Методичні вказівки до корективного курсу з дисципліни "Англійська мова" для студентів 1 курсу всіх спеціальностей. /Н. С. Фоменко, С. В. Радецька, С. В
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- Програма, методичні вказівки І контрольні завдання з дисципліни "основи екології" для, 325.1kb.
- Тодичною радою Вінницького національного технічного університету як методичні вказівки, 774.47kb.
- Ї роботи студентів з дидактичним забезпеченням з дисципліни „Економіка підприємства", 906.21kb.
- Методичні вказівки до практичних занять, 707.4kb.
- Робоча програма, методичні вказівки та індивідуальні завдання до вивчення дисципліни, 446.22kb.
- Робоча програма, методичні вказівки та індивідуальні завдання до вивчення дисципліни, 609.81kb.
- Оти з дисципліни «Економіка та ціноутворення на підприємствах туристської індустрії», 1504.29kb.
- Програма навчальної дисципліни робоча програма навчальної дисципліни кваліфкаційні, 680.22kb.
- Програма І методичні вказівки до вивчення курсу, 341.29kb.
- Завдання та методичні вказівки до самостійної роботи студентів з дисципліни основи, 277.62kb.
Exercise 1. Give Passive transformation of the following sentences as in the models. Translate the sentences.
Population in Ukraine speak Ukrainian and Russian.
Ukrainian and Russian are spoken in Ukraine by its population.
odel 1 :
- The Dnipro divides Ukraine into two parts: Right-Bank and Left Bank Ukraine.
- The teacher showed students many colourful slides of Kiev.
- Railroads and highways criss-cross the territory of Ukraine.
- Yesterday the Verkhovna Rada adopted a new law.
- In 1994 L.Kuchma won the Presidential elections.
The guide told us to visit the Independence Square.
We were told to visit the Independence Square.
Model 2:
- I invited my friends to Lesya Ukrainka theatre.
- They took us for the excursion to Sophia Cathedral yesterday.
- A young man proposed me to join the party New Generation of Ukraine.
- They asked her to do the report “Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine”.
Exercise 2. Make up sentences of your own using the suggested words. Use the Passive Voice.
Foreign language – to teach – 3 year ago
Foreign language was taught 3 years ago.
- The Independence of Ukraine – to proclaim – August 24,1991
- Ukraine – to wash – the Black Sea – in the south.
- The day of the Constitution of Ukraine – to celebrate – June,28
- Ukraine – to divide – the Dnipro - into two parts: Left Bank and Right Bank Ukraine.
- Music to our national anthem – to write – M.M.Verbitsky.
- In 1994 – L. Kuchma – to elect – the President of Ukraine.
Exercise 3. Study the verbs with prepositions. Translate the sentences given below into Ukrainian.
to depend on – покладатися на
to insist on (upon) – наполагати на
to look at – дивитися на
to take care of – піклуватися про
to refer to – посилатися на
to speak about – говорити про
- Ukrainian Government is depended on.
- The terms of adopting new law were insisted on by the Verkhovna Rada.
- A rebuilt railway station in Kyiv was looked at with surprise.
- Our Constitution is often referred to.
- The future election is much spoken about.
II. Practice
Exercise 4. Express your agreement with the following statements. Use the phrases: Certainly, It is really so. You are right. I agree with you.
Ukraine is situated in the south-eastern Europe.
Ok, certainly. Ukraine is situated in the south-eastern Europe
- In the south Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
- The main part of Ukraine is located in the watershed of the Dnipro River.
- The territory of Ukraine is criss-crossed by railroads and highways.
- Great areas of our country are occupied by steppes and forest-steppe regions.
- The Independence of Ukraine was proclaimed on August 24,1991.
- L.Kravchuk was elected the first President of Ukraine.
- Ukraine as democratic state is ruled by the law.
- New relations with foreign countries are constantly established by Ukraine.
Exercise 5. Object to the sentences. Use the phrases: No, it is not so. I’m afraid you are wrong. I can’t agree with you.
Kherson is situated on the bank of the Dniester.
No, it is not so. Kherson is not situated on the bank of the Dniester.
- Taras Shevchenko is buried in the town of Kharkiv.
- The National Scientific Library, the Central Botanical Garden, and the Main Astronomical Observatory are located in Kherson.
- The water resources of Ukraine are limited.
- “Zeleny Swit” was organized as the Ukrainian society to support the development of nuclear power.
- Kyiv Rus was a weak feudal state before it was destroyed by Tatar-Mongols.
- The national holiday, Independance Day, is celebrated on June 28.
Exercise 6. Express your surprise and give short affirmative (negative) answers as in the Model .
The President is elected for a period of 5 years.
Is the President, really, elected for a period of 5 years?
Yes, he is. No, he is not.
odel :
- The liberation war of Ukrainian people in 1648-1654 was headed by Bogdan Khmelnitsky.
- The beauty of Ukraine was praised in folk songs.
- A great deal of water in Ukraine is used for the industrial and agricultural purpose.
- The problem of environmental pollution in our region was discussed yesterday at the meeting.
- All Ukrainian students are lectured in their native tongue.
- The deputies of the Verkhovna Rada are elected for a period 4 years.
Exercise 6. Ask your friend all possible questions to the following sentences.
Ukraine is situated in south-eastern Europe.
Is Ukraine situated in south-eastern Europe?
Where is Ukraine situated?
What country is situated in south-eastern Europe?
Is Ukraine situated in south-eastern Europe or in south-west Europe?
Ukraine is situated in south-eastern Europe, isn’t it?
- State power in Ukraine is based on the division of the power into legislative,
executive and judicial.
- Judicial power in Ukraine is led by the Supreme Court .
- The problem of environmental pollution in our region was discussed yesterday at the meeting.
- The Independence of Ukraine was proclaimed on August 24,1991.
- The Day of the Constitution of Ukraine is celebrated on June, 28.
Exercise 7. Say it in English.
- Величезна кількість цукрового буряку, картоплі, соняшника вирощується на Україні.
- Президента України обирають строком на 5 років.
- Нам запропонували відвідати деякі історичні місця Києва.
- Всі предмети в навчальних закладах України викладаються українською мовою.
- Майдан Незалежності було реконструйовано в 2001 році.
- День Конституції України святкують 28 червня.
III. Reading and comprehension
Look through Text A about geographical position of Ukraine. Be ready to answer the following questions:
- What is Ukraine’s population?
2. What area does Ukraine cover ?
3. What countries does Ukraine border on?
4. What seas is Ukraine bounded by?
5. What makes Ukraine ideal for the development of agriculture?
- What river divides Ukraine into two parts?
- What are the main industrial centers in Ukraine?
Repeat after the speaker. Learn the words.
to be located - бути розташованим
to be criss-crossed - перехрещувати
to ensure - забезпечувати, гарантувати
highways - автошляхи
watershed – басейн (ріки)
pipelines - трубопровід
high-voltage transmission lines - високовольтні лінії
above sea level - над рівнем моря
depth – глибина
deposit – родовище
Swityaz – Світязь (озеро)
The Carpathian Mountains – Карпати
Hoverla Говерла (найвищий пік Карпатських гір)
Chornohora massif Чорногорський масив
The Crimean Mountains Кримські гори
Roman Kosh (найвищий пік Кримських гір)
up-to-date – сучасний
equipment – устаткування
synthetic diamonds - штучні діаманти
machine building – машинобудівний
fuel - паливний
Text A
Geographical position of Ukraine
Ukraine is a rich farming, industrial and mining region in south-eastern Europe. Its population is about 49 mln people. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.
Ukraine covers about 603.700 sq.km being larger than any country in Western Europe. It borders on Belarus and Russia in the north and in the east. In the south it is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. In the west Ukraine is bounded by Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. Great areas are occupied by steppes and forest-steppe regions.
Ukraine is in an ideal geographical position for the development of its resources, lying between 44 and 52 latitude north , on the same latitude as the USA, Britain, China and Japan. The climate is mild and warm, with a long summer and a short winter. The fertile black soil and the favourable climate give a good opportunity for the growth of agriculture in Ukraine. Ukraine is one of the most important producers of grain and sugar beet, flax, sunflowers, vegetables.
The main part of Ukraine is located in the watershed of the Dnipro River, which divides Ukraine into two parts: Right-Bank and Left-Bank Ukraine.
The territory of our country has an astonishing variety of landscapes. We have high mountains, endless forests, beautiful rivers and lakes. The largest lake of Ukraine is Swityaz, its total area is 24.2 sq.km and the depth is 58.5 metres.
Within the boders of Ukraine we find the Carpathian Mountains with the highest peak Hoverla (2061) which is located in the Chornohora massif.
The Crimean Mountains stretch in three parallel ranges. The Main Range is the highest, rising to 1500 m above sea level. Its highest peak is Roman Kosh (1545 m.).
Ukraine is a highly developed industrial and agricultural country. Ukraine is rich in iron ore, natural gas, coal, oil, salt and other mineral resources. The country has a big metallurgical, machine-building, fuel and power base; it is a producer of chemical and agricultural raw materials. One of the most important branches of national economy is the power industry. Besides, Ukraine produces planes and ocean-liners, tractors and combines, excavators and cars, up-to-date instruments and equipment, electronic microcomputers and TV sets, computers and synthetic diamonds.
There are many large cities in Ukraine, among them are Kharkiv, a former capital of Ukraine, an important industrial and cultural centre; Donetsk, a coal-mining centre; Odessa, a big sea port and a resot city; Lviv, a large industrial, scientific and cultural centre; Zaporizhya, a metallurgical centre of Ukraine; Dnipropetrovsk, a large machine-building and important metallurgical centre and many others.
The territory of Ukraine is criss-crossed by railroads and highways, oil and gas pipelines and high-voltage transmission lines – all of which ensure close economic ties with Eastern and Western Europe.
IV. Practice
Exercise 1. Speak on the topic “Geographical Position of Ukraine”. Use the chart.

main products: grain, sugar beet, flax, sunflowers; potato
V. Reading and comprehension
Read and translate the text B
Political System of Ukraine
Ukraine is a sovereign state. On June 16, 1990 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine. On August 24,1991, Ukraine’s independence and the formation of the independent state of Ukraine was proclaimed by the Ukrainian Parliament.
On December 1,1991, an all-Ukrainian referendum was held , involving 84.18 percent of citizens.
Winning 61.6 percent of the votes, L.Kravchuk, the former head of the Verkhovna Rada, was elected President of Ukraine.
In 1994 L.Kuchma won the Presidential elections and became the new President of Ukraine.
A new state, Ukraine, appeared on the world political map in 1991. It is a democratic state, which is ruled by the law. It includes 24 administrative regions and the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea. Ukraine has its own Constitution, which was adopted in 1996. The Constitution of Ukraine consists of 15 chapters (161 articles). The day of its adoption (June, 28, 1996) is a state holiday – the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine.
The political system of Ukraine is really democratic. The powers of the Government are divided into legislative, executive and judicial. The President is the head of the state. He is elected for a term of five years. The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible to the President and is accountable to the Verkhovna Rada. It carries out domestic and foreign policy of the state.
The Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) is the only body of the legislative power in Ukraine. It includes 450 deputies who are elected for a term of four years. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget and controls the execution of it.
Judicial power in Ukraine is led by the Supreme Court.
There are very many political parties in Ukraine. The main parties are: the Social Democratic Party, the People’s Rukh of Ukraine, the Batkivshchyna, the Communist Party, the Women of Ukraine.
The National Emblem of Ukraine is a Golden Tryzub (trident) on a blue shield. The National Flag of Ukraine is a rectangular cloth with two horizontal stripes of equal width, the upper colored blue and the lower golden yellow. The National Anthem has been performed since January 1992 (music by M.M.Verbytsky).
The National Holiday, Independence Day, is celebrated on August 24.
Now Ukraine establishes new relations with countries throughout the world. It sets direct contacts with them signing agreement and treaties.
Exercise 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following:
- to elect
- to divide
- to rule
- to carry out
- the Supreme Court
- the national anthem
- domestic policy
- to be accountable to
- foreign policy
Exercise 2. Give English equivalents for the following:
- суверенна держава
- незалежність
- президентські вибори
- законодавча влада
- виконавча влада
- судова влада
- приймати (про закон)
- державне свято
- проголошувати
Exercise 3. Agree or disagree with the following statements:
- On August 24, 1991, Ukraine’s independence was proclaimed by the Ukrainian Parliament
- The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is the only body of the executive power.
- Ukraine includes 24 administrative regions and the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea.
- The powers of the government are divided into legislative, executive and judicial.
- The National Holiday, Independence Day, is celebrated on August 28.
- In 1993 L.Kuchma won the Presidential elections and became the President of Ukraine.
- L.Kravchuk was the first President of Ukraine.
Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:
- When did the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine pass the Declaration of State Sovereignty.
- By whom was Ukraine’s independence proclaimed?
- What event took place in Ukraine on December 1, 1991?
- Who was elected the first President of Ukraine?
- When did L.Kuchma become the President of Ukraine?
- How many regions does Ukraine include?
- How are the powers of the government divided into?
- What is the National Emblem of Ukraine?
- Who was a music to the National Anthem written by?
- When is Independence Day celebrated?
11. When is the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine celebrated?
VI. Practice
Exercise 5. Speak on the topic “Political System of Ukraine” . Use the chart:

Main parties:
The Social Democratic Party; the People’s Rukh of Ukraine; the Communist Party; the Women of Ukraine;

VII. Practice
Exercise 1. Role – play the following situations:
Situation 1. Paula Smith, a British guide of the Ukrainian students in London is going to visit Ukraine. She is interested in information on Ukraine. Answer her questions on geographical position, history, natural resources of Ukraine.
Situation 2. A student of the Law faculty is taking an exam in the Constitutional Law of Ukraine. He has difficulty with the question about the political structure of Ukraine. The teacher asks him questions and helps to reveal the question about the political system of Ukraine.
Situation 3. A young businessman has a possibility to invest money in the development of our country. He is interested in Ukrainian industry. Prove him that investing money in the development of industry will give a profit. Tell him about the main industrial centres of Ukraine.
Useful expressions: I’d like to say a few words about – я б хотів сказати декілька слів про … ; As I know – як відомо; I think that – я думаю що; Quite on the contrary – навпаки; Certainly – звичайно; (Could) Can I ask you – чи можу я вас запитати;
I want to give a few examples to prove it – я б хотів навести декілька прикладів,щоб довести це; As far as I know – наскільки мені відомо; I am interested in – мене цікавить; What can you say about – що ви можете сказати про …; You are welcome – будь ласка; Thank you – дякую .
VIII. Comprehension
Listen to the text C. Be sure that you know the following words and word combinations.
the core – центр
remnants – залишки
medieval church - середньовічні церкви
scenic city - живописне місто
vegetation – рослинність
to resemble - бути схожим
residents – жителі
Galicia - Галичина
Principality of Galicia-Volhynia - галицько-волинське князівство
Mickiewicz square – площа Міцкевича
Horodetska Street – вулиця Городецька
The Lychakiv Cemetry – Личаківське кладовище
The Janiv Cemetry – Янівське кладовище
Vysoky Zamok – Високий замок
St.Nickola’s Church – церква Святого Миколая
The Chapel of Three Saints – Церква Трьох Святих
Byzantine Romanesque Style - візантійсько-романський стиль
Renaissance architecture - - архітектура доби Ренесанс
Lviv, the historical capital of Galicia and Western Ukraine, and after Kyiv, the second cultural, political, and religious center of Ukraine. By population it is the seventh-largest city in Ukraine.
Lviv was founded in the mid-13th century by Prince Danylo Romanovych near Zvenyhorod which had been named after his son Lev. In 1260s, Lviv became the capital of the Principality of Galicia-Volhynia. It stretched as far as the Poltva River.
Today Lviv has an area of 155 sq km. The core is the city of the 14th to 18th centuries. The core is densely built up with tall stone buildings, many of them in their original style. The most imposing part of Lviv includes Shevchenko prospect, Mickiewicz square, and Horodetska street, with many public buildings, hotels, cafes, stores and banks in 19th- and 20th-century styles.
Lviv is a very scenic city with a varied vegetation. There are a lot of picturesque parks in the city. The Lychakiv Cemetery, which contains some famous monuments to noted Ukrainian and Polish residents of Lviv, and the Yaniv Cemetery with other 200 graves of fighters for Ukraine's independence, resemble parks.
The oldest monument in Lviv consists of the foundation and walls of St. Nickolas's Church, built by Prince Lev Danylovych in the 13th century. The remnants of Vysoky Zamok date back to the 13th century. There is a great number of the medieval churches built in the Byzantine Romanesque style in Lviv.
Lviv is the only city in Ukraine that still has some original Renaissance architecture. The finest examples of the style are the Dominican Church and the Chapel of Three Saints and some other buildings.
The main monuments in the city ore to A.Mickiewicz, I.Franko, V.Stefanyk, I.Fedorovych.
Lviv is the leading scientific and cultural center of western Ukraine. It has a number of research institutes with high reputation, higher educational establishments, theaters and libraries.
Exercise 1. Find the right ending of the sentence:
- Lviv was founded …
- in the 15th century by Prince Danylo Romanovych
- in the 10th century by Yaroslav the Wise
- in the 13th century by Prince Danylo Romanovych
- Lviv became the capital of the Principality of Galicia-Volhynia in …
a) 1260s
b) 1564s
- The most imposing part of Lviv includes:
- Shevchenko square, Mickiewich street, Horodetsky prospect
- Shevchenko prospect, Mickiewich square and Horodetska Street
- Shevchenko street and Mickiewich square
- The oldest monument in Lviv consists of …
- the walls of St.Peter’s Church
- the foundation and walls of St.Nickolas’s church
- the Chapel of Three Saints
- The remnants of Vysoky Zamok date back to …
- the 15th century
- the 13th century
- the 16th century
- Lviv is …
- the center of ship-building and textile industry
- the leading scientific and cultural center of western Ukraine
- the leading scientific and cultural center of eastern Ukraine
Exercise 2. Agree or disagree with the following statements
- Lviv, the historical capital of Galicia and Western Ukraine, and after Kyiv, the second cultural, political, and religious center of Ukraine.
- By population it is the first largest city in Ukraine.
- Today Lviv has an area of 200 sq.km.
- Lviv is the only city in Ukraine that still has some original Renaissance architecture.
- The main monuments in the city are to Ushakov, T.Shevchenko, B.Khmelnitsky.
Exercise 3. Ask questions to get these answers.
1.In the mid-13th c.
- St. Nickolas's Church.
- 4. Vysoky Zamok.
5. Renaissance architecture.
6. To A.Mickiewicz, I.Franko, V.Stefanyk, I.Fedorovych.
Exercise 4 . Put the sentences of the text into the logical order. Retell the text.
- Lviv was founded in the mid-13th century by Prince Danylo Romanovych
- The most imposing part of Lviv includes Shevchenko prospect, Mickiewicz square, and Horodetska street.
- Today Lviv has an area of 155 sq km.
- The oldest monument in Lviv consists of the foundation and walls of St. Nickolas's Church.
- There are a lot of picturesque parks in the city.
- Lviv is the only city in Ukraine that still has some original Renaissance architecture.
- Lviv is the leading scientific and cultural center of western Ukraine
- The main monuments in the city ore to A.Mickiewicz, I.Franko, V.Stefanyk, I.Fedorovych.
Exercise 5. Tell about any Ukrainian city which you have ever visited.
IX . Supplementary
Text D The Constitution of Ukraine
The adoption of a new constitution of Ukraine on the 28th of June, 1996, became an important event in the life of the people of Ukraine. Our country has long-standing constitutional traditions. The first Constitution of Ukraine was written by hetman Pylyp Orlyk in 1710. Being the first constitution in Europe, it>
On the 24th of October, 1990, the constitutional commission was appointed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The draft constitution was written during the first stage of its preparation (1990—1993). It was logically and juridically completed during the second stage (1994—1996). The draft constitution was published and went through nation-wide discussion. On the 28th of June, 1996, the Constitution was confirmed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Common to all mankind principles of democracy are embodied in the Constitution. The basic economic, social, cultural, public and political rights are guaranteed by the Constitution. According to the Constitution, Ukraine is a sovereign, independent, democratic, social and juridical state. Territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine are proclaimed in the Constitution.
The power in Ukraine belongs to people. It is exercised through democratic elections and referendums and by state government bodies and self-government institutions. The form of state government is a republic. The head of the state is the president. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is the highest legislative body in the country. The principles of economic, political and ideological multiformity are proclaimed in the Constitution. All citizens have equal rights. People are proclaimed to be the greatest social value in Ukraine. These and other regulations are successively developed in the chapters of the Constitution. The best national traditions are embodied in the Constitution, which creates the legal bases of regulation of social relations.
Text E Ukrainian Music
The real development of musical education in Ukraine began in the 19th century with the opening of a music school in Kyiv in 1868. In 1883, it became a music high school. Such schools were opened in other towns as Odesa, Poltava, Kharkiv. Conservatories were opened in Kyiv and Odesa in 1913. The music and drama school was founded in Kyiv in 1904 by M Lysenko. In a year the M. Lysenko Music Institute was opened in Lviv. They played an important part in the training of national musicians.
The best representatives of the Ukrainian musical culture were well-known artists as the conductor 0. Koshyts, the singers S. Krushelnytska, M. Sadovska, the composers K Stetsenko and L. Revutsky. The first permanent opera theatre in Ukraine was opened in Odesa in 1809. The Kyiv and Kharkiv opera companies were organized later.
The Drama Theatre (1882) greatly influenced the development of Ukrainian music. From the beginning of the 19th century the Ukrainian theatre was associated with folk song and dance culture. Folk music became an important dramatic component in the plays of this period ("Natalka Poltavka", "Nazar Stodolya", etc.) National opera developed under the influence of the Ukrainian music-drama theatre.
The choir activities of M Lysenko, which continued during almost his entire musical career, played an important part in the history of Ukrainian choral culture. He conducted the students' choir of Kyiv University.
The most consistent followers of the traditions set by M. Lysenko were the composers Stetsenko, Stepovy and Leontovych.
Many famous Russian composers, such as M. Glinka, P. Tchaikovsky, M. Musorgsky, wrote music on Ukrainian themes.
Text F Ukrainian literature
The great body of Ukrainian oral literature attained its zenith in the 16th century with the Cossack epic songs, the "dumy". The first books printed in Ukrainian were translations of the Gospels (16th century). Early books were usually religious, but a grammar appeared in 1596 and a dictionary in 1627. Ukrainian cultural life of the 17th century centered around the Kyivan academy, established in 1633. The outstanding poet and philosopher of the 18th century was Hryhory Skovoroda (1722- 1794). A leading figure in the Ukrainian literary revival of the early 19th century was Ivan Kotlyarevsky (1769-1838), whose travesty of the 'Aeneid" and operetta "Natalka Poltavka" are major works of Ukrainian classical literature. Classicism predominates also in the writings of the novelist Hrytsko Kvitka-Osnovyanenko (1778-1843) and in the plays of Vasyi Gogol.
Interest in folklore and ethnography is represented in the works of Levko Borovykovsky (1806—-1889) and Ambros Mellynsky (1814—1870), poets of the Kharkiv romantic school.
With the founding in the 1830s of a University in Kyiv, the capital became once again the cultural centre of Ukraine. The leading scholar of the period was the historian Mykola Kostomarov (1817- 1885).
The poet Taras Shevchenko was the great figure of Ukrainian romanticism, which predominates in the dramatic works of Mykhailo Starytsky (1840- 1904), Marko Kropyvnytsky (1840- 1910) and Ivan Tobilevych (1845-1907).
Realism in Ukrainian prose found expression in the works of Borys Hrinchenko (1863- 1910) and Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky (1838- 1918) and in the naturalistic tales of Marko Vovchok (1838-1907).
Modern Ukrainian literature is represented by the outstanding writer Ivan R-anko and the poetess Lesia Ukrainka. Masters of impressionist prose were Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky (1864-1913) and Vasyi Stefanyk (1871 - 1936).
The novelist Olha Kobylyanska (1868- 1942) and the novelist and political writer Volodymyr Vynnychenko were among the major literary figures of the early 20th century.
Many Ukrainian writers were killed or deported by the Soviet regime during the 1930s, among them the dramatist Mykola Kulish (1892-1934), the humorist Ostap Vyshnya, and the theorist of neoclassicism Mykola Zerov.
One of the leading writers of the proletarian age, Mykola Khvylyovy (1893 - 1933) proposed the reorientation of Ukrainian literature toward the West. Important writers who survived the purges of the 1930s include the master of subjective verse Maksym Rylsky, the necromantic poet Mykola Bazhan, the lyric poet Pavlo Tychyna, the dramatist Oleksandr Komiychuk, and the novelist Oles Honchar.
Text G Science and technology in Ukraine
For a long time science in Ukraine developed as a part of the scientific efforts of the former Soviet Union. However, it had its own Academy of Sciences, founded in 1918 by Hetman Skoropadsky. Since 1994 it has been called the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Ukraine has contributed many outstanding scientists to the world. In the 15th-17th centuries they were the talented physician Yury of Drohobych and linguists and linguists L.Zyzaniy and P.Berynda. The beginning of the 17th century was also marked by the creative activity of the prominent linguist M.Smotrytsky whose “Slavic Grammar” became the basis of grammars of many Slavic languages. In the 18th century the main scientific centre of Ukraine was the Kyivo-Mohyla Academy whose most famous representatives of that time were N. Maksymovich and O.Shumlyansky. The 19th and 20th centuries produced such outstanding scientists as the mathematicians M.Ostrogradsky and A. Pohorelov, the linguists O. Bodynsky, A.Potebnya, the historians V.Antonovich, M.Hrushevsky and D.Bahaliy, the orientalist A.Krumsky, the geologist P.Tutkovsky, the physicians V.Obraztsov, M.Strazhesko, V.Filatov, the lawyer M.Vasylenko and many others.
Ukrainians are also proud ofthe fact that only several months after the nucleus of the atom was split by the English physicists G.Cockroft and E.Walton in 1932, the same result was achieved in one of the laboratories of Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology headed by I.Kurchatov and A. Ioffe. It was the first split of an atom in the USSR and a great success of Soviet scientists. Nobel Prize laureate Academician Lev Landau worked for many years, heading the Institute of Physics and Technology. Another Nobel Prize laureate Ilya Mechnicov was born in Kharkiv region, studied in Kharkiv National University and worked there for a long time. The first electronic computing machine in Europe was designed by our countryman S. Lebedev in 1951. The famous astronomer Academisian Mykola Barabashov worked in Kharkiv Observatory and made significant discoveries concerning Mars, Moon and Venis. Ukrainian scientists made their contribution into the development of space explorations. The Southern Machine Building plant and Kharkiv “Khartron” designed and launched hundreds of artificial Earth satellites ncluding the famous “Zenith”.
The world famous Ukrainian scientists are Volodymir Vernadsky and Yevhen Paton.
Volodymyr Vernadsky was the first President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. He was a prominent naturalist, mineralogist, the founder of geochemistry and biochemistry, the creator of the biosphere theory. Together with Oleksander Fersman he was the first to suggest the use of radioactivity in studying geological processes . He was also the first to estimate the age of the most ancient elements of the Earth surface as being 4,5 billion years old.
Yevhen Paton was an outstanding Ukrainian constructor, famous for his contribution in bridge-building and welding. He studied Engineering in Dresden (Germany) and St.Petersburg, and in 1904 became a professor of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute where he headed the bridge-testing laboratory. Evhen Paton designed over 35 bridges, including the famous bridge across the Dnipro River that was named after him. He is also considered to be the father of electronic welding. The Institute of Electronic Welding the director of which Evhen Paton had been till his very death, developed his theory and mastered the highly productive hidden welding technique which is used world –wide.
Unit 7
Topic: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Text: The United Kingdom . Geography and Climate.
The Government of Great Britain
Unit 7
Topic: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Text: The United Kingdom . Geography and Climate.
The Government of Great Britain
Exercise 1. Vocabulary to be learnt
advancement – успіх | to join – з’єднувати |
affair – справа | lead – свинець |
to appoint – призначати | legislature – законодавство, влада |
approval – схвалення (ухвалення) | majority – більшість |
castle – фортеця | marble – мармур |
coast – узбережжя | meadow – луг |
commander-in-chief – головнокомандуючий | mild – м’який |
community- суспільство, спільність | mouth – гирло |
to compose – складати | oversea (s) – закордонний |
confidence – довіра | peer (peeress) – лорд (пер), леді (дружина пера) |
considerable – значний | proceedings – засідання |
contribution –вклад, внесок | to provide – забезпечувати |
copper – мідь | to reign – царювати |
damp - сирий | remarkable –чудовий |
election – вибори | to run – правити |
to elect – вибирати | to rule – правити |
to exercise – виконувати обов’язки | salary – заробітна плата |
to flow – текти | slate – слюда |
to gain – одержувати | shadow cabinet - тіньовий кабінет |
hereditary – спадковий | suffrage – право голосу, виборче право |
to inherit – успадкувати | substantial – важливий, головний |
influence – вплив | supply – запаси |
island – острів | thistle - чортополох , будяк |
isle – острів (це слово вживається з деякими геог- рафічними назвами та в поезії, в інших випадках вживаєть- ся слово island | woolsack – набита шерстю подушка, на якій си- дить голова (лорд-канцлер) в палаті лордів to win – вигравати to be vested in - наділені владою |