Политическая борьба националистов/федералистов за консолидацию США (1781-1788 гг.)

Вид материалаАвтореферат диссертации


Гамильтон А., Мэдисон Дж., Джей Дж
Adams J. The Works: 10 vols. / Ed. by Ch.F. Adams. Boston, 1850–1856; Adams S
Гоббс Т. Сочинения: В 2 т. / Сост. В.В. Соколов. М., 1989–1991; Локк Дж.
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5
Madison J. Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787. Athens (Ohio), 1966. Здесь и далее в работе с заглавной буквы пишется название Конституционного конвента 1787 г., со строчной – названия прочих органов, также носивших это наименование.

86 The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution: 4 vols. / Ed. by J. Elliot. Washington (D.C.), 1836.

87 См.: Hutson J.H. Riddles at the Federal Convention // William and Mary Quarterly. Vol.44 (July 1787). P.411–412.

88 The Continental Congress Broadside Collection. ссылка скрыта

89 The Founders’ Constitution / Ed. by R.B. Kurland and R. Lerner. Vol.1. Chicago – London, 1987.

90 The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution: 21 vols. / Ed. by M. Jensen. Madison, 1976–2005; Commentaries on the Constitution: Public and Private: 4 vols. / Ed. by M. Jensen. Madison, 1981–1986; The Documentary History of the First Federal Elections, 1788–1790: 4 vols. / Ed. by M. Jensen e.a. Madison, 1976–1989.

91 Clinton G. Public Papers of George Clinton, First Governor of New York, 1777–1804: 10 vols. N.Y., 1973; Livingston W. Papers: 5 vols. / Ed. by C.E. Prince e.a. Trenton, 1979–1988; Sullivan J. Letters and Papers / Ed. by O.G. Hammond. Concord (N.H.), 1930–1939; Letters to and from Caesar Rodney, 1756–1784 / Ed. by G.H. Ryden. N.Y., 1970; Revolutionary Mail Bag: Governor Thomas Sim Lee's Correspondence, 1779–1782 / Ed. by H.L. Peabody. [Baltimore? 1956?]; Staples W.P. Rhode Island in the Continental Congress, 1765–1790. N.Y., 1971.

92 A New Nation Votes: American Election Returns, 1787–1825. ссылка скрыта; Our Campaigns. U.S. President. National Vote. mpaigns.com/home.phpl.

93 An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera. ссылка скрыта. Также: To the Citizens of America who are Creditors of the United States. [Philadelphia, 1782]; Findley W. To the Citizens of Philadelphia. Friends, Countrymen, Brethren… [Phila., 1787] и др.

94 Paine Th. Six New Letters. Being Pieces on the Five Per Cent Duty Addressed to the Citizens of Rhode Island. Madison, 1939; Webster N. Sketches of American Policy. Hartford, 1785; Barton W. The True Interest of the United States, and Particularly of Pennsylvania, Considered. Phila., 1786; Coxe T. Thoughts Concerning the Bank of North America. Phila., 1787, etc.

95 Гамильтон А., Мэдисон Дж., Джей Дж. Федералист. М., 1994; A Plea for Federal Union, North Carolina, 1788 / Ed. by H.T. Lefter. Charlottesville, 1947; Iredell J. Answers to Mr. Mason’s Objections to the New Constitution. Newbern, [1788]; Ramsay D. An Address to the Freemen of South Carolina on the Subject of the Federal Constitution. Charleston, [1788]; Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, Published during Its Discussion by the People, 1787–1788 / Ed. by P.L. Ford. N.Y., 1969.

96 Austin J.R. An Oration Delivered July 4, 1786 at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston… Boston, [1786]; Brooks J. An Oration, Delivered to the Society of the Cincinnati in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, July 4, 1787. Boston, 1787; Campbell J. An Oration, in Commemoration of the Independence of North America, Delivered July 4, 1787. Phila., 1787; Varnum J.M. An Oration Delivered at Marietta, July 4, 1788. Newport, 1788 и др.

97 Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati. Philadelphia, 1785; Rules and Regulations of the Society for Political Enquiries. Philadelphia, 1787; A respectable body of the citizens of Pennsylvania… have formed themselves into a society for the encouragement of manufactures, and the useful arts in America… [Phila., 1788].

98 Пэйн Т. Избранные сочинения / Под ред. М.П. Баскина. М., 1959; Adams J. Papers. Ser.3: 12 vols. / Ed. by R.J. Taylor. Cambridge (Mass.), 1977–2004; Adams J. The Works: 10 vols. / Ed. by Ch.F. Adams. Boston, 1850–1856; Adams S. Writings: 4 vols. / Ed. by H.A. Cushing. –– N.Y., 1968; Ames F. The Works: 2 vols. / Ed. by W.B. Allen. Indianapolis, 1983; Hamilton A. The Papers: 27 vols. / Ed. by H.C. Syrett. N.Y.–L., 1961–1987; Jay J. The Correspondence and Public Papers: 4 vols. 1763–1826 / Ed. by H.P. Johnston. N.Y., 1971; Jay J. Unpublished Papers: 2 vols. / Ed. by R.B. Morris. N.Y., 1975–1980; Jefferson Th. The Papers: 32 vols. / Ed. by J.P. Boyd, B.B. Oberg. Princeton (N.J.), 1950–2005; Madison J. The Papers. Congressional Series: 17 vols. / Ed. by W.T. Hutchinson and W.M.E. Rachal. Chicago – Charlottesville, 1962–1991; Madison J. The Writings: 9 vols. / Ed. by G. Hunt. L.–N.Y., 1910; Marshall J. The Papers: 5 vols. / Ed. by H.A. Johnson. Chapel Hill, 1974; Mason G. The Papers: 3 vols. / Ed. by R.A. Rutland. Chapel Hill, 1970; Monroe J. The Writings: 7 vols. / Ed. by S.M. Hamilton. N.Y., 1898–1910; Morris R. Papers, 1781–1784: 9 vols. / Ed. by E.J. Ferguson. Pittsburgh, 1973–1984; Paine Th. The Complete Writings: 2 vols. / Ed. by Ph.S. Foner. N.Y., 1945; Washington G. The Writings from the Original Manuscript Sources 1745–1799 / Ed. by J.C. Fitzpatrick. Washington (D.C.), 1931–1944; Wilson J. The Works: 2 vols. / Ed. by R.G. McCloskey. Cambridge (Mass.), 1967.

99 Болингброк Г. Письма об изучении и пользе истории / Под ред. М.А. Барга. М., 1978; Гоббс Т. Сочинения: В 2 т. / Сост. В.В. Соколов. М., 1989–1991; Локк Дж. Сочинения: В 3 т. / Под ред. И.С. Нарского, А.Л. Субботина. М., 1985–1988; Монтескье Ш.Л. О духе законов. М., 1999; Монтескье Ш.Л. Персидские письма. Размышления о причинах величия и падения римлян. М., 2002; Руссо Ж.Ж. Об общественном договоре. Трактаты / Отв. ред. Г.Э. Кучков. М., 1998; Юм Д. Малые произведения. М., 1996; Юм Д. Сочинения: В 2 т. / Под ред. И.С. Нарского. М., 1966 и др.

100 Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774–1789: 26 vols. / Ed. by P.H. Smith. Washington (D.C.), 1976–2000.

101 Letters of Members of the Continental Congress: 8 vols. / Ed. by E.C. Burnett. Washington (D.C.), 1933.

102 Adams Family Correspondence: 4 vols. / Ed. by L.H. Butterfield. Cambridge (Mass.), 1963; Gerry E., Warren J. A Study in Dissent: The Warren-Gerry Correspondence, 1776–1792 / Ed. by C.H. Gardiner. Carbondale, 1968; Lee R.H. The Letters: 2 vols. / Ed. by J.C. Ballagh. N.Y., 1970; Life and Correspondence of Rufus King: 6 vols. / Ed. by Ch.R. King. N.Y., 1894–1900; Rush B. Letters: 2 vols. / Ed. by L.H. Butterfield. Princeton, 1951.

103 Gilbert B. Winding Down: The Revolutionary War Letters of Lieutenant Benjamin Gilbert of Massachusetts, 1780–1783: From His Original Manuscript Letterbook / Ed. by J. Shy. Michigan, 1989.

104 Excerpts from the Diary of Joseph Plumb Martin, March 1781. ссылка скрыта; Thacher J. Military Journal, During the American Revolutionary War from 1776 to 1783. ссылка скрыта; Waldo A. From the Diary of Albigence Waldo, December 14, 1777. ссылка скрыта.

105 Brissot de Warville J.P. New Travels in the United States of America, 1788. Cambridge (Mass.), 1964; Miranda F. de. The New Democracy in America: Travels of Francisco de Miranda in the United States, 1783–1784 / Ed. by J.S. Ezell. Norman, 1963.

106 Mazzei Ph. Selected Writings and Correspondence: 3 vols. / Ed. by M. Marchione e.a. Prato, 1983; Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790: 5 vols. / Ed by S.J. Idzerda. Ithaca, 1977–1983; Blanchard C. The Journal, 1780–1783. Albany, 1876.

107 Minot G.R. History of Insurrections in Massachusetts in 1786 and of the Rebellion Consequent Thereon. N.Y., 1971; Ramsay D. History of the United States: 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1816–1817; Warren M.O. History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution: 2 vols. Indianapolis, 1988.

108 Алентьева Т.В., Филимонова М.А. США в новое время: общество, государство и право. XVII–XVIII вв. Курск, 2007; Алентьева Т.В., Филимонова М.А. США в новое время: общество, государство и право. Хрестоматия. XVII–XVIII вв. Курск, 2007.