal arrangements and making it easier to achieve a successful career. Restaurant Management Schools provide students with knowledge of administrative duties and customer service.
The food services industry is a huge industry with $1 billion per day in sales. According to the statistics, half of all adults eat in a restaurant every day. Over 10 million people are employed by the food service industry.
So, do you really want to become a successful restaurant manager? Well, you don’t need to work up a great many of information sources — here we tried to pick up the most important items which will help you to operate your restaurant. Don’t waste your time — start working!