Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине дпп. Ф. 08 Практика устной и письменной речи английский язык

Вид материалаУчебно-методический комплекс


Экзаменационный билет № 1
ГРАФИК промежуточного и итогового контроля
Образцы контрольных тестов
V курса факультета иностранных языков
Practical course of english language
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4

Экзаменационный билет № 1

1. Read, translate and summarize the given extract. Give its linguo-stylistic analysis.

2. Do a listening comprehension task.

Render a newspaper clipping into English.

Зав. кафедрой английского языка,

доктор филологических наук,

профессор С.Ж. Нухов


Критерии оценки

Оценка по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (Пр.у/п речи)» ставится на основе результатов модульных тестов, выполненных в течение семестра, письменной экзаменационной работы и устного ответа на экзамене. Подсчитывается среднее арифметическое в баллах по результатам модульных тестов (максимальный результат – 50 баллов); результат суммируется со средним арифметическим экзаменационной работы и устного ответа на экзамене (максимальный результат – 50 баллов).

Оценка «отлично» выставляется студентам, набравшим в общей сложности от 90 баллов. Это значит, что студент глубоко и полно усвоил пройденный материал по изучаемой дисциплине, отлично владеет всеми аспектами устной и письменной речи, умеет применить знания к анализу и интерпретации аутентичных текстов, владеет продуктивной письменной речью официального и нейтрального характера в пределах изученного языкового материала.

Оценка «хорошо» выставляется студентам, набравшим в общей сложности от 76 баллов, достаточно полно усвоившим материал по изучаемой дисциплине, владеющим всеми аспектами устной и письменной речи, умеющим применить знания к анализу и интерпретации аутентичных текстов. Допускаются незначительные неточности в письменных работах и ответах на экзаменационные задания.

Оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется студентам, набравшим в общей сложности от 61 балла, владеющим изученным материалом, но недостаточно глубоко и полно, допускающим неточности при ответах на экзаменационные вопросы и при выполнении практических заданий.

Оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется студентам, набравшим в общей сложности менее 61 балла, не владеющим материалом по изученным аспектам, допускающим грубые ошибки при ответах на экзаменационные вопросы.


промежуточного и итогового контроля

дисциплина 540306 – Иностранный язык (Пр.у/п речи)

направление (специальность) 033200 Иностранный язык

курс ___ 5___ семестр ___ 9, 10 ___

№ п.п.

Вид контроля (зачет, экзамен, контрольная работа, тестирование, самостоятельная работа)

Сроки проведения

Перечень проверяемых дидактических единиц и компетенций


контрольная работа по 1 модулю.

конец сентября –

начало октября

ДЕ 1, проверяется знание речевых образцов, активных лексических единиц, включая идиомы и фразовые глаголы по материалам 1 модуля


контрольная работа

по 2 модулю.

конец октября –

начало ноября

ДЕ 2, проверяется знание речевых образцов, активных лексических единиц, включая идиомы и фразовые глаголы по материалам 2 модуля


тестирование (электронный вариант)


ДЕ 1, 2



контрольная работа


ДЕ 1, 2, 3, проверяются навыки

продуктивной письменной речи

(эссе) по изученному материалу,

аудирования, коррекции ошибок




ДЕ 1 – 3 проверяются умения

чтения, перевода, стилистического анализа – интерпретации знакомого текста, продуктивной речи (высказывание по теме)


контрольная работа по 3 модулю.


ДЕ 4, проверяется знание речевых образцов, активных лексических единиц, включая идиомы и фразовые глаголы по

материалам 4 модуля


контрольная работа по 4 модулю.


ДЕ 5, проверяется знание речевых образцов, активных лексических единиц, включая идиомы и фразовые глаголы по

материалам 5 модуля



контрольная работа


ДЕ 4, 5 проверяются навыки

продуктивной письменной речи

(эссе) по изученному материалу,

аудирования, коррекции ошибок




ДЕ 4, 5 проверяются умения

чтения, перевода, стилистического анализа – интерпретации незнакомого текста, продуктивной речи (высказывание по теме)

^ Образцы контрольных тестов

Бланк для формирования теста

Название теста – Практика устной и письменной речи

Автор – доц. Семенова Н.В.

Описание – Данный тест предназначен для студентов ^ V курса факультета иностранных языков

Специальности 033200.00 – Иностранный язык с дополнительной специальностью

Перемешивать ответы – да

Дата проведения независимого тестирования – 4 марта 2009

Ограничение времени тестирования - 45 минут

Список тестируемых студентов

Факультет иностранных языков

V курс, группа 504

  1. Алексеева Лидия
  2. Антонова Ольга
  3. Ахтареева Алсу
  4. Бикбулатова Алина
  5. Гайнельзянова Альфия
  6. Каспранова Розалия
  7. Насибуллина Алия
  8. Насибуллина Гульназ
  9. Петрова Вероника
  10. Пискунова Светлана
  11. Фазлетдинова Гульнара
  12. Федорова Ирина
  13. Тарасенко Валентина
  14. Швайко Юлия
  15. Шиянова Анна




The spires of the city were like faintly visible stars and they

+ glittered a little in the light

flickered a little in the light

flashed a little in the light

twinkled a little in the light

Everything was ready for immediate occupation and in

lemon-pie order

pear-pie order

+ apple-pie order

treacle-pie order

And now you may enjoy yourself

to your soul’s content

to his heart’s content

to her stomach’s satisfaction

+ to your heart’s content

This type of a romantic hero is sure to break feminine hearts and

address them

+ appeal to them

apply for them

go to them

If you don’t understand something important

you don’t add up

+ you miss the point

you butt in

you draw a line

I’m mad about tennis means

+ I feel enthusiastic about tennis

I feel angry about tennis

I feel depressed about tennis

I feel indifferent about tennis

If you crave people’s attention

you drive people into the spotlight

you have deep-root insecurities

you compensate for something

+ you desperately want people to notice you

When a person goes through puberty

he clouds his judgment

he is on the set

+ his body and mental viewpoint changes

he has a hidden agenda

When you have a rough time

you enjoy yourself greatly

+ you have difficulties and problems

you show some initiative

you blow your money

If something is a drag

+ it is boring and annoying

it is wonderful and fascinating

it is stupid and foolish

it is bright and attractive

A well-off person has

enough spare time to live comfortably

enough money to live comfortably

enough space to live comfortably

+ all options are true

You are a middle-aged person

when you reach your 20s and 30s

+ when you reach your 40s and 50s

when you reach your 50s and 60s

when you reach your 60s and 70s

When something has been used a lot and looks old

it is second-hand

it is old-fashioned

+ it is worn out

it is short-lived

Crocodiles are said to be

docile and playful

+ vicious and ferocious

inquisitive and tame

obedient and cute

The old man’s sight was getting dim and soon

+ he>

The place was overcrowded and I asked

can I go by

can I push

+ can I squeeze in

can I press hard

When someone bends or doubles one part of a thing

he draws it

he discloses it

he presses it hard

+ he folds it

The tree lacked the distinct outlines because

+ it had the vague shape

it was seen properly

it had a beautiful view

it grew in a well-lit place

To do something at one’s own risk suggests that

someone fancies a responsibility

someone smashes a responsibility

+ someone accepts a responsibility

someone squeezes a responsibility

His words were interrupted by a strange noise so

he was invited to go on talking

+ he was cut off short and couldn’t go on talking

he went on talking

he didn’t stop talking

The noise in the room ceased and

it sank into words

it sank into fireworks

it sank into darkness

+ it sank into stillness

I can’t say I know the play well so

+ I have a vague idea about it

I have a dim idea about it

I have a brilliant idea about it

I have an obscure idea about it

The word audience stands for

meeting someone important

being quite lonely

+ being a spectator at a concert

all options are true

She was really an imposing woman and

could easily observe the traditions

+ could easily cause admiration

could easily work magic

could easily become frustrated

Mr. Roberts is a noted chemist

+ as well as an effective teacher

and too a very efficient teacher

but he teaches very good in addition

however he teaches very good in addition

John said that no other car could go

so fast like his car

as fast like his car

as fast like the car of him

+ as fast as his car

Tommy was one

of the happy childs in his class

+ of the happiest children in the class

child who was the happiest of all the class

of the happiest child in the class

The changes in this city have occurred

with swiftness

+ rapidly


in a rapid ways

They are going to leave soon and

so do we

+ so are we

so have we

so does we

He really didn’t know what to do

so he was in his wit’s end

so he was by his wit’s end

+ so he was at his wit’s end

so he was about his wit’s end

The boy showed no respect and the old woman called him

an interesting fellow

a well-bred fellow

a charming fellow

+ an impudent fellow

Mrs. Atkins’s speech was perfect as

+ her voice was carried well

her voice was carried good

her voice was uttered well

her voice was understood good

As soon as there was a child sleeping in the room

their voices were loud

+ their voices were subdued

their voices were annoying

their voices were orderly

You should go to the seaside as the sea air

will do you fine

will benefited you

+ will benefit you

will be benefit you

Our teacher always displays clever and humorous ideas

so she is full of herself

so she is full of importance

so she is full of ignorance

+ she is full of wit

Your language is really witty and pointed that’s why

+ your answer is neat

your answer is long

your answer is ignorant

your answer is neatly

All the things in Mike’s room were in their proper places and I realized

that he was cute

+ that he was tidy

that he was dirty

that he was lazy

Stuart had to leave for the hotel so

he stopped to write

he stops writing

+ he stopped writing

he stopped to be writing

It is very difficult to stop the cultivation of marijuana because

it doesn’t care much to grow

it grows very carelessly

of it’s growth without attention

+ it grows well with little care

Manufactures always sacrifice quality

+ for a larger profit margin

in place of to earn more money

to gain more quantities of money

and instead earn a bigger amount of profit

New Orleans is a city

those older traditions can still be seen

+ where older traditions can still be seen

that older traditions can still be seen

whose older traditions can still be seen

The air-conditioning worked effectively and

passengers who suffers from the heat closed the windows

passengers whose suffering from the heat closed the windows

+ passengers suffering from the heat closed the windows

passengers who are suffered from the heat closed the windows

Anger therapy can help you learn how not

to get dressed

to get involved

to get fascinated

+ to get aggressive

The squirrels in our garden will even eat food from our hands for

they are very cold-blooded

+ they are very tame

they are very intrusive

they are very kind

I saw Sue at the party

+ looking her best

who looking her best

looked her best

looking the best

The internet is the best place to look for

short-hand books and DVDs

+ second-hand books and DVDs

short-lived books and DVDs

worn- out books and DVDs

I became ill because I wasn’t

use eating so much

didn’t use to eating so much

+ used to eating so much

used to eat so much

all the time is silly

+ Dieting


To dieted

To be dieted

You like stamp collecting

aren’t you

+ don’t you

doesn’t you

didn’t you

I’m sorry but what you’re saying just doesn’t

bring well

stay long

+ add up

adds up

I have a friend

which works as a model

+ who works as a model

whose works as a model

where works as a model

Parents are always happier when their daughter’s boyfriends are




+ clean-shaven

To enjoy yourself on holiday you don’t

+ have to be well-off

have to be well-done

have to be well-mannered

have to be well-pronounced

An estranged father will

often see you

+ rarely see you

always get on well with your mother

phone you every minute

The newspapers stories aren’t true but it

keeps publish them

kept publishing them

+ keeps publishing them

is kept publishing them

No pets are allowed at the zoo that’s why

you have to bring your own pet along

you have to buy some animals there

you have to get on with them

+ you have to get rid of your pet

When my daughter brought her friend’s cat home I really didn’t think it would

get around with our dog

+ get along with our dog

get in touch with our dog

get about with our dog

I live near the sea and I

+ can’t get used to the noise all the birds make

would be used to the noise all the birds make

use to the noise all the birds make

would use to the noise all the birds make

that everyone thinks hunting animals is cruel


As I’m concerned

+ I don’t believe a minute

To be perfectly honest

Why do foxes keep

come into my garden

to coming into my garden

have come into my garden

+ coming into my garden

How can locking up an animal be anything other than a


+ punishment



Why is your dog constantly



+ barking

is barking

Things you keep secret and don’t announce openly are

+ a hidden agenda

eating disorders

well-known facts

designer clothes

My kids were not accepted as a part of a social group at the new school so

they were happy about the fact

+ they didn’t fit in

they had fun

they could easily become adopted to the school

By taking an active role in online discussion

he compensated for his arrogance

+ he compensated for his shyness

he compensated for his brevity

he compensated for his happiness

When I was young

I would used to visit the zoo every week

I would to visit the zoo every week

+ I used to visit the zoo every week

I would be used to visit the zoo every week

I’m sorry but

+ you miss the point completely

you add up completely

you draw the line completely

you get around completely

Inquisitive animals are usually

violent and able to cause serious damage or injury

lively and full of fun

trained to stay calm when people are near

+ keen to learn about a lot of different things

Goths are expected to

wear pink clothes

be dressed in leather jackets

+ be dressed in black

have evening dresses and tuxedo on

I prefer men who have no beard or moustache so

+ I like clean-shaven men

I like clean-dressed men

I like clearly-shaven men

I like clear-shaven men

That car has already been used by someone else and it’ll only break down for

it’s new

+ it’s second-hand

it’s short-lived

it’s well-off

While attempting to reach his home before the storm

the bicycle of John broke down

it happened that John’s bicycle broke down

the storm caught John

+ John had an accident on his bike

Her grades have improved but only

in a small amount


+ very slightly


The officials objected to

+ their wearing long dresses for the party

them wearing long dresses for the party

they wearing long dresses for the party

themselves wearing long dresses for the party

Automobile production in the US

have taken slumps and rises in recent years

+ has been rather erratic recently

has been erratically lately

are going up and down all the time

We didn’t know the route well that’s why

we had to consult the dictionary

we had to consult the time-table

+ we had to consult the map

all options are true

Why do you call him an impudent rascal

because he is polite

because he friendly

because he is witty

+ because he is rude

I made fool of myself and everyone

+ roared with laughter

roared with tears

roared with contempt

roared with attention

She bears the pain bravely and I wonder

how she manages to enjoy it

+ how she manages to endure it

how she manages to be satisfied with it

how she manages to keep it

The clothes are to be washed properly or in other words

they need a good beating

they wants a good washing

+ they want a good washing

they want a good finding

My family is very important for me so

it’s my tenth consideration

+ it’s my first consideration

it’s second consideration

it’s none of my consideration

Maria was determined to be a model and she was really

as clear as a day to do so

as like as two peas to do so

+ as hard as nails to do so

as sober as a judge to do so

Is that your new car

+ you must be well-off

you may be well-off

you can be well-off

you should be well-off

My new boyfriend is so relaxed and calm and my mum

finds him aggressive

finds him tame

+ finds him easy-going

finds him dangerous

John had a girlfriend

those was a model

which was a model

where was a model

+ who was a model

I know you’re almost 50 but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy dancing

because you short-lived

+ because you are middle-aged

because you are old-fashioned

because you are easy-going

It’s impossible to satisfy some people which means

there is no helping them

there is no speaking to them

+ there is no contenting them

there is no playing with them

She attended fitness classes and afterwards

addressed the certificate

+ applied for the certificate

consulted the certificate

turned to the certificate

The prisoner was sent before the judges to be trialed so

he was set for the trial

+ he was committed for the trial

he was gone for the trial

he was requested for the trial

Children like bright colors so

these colors go to children

these colors are introduced to children

+ these colors appeal to children

these colors are boring for children

I think these jeans are really old and they’ve got holes everywhere for

they are popular

they are old-fashioned

they are charming

+ they are worn-out

All teenagers have a horrible taste in clothes and it will be over very soon since

+ the clothes they wear are short-lived

the clothes they wear are short-hand

the clothes they wear are long-lived

the clothes they wear are second-hand

The fact that space exploration has increased dramatically in the past 30 years

is an evidence of us wanting to know more about of our solar system

+ indicates that we are eager to learn all we can about our solar system

how we want to learn about our solar system

is pointing to evidence of our intention to know a lot more about the solar system

Many of current international problems we are now facing

linguistic incompetence

lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each other

are because of not understanding themselves

+ are the result of misunderstandings

A lunch of soup and sandwiches

do not appeal to all the students

has not appeal to all the students

+ does not appeal to all the students

is appeal to all the students

Jane is finally used

to get cooking on an electric stove

+ to cooking on an electric stove

to cooked on an electric stove

to have cooked on an electric stove

Dresses are advertised at

+ greatly reduced prices this weekend

great reduced prices this weekend

greatly reducing prices this weekend

greatly reduction prices this weekend

He watched TV for 4 hours yesterday and so

does his wife

+ did his wife

had his wife

was his wife


which suffer from BDD often don’t realize they have the condition

+ suffering from BDD often don’t realize they have the condition

whose are suffering from BDD often don’t realize they have the condition

suffered from BDD often don’t realize they have the condition

A bad tooth may cause strong pain and

it is always funny

it is always boring

+ it is always acute

it is always convincing

That man is really disgusting and

I like him so much

I dream to be his friend

I can’t live without him

+ I can’t endure him

The sight of the purse attracted the thief so much that

+ he could hardly resist the temptation of taking it

he looked at it and went away

he didn’t care a bit

he felt anger

She spoke Spanish fluently and the Professor realized that

she came from Asia

+ she had good command of Spanish

she wished to live in Russia

she would understand Turkish

We found the film very humorous since it

was really boring

was too pathetic

+ was too funny for words

was very gloomy

They were used to seeing a lot of him and were

+ accustomed to his presence

unaccustomed to his presence

would accustomed to his presence

not to be accustomed to his presence

She attended fitness classes and afterwards

addressed the certificate

+ applied for the certificate

consulted the certificate

turned to the certificate

Why do you call him an impudent rascal

because he is polite

because he friendly

because he is witty

+ because he is rude

I’m sorry but

+ you miss the point completely

you add up completely

you draw the line completely

you get around completely

The officials objected to

+ their wearing long dresses for the party

them wearing long dresses for the party

they wearing long dresses for the party

themselves wearing long dresses for the party

I live near the sea and I

+ can’t get used to the noise all the birds make

would be used to the noise all the birds make

use to the noise all the birds make

would use to the noise all the birds make

John said that no other car could go

so fast like his car

as fast like his car

as fast like the car of him

+ as fast as his car

I have a friend

which works as a model

+ who works as a model

whose works as a model

where works as a model

I remember when

+ knee-length skirts were considered incredibly boring

short-lived skirts were considered incredibly boring

anti-establishment skirts were considered incredibly boring

middle-length skirts were considered incredibly boring

We prefer it if volunteers

is already used to working with the blind

+ are already used to working with the blind

already used to working with the blind

should already used to working with the blind

They had

Had missed the point and refused to go any further

Added up and refused to go any further

+ drawn the line and refused to go any further

butted in and refused to go any further

I can’t say I know the play well so

have a clear idea about it

an obscure idea about it

a dim idea about it

+ a vague idea about it

By doing this he put his health at take and thus

+ risked his health

risked his money

risked nothing

involved others into troubles

My kids were not accepted as a part of a social group at the new school so

they were happy about the fact

+ they didn’t fit in

they had fun

they could easily become adopted to the school

I prefer men who have no beard or moustache so

+ I like clean-shaven men

I like clean-dressed men

I like clearly-shaven men

I like clear-shaven men

Why do foxes keep

come into my garden

to coming into my garden

have come into my garden

+ coming into my garden