Доклад о работе сорок третьей сессии
Вид материала | Доклад |
- Доклад Рабочей группы по тенденциям и экономике транспорта о работе ее двадцать третьей, 154.8kb.
- Экономический и Социальный Совет, 504.56kb.
- Доклад временного, 820.45kb.
- Доклад о работе сорок четвертой сессии, 3271.27kb.
- Доклад о работе пятьдесят четвертой сессии, 96kb.
- Доклад рабочей группы по автомобильному транспорту, 370.13kb.
- Положение в области прав человека в Мьянме Доклад Генерального секретаря, 77.25kb.
- Совета Народного Хурала Республики Бурятия на второе полугодие 2011 года № Наименование, 32.59kb.
- Доклад о работе двадцать пятой сессии, 463.49kb.
- Программа Организации Объединенных Наций по окружающей среде Комитет по выполнению, 544.97kb.
Annex III
“To speak, participate and decide - the child’s right to be heard”
Representatives of States parties to the Convention
United Nations bodies and agencies and other intergovernmental organizations
Council of Europe |
Direction du développement et de la coopération, Economic Community of West African States – COWAS, |
Flemish Ministry for Culture, Youth, Sport and Media |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada |
Ombudsmen and Commissioners for Children
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People , Norwegian Ombudsman for Children, Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights Council of Europe,
Non-governmental organizations, other organizations, institutions, academia and individuals
Alliance Internationale des Femmes, Aparajeyo-Bangladesh, Article 12 in Scotland, Asamblea permanente por los Derechos Humanos, Associazione Camina, Barnardos Disabled Children & Young Persons Participation Project, Bernard van Leer Foundation, Canadian International Development Agency / Children's Rights and Protection Unit, Catholic University of Leuven IAP interdisciplinary and interuniversity network on children's rights, CDIA, Central Union for Child Welfare, Centre for Judeo/Christian Law and Ethics, Centre for the Rights of the Child - Ghent University, Centre of Excellence for Youth Engagement and Brock University, Child Helpline International, Child Rights information Network (CRIN), Child rights Ombudsman institution of the Republic of Lithuania, Children of salvation Ministry, Children's Law Centre, Children's Law Centre / Save the Children, Children's Rights Alliance for England, Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse au Québec, Consulta Circoscrizionale dei Ragazzi del Medio Ponente, Coordination des ONG pour les droits de l'enfant (CODE), Defence for children International section the Netherlands, Depart. of Public and International Law, Deutsche Liga für das Kind, ECPAT International, ECPAT International Child and Youth Advisory Committee, Enfant Droit, Eurochild AISBL - Children in Wales, European Network of Masters on Children's Rights (in coop. with ProNats, ItaliaNats), Faculty of Law, Federation for the Protection of Children's Human Rights, Foster Parents Plan, General Research Institute of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, Gruppo di Lavoro per la Convenzione sui diritti dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza, Human Rights Centre of Ghent University, IAP Children's Rights Network, IFEJANT, In Defence of the Child C/O : Committee for Legal Aid to Poor (CLAP), India Alliance for Child Rights (National Coalition for CRC Review and Reporting), International Federation of Social Workers, International Foster Care Organization, International Foster Care Organization (IFCO) Quality4Children Project (Q4C), International Movement ATD Fourth World / Taipori International, International Service for Human Rights, International Social Service / International Reference Centre for the Rights of Children Deprived of their Family, ITALIANATs Association, Jamaica Coalition on the rights of the child, Karlstad University, Kinderrechtcoalitie, Knowing Children, La Familia Latina Unida, Lawstudent, Lus Primi Viri International Association IPV, MIIDAN Educational Trust - Plan International, Municipality of Genoa, National Coalition for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Germany, NGO Group, Norwegian Centre for Child Research, Norwegian Youth Council, Office des Ecoles en Santé - Student in the Executive Masters in Children's Rights, Paediatrician, Pestalozzi Children's Foundation, PhD Candidate researching Article 12, PIDIDA, Plan International, Plan International El Salvador, Plan International Ghana, Plan International India, Plan International Kenya, Plan International Norway, Plan International Regional Office for Asia, Plan International Senegal, Plan International Sweden, Plan International Zimbabwe, PLATAFORMA NACIONAL, Play-a-part, PRESS-Save the children Youth Norway, Public Health Agency of Canada, Quality4Children, Red Nacional de Ninos, Save the children, Save the Children Denmark, Save the Children UK, Save the Children Norway, Save the Children Sweden, Save the Children Sweden in East Asia and Southeast Asia and Pacific Region, Save the Children Wales – UK, Save the Children Youth Denmark, SOS-Kinderdorf International, Sozialdepartement Stadt Zurich, State Child Rights Protection and adoption service Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Street Law Inc., Student, Student, UNICEF, Université Catholique de Louvain, Wordl Vision, World Vision Canada, World Vision Regional Office for the Latin America and Caribbean Region, Youth for Human Rights International.
Annex IV
“To speak, participate and decide - the child’s right to be heard”
Children's Submissions
1) Iraqi Children's Art Exchange Project (Iraq)
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2) Emily Middleton (UK)
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3) Children's Rights Alliance for England
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4) Peaceways- Young General Assembly Secretariat
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NGO submissions
1) Vzw Ondersteuningsstructuur Bijzondere Jeugdzorg (Belgium)
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2) Dr. Ruben D.Efron, Asamblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos (Argentina)
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3) Saskatchewan Children's Advocate Office (Canada)
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5) Perhaps... Kids Meeting Kids
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6) Kinderrechtencoalitie Vlaanderen (Belgium)
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7) Article 12 in Scotland (UK/Scotland)
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8) Central Union for Child Welfare (Finland)
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9) World Vision Internationalссылка скрыта
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10) HAQ Centre for Child Rights (India)
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11) Disabled Children and Young Peoples Participation Project
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12) Defence for Children International (Netherlands)
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13) Don't Just Tick the Box!
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14) ссылка скрыта - ссылка скрыта
16) Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (UK/Northern Ireland)
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17) Plan (Togo)
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18) National Coalition for the Implementation of the UNCRC in Germany (Germany)
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19) Child Helpline International
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20) Quality 4 Children Project
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21) Canadian Child Care Federation (Canada)
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22) Asamblea Permanente Por los Derechos Humanos, Comisión de Niñez, Adolescencia y Familiaссылка скрыта
23) PRESS - Save the Children Youth Norway (Norway)
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24) Child Watch
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25) Centre of Excellence for Youth Engagement, Brock University (Canada)
ссылка скрыта - ссылка скрыта
26) Ius Primi Viri and Centre for Human Evolution Studies
To Educate Human Dignity during Childhood - ссылка скрыта / ссылка скрыта / ссылка скрыта
27) Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
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28) Save the Children - Wales programme
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29) ECPAT - International Secretariat
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30) Cecodap (Venezuela)
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31) Committee for Legal Aid to the Poor (India)
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32) Save the Children Youth Denmark
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33) International Foster Care Organization
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34) ISEGORIA (Argentina)
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35) Cecodap (Venezuela)
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36) PRONATs and ITALIANATs (Europe)
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37) Plan International - HQ
ссылка скрыта - ссылка скрыта (summary)
38) Pidida - Italian Coalition on the Rights of the Child and the Adolescent (Italy)
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39) Children's Law Centre and Save the Children (Northern Ireland)
- ссылка скрыта
- ссылка скрыта
40) Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (Ireland)
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41) UNICEF (Belgium)
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42) Creative Exchange
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43) Group of NGOs in Latin America
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44) India Alliance for Child Rights (India)
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45) Tapori International
Children as Actors in the Fight against Poverty and Exclusion - ссылка скрыта / ссылка скрыта
46) Children's Rights International (Ghana)
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47) Save the Children Sweden - Regional Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean
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48) International Bureau for Children's Rights
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49) UNICEF Malaysia
- ссылка скрыта
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50) First Nations Child and Family Caring Society
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51) Justice for Children and Youth (Canada)
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Individual submissions
1) Priscilla Alderson (UK)
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3) Ellen Murray (Canada)ссылка скрыта
4) Ed O'Brien (US)
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5) Derek Sheppard
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2 Настоящие рекомендации являются итогом проведенного в 2006 году дня общей дискуссии по вопросу о праве ребенка быть заслушанным; вместе с тем они никоим образом не претендуют на то, чтобы представлять собой исчерпывающий перечень всех рекомендаций, касающихся толкования статьи 12 Конвенции о правах ребенка.
3CRC/GC/2003/5, пункт 12.
4CRC/GC/2001/1, пункт 8.
6 Резолюция 45/112 Генеральной Ассамблеи от 14 декабря 1990 года.
7 Резолюция 40/33 Генеральной Ассамблеи от 29 ноября 1985 года.
Резолюция 2005/20 Экономического и Социального Совета.
9 CRC/GC/2005/6.