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  1. Max H. Fisch Chronological Archive, Institute for American Thought, School of Liberal Arts, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN (MHFC)
  2. Max H. Fisch Files, Institute for American Thought, School of Liberal Arts, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN (MHFF).
  3. Papers of Charles S. Peirce, Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (MS, L).

  1. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. Ed. by C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss (Vols. 1-6), A. Burks (Vols. 7-8), Cambridge, 1931-1958 (CP).
  2. The Essential Peirce. Vols. 1-2, Ed. by N. Houser and C. Kloesel. Bloomington, 1992-1998 (EP).
  3. Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition. Vols. 1-5, Ed. by the Peirce Edition Project. Bloomington. 1982-1993 (W1-5).

  1. Archibald R.C. (ed.) Benjamin Peirce: 1809-1880. Biographical Sketch and Bibliography, Ohio, 1925.
  2. Badiou A. Manifeste pour la Philosophie. Paris. 1989.
  3. Brent J. Charles Sanders Peirce. A Life. Bloomington, 1993.
  4. Brooks V.W. New England: Indian Summer 1865-1915. E.P. Dutton & Co., 1940.
  5. Bruce R. The Launching of Modern American Science: 1846-1876. New York, 1987.
  6. Buchler J. Charles Peirce's Empiricism. New York, 1966.
  7. Coseriu E. Adam Smit und die Anfaenge der Schprachtypologie. Festschrift zum 60 Geburtstag von Hans Marchand. The Hague, 1968.
  8. Daniels G. Nineteenth Century American Science. Evanston, 1972.
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  12. Elliott C.A., Rossiter M.W. (eds.) Science at Harvard University. Historical Perspectives. Cambridge, 1985.
  13. Emerson E.W. The early Years of Saturday Club: 1855-1870. New York, 1987.
  14. Feibleman J. K. An Introduction to Peirce’s philosophy interpreted as a system. London, 1960.
  15. Fisch M. Peirce, Semeiotic, and Pragmatism. Bloomington, 1986.
  16. Fiske E. (ed.) The Letters of John Fiske, New York, 1940.
  17. Frederickson G.M. Inner Civil War: Northern Intellectuals and the Crisis of the Union, Urbana & Chicago, 1993.
  18. Gilman D.C. University Problems in the United States. New York, 1897.
  19. Hall G. S. Life and Confessions of a Psychologist. NY, 1923.
  20. Hardwick C.S. (ed.) Semiotic and Significs: The Correspondence between Charles S. Peirce and Victoria Lady Welby, Bloomington, 1977.
  21. Hawkins H. Pioneer: A History of the Johns Hopkins University. Cornell University Press, 1960.
  22. Howells W.D. Literary Friends and Acquaintance. A Personal Retrospect of American Authorship. New York, 1902.
  23. Hunter Dupree A. Science in the Federal Government. A History of the Policies and Activities to 1840. Cambridge, Mass., 1957.
  24. Ketner K.L. His Glassy Essence. Vanderbilt University Press, 1998.
  25. Ketner K.L. (ed.) Reasoning and the Logic of Things. The Cambridge Conferences Lectures of 1898. Cambridge, 1992.
  26. Kuklick B. The rise of American philosophy: Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1860-1930. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977.
  27. Leland, Charles G. The Gypsies. Boston and New York, 1882.
  28. Lenzen V.F. Benjamin Peirce and the U.S. Coast Survey. San Francisco, 1968.
  29. Lurie E. Louis Agassiz: a Life in Science, Chicago, 1960.
  30. Macfarlane А. Lectures on Ten British Mathematicians of the Nineteenth Century. New York, 1916
  31. Madden E.H. Chauncey Wright and the Foundations of Pragmatism. Seattle, 1963.
  32. Maria Mitchell: A Life in Journals and Letters. Reprint Services Corp, 1991.
  33. Menand L. The Metaphysical Club. New York, 2001.
  34. Murphey M. G. The Development of Peirce’s Philosophy. Cambridge, 1961.
  35. Peabody F. G. Reminiscences of Present-Day Saints. Boston, 1927.
  36. _____. Harvard in the Sixties: A Boy's Eye View. Cambridge, 1935.
  37. Peirce B. Ideality in the Physical Sciences, Boston, 1881.
  38. Pietarinen A.-V. Signs of Logic: Peircean Themes on the Philosophy of Language, Games, And Communication. Dordrecht, 2006
  39. Rantoul R. Memoir of Benjamin Peirce. Salem, 1881.
  40. Reingold N. Science in Nineteenth-Century America. New York, 1964.
  41. Roberts D.D. The Existential Graphs of Charles S. Peirce. The Hague, 1973.
  42. Ross D. G. Stanley Hall: The Psychologist as Prophet. Chicago, 1972.
  43. Russett C.E. Darwin in America: the Intellectual Response 1865-1912. San Francisco, 1972.
  44. Skagestad P. The road of Inquiry: Charles Peirce’s Pragmatic Realism. New York, 1981.
  45. Skrupskelis I.K., Berkeley E.M. (ed.) The Correspondence of William James, vol. 1, Charlottesville and London, 2002.
  46. Smith R. N. The Harvard Century: The Making of a University to a Nation. New York, 1986.
  47. Turrisi P.A. (ed.) Pragmatism as Principle and Method of Right Thinking: The 1903 Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism, New York, 1997.
  48. Samuels M. The Queen of Cups. Bloomington. 2006.
  49. Schiller F. On the Aesthetic Education of Man in a Series of Letters. Boston, 1845.
  50. Struik D.J. Yankee Science in the Making. New York, 1968.
  51. Wenders W. Logic of Images. Essays and Conversations. New York, 1980.
  52. Wiener P. Evolution and the Founders of Pragmatism. Cambridge, 1949.

  1. Arnod J.A., Pinchot, James Wallace, obituary, in: Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture, 1907.
  2. Barnow J. “Aesthetic” for Schiller and Peirce: A Neglected Origin of Pragmatism, in: Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 49, No. 4 (Oct-Dec. 1988).
  3. Cain W.E. Studying American Aristocrats: An Interview with Arthur R. Gold, in: American Literary History, Vol. 2, № 2 (1990).
  4. Colapietro V. Pragmatism and Psychoanalysis – C.S. Peirce as a Mediating Figure, in: Cognitio, Vol. 7, № 2, São Paulo, 2006.
  5. Eisele C. The Charles S. Peirce – Simon Newcomb Correspondence, in: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 101, № 5 (Oct. 31, 1957).
  6. _______. Charles S. Peirce and the Problem of Map-Projection, in: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 107, No. 4 (Aug. 15, 1963).
  7. Fisch M. Peirce’s Arisbe: The Greek Influence In His Later Philosophy, in: Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society. Vol. VII, №4 (Fall 1971).
  8. Hartshorne C. Charles Sanders Peirce’s Metaphysics of Evolution, in: New England Quarterly, Vol. 14, №1 (March 1941).
  9. Hawkins H. Charles W. Eliot, Daniel C. Gilman and the Nature of American Scholarship, in: The New England Quarterly, Vol. 39, № 3 (Sep. 1966).
  10. Jastrow J., Peirce Ch. S. On small differences of sensation, in: Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, 1884. Vol. III, part 1, Fifth Memoir.
  11. James W. “Chauncey Wright”, in: Nation, 21 (23.09.1875).
  12. Ladd-Franklin C. Charles S. Peirce at the Johns Hopkins, in: The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, vol. 13, No. 26 (Dec. 21, 1916).
  13. Lenzen V.F. The Contributions of Charles S. Peirce to Metrology, in: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 109, No. 1 (Feb. 18, 1965).
  14. Matz F.P. Biography: Benjamin Peirce, in: The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 2, № 6 (June 1895).
  15. Murphey M. G. Kant's Children: The Cambridge Pragmatists, in: Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 4. Cambridge, 1968.
  16. Pauly P. Psychology at Hopkins, in: Johns Hopkins Magazine, Dec. 1979.
  17. Peterson S.R. Benjamin Peirce: Mathematician and Philosopher, in: Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 16, № 1 (Jan. 1955).
  18. Ransdell J. Some Leading Ideas of Peirce's Semiotic, in Semiotica 19, 1977.
  19. Royce J., Kernan F. Charles Sanders Peirce, in: The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, Vol. 13, № 26 (Dec. 1916).
  20. Short T.L. Fallibilism is Omega-inconsistent, in: Cognitio, Vol. 7, № 2, São Paulo, 2006.
  21. Stanley Hall G. Philosophy in the United States. Mind 4 (Jan. 1879).
  22. Wiener P. Chauncey Wright’s Defense of Darwin and the Neutrality of Science, in: Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 6, No. 6 (Jan. 1945).
  23. _____. The Evolutionism and Pragmaticism of Peirce, in: Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 7, No. 3 (Jun. 1946).
  24. _____. Peirce’s Metaphysical Club and the Genesis of Pragmatism, in: Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 7, №2 (April 1946).