Discipline annotation “Systems Engineering”

Вид материалаДокументы
Supportive materials
2 Добринін С.В.
Recommended literature
Discipline annotation
Recommended Literature
Discipline annotation
Discipline annotation
Discipline Objectives
Discipline Description
Assessment Forms
Подобный материал:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

Supportive materials:

1 Добринін С. В. Обробка графічної та текстової інформації: Навчально-методичний посібник (Graphic and Text Job Processing: Methodical and educational accessory). – Х.: “ХНУ", 2009.– с.

2 Добринін С.В. Завдання та методичні вказівки до самостійної роботи студентів денної форми навчання з навчальної дисципліни «Обробка графічної та текстової інформації» (Tasks and methodical instructions to the individual work for full-time education students of the course ` Graphic and Text Job Processing). – Х.: “ХНУ", 2009. – 16 с. Електронний варіант.

3 Добринін С. В. Створення документів за допомогою текстового процесора Мicrosoft Word: Методичні рекомендації та завдання до лабораторних робіт (Creating documents using text processor Microsoft Word: Methodical recommendations and tasks to the laboratory experiments). – Х.: "ХНУ", 2008. – 24 с. Електронний варіант.

4 Добринін С. В. Вставка діаграм, графічних об'єктів та обробка табличних даних засобами Мicrosoft Word: Методичні рекомендації та завдання до лабораторних робіт (Insertion Diagrams, Graphic Objects and Processing Tabular Data Using Мicrosoft Word: Methodical recommendations and tasks to the laboratory experiments). – Х.: "ХНУ", 2008. – 32 с. Електронний варіант.

5 Добринін С. В. Створення науково-технічних презентацій засобами Мicrosoft РоwerРоіnt: Методичні рекомендації та завдання до лабораторних робіт (Creating Scientific and Technical Presentations Using Мicrosoft РоwerРоіnt: Methodical recommendations and tasks to the laboratory experiments) . – Х.: "ХНУ", 2008. – 12 с. Електронний варіант.

6 Добринін С. В. Основи роботи з процесором електронних таблиць Мicrosoft Excel: Методичні рекомендації та завдання до лабораторних робіт (Bases of Work with the Table Processor Мicrosoft Excel: Methodical recommendations and tasks to the laboratory experiments) . – Х.: "ХНУ", 2008. – 32 с. Електронний варіант.

7 Добринін С. В. Вставка діаграм і графіків в документи Мicrosoft Еxcel: Методичні рекомендації та завдання до лабораторних робіт (Insertion Diagrams and Plots into the Documents Мicrosoft Еxcel: Methodical recommendations and tasks to the laboratory experiments) . – Х.: "ХНУ", 2008. – 16 с. Електронний варіант.

8 Добринін С. В. Проведення статистичної обробки даних засобами Мicrosoft Еxcel: Методичні рекомендації та завдання до лабораторних робіт (Statistic Data Processing Using Мicrosoft Еxcel: Methodical recommendations and tasks to the laboratory experiments). – Х.: "ХНУ", 2008. – 28 с. Електронний варіант.

Recommended literature:


1 Добринін С. В. Обробка графічної та текстової інформації: Навчально-методичний посібник (Graphic and Text Job Processing: Methodical and educational manual). – Х.: “ХНУ", 2009. – с.

2 Бибик С.П., Сюта Г.М. Ділові документи та правові папери (Business and Law Documents). – Х.: Вид. «Фоліо», 2006.

3 Глушков С.В., Сурядный А.С. ПК для студента (PC for Students). – Х.: Изд. «Фолио», 2007.

4 Дорош А.К., Ткаченко В.П., Челомбітько В.Ф. Обробка текстової інформації у видавничих системах. Частина 1. Теоретичні основи обробки текстової інформації: Навчальний посібник (Text Job Processing in Editorial Systems. Part 1. Theoretical Bases of Text Job Processing: Educational Manual). – Х.: Компанія СМІТ, 2007.

5 Глушков С.В. и др. Компьютерная графика (Computer Graphics). – Х.: Изд. «Фолио», 2006.

6 Волкотруб Г.Й. Стилістика ділової мови: Навчальний посібник (Stylistic of Business Language: Educational Manual). – К.: МАУП, 2002.

7 Сагман С. Microsoft Office для Windows (Microsoft Office for Windows) / Пер. с англ. - М.: Изд. «ДМК Пресс», 2004.

8 ДСТУ 3008-95. Документація. Звіти у сфері науки і техніки (Documentation. Reports in the Field of Science and Technology). – К.: Держстандарт України, 1995.

9 ГОСТ 2.105-95. Общие требования к текстовым документам. Межгосударственный стандарт (General Requirements to the Text Documents. Intergovernmental Standard). – К.: Госстандарт Украины, 1996.


1 Петров М.Н., Молочков В.П. Компьютерная графика (Computer Graphics). Изд. «Питер», 2003.

2 Лядецький М.М., Хавронюк М.І. Типові договори, контракти, статути (Typical Agreements, Contracts, Statutes). – К.: Атіка, 2003.

3 Microsoft Word 2003. Русская версия. Практическое пособие. Серия «Шаг за шагом» / Пер. с англ. (Microsoft Word 2003. Russian version. Practical manual. ` Step by Step` series) - М.: Изд. «СП ЭКОМ», 2005.

4 Microsoft Excel 2003. Русская версия. Практическое пособие. Серия «Шаг за шагом» / Пер. с англ. (Microsoft Word 2003. Russian version. Practical manual. ` Step by Step` series). - М.: Изд. «СП ЭКОМ», 2006.

5 Microsoft Power Point 2003. Русская версия. Практическое пособие. Серия «Шаг за шагом» / Пер. с англ. (Microsoft Power Point 2003. Russian version. Practical manual. ` Step by Step` series) - М.: Изд. «СП ЭКОМ», 2006.

6 ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.22:2004. Стандарты в сфере информации, библиотечного и издательского дела (Standards in the Field of Information, Library Science and Publishing). – К.: Госстандарт Украины, 2004.

7 ДСТУ 4163-2003.Уніфікована система організаційно-розпорядчої документації (Unified System of Organizing and Order Documentation). – К.: Держстандарт України, 2003.


Object Oriented Programming

Lecturer: Olena Hennadiivna Tolstoluz’ka, PhD in Engineering, Senior Research Fellow, Associate Professor at the Department of Theoretic and Applied Systems Engineering.

Course Aim: To acquire theoretical foundations in the field of object oriented programming and to gain practical efficiency by means of the C++ language.

Discipline Objectives:
  • shaping systematized conceptualization of the approaches, models and principles of organization that lie in the basis of object oriented programming;
  • receiving practical skills in choosing and application of software technology in order to perform data processing and management;
  • reviewing the present state and prospective trends in the development of the above mentioned software technology.

Following the completion of the course a student must:

  • areas where the object oriented programming is applied;
  • basic notions and definitions used in the object oriented programming;
  • OOP (the object oriented programming) implementation features used in the C++ language;
  • modern software design tools.

be able to:
  • prove the necessity of using the object oriented programming for solving a specified problem;
  • use basic C++ syntactic phrases;
  • use STL for solving applied problems;
  • use OOP software design tools.

Discipline Description: Object oriented programming principles. Encapsulation. Constructors and destructors. Static class members. Constant objects and constant class member-functions. Class control arrays. Friend functions and class friends. Inheritance. Function overloading. Operator overloading. Virtual function. Polymorphism. Pure virtual functions and abstract classes. Exception handling. Stream input/output. Templates. Template functions. STL Standard Template Library. Containers, iterators, algorithms. NET concept. NET programming. Name space. Data types. Arrays and collections. Class library. NET Framework. Windows Application Architecture. Data collection. Data collection structure. Cross-language support. Adding resources to the collection.

Recommended Literature


5. Б.Страуструп. Язык программирования C++ (The C++ Programming Language), 3-е изд./Пер. с англ. – СПб.; М.: «Невский диалект» – «Издательство БИНОМ», 1999 г. – 991 с., ил.

6. А. Пол. Объектно-ориентированное программирование на C++ (Object Oriented Programming in C++), 2-е изд./Пер. с англ. – СПб.; М.: «Невский диалект» – «Издательство БИНОМ», 1999 г. – 462 с., ил.

7. Элджер Дж. C++: библиотека программиста (C++: A Programmer’s Library) – СПб: ЗАО «Издательство «Питер», 1999. – 320 с.: ил.


8. Г. Буч. Объектно-ориентированный анализ и проектирование с примерами приложений на C++ (Object Oriented Analysis and Engineering with C++ Application Examples), 2-е изд./Пер. с англ. – М.: «Издательство «Бином», СПб: «Невский диалект», 1998 г. – 560 с., ил.

9. Гамма Э., Хелм Р., Джонсон Р., Влиссидес Дж. Приемы объектно-ориентированного проектирования. Паттерны проектирования. (Object Oriented Programming Techniques. Engineering Patterns.) – СПб: Питер, 2001. – 368 с.: ил. (Серия «Библиотека программиста»).

10. Керниган Б., Ритчи Д. Язык программирования Си (The C Programming Language) : Пер. с англ. / Под ред. и с предисл. Вс.С.Штаркмана. – 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Финансы и статистика, 1992. – 272 с.: ил.


Operating Systems and System Programming

Lecturer: Ievhen Volodymyrovych Duravkin, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Theoretic and Applied Systems Engineering.

Aim: To teach students to master computer oriented languages and their programming. To teach students to design multiprocessing, system-adaptive programs. To evoke students’ creativity, want for self-education, to teach students to design software using all the possible potential of modern operating systems.

  • mastering the Assembler language for Intelx86 processors;
  • software design optimization and computer language program debugging;
  • mastering interaction methods in multithreaded and multiprocessor software systems;
  • systematized conceptualization on the approaches, models and principles of organization that lie in the basis of modern operating systems.

Following the completion of the course a student must:


1. System software components.

2. Program structures, Assembler and Win API commands for separate problems programming.

3. Compile phases, program optimization stages.

4. Assembler macro facilities and their high-level programming languages.

5. Operating system development principles and methods.

6. Operating system development tools (interrupt processing, drivers, physical input/output).

7. Methods for peripheral device control (timers, dynamic speaker, keyboard etc.)

8. Operating system and software improvement techniques.

be able to:

1. Develop Windows system applications.

2. Write programs in the Assembler and C++ languages.

3. Develop Assembler and C++ compilers.

4. Employ algorithms for lexical, syntactic, semantic analysis.

5. Design a macro processor.

6. Apply interruption processing programs.

7. Develop drivers.

8. Handle a disk at a physical level.

9. Manage memory allocation, files, processes and data flows.

10. Protect data from unauthorized access.

Discipline Description: Basis for operating system development. Operating system (OS) classification. OS evolution. OS types. OS development features. Processes. Process model. Process creation and completion. Process hierarchy. Process implementation. Process implementation in modern OSs. Data flows. Data flow model. Data flow usage. Ways of implementation. Data flow implementation in modern OSs. Interprocess communication. Competition state. Mutex with busy waiting. Interprocess communication primitives. Planning. Introduction to planning. Batch planning. Interactive planning. Real-time planning. Deadlock process. Resource concept. Deadlock terms. Deadlock research. Deadlock identification and elimination. Memory organization and management. Memory guard. Memory allocation in modern OSs. Primary memory management. Virtual memory. Page replacement algorithm. External resource access control. Input/output control system. Basic notions and organizational concepts in OS input/output. Input/output software principles. Input/output control modes. File systems. Files (file name, structure, types, access, operations, implementation). Directories (one- and two-level hierarchical file systems; operations, implementation). File system samples. System software development features. Application programming interfaces (APIs). API design concepts. API concept. Platform-independent interface POSIX. WinAPI. Multiprocessor systems. Multiprocessors. Multicomputer systems. Security. Security concept. Inner attacks. Types of software viruses. Types of software antiviruses. System software design concepts. Compiler concept. Translator concept. Input/output result dissimilarities. Assembler data structures. Their design concepts. Loaders (concept, tasks). Absolute loader characteristics and specifications. Linking loader design options. Executable file download into memory. Macro processor. Basic concepts, methods of contact with Assembler. Macro language facilities (title, soft stop, variables, branches). Macro processor running characteristics. Terminate-and-stay-resident program concept and structure. Terminate-and-stay-resident program download into memory. Driver design concepts. Driver concept, its role in software, adding drivers into software. DOS driver format. NT 5 platform API characteristics. Windows NT 5 driver classification.

Assessment Forms: laboratory works, module tasks, final paper, examination.

Recommended Literature:


1. Современные операционные системы (Modern Operating Systems). 2-е изд./ Э. Таненбаум – СПб. Питер. 2004. –1040 с.: ил.

2. Гордеев Молчанов Системное программное обеспечение (System Software).

3. Столингс В. Операционные системы (Operating Systems). – М.: «Вильямс», 2002.


1 Сетевые операционные системы (Network Operating Systems) /Олифер В.Г., Олифер Н.А. – Спб.: Питер, 2002. – 544 с.

Information Resources

1. intuit.ru


The Theory of Communication. Outlines.

Lecturer: Iuriy Ivanovych Losev, Full Professor, D.Sc. in Engineering.

Discipline Aims: To acquaint students with the basic principles and modern methods of Error Control Technology of Network Communication Electronic Equipment, with mathematical formulations on messages, signals and cross-talk, with signal formation and transformation methods in data channels, with their data analysis, Error Control Coding and optimal message reception.

Discipline Objectives:


Basic principles and modern methods of block coded modulation (BCM) while data transfer via communication channels, various mathematical formulations on messages, signals and cross-talk, linear and nonlinear signal transformation methods in communication channels, error-free reception and Enter Control Coding, error-free message reception methods and algorithms.

be able to:

Calculate electrical, statistic and probabilistic characteristics of signals and communication systems to optimize them by various criteria;

By means of hardware and software study code and modem specifications and determine whether they conform with the set standards and innovations;

Study the world trends in telecommunication technologies and the extent to which the main achievements in the theory of communication are implemented;

Estimate the error-rate performance while transferring signals by various modulation types at different signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and processing algorithms;

Give scientific credence to optimal and rational signal data, their processing methods, transfer and reception algorithms at designing or analyzing the telecommunication systems or their fragments quality.

Discipline Description: Introduction to data communication systems. Symbolic models of deterministic analog signals. Symbolic models of analog random signals. Symbolic models of deterministic digital signals. Modulation methods. Symbolic models of random-signal flows. Communication error-control techniques. Error Control Coding (ECC). Bit and frame synchronization in data transmission systems.

Assessment Forms: Student performance in the discipline is assessed during workshops and laboratory works by means of test papers. The final assessment is held by means of examination.