Discipline annotation “Systems Engineering”

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Recommended Literature
Discipline annotation
Discipline Objectives
Assessment Forms
Discipline annotation
Task: To acquire control systems theory fundamentals and implement them in computer engineering. Discipline Objectives
Discipline Description
Discipline annotation
Discipline annotation
Discipline Objective
Discipline Description
Discipline annotation
Forms of Teaching
Assessment Criteria
Supportive Materials
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

Supportive Materials

1. «Основи теорії передачі інформації» (The Theory of Communication. Outlines.) study guide, electronic version.

2. Multimedia equipment and an electronic version of visual-aids.

3. Laboratory operations manual.

Recommended Literature


7. Ю. И. Лосев, А. Г. Бердников «Основы теории передачи данных» (An Introduction to the Theory of Communication). – ВИРТА, 1992.

8. Э. Ш. Гойхман, Ю.И. Лосев «Передача информации в АСУ» (Data Communication in Automatic Control Systems (ACS)). – «Связь», 1978.


И.А. Мизин, В.А. Богатырев. «Сети коммутации пакетов». – «Радио и связь» (Packet Switching Networks. – Radio and Communication.), 1986.


Parallel Systems and Computing

Lecturer: Olena Hennadiivna Tolstoluz’ka, PhD in Engineering, Senior Research Fellow, Associate Professor at the Department of Theoretic and Applied Systems Engineering.

Aims: To acquaint students with the basic parallel processing techniques and their effect on parallel systems engineering performance; with the basic development and operation principles of modern parallel computing mono- and multi-systems; with numeric specification hallmarks and parallel time series model visualization; modern programming technologies.

Discipline Objectives:

Following the completion of the course a student must:


Parallel processing techniques, parallel algorithms, parallel processes, parallel implementation criteria of algorithms and programs, development and architecture principles of modern parallel computing mono- and multi-systems.

be able to:

Course acquisition enables students become acquainted with computer-aided software engineering (CASE) of parallel computing systems. It is also essential in the context of parallel numeric specification synthesis, performance criteria evaluation and visualization of parallel static and dynamic objects.

Discipline Description: Introduction. Outlines of parallel computing processes and systems. Parallel static and time series algorithms and processes. Parallel time series algorithms. Parallel implementation criteria of algorithms and their correlation with the practice requirements. Technique for independent operations concurrency. Technique for formal synthesis of parallel time series models of an algorithm. HiRel parallel software design for managing ultimate technologies and objects. Parallel programs classification. Parallel computing specifications. How to solve the parallel programming crisis. Introduction to parallel programming by means of MPI (Message Passing Interface). Data interchange in MPI. Cooperative data interchange in MPI. Introduction to parallel programming by means of PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine). Programming by means of PVM. Parallel processors classification. Superscalar processor architecture and operation. Parallel architectures. Classification of parallel systems by Flynn. Architecture and operation of parallel processors with Very Large Instruction Word (VLIW). Architecture and operation of parallel processors with dataflow management. Multiprocessor computers with shared memory (SM). Multicomputer systems.

Assessment Forms: Student performance in the discipline is assessed during workshops and laboratory works by means of test papers. The final assessment is held by means of an examination.

Supportive Materials

1. Multimedia equipment and an electronic version of visual-aids.

2. Laboratory operations manual.

Recommended Literature


13. Воеводин В.В., Воеводин Вл. В. Параллельные вычисления (Parallel Computing). – СПб.: БХВ-Петербург, 2002. – 608 с.

14. Немнюгин С.А., Стесик О.Л. Параллельное программирование для многопроцессорных вычислительных систем (Parallel Programming for Multiprocessors). – СПб.: БХВ-Петербург, 2002. – 400 с.

15. Корнеев В.В. Архитектура вычислительных систем с программируемой структурой (Computing Systems Architecture with Soft Structure). – Новосибирск: Наука, 1985. – 168 с.


16. Транспьютеры. Архитектура и программное обеспечение: (Transputers. Architecture and Software): Пер.с англ./Под ред. Г.Харпа. – М.: Радио и связь, 1993. – 304 с.

17. Корнеев В.В, Киселев А.В. Современные микропроцессоры (Modern Microprocessors). – М.: НОЛИДЖ, 2000. – 326 с.

18. 14. Поляков Г.А. Проблемы создания систем совместного автоматического проектирования аппаратно-программных средств для мультипараллельной цифровой обработки данных (Challenges of Joint Automatic Firmware Design for Multi Parallel Digital Data Processing)// Сб. науч. тр. / 1-й Международный радиоэлектронный Форум «Прикладная радиоэлектроника. Состояние и перспективы развития» МРФ-2002. – Х.: АНПРЭ, ХНУРЭ, Ч.2, 2002. – С.241-244


Systems Analysis

Lecturer: Kyrylo Markovych Rukkas, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor.

Course Aim: To master the methodology of the systematic approach to the complex computer systems research (analysis, simulation and performance evaluation).

Task: To acquire control systems theory fundamentals and implement them in computer engineering.

Discipline Objectives:

- by means of structural analysis, study simulation techniques and be able to evaluate complex computer systems performance, methods of discrete- and continuous-time Markov chains (DTMCs/CTMCs) and queueing systems;

- examine the decision-making techniques on scoping out the best variant for system realization of a given set of alternatives on the basis of formal, formalized and informal methods.

Following the completion of the course a student must:


- the fundamental concepts of the control systems theory on computer engineering objectives, basic models and complex systems specifications;

- the research methods of complex systems based upon the theory of Markov processes, of queueing systems;

- the formal and informal decision-making techniques while developing and maintaining complex systems.

be able to:

- conduct analysis and performance evaluation of typical computer systems structures and their components by means of mathematical tools technique systems based upon the theory of Markov processes, queueing systems;

- form solutions while developing and maintaining complex systems using mathematical programming techniques and informal methods.

Discipline Description: The fundamentals of the systems theory and systems analysis. System simulation techniques. Decision-making techniques.

Assessment Forms: Student performance in the discipline is assessed during workshops and laboratory works by means of test papers. The final assessment is held by means of examination papers.

Supportive Materials

1. Multimedia equipment and an electronic version of visual-aids.

2. Laboratory operations manual.

Recommended Literature


1. Денисов А.А., Колесников Д.Н. Теория больших систем управления (Large Systems Control Theory): Уч. пос. для ВУЗов. – Л.: Энергоиздат, 1982. – 288с.

2. Системный анализ в экономике и организации производства (Systems Analysis in Economics and Industrial Engineering)/ Под общ. ред. Валуева С.А., Волковой В.Н. – Л.: Политехника, 1991. – 398с.

3. Половинкин А.И. Основы инженерного творчества. (An Introduction to Engineering Creativity)–М.:Машиностроение, 1988. – 368с.

4. Вентцель Е.С. Исследование операций (Operations Performance Analysis). – М.: Радио и связь, 1972.

5. Крайников А.В. и др. Вероятностные методы в вычислительной технике (Probabilistic Methods in Computer Engineering). – М.: Высшая школа, 1986. – 312с.

6. Надёжность и эффективность в технике. Справочник в 10 томах, т.3. Эффективность в технике (Reliability and Efficiency in Engineering. 10-volume directory, Vol.3. Efficiency in Engineering)/ Под ред. В.Ф. Уткина, Ю.В. Крючкова .– М.: Машиностроение, 1988. – 328с.

7. Советов Б.Я., Яковлев С.А. Моделирование систем (Systems Simulation): Учебник для вузов. – М.: Высшая школа, 1985. – 271с.

Supplementary Literature

8. Харченко В.С., Лысенко И.В. Теория систем и системный анализ. Конспект лекций. Часть 1. (The Systems Theory and Systems Analysis. Lecture notes. Part 1.)- Харьков: НАУ «ХАИ», 2002. – 75c.

9. Харченко В.С., Лысенко И.В. Теория систем и системный анализ. Конспект лекций. Часть 2. (The Systems Theory and Systems Analysis. Lecture notes. Part 2.)- - Харьков: НАУ «ХАИ», 2002. – 76c.

10. Харченко В.С., Лысенко И.В. Теория систем и системный анализ. Учебно-методическое пособие (The Systems Theory and Systems Analysis. Study guide).- Харьков: НАУ «ХАИ», 2002. – 82с.


Specialized Programming Languages

Lecturer : Kyrylo Markovych Rukkas, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor.

Course Aim: To master skills of writing programs in specialized programming languages.

Objective: To acquire the fundamentals of programming in specialized programming languages.

Following the completion of the course a student must:

  • Development principles of distributed client-server applications.
  • Socket performance principles. Socket types and parameters. Network programs design using sockets.
  • Principles of parallel and serial servers design.
  • Basic concepts of the .Net platform.
  • Basic data types and constructs of the C # programming language.
  • Main Java libraries. Application principles.
  • Main Java libraries for network programs design.
  • Servlets development principles.

be able to:
  • Develop network programs with the use of socket apparatus.
  • Develop application programs in the C # programming language.
  • Develop network programs in the C # programming language.
  • Develop application programs in the Java programming language.
  • Develop network programs in the Java programming language.

Discipline Description: WINSOCK application programming interface. The C # programming language. The Java programming language.

Assessment Forms: Student performance in the discipline is assessed during workshops and laboratory works by means of test papers. The final assessment is held by means of examination papers.

Supportive Materials

1. «Комп’ютерні мережі» (Computer Networks) study guide, electronic version.

2. Multimedia equipment and an electronic version of visual-aids.

3. Laboratory operations manual.

Recommended Literature


1. Таненбаум Э. Компьютерные сети (Computer Networks). – С-П.: Питер , 2001.

2. Й. Снейдер. Эффективное программирование TCP/IP. (Efficient TCP/IP Programming). С-П.: Питер, 2002.

3. Л. Чепел, Э. Титтел. TCP/IP Учебный курс (TCP/IP. Training Course).//С-П: BHV, 2003

4. Стивенс Р. Протоколы TCP/IP. Практическое руководство (TCP/IP Protocols. Practical Guidance). С-П.: БХВ-Петербург, 2001.

5. Джонс Э., Оланд Дж. Программирование в сетях Windows (Programming in Windows Networks).-Спб.: Питер; М.: Издательско-торговый «Русская редакция», 2002.-608 с.

6. Павловская Т.А. C#. Программирование на языке высокого уровня (C#. High-level Language Programming). Питер, 2009. – 432 с.

7. Герберт Шилдт C# .Учебный курс (C#. Training Course). Питер, 2003.- 512 с

8. Ноутон П., Шилдт Г. Java 2. С-П.: БХВ-Петербург, 2001.- 895 с.


1. Лосев Ю.И., Бердников А.Г. Основы теории передачи информации (An Introduction to the Theory of Communication). – Х.: ХВУ. 1993.

2. Будилов В. Интернет-программирование на Java (Internet-Programming in Java). С-П.: БХВ-Петербург, 2002.

3. Хабибуллин И. Разработка Web-служб средствами Java (Web-services Development by Means of Java). С-П.: БХВ-Петербург, 2003.


The Decision-Making Theory at Complex Computer Systems Management

Lecturer: Iuriy Ivanovych Losev, Full Professor, D.Sc. in Engineering.

Discipline Aims: To give the students the basic knowledge on decision-making methods while managing complex computer systems, methods for quality evaluation of the decisions made and development forecasting. Teach the basic decision-making techniques under uncertainty, choice of optimal alternatives in a fuzzy environment.

Discipline Objective:

Following the completion of the course a student must:


Characteristics of the computer management system. Network performance criteria and the impact of the network management system on them. Methodological basis of the decision-making process in network management. Characteristics of the preparation and decision-making processes. The conceptual model of decision-making in network management. The decision-making methods in network management. The situation assessment method. Situation planning and management. Merits and consequences evaluation techniques of the decision-making process in network management. Quality evaluation of the decisions made. Decision-making under uncertainty. Choice of optimal alternatives in a fuzzy environment. The basic functional connections in the theory of utility. Using artificial intelligence in network management. Simulation techniques for the preparation and decision-making processes in network management.

be able to:

Evaluate network performance and management system. Specify such network features as efficiency, capability and optimality. Consider the criterion for randomness, ambiguity of information at the decision-making process. Define the conceptual model of decision-making and its separate stages. Identify network elements connectivity at the decision-making process on network management, evaluate the merits of decision-making process and the decision-implementation consequences. Develop a frame-based knowledge model for an expert system used in network management.

Discipline Description: Computer-aided systems management analysis. Methodological basis of the decision-making theory. The decision-making methods in network management. Decision-making under uncertainty. Network management using artificial intelligence.

Assessment Forms: Student performance in the discipline is assessed during workshops and laboratory works by means of shotgun quizzes. The final assessment is held by means of the course project and examination papers.

Supportive Materials

1. Multimedia equipment.

3. Slides. Presentation of “The Decision-Making Theory at Complex Computer Systems Management” discipline.

Recommended Literature

15. Я.С. Дымарский, Н.Д. Крутикова. Управление сетями связи: принципы, протоколы, прикладные задачи (Communication Networks Management: Principles, Protocols, Applied Tasks). – «Связь и бизнес», 2003 г. – 384 с.

16. А.Н. Борисов, А.В. Алексеев. Обработка нечеткой информации в системах принятия решения (Fuzzy Information Engineering in Decision-Making Systems). – «Радио и связь», 1986 г.

17. С.А.Орлрвский. Проблемы принятия решений при нечеткой исходной информации (Problem Solving and Decision-Making Dealing with Blurry Background Information). – «Наука», 1983 г.

18. Э.В.Попов. Искусственный интеллект (Artificial Intelligence). – Справочник. «Радио и связь», 1990 г.

19. П.К.Фимберн. Теория полезности для принятия решений (The Theory of Utility for the Decision-Making Process). – «Наука», 1978 г.


Database and Knowledge Base Organization

1. Lecturers: Valentyna Mykhailivna Lazuryk (Databases), Senior Lecturer at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Software;

Volodymyr Mykhailovych Kuklin (Knowledge Bases), Full Professor, Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Software.

2. Course, Semester: 3rd year, 5th and 6th semesters.

3. Amount of Hours: 8 credits, 4 modules, 218 academic hours: lectures – 50 hours, laboratory works – 50 hours, independent work – 118 hours in total.

Assessment Form – handing in laboratory works, computer testing, writing course projects and their defense, exam.

4. Prior Requirements: it is desirable that students should have basic knowledge in Maths and Programming within a two-year university course of learning “Discrete Mathematics”, “Programming and Algorithmic Languages”, “Object Oriented Programming”.

5. Discipline Description (Contents, Aims, Structure): The modern definition of the relational data model represented by relational algebra and calculus is given. The classical approach to database design based on normalization principle is discussed. Basic features of approaches to semantic database simulation, planning, development, implementation and database maintenance issues are regarded. Explicit introduction to the Structured Query Language (SQL) on the basis of the SQL: 1999 standard is considered. Data types used in SQL, techniques for database objects identification, data manipulation and selection are under discussion. Database and applications development features in Access 2003 Integrated Development Environment are considered. Database development features for MySQL server 5.1 are under study. Client development for MySQL databases both for the local network using the ADO technology, the Delphi7 Integrated Developer’s Environment (IDE) and for the global network using the PHP5 server scripting language. Dynamic Web pages design for the global network by means of the ASP .NET technology is at issue. Expert systems and neural networks performance principles, knowledge base creation principles are regarded.

6. Objective: to provide up-to-date students’ knowledge both in theoretical database and knowledge base simulation and in practical knowledge and skills on database development and use of the Structured Query Language (SQL). The course also aims at gaining knowledge and practical skills on database applications development both for local and global networks. The discipline program contains 4 modules covering 16 topics and the references.

7. Forms of Teaching: lectures; laboratory works; independent work; course project.

Methods of Teaching: elements of problematic lectures, individual tasks for independent work, problematic situations modeling in laboratory and independent work, defense of the course software program containing the developed database and its application.

8. Assessment Forms: continuous assessment; admission of self-developed software programs, containing databases and database applications, if required; course project defense; final examination paper.

9. Assessment Criteria: only those students who completed the curriculum are allowed to write the exam paper, namely those who: successfully fulfilled laboratory works and proved the operability of the self-developed software programs to the teacher, and also prepared a paper report and a software program on the chosen course topic in the electronic variant, and defended their work before an audience of their groupmates and teaching staff.

Assessment scale for all the educational activities during the semester:

10. Supportive Materials:

• Syllabus;

• Time schedule of the discipline;

• Textbooks;

• Study guides printed by the Department, laboratory operations manuals (hard-cover and electronic copies);

• Electronic lecture notes;

• Sets of individual tasks for independent work;

• Tasks for module tests;

• A list of topics for course projects;

• Tests for the examination paper.

11. Language of Instruction: Russian (due to the fact that the groups contain a significant number of foreign students who have Russian as the language of instruction in their contracts).

12. List of Recommended Literature:


1. Хомоненко А.Д., Цыганков.М., Мальцев М.Г Базы данных: Учебник, 5-е издание (Databases: Textbook, 5th Edition)– Москва: Бином-Пресс, 2006. – 732 с.

2. Кузнецов С. Д. Основы баз данных. Интернет-университет информационных технологий (An Introduction to Databases. Internet-University Information Technologies) – ИНТУИТ.ру, 2005.

3. Д. Мейер Теория реляционных баз данных (The Relational Database Theory), Мир, 1987 .

4. Когаловский М.Р. Энциклопедия технологий баз данных (The Database Technologies Encyclopedia), М.: Финансы и статистика, 2002

5. Гектор Гарсиа-Молина, Джеффри Ульман, Дженифер Уидом Системы баз данных. Полный курс (Database Systems. Full-Time Course) М., С.-Петербург, Киев: Вильямс, 2003.


1. Мартин Грабер Введение в SQL (An Introduction to the SQL), Москва , Лори, 1990

2. Джон Л. Вескас, Майк Гандерлоу, Мэри Чипмен Access и SQL Server. Руководство разработчика (Access and the SQL Server. Guidance for a Design Engineer). Москва , Лори, 1996.

3. Васильев А., Андреев А. VBA в Office 2000. Учебный курс (VBA in Office 2000. Course of Study). С.Петербург, Москва, Харьков, Минск, Питер, 2001.