Discipline annotation “Systems Engineering”
Вид материала | Документы |
- Общая теория систем критический обзор, 712.51kb.
- Автоматизация онтологического инжиниринга в системах извлечения знаний из текста automatization, 142.32kb.
- Engineering Fracture Mechanics Структура статьи Предисловие Некоторые общие комментарии, 127.46kb.
- Государственный стандарт союза СССР информационная технология Комплекс стандартов, 428.01kb.
- Компании Cisco Systems, Intel и landesk Software, в лице своего представителя в России, 84.58kb.
- A practical guide to business process re-engineering, 2179.62kb.
- Lecture 3 Typology of morphological systems, 55.03kb.
- Gost r certification System. Register of Quality Systems. Certification procedure, 830.31kb.
- Manual for the Design and Implementation of Recordkeeping Systems (dirks), 1279.81kb.
- Решения компании cisco systems по обеспечению безопасности корпоративных сетей, 147.77kb.
Assessment forms. The course `Algorithmic languages and programming` is studied in the 1st and 2 semesters and provides lectures, laboratory researches, workshops and independent work. In the 1st semester the students take final test, in the 2nd – examination.
Recommended literature:
- .Павловская, Татьяна Александровна C/C ++. Программирование на языке высокого уровня : учебник для вузов (Programming on a High Level Language: exercise-book for higher educational establishments): / Павловская, Татьяна Александровна . - СПб.: Лидер, 2010 . - 460 с.
- Павловская Т. А., Щипак Ю.А. С\С++. Структурное программирование: Практикум (Structural Programming: Workshop Exercises) – СПб.: Питер, 2002 . - 240 с.
- Прата, Стивен Язык программирования C ++. Лекции и упражнения. Platinum Edition : Методическое пособие (C++ Language of Programming. Lectures and Exercises. Platinum Edition: Methodical Manual) : перевод с : англ. / Прата, Стивен . - М.; СПб.; К. : ДиаСофтЮП, 2005 . - 1097 с.
1. Глушаков, Сергей Владимирович. Язык программирования С++: Учебный курс (C++ Language of Programming: Educational Course): / Глушаков, Сергей Владимирович, Коваль, Александр Викторович, Смирнов, Сергей Викторович . - Х. : Фолио ; Ростов-н/Д : Феникс, 2001 . – 500 с.
2. Харви Дейтел, Пол Дейтел. Как программировать на С (How to Program on C): пер с англ. – М.: ЗАО «Издательство БИНОМ», 2000. – 1008с.
Informational resources:
- Комп’ютерний клас.
Інтегроване програмне середовище Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (Computer Class. Integrated Program Environment Microsoft Visual Studio 2008).
Components of Complex Computer Network
Lecturer: Rassomakhin Sergii Henadiiovych, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Full Professor of the Department.
Aim: studying of modern theoretical and practical basis of organization and structure of connection channels and lines of computer systems, transformation of forms of presenting information and data in the channels of multilayer digital hierarchy, principles of realization of mobile network, systems of private call and truncking systems.
Course task:
Following the completion of the course a student must:
- Main regularities and modern methods of realization of complex computer system elements;
- Kinds and characteristics of physical connection lines (wire, optical, radio, radio-relay, satellite);
- Methods of transformation of analogous forms of presenting information into digital ones;
- Modern methods of digital flows packing;
- Principles of organization of multichannel connection and multiple access using Frequency Digital Multiple Access, Time Digital Multiple Access and Code Digital Multiple Access;
- Principles and main standards of structure of plesiochronous and synchronous digital hierarchy network;
- Means and systems of realization of mobile connection of the first, second (AMPS, GSM, CDMA) and third (3G) generations;
- Constructional methods of Personal Connection Satellite System (PCSS);
- Main means of realization and characteristics of truncking network.
Be able to:
- Conduct engineer evaluating of characteristics of connection lines of various physical nature;
- Make calculations and modeling of systems of transformation of analogous presenting information forms into digital ones;
- Use in practice methods of compact coding and digital flows packing in complex computer network;
- Calculate characteristics and conduct modeling of multiple access channels elements with FDMA and TDMA;
- Conduct analysis and optimization of broadband systems with CDMA;
- Use modern algorithms of construction of multilayer digital hierarchy protocols;
- Evaluate productivity of different means of mobile network organization;
- Conduct main operations of designing and optimization characteristics of truncking systems and satellite connection systems;
Course description: model of open systems cooperation. General information about the course. Classification of electric communication systems. Classification, kinds and characteristics of physical connection lines. Analogous systems of transmission. Forms and characteristics of presenting informational signals. Mathematical basis of optimization of digital presenting of source. Methods of digital flow packing. Methods of multichannel connection and multiple access. Systems with frequency division (FDMA). Systems with time division (TDMA). Plesiochronous and synchronous digital hierarchy. Broadband systems. System with code division (CDMA). Analogous telephony of the first generation NMT-450, AMPS. GSM mobile network. CDMA mobile network (2G, 2.5 G, 3G). Private connection satellite systems. Truncking network of data transmitting. Prospects of complex computer network development.
Assessment Forms: current evaluation of students` progress during studying the course is done during workshops and laboratory experiments through control questioning. Final control is done during final tests and examinations.
Teaching aids and materials:
1. Курс лекцій "Компоненти складних комп'ютерних мереж", електронний варіант (Course of lectures `Components of Complex Computer Network`, electronic variant).
2. Комплекс презентацій PowerPoint "Компоненти складних комп'ютерних мереж" (Complex of Presentations PowerPoint` Components of Complex Computer Network` ).
3. Методичні вказівки до практичних та лабораторних робот (Methodical indications to practical and laboratory works).
Recommended literature:
- Томаси У. Электронные системы связи. (Electronic Connection Systems) – М.: Техносфера, 2007.–1360 с.
- Скляр Б. Цифровая связь. Теоретические основы и практическое применение (Digital Connection. Theoretical Bases and Practical Use). Изд-е 2-е, испр.: Пер с англ.–М.: "Вильямс", 2003.–1104 с.
- Гаранин М.В., Журавлев В.И., Кунегин С.В. Системы и сети передачи информации (Systems and Networks of Informational Transmitting). – М.: Радио и связь,2001.–336 с.
- Вишневский В.М., Ляхов А.И., Портной С.Л., Шахнович И.В. Широкополосные беспроводные сети передачи информации (Broadband Wireless Networks of Informational Transmitting). – М.: Техносфера, 2005. –592 с.
- Шахнович И.В. Современные технологии беспроводной связи (Modern Technologies of Wireless Connection). –М.: Техносфера, 2006.– 288 с.
- Величко В.В. Передача данных в сетях мобильной связи третьего поколения (Data Transmitting in Mobile Connection Network of Third Generation). – М.: Радио и связь,2005.– 332 с.
Informational resources:
Computer Network
Lecturer: Losev Iurii Ivanovych, Full Professor, PhD (Engineering).
Aim: to introduce students to basic knowledge about computer network, principles and protocols of functioning of local and global computer network. To develop practicle skills of work with computer network.
Following the completion of the course a student must:
Notion about computer network structure. Notion about protocol. Main functions of protocols of different levels. Protocol stack, organization of computer network. Physical layer protocols. Characteristics of line signals used in computer network. HDLS, PPP link layer protocols and others. Network layer protocols. Routing methods and protocols. Principles of addressing in IP network. Principles of work of transport layer protocols. Ethemet, Token, Ring, FDDI protocols. Protocols of Wireless Local Area Network. IEEE 802.11 standard. Principles of function of Application layer protocols. Protocol of FTP files transmitting. E-mail protocols. HTP protocols.
Be able to:
Use network utilities OC Windows. Use network analyzers. Conduct researches of efficiency of protocols of various levels. Work with FTP delivery protocols. Work with e-mail protocols SMTP, POP-3, IMAP-4. Work with HTTP protocol.
Course description:
General information about computer network. Physical layer protocols. General characteristics of link layer protocols. HDLS, PPP link layer protocols. Methods of network access. Main characteristics of 802.x standard protocols. Characteristics of Wireless Local Area Network. Main functions of network layer. Strategies and methods of routing. Frame Relay, x 25, ATM technologies. Addressing in IP network. Transport and application layer protocols. TCP and UDP protocols. E-mail protocols. POP-3, HTTP, FTP protocols.
Assessment Forms: evaluation of students` progress is done during workshops and laboratory experiments through testing. The final control is done during the test and examination.
Teacher aids and materials:
1. Навчальний посібник «Комп’ютерні мережі», електронний варіант (Educational manual `Computer network`, electronic variant).
2. Мультимедійне обладнання та електронний варіант наочних посібників (Multimedia equipment and electronic variant of the demonstrative appliances).
3. Методичні вказівки к лабораторним роботам (Methodical instructions to the laboratory experiments).
Recommended literature:
- В. Олифер, Н. Олифер «Компьютерные сети» (Computer network). – С-П: Питер, 2003.
- Таненбаум Э. «Компьютерные сети» (Computer network). – С-П: Питер, 2001.
- С. Золотов. Протоколы INTERNET (INTERNET Protocols). – С-П: BHV, 1998.
- Л. Чепел, А. Чепел. TСР/ІР. – С-П: BHV, 2003.
Computer Basics
Lecturer: S. V. Dobrynin, Full Professor, PhD (Engineering).
Aim: to ensure students` acquisition of the theoretic basis of computer equipment structure and develop practical habits of synthesis of simple digital schemes and automats.
- Studying main methods of presenting and transformation of numbers which can be used in the main computing systems;
- Knowledge of the basis of presenting information of various derivation and nature in computer systems;
- Knowledge of the peculiarities of presenting information in the most convenient and acceptable for processing in computer systems;
- Reviewing the main logical operations and elements used in creation computer schemes;
- Giving methodic of minimization both completely and not completely fixed logical functions;
- Acquisition of the main notions and definitions relating to the theory of digital automats and methodic of their synthesis;
- Reviewing of the principles of structural synthesis of such functional combinatory nodes as various summers, cryptographs, decoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers, comparators, code converters;
- Reviewing principles of structural synthesis of such functional successive nods as triggers, registers, counters.
Following the completion of the course a student must:
- Historical, scientific and technical premises of creating computing technology and development of computer sciences;
- Main systems of computation, choosing the computing system for presenting in computer devices and systems;
- Methods of numerals and fractions converting from one positional computing system into other;
- Algorithms of the main arithmetic operations in the main positional computing systems: binary, octonary, hexdecimal;
- Essence and peculiarities of informational coding in the computing technology and main kinds of coding;
- Forms of presenting numerals with fixed and movable coma;
- Algorithms of arithmetic operations in the direct, inverted and additional codes;
- Basis of algebra – logics used in analyzing and synthesis of digital schemes;
- Main methods and algorithms used in simplification of logical functions in the process of synthesizing digital schemes;
- Technique of structural synthesizing combinatory digital nods;
- Methodic of structural synthesizing of successive digital nods;
- Main principles of structure of the most widespread nods of computing technology as combinatory and successive.
Be able to:
- Solve problems of numerals and fractions converting from one computing system into other;
- Perform main arithmetic operations using direct, inverted and additional codes of binary numbers;
- To convert Boolean functions using different elemental basis;
- Perform minimizing of Boolean functions using analytic methods and Karnaugh maps (Veich diagram);
- Perform synthesis of digital logical combinatory schemes with set analytic description;
- Solve the problems of digital automats on the stages of designing structural tables and coding their internal status;
- Use program applicable toolkits of modeling digital electronic schemes for analysis and synthesis of digital devices;
Course description: subject and tasks of the course. Origin and development of the computing techniques and its peculiarities. Presenting numbers in the computing systems and practice over them. Information coding and main forms of presenting numerals in the computing systems. Numeral coding in the computing systems. Logical operations and elements used in creation computer schemes. Logical functions and their analytical description. General characteristic of combinatory schemes. Structural synthesis of typical combinatory nods. General characteristic of successive schemes. Structural synthesis of typical successive nods.
Assessment Forms: the control of the course acquisition is done through:
- Current control during workshops;
- Reception and evaluation of reports or laboratory works;
- Test on the results of the working of the main statements of the course;
- Final test.
Teaching aids and materials:
1. Добринін С. В. Комп'ютерні основи: Навчальний посібник (Computer Bases). – Х.: “ХНУ", 2008. – 235 с.
2. Добринін С. В. Аналіз можливостей пакету моделювання електронних схем Electronics Workbench: Методичні рекомендації та завдання до лабораторних робіт (Ability Analysis of the Package of Modeling Electronic Schemes `Electronics Workbench`: Methodical recommendations and tasks to the laboratory experiments) . – Х.: "ХНУ", 2008. – 32 с.
3. Добринін С. В. Аналіз цифрових логічних елементів: Методичні рекомендації та завдання до лабораторних робіт (Analysis of the Digital Logical Elements: Methodical recommendations and tasks to the laboratory experiments). – Х.: "ХНУ", 2008. – 20 с.
4. Добринін С. В. Структурний синтез і аналіз цифрових логічних схем комбінаційного типу: Методичні рекомендації та завдання до лабораторних робіт (Structural Synthesis and Analysis of the Digital Logical Combinatory Schemes: Methodical recommendations and tasks to the laboratory experiments). – Х.: "ХНУ", 2008. – 16 с.
5. Добринін С. В. Структурний синтез і аналіз цифрових логічних схем послідовнісного типу: Методичні рекомендації та завдання до лабораторних робіт (Structural Synthesis and Analysis of the Digital Logical Successive Schemes: Methodical recommendations and tasks to the laboratory experiments). – Х.: "ХНУ", 2008. – 16 с.
Recommended literature:
1. Добринін С. В. Комп'ютерні основи: Навчальний посібник (Computer Bases: Educational manual). – Х.: “ХНУ", 2008. – 235 с.
2. Кравчук С. О., Шонін В. О. Основи комп’ютерної техніки (Bases of Computer Technology).- К.: "Політехніка", 2005. – 344 с.
3. Бабич М. П., Жуков І. А. Комп’ютерна схемотехніка: Навчальний посібник (Computer Circuit Technology: Educational manual). – К.: "МК-Прес", 2004. – 412 с.
4. Бойко В. И. и др. Схемотехника электронных систем. Цифровые устройства (Circuit Technology of Electronic Systems. Digital Appliances). – СПб.: "БХВ-Петербург", 2004. – 512 с.
5. Самофалов Г. К. и др. Прикладная теория цифровых автоматов: Учебник (Applied Theory of Digital Automats: Textbook). – К.: "Вища школа", 1987. – 375 с.
- Жмакин А. П. Архитектура ЭВМ (Architecture of the Data Processing Machine). – СПб.: "БХВ-Петербург", 2006. – 320 с.
- Леонтьев В. П. Новейшая энциклопедия персонального компьютера (New Encyclopedia of the Personal Computer). – М.: "ОЛМА-ПРЕСС", 2004. – 734 с.
- Брукшир Дж. Гленн. Введение в компьютерные науки. Общий обзор, 6 е издание: Пер. с англ. (Introduction to the Computer Sciences) – М.: Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2001. – 688 с.
- Малиновский Б. Н. История вычислительной техники в лицах (History of the Computing Technology in Persons). – К.: "КИТ", 1995. – 384 с.
- Самофалов Г.К. и др. Цифровые ЭВМ: Теория и проектирование (Digital Data Processing Machines.Theory and Designing).– К.: "Вища школа", 1989. – 424 с.
- Савельев А.Я. Прикладная теория цифровых автоматов: Учебник (Applied Theory of Digital Automats: Textbook). – М.: "Высшая школа", 1987. – 272 с.
Graphic and Text Job Processing
Lecturer: S. V. Dobrynin, Full Professor, PhD (Engineering).
Aim: to teach students to use and stick to the requirements of the effective state standards while performing typical text and graphic documents, to use wide variety of possibilities of text and table processors of preparing and presenting information, to develop knowledge and practical skills of pre-printing edition preparing.
- Introducing to the main program means of text and graphic job processing;
- Forming systematic idea of the process of preparing text and graphic documents to printing;
- Getting practical skills of creating text and graphic documents using software package Microsoft Office;
- Developing skills of sticking to the state requirements while performing text and graphic documents.
Following the completion of the course a student must
- Peculiarities of text and graphic job processing;
- Main requirements of state standards which determine the process of text and graphic job processing;
- Kinds and peculiarities of text editors and processors;
- Kinds and peculiarities of the table processors;
- Kinds of computer graphics;
- Main formats of text and graphic files;
- Main colors used in processing graphic images;
- Essence of pre-printing preparing of texts and graphic images;
- Contents and peculiarities of using programs for text and graphic job processing from the office software package Microsoft Office;
- Main types of graphic editors for processing raster, direct-beam and fractal images.
Be able to:
- Use main Microsoft Office programs;
- Create, edit and format text, table and graphic documents using text processor Microsoft Word, use the means of writing formulae, macros and display of the organizational and schematic diagrams;
- Create, edit and format text, table and graphic documents using table processor Microsoft Excel, perform mathematic and statistic calculations in Excel;
- Create scientific and technical presentations using presentation builder Microsoft Power Point;
- Design typical scientific and technical documents in accordance with the requirements of the state standards of Ukraine.
Course description. Subject, tasks and structure of the course “Graphic and Text Job
Processing”. Rules of performance and design text documents. Computer graphic job processing. Peculiarities of the pre-printing prepare of the graphic information. Creating documents using text processor Microsoft Word. Insertion of diagrams, graphic objects and processing table data using Microsoft Word. Creating scientific and technical presentations using Microsoft Power Point. Basis of work with the processor of electronic worksheets Microsoft Excel. Insertion diagrams and plots into Microsoft Excel documents. Statistic processing of data using Microsoft Excel.
Assessment Forms: the evaluation of the material acquisition is done through:
- Current control during lectures;
- Reception and evaluation of reports of laboratory works;
- Final test.