Научно-исследовательская работа студентов: Материалы юбилейной 60-й научной студенческой конференции. Петрозаводск: Изд-во ПетрГУ, 2008. 325 с. Isbn 978-5-8021-0880-2
Вид материала | Научно-исследовательская работа |
СодержаниеСекция «Современные проблемы медицины и биологии»(на иностранных языках) The treatment of ventriculomegalia Mitosis and its abnormalities |
- Работа студентов материалы 58-й научной студенческой конференции, 3780.58kb.
- Программа 58-й научной студенческой конференции петрозаводск Издательство Петргу 2006, 841.28kb.
- Введение седьмая Межвузовская научная конференция продолжает обсуждение проблем межкультурного, 1199.81kb.
- Сборник статей ежегодной международной студенческой научно-практической конференции, 1058.05kb.
- «свое» и «чужое» в культуре народов европейского севера, 1556.91kb.
- В. М. Пивоев (отв ред.), А. М. Пашков, М. В. Пулькин, 3114.99kb.
- О хозяйства материалы студенческой научной конференции (18 февраля 3 марта 2008г.), 5864.74kb.
- Программа 61-й научной студенческой конференции (20-24 апреля) Петрозаводск, 854.03kb.
- Краткий курс высшей математики : учеб пособие для вузов / Б. П. Демидович, В. А. Кудрявцев., 1363.18kb.
- Актуальные социально-экономические и правовые аспекты устойчивого развития региона., 2089.17kb.
Секция «Современные проблемы медицины и биологии»
(на иностранных языках)
Сергеев В.
Научный руководитель — член-кор. РАМН,
доктор мед. наук, проф. Вебер В. Р.
As the law enforcement and controlling agencies and the manufacturers themselves state, the share of counterfeit and falsified products on the consumer market increases on a large scale during the period from 2001—2007 in Russia. As a result, a shadow economy sector gets created; both national and foreign businessmen authority is undermined, consumers bear moral and material losses and risk their health. Nowadays, in Russia, there are medicines of all pharmacological groups that get falsified. However, the leading position in the list of counterfeits belongs to antibiotics which share involves almost half of all revealed counterfeits recently. The counterfeit medicines, sold in Russia, are divided into four groups depending on the conditions there are produced in: the first group — medicines which do not contain any of the registered ingredients, so called ‘placebo’ (dummies) without potency. These medicines are easily produced: the active substance is substituted by the neutral component — talc, lime, soda, chalk, and natural color (beetroot, carrot etc.). Components are stirred until the color of the substance is identical to the color of the original medicine. Such medicines are quite rare and are aimed at inexperienced customers. Pills, ointments, and gels are counterfeited in this way. The second group — medicines which contain ingredients not listed on the packaging. These are medicine-imitators. The active substance is substituted by a cheaper and less effective one. Mostly, the packaging of a cheaper medicine is replaced by the packaging of the more expensive one. For example, the bottle that contains saline is labeled as a strong anaesthetic or oncological medicine. This group of counterfeits is the most dangerous one due to a completely different therapeutic effect. The third group — medicines containing ingredients which origin is different from the one written on the packaging. They contain the same active substance, but its amount is less or more. The fourth group — is the most spread and high-quality counterfeits group, so called, medicine-copies. They contain the same active substance and the same amount of this substance.
After studying this vital problem, we can conclude that the way from the pharmaceutical manufacturers to the consumers is multi-step. The crime can occur at any step in this process. A drug store is accounted for not following the regulations of making medicines as well as for medicines design, packaging, and quality including medicines done in the retail pharmacy itself. The counterfeit medicines undermine not only national economy, but also the public health. Therefore, fighting illegal production and trafficking of pharmaceutical counterfeits must become our national strategy.
Melatonin — present, past and future…
Солодаренко А., Носов А.
Научные руководители — ст. преп. Юнаш В. Д.,
доц. Виноградова И. А., доц. Штода Н. Е.
The aim of our work is to analyze the rats’ disease incidence and life duration in LL regimen (constant lightning) and influence of MLT on these processes. MLT was discovered in the pineal gland in 1958 by Lerner. MLT is a hormone which is synthesized in several organs at night and main one is the pineal gland. The mechanism that regulates the MLT liberation is the light that produces an inhibitory effect. Now in Pharmacopeia MLT is indicated as a medication for sleep disturbances and circadian rhythm problems mainly associated with jet lag and working shifts. The effects of MLT are: in Physiology — blocs K+-channels, in cardiovascular system — decreases BP, but narrows the coronary arteries, anti-aggregation effect, in reproductive system: delays beginning of a menopause, CNS: sedative, antistress, sleeping effect, cytostatic effect, stimulating effect on the growth of the leucosis’ cells, immunostimulating effect, a body temperature decrease, in gerontology: a life duration increase. 200 rats were used in the experiment. Rats were under LL regimen, rats of 4 months aged were divided into 2 subgroups. The first subgroup got MLT with water, and the second one was given placebo. The duration of observation was till natural death of animals. In the group of rats under LL regime rhinitis occurred at the age of 6 months (10,5 %) and the highest disease incidence being at the age of 18 months (79,2 %). As for the rats to be given MLT rhinitis was diagnosed not earlier than at the age of 15 months (28,6 %), the highest incidence was found to be at the age of 24 months (64,3 %). Pneumonia occured since 12 months in both groups, but under the conditions of LL the highest incidence was at the age of 21 months (50 %). In MLT group the highest disease incidence was at the age of 24 months, the number of the sick animals was only 35,7 %. Under LL regimen in the placebo group conjunctivitis and keratitis occurred at the age of 15 months (4 %) and the maximal number of sick rats was 16,6 % at the age of 21 months, but in the MLT group the infections were noted to appear at the age of 21 and 24 months (4,5 and 7,1 % correspondently). In the placebo group the urinary infections were found to occur at the age of 15 and 21 months (4 and 5,6 % correspondently). In the rats of MLT group the urinary infections were not diagnosed. Under LL regimen in the placebo group the GIT infections were found to occur at the age 18 months (12,5 %), the highest disease incidence being at the age of 24 months (15,4 %). In the rats of MLT group the infection was diagnosed only at the age of 18 months (3,8 %). Life duration in the placebo group it was 629,4 days, compared with 776,35 days in the MLT group. Conclusion: melatonin administration is not limited only by 2 indications. The findings of MLT investigations in people can be used in different areas of medicine.
Вавилина А., Кудяшева А.
Научные руководители — ст. преп. Морозова В. В.,
преп. Чернышева Н. Д.
Iridology. What does it mean? Iridology is a quick, accurate and painless system of health analysis through the examination of the colored part of the eye known as the iris. An iridologist can carry out an examination with nothing more than an iridology map, a magnifying glass and flashlight.
I’d like to pay your attention to the history of this method. The first idea of iridology was found in the Bible more than 2,000 years ago. Besides, it is necessary to tell about Ignatz von Peczely, a 19th century Hungarian physician. Once upon a time he saw a dark streak in the eyes of a man he was treating for a broken leg, and it reminded him of a similar dark streak in the eyes of an owl whose leg he broke years ago. After that he began to do the map of the eyes.
A typical map divides the eye into sections, using the image of a clock as a base. So, for example, if you want to know about the condition of thyroid gland, you should not touch the patient to determine any enlargement of the gland. You need only to look at the iris of the right eye at about 2,30 and the iris of the left eye at about 9,30. Discolourations, flecks, streaks, etc. in those parts of the eyes will tell you about the condition of the thyroids gland. To estimate the problems of the kidney, you should look before 6,00 in both eyes.
We performed our own trial. 62 students of our faculty were examined. The results were compared with real diagnoses of these people. They coincided in 68 %. That is why we can say that iridology is quite truthful method and it is worth using in practice.
Барышников И., Климова Н.
Научные руководители — канд. мед. наук, доц. Кузнецова Л. В.,
ст. преп. Гагарина Е. Г.
Hydrocephaly is one of the most difficult problems in children’s neurology and neurosurgery. Hydrocephaly is an abnormal uptake of cerebrospinal fluid in ventricles of brain.
The cause of hydrocephaly is the increase of the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid.
The signs of the hypertensive syndrome in children are: megacephalia, Grafe’s sign — concominant strabismus, optic atrophy, constriction of visual field, development delay.
Ventriculomegalia is not hydrocephaly. Ventriculomegalia is connected with the absence of the increase of the pressure in the dysplasia of the connective tissue.
70 children in the hospitals of Petrozavodsk and Kondopoga ranging in age from 2 months till 18 years with hydrocephaly were examined. From research have been ezcluded patients with perinatal encephalopathy in the anamnesis.
Patients were divided into 2 groups: group I — 11 (16 %) children with obstructive hydrocephalus, group II — 59 (84 %) with stable ventriculomegalia not of a clear origin. All children in group I had the third degree symptoms of displasia of the connective tissue (DCT). In group II 100 % of the children did not have neurologic semiology of hypertension’s syndrome, all children had signs of DCT: 38 (64 %) children with the second degree of DCT. 17 (29 %) children with the third degree of DCT, and other children with the first degree of DCT.
Stable ventriculomegalia may be considered a result of a chronic ischemia of periventricular zones owing to displasia of vessels supplying blood to it. Stable ventriculomegalia does not require dehydration and neurological treatment. For supervision over these patients it is necessary to use clinical-sonographics for the monitoring of a neurologic condition. Obstructive hydrocephalia can be considered as an extreme manifestations of DCT. It demands obligatory neurosurgical intervention.
Ларина А.
Научные руководители — ст. преп. Чулкова Г. Ф.,
преп. Чернышева Н. Д.
Mitosis’ abnormality is a wide field for investigations. It wasn’t until last 15—20 years, when the scientists have preceded the study of such theme. This area of cytology has a multiple practical meaning.
For example, an influence on the growth of plants’ tissues is very important: statokinetic poisons in their time gave rise to the age of pesticides. Beside that, appearance of polyploidy is a significant invention in selection. Many polyploidy cultivated plants excelled their brothers in majority of indexes, and the structure of their DNA isn’t changed.
The studying of mitosis abnormalities has also an important role in medicine. Firstly, prevention of mitosis’ abnormalities increases ability for normal development of human organism. It’s especially important for the new organism during the period in utero. Besides, it’s important among old people too, because number of pathological mitosis in this age increases.
But the most significant meaning of this area is its connection with tumor-forming processes. Tumor cells are characterized first of all by uncontrolled division, that’s why mechanisms, which allow to stop cell division, are very important for working up the medicines against the causes of the tumor.