Методические указания по составлению заявки на грант Для магистрантов I и II года обучения всех направлений и аспирантов
Вид материала | Методические указания |
- Методические указания по написанию реферата для магистрантов второго года обучения, 374.81kb.
- Методические указания по выполнению курсовой работы Для магистрантов Iгода обучения, 340.67kb.
- Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов всех специальностей и всех форм обучения,, 802.06kb.
- Методические указания по изучению дисциплины для аспирантов, обучающихся по специальности, 328.63kb.
- Методические указания по изучению дисциплины для аспирантов, обучающихся по специальности, 193.29kb.
- Методические указания по изучению дисциплины для аспирантов, обучающихся по специальности, 240.27kb.
- Методические указания по изучению дисциплины для аспирантов, обучающихся по специальности, 374.06kb.
- Методические указания по изучению дисциплины для аспирантов, обучающихся по специальности, 158.92kb.
- Методические указания по изучению дисциплины для аспирантов, обучающихся по специальности, 378.09kb.
- Методические указания по изучению дисциплины для аспирантов, обучающихся по специальности, 652.03kb.
Титульный лист четко называет проект и автора заявки
Специальные проекты IREX в области библиотечного дела и информатики в странах Центральной, Восточной Европы и Евразии
Заявка представлена:
Татьяна Лоркович
Куратор отдела славистики и Восточной Европы
Мемориальной библиотеки Стерлинга Иельского университета
Нью-Хейвен, Коннектикут, 06520-8240
тел.: (203)423-1861
факс: (203) 423-7231
e-mail: tlorkov@yalevm.cis.yale.edu
Хотя в таблице содержания заявки не обозначены в качестве отдельных разделов потребности, цели, задачи, методы и пути их решения все эти вопросы подробно отражены в тексте представленной заявки
Проект организации комплектования
в регионах Северного Кавказа и Поволжья
Содержание заявки
Краткое изложение проекта………………………………………………….…...0
Описание проекта…………………………………………………………………0
Бюджет (смета расходов)…………………………………………………………0
Официальное письмо в поддержку семинара и его перевод ……………….….0
Список библиотек для участия в семинаре…………………………………..…0
Примерный список материалов для включения в информационные пакеты ..0
Краткое резюме: Татьяна Лоркович……………………………………………..0
Краткое резюме. Эрик А. Джонсон……………………………………….……..0
Краткое резюме: Майкл Ньюберт ………………………………………………0
Бюджет проекта
Американские участники:
Перелет США-Москва-США (Джонсон приедет в Москву ранее по другой программе)
- $1300 х 2 участника = $2600
Проезд на поездах Москва-Самара-Ростов-Москва
- $250 х 3 участника = $750
Суточные в Ростове и Самаре
- $100 в день х 13 дней х 3 участника = $3900
Общая сумма затрат на американских участников: $7250
Российские участники :
Проезд на поезде в Самару и обратно:
- $50 х 20 участников = $1000
Суточные в Самаре:
- $35 в день х 4 дня х 20 участников = $2800
Проезд на поезде в Ростов и обратно:
- $50 х 20 участников = $1000
Суточные в Ростове:
- $35 в день х 4 дня х 20 участников = $2800
Общая сумма затрат на российских участников: $7600
Общая сумма затрат: $14850
Coleen Murphy
1521 D Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
(202) 547-7608
Domestic and international experience in community, social and policy development, program management, training and cross-cultural/governmental relations. Academic background includes community organizing, social administration and international and political studies. Proficient Spanish and Romanian.
Department of Housing and Urban Development - Washington, DC
February 1998 - present
Project Manager/Tenant Advocate
• Develop relationships and represent the Department at public meetings with tenants and coordinate meetings, focus groups and conference calls with national tenant representatives
• Collaborate in facilitating nation-wide field staff training via satellite broadcast, conference calls and in-house training sessions and provide technical assistance to HUD staff and the public
• Review and score national and local grant applications
• Enhance and implement a service program to foster community development and participation at multifamily housing developments
PAL Jobs Partnership Program - Baltimore, MD
April 1997 - January 1998
Program Manager/Coordinator
• Managed day-to-day operations of program, including managing program finances, establishing links and relationships with the community, developing and conducting training component, supervising participants in the work place, evaluating participants and providing support in addressing their needs
• Developed program tools including a life skills development and job readiness training program, recruitment strategy, business plan and program manual
• Facilitated working relationship between the Baltimore Police Department, the Enterprise Foundation and the Shriver Center
New Southwest Community Association - Baltimore, MD
June 1995 - March 1997
Community Organizer
• Organized and supported community efforts around education, "crime and grime" issues and coordinated community-wide efforts with neighboring organizations
• Recruited, trained and mobilized local residents to take on leadership roles in the association and collaborated in establishing and maintaining subcommittees, including a grant-writing committee that received $50,000 in grant awards, an outreach committee that increased Association membership by 75% and an education committee that successfully established a partnership with the local elementary school
• Collaborated with community residents to establish an Association office and community resource house, organize neighborhood clean-ups, board vacant houses, and plant trees
Year One - Youth At Work Program - Denver, CO
January 1993 - May 1995
Program and Job Coach Manager
• Managed day-to-day operations of program, including coordinating training programs and materials, supporting and advising participants/employers, and supervising eight Job Coaches
• Recruited over 200 students and placed them in meaningful employment throughout the Denver Metro area
• Developed program material, implemented and maintained a record keeping and support system and coordinated the development of an evaluation tool, yielding an approval rating of over 90%
Masters of Social Work, 1998
University of Maryland - Baltimore, MD
Concentration - Community Organizing and Social Administration
Specialization - Social and Community Development
Honors - Shriver Center Peaceworker Fellowship; Presidential Management Internship
Bachelor of Arts, 1993
University of Wyoming - Laramie, WY
Double Major - International Relations and Political Science
International Study - 1989-1990 University of Ulster at jordanstown, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Member of National Honoraries Sigma lota Rho and Pi Sigma Alpha
Helpful Tips
Completing the Fulbright Application Process
Fulbright Faculty Development Program
Application Tips:
1. How you complete your Fulbright application is very important as it is the key document US faculty and researchers will review when considering your application for research affiliation. As a result, please take the time to answer all questions clearly and to the best of your ability so that your academic presentation to universities will be as strong as possible.
2. Be very careful that you do not exceed the five line word limit where indicated. If you exceed five lines, this text is automatically omitted from your printed application and your statement will not make sense to the reader.
3. Do not use any Cyrillic letters on any portion of the application as these letters cannot be processed in the Fulbright online system and will be unreadable—and most readers in the U.S. will not be able to understand your entry.
4. The study research objective and personal statement essays must be professionally formatted. It is highly recommended you use the Times New Roman Font in size 12 with 1.5 inch (or 4cm) margins on each side. It is very important that you check to be sure you have left adequate room at the top of your page (at least a 1.5 inch or 4cm margin) for the Fulbright heading. Be sure to have someone proofread your essays for any language or grammatical mistakes before including them in your Fulbright application.
5. A clearly articulated study research objective essay is a critical component of your application. You should take great care to clearly identify what research you want to accomplish during your program, what aspects of your field interest you most, and how your proposed research will help you achieve your future goals. Remember, this is your opportunity to state what you want to research during your program. Be specific, but limit your essay to 2 pages.
6. Your personal statement essay should outline and elaborate on your life experiences and background that have contributed to your desire to pursue study in your field. This should not be a CV (curriculum vitae) or resume. Again, be specific but limit your essay to 2 pages.
7. It is HIGHLY recommended that you include a professional CV/resume with your application. Please see attached document for sample resume format.
Letters of Reference Tips:
1. Letters should be from individuals who know you well in a professional or academic capacity.
2. Referees should be chosen that have worked with you in different situations. For example, you could have one referee who was an academic mentor and another who is your work supervisor. The goal is to have referees who can discuss your strengths and weaknesses in various settings.
University Preferences Tips:
1. For each university you list, be sure to list the department(s) and faculty member(s) you would
like work with at the university.
2. List no more than five universities
Academic Transcripts and Translations Tips:
1. Must be official and in the official language of the country. In other words, they must be certified by the school, e.g. the Registrar’s Office or Controller of Examinations (NOT a professor or other legal authority) and be forwarded in an envelope that has not been opened by the student.
2. Transcripts must list all courses and/or subjects taken and the grades received. Ideally they should indicate when the course was taken.
3. English translations of the documents are required and must be issued by the school or by a qualified translator.
Diploma Tips:
1. Please send official copies of your diplomas. Do not forward originals.
Writing Sample Tips:
- All Faculty Development Program students must submit an academic writing sample. The academic writing sample should be a minimum 10-page piece of work that demonstrates your ability to write in English on topics in your field of study. This writing sample may be an academic term paper, a published work in which you are the primary author, or another representative sample of your academic writing (please note your writing sample is an example of previous academic work, and it is NOT your study objective). You must include your name at the top of the page and use the Times New Roman Font in size 12 with 1 inch (or 3cm) margins on every side.
a.) NAME: Ivanova Mariya Ivanovna
Last First Middle
c.) DATE OF BIRTH: May 26, 1971
d.) ADDRESS (Please indicate your postal code – index):
119618 Moscow, ulitsa 50-letiya Octiabrya, dom 2, kvartira 6
e.) TELEPHONE: +7 495 243 78 80 FAX: +7 (495) 553 64 10 E-MAIL: mariya@yandex.ru
f.) CURRENT POSITION/STATUS: (If any) All-Russian Distance Learning Institute of Finance and Economics, Moscow, Chair of Foreign Languages, Dozent SINCE May 4, 2005
g.) CURRENT AFFILIATION: (If any) 23, Oleko Doundich st., 123965, Moscow, Russia, VZFEI
SINCE September 1, 1999
Degree | Major | Date Received | Institution | Country |
Diplom | Teacher of English and German | June 22, 1993 | Moscow State Teacher’s Training Institute | Russia |
Diplom | Kandidat filologicheskyh nauk | November 1, 2004 | Moscow State University | Russia |
i.) PREVIOUS TRAVEL TO US. If you received a US governmental grant or scholarship, please list name of grant or scholarship and length (in months).
Travel dates to US N/A Reasons N/A
j.) DESCRIPTION OF YOUR STUDY OBJECTIVES (Use only the space provided)
I’m applying for FFDP and consider this program to be excellent opportunity to learn more about culture, world outlook and cognitive strategies of native English speakers and employ my knowledge in working out effective teaching technologies. I’d like to know more about computer assisted teaching methods which are relatively new and not adequately elaborated in Russia. I’m sure FFDP is quite the thing to accomplish both goals and will add to my teaching experience.
k.) DEGREE OBJECTIVE: Master’s Non-degree √ Other
Agriculture | | Economics | | Music | |
American History | | Education | | Physics/Astronomy | |
American Literature | | Environmental Sciences | | Philosophy | |
American Studies | | Film Studies | | Political Science | |
Anthropology | | Geography | | Psychology | |
Archaeology | | Geology | | Public Administration | |
Architecture | | History (non-U.S.) | | Public/Global Health | |
Art | | Information Sciences | | Religious Studies | |
Biology | | Journalism | | Social Work | |
Business Administration* | | Language and Literature (non-U.S.) | | Sociology | |
Communications/ Public Relations | | Law | | TEFL/Applied Linguistics | |
Computer science | | Library Science | | Theatre | |
Creative Writing | | Linguistics | | Urban planning | |
Dance | | Mathematics | | | |
Engineering | | Medical Sciences* | | | |
a.) NAME: _____________________________________________________________
Last First Middle
b.) COUNTRY OF CURRENT CITIZENSHIP________________________
c.) DATE OF BIRTH: _________________
d.) ADDRESS (Please indicate your postal code – index): _____________________________________________________________________________
e.) TELEPHONE: ___________________ FAX: ________________________
f.) CURRENT POSITION/STATUS: (If any) ___________________________ SINCE _____
g.) CURRENT AFFILIATION: (If any) ________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________SINCE _______
Degree Major Date Received Institution Country
i.) PREVIOUS TRAVEL TO US. If you received a US governmental grant or scholarship, please list name of grant or scholarship and length (in months).
Travel dates to US Reasons
j.) DESCRIPTION OF YOUR STUDY OBJECTIVES (Use only the space provided)
k.) DEGREE OBJECTIVE: Master’s Non-degree Visiting Student Researcher
Aeronautics and Astronomics/Aeronautical Engineering | | Environmental Science/Engineering | |
Agriculture (theoretical or research-based focus only)* | | Geology / Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | |
Astronomy / Planetary Sciences | | Information Sciences / Engineering (engineering focus only; business-focused study is not eligible) | |
Biology | | Materials Science/Engineering | |
Biomedical Engineering | | Mathematics | |
Chemistry | | Neuroscience / Brain and Cognitive Sciences | |
Computer Sciences/Engineering | | Oceanography | |
Energy | | Physics | |
Engineering (electrical, chemical, civil, mechanical, ocean, and petroleum) | | Public Health (research or theoretical focus only) | |
S ![]() Foreign Fulbright Grant Application Cover Sheet